{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/letter_researcher_to_patient_cover_letter_template.html #}
{% extends 'base_pdf.html' %}
{% comment %}
pass in:
{% endcomment %}
{% block content %}
<div class="template">
[Draft template letter for researchers to invite patients to take part
in a study, for those identified via the CPFT Research Database.
Version 2.]
<div class="template template_comment">
[Details in blue italics are instructions/suggestions/templates for
researchers and will not be seen by potential participants, or will be
modified by the researchers.]
<p>Dear <span class="template template_comment">[recipient]</span>,</p>
We are contacting you because you have kindly consented to be
approached by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
(CPFT) researchers about research that is relevant to you. You were
identified as someone who might be a suitable research participant in
our study,
<span class="template template_comment">[Insert name of study]</span>.
I am enclosing a leaflet with more information about the study we are
running. Please feel free to read it and discuss it with your friends,
family or care team if you wish. If you think this study is relevant to
you and that you might be interested in taking part in this research,
or if you wish to discuss it further:
<div class="template template_comment">
[Suggested options follow, but please provide contact details including
a telephone number where possible. This section may be replaced by
wording already ethically approved about methods and frequency of
contacting participants in your study via a research database.]
<div class="template">
<li>please complete and return the reply slip in the pre-paid envelope…</li>
<li>further information is available at…</li>
<li>you can contact the study team on…</li>
If you decide you do not wish to take part, there is no need to do
You may recall that you agreed to your details being passed on to us,
and for us to have access to your CPFT records, via the CPFT Research
(<a href="{{ settings.RDBM_URL }}">{{ settings.RDBM_URL }}</a>). If
ever you want to change your mind about researchers contacting you
directly, or you would like more details about the research database,
please speak to your care team or contact the CPFT Research Database
By post at <b>{{ rdbm_address_str }}</b> (no postage required)
By email at <b>{{ settings.RDBM_EMAIL }}</b>
By telephone: call <b>{{ settings.RDBM_TELEPHONE }}</b> and ask for
the research database manager.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We’d like to remind
you that you’re always free to say yes or no about taking part in any
research, and any choices you make about research won’t affect the care
you receive from your health care teams.
With kind regards,
{% endblock %}