{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/patient_table.html #}
{% comment %}
template parameters:
patient_lookup (object)
consent_mode (object)
OR: concise=True
verbose (Boolean)
include_sex (Boolean)
include_prefers_email (Boolean)
include_email (Boolean)
include_researcher_detail (Boolean)
if include_researcher_detail, also:
permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_days (int)
permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_years (str)
{% endcomment %}
<table {% if withdrawal %} class="patient_withdrawal" {% else %} class="patient" {% endif %}>
<col style="width:20%">
<col style="width:80%">
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_title_forename_surname }}</b></td>
{% if include_sex %}
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_sex }}</b></td>
{% endif %}
<td>Date of birth</td>
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_dob|date }}</b></td>
NHS number: <b>{{ patient_lookup.nhs_number }}</b>.
{% if patient_lookup.pt_local_id_description %}
{{ patient_lookup.pt_local_id_description}}:
<b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_local_id_number }}</b>.
{% endif %}
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_address_components_str }}</b></td>
{% if include_prefers_email and consent_mode %}
<td>Prefers e-mail?</td>
<td><b>{{ consent_mode.prefers_email|yesno }}</b></td>
{% endif %}
{% if include_email %}
<td>E-mail address</td>
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_email }}</b></td>
{% endif %}
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.gp_name_address_str }}</b></td>
<td>CPFT clinician</td>
<b>{{ patient_lookup.clinician_name_address_str }}</b>
<i>({{ patient_lookup.clinician_signatory_title }})</i>
{% if verbose %}
<td>Patient under 16?</td>
<td><b>{{ patient_lookup.is_under_16|yesno }}</b></td>
<td>Patient discharged?</td>
<b>{{ patient_lookup.pt_discharged|yesno:"yes,no,?" }}</b>
{% comment %} <!-- Removed as per Major Amendment 2, 12/EE/0407 -->
{% if patient_lookup.pt_discharged != False %}
{% if consent_mode.consent_after_discharge %}
(and: patient specifically consented to contact after discharge)
{% else %}
(note: patient has NOT consented to contact after discharge)
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endcomment %}
<!-- Added as per Major Amendment 2, 12/EE/0407: -->
{% if patient_lookup.pt_discharged == True %}
[Discharge date: {{ patient_lookup.pt_discharge_date|date }}.]
{% endif %}
{% if include_researcher_detail and patient_lookup.pt_discharged != False %}
{% include "contact_after_discharge_permission_phrase.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if include_researcher_detail %}
{% comment %} <!-- Removed as per Major Amendment 2, 12/EE/0407 -->
<td>Patient’s previous special requests</td>
<td><b>{{ consent_mode.other_requests }}</b></td>
{% endcomment %}
<td>Was the patient asked specifically about your
<td><b>{{ contact_request.decided_send_to_clinician|yesno }}</b></td>
{% endif %}