{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/letter_researcher_approve.html #}
{% extends 'base_pdf_letter.html' %}
{% comment %}
template parameters:
consent_mode: ConsentMode
contact_request: ContactRequest
patient_lookup: PatientLookup
study: Study
permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_days: int
permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_years: str
{% endcomment %}
{% block letter_body %}
<p>On {{ contact_request.created_at|date:"j F Y" }} you provided us with a list of research IDs
and requested patient contact details for your study:</p>
{% include 'study_table.html' with study=study contact_request=contact_request %}
<p>The following patient has given his/her consent for his details
to be passed to you. You may write to this patient, providing
details of your study, and seeking further contact. You also have
their permission to access their CPFT medical records.</p>
{% include "patient_table.html" with patient_lookup=patient_lookup consent_mode=consent_mode include_prefers_email=True include_sex=True include_researcher_detail=True permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_days=permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_days permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_years=permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_years %}
<p>If you indicated in your application that you preferred the
request to be passed on to the patient’s clinician and enclosed a
form for the clinician to complete, then the patient consented to
disclosing the information on that form to you, and the completed
form is enclosed.</p>
{% comment %}
<!-- Removed with Major Amendment 2, 12/EE/0407 -->
<p><b>If this study conflicts with the patient’s special requests,
DO NOT contact this patient UNLESS they were asked specifically
about your study.</b> It’s up to you to judge this.</p>
{% endcomment %}
<p>You are reminded of the following. (1) Information hiding:</p>
<li>We will not tell you this patient’s research ID number.
However, (a) you gave us the list of research IDs based on your
searches of the CPFT Research Database, so you know the
conditions that the patient must have fulfilled to be on your
list; (b) you have the patient’s permission to view their CPFT
medical records; and (c) if you require further details about
this patient, you may ask the patient directly, and he/she may
agree or refuse to provide them to you.</li>
<li>Any information on this form, or your completed form
(attached, if applicable), must be treated as strictly
confidential within your research team.</li>
<li>You will not be told the identities of any patients who did
not consent to your contacting them. Such patients might
previously have refused direct approaches about all research
studies, or they might have been approached about your study by
their clinical team and refused you permission to contact them,
or the request might have been passed via their clinical team
and the clinician declined for exceptional reasons to pass your
request on to the patient. You may request only summary
statistics from the Research Database Manager about how often
these events occur.</li>
<p>(2) About this patient:</p>
<li>Either the patient previously consented to being contacted
directly about all relevant studies, or your request was passed
to the patient via their primary clinical team and the patient
consented to being approached about your study specifically.
Which is the case? This is indicated above.</li>
<li>Though this patient has consented to your contacting them,
they have not yet consented to be part of your study.</li>
<li>Nor do they necessarily fulfil your eligibility criteria;
you must check this directly with the patient.</li>
<p>(3) Next:</p>
<li><b>If the patient was asked specifically about your study,
please contact this patient! It would be discourteous not to
contact them.</b></li>
<li>The patient will only have seen your study information if
they were asked specifically about your study (see above)—you
must include study details in your letter to the patient.</li>
<li><b>When you write to them, please include this standard
<p><em>Thank you for your permission to write to you. You were
identified as someone who might be suitable for our study via
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT). You
kindly consented to your details being passed to us and for us
to have access to your CPFT records. We’d like to remind you
that you’re always free to say yes or no about taking part in
research, and any choices you make about research won’t affect
your NHS treatment in other ways. If you ever want to change
your mind about researchers contacting you directly, please
write to the CPFT Research Database Manager, who will help you
to do this. The address is:
{{ RDBM_ADDRESS|join:", " }}.</em></p>
<li>If the patient tells you that they wish to change their
mind about being approached about research, please inform the
Research Database Manager, who will send them a form to declare
their new choice and/or withdraw their consent.</li>
<li>You are reminded of the World Medical Association (2008)
Declaration of Helsinki, including the requirement that medical
research on patients or healthy volunteers requires the
supervision of a competent and appropriately qualified
physician or other health care professional. Supervising
physicians that are not members of the patient’s usual clinical
team must liaise with the usual clinical team as necessary. The
supervising physician may withdraw any patient from a research
study if they felt it necessary for the patient’s protection,
even though the patient had consented to take part.</li>
<li>Please contact the Database Manager if you have queries
about this process.</li>
<p>Thank you.</p>
{% endblock %}