{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/email_clinician.html #}
{% extends 'base_email.html' %}
{% comment %}
template parameters:
consent_mode: ConsentMode
contact_request: ContactRequest
patient_lookup: PatientLookup
settings: Django settings object
study: Study
url_yes: str
url_no: str
url_maybe: str
permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_days: int
permitted_to_contact_discharged_patients_for_n_years: str
{% endcomment %}
{% block content %}
<p>Dear {{ patient_lookup.clinician_salutation }},</p>
<p>Based on de-identified information in the CPFT Research Database, one
of our research teams has identified the following patient of yours as
potentially eligible for a study that they are conducting:</p>
{% include "patient_table.html" with patient_lookup=patient_lookup consent_mode=consent_mode verbose=True %}
<p>The study is:</p>
{% include "study_table.html" with study=study contact_request=contact_request to_clinician=True include_details=False include_clinician_form=False include_sex=True %}
{% include "discharged_phrase.html" %}
{% if contact_request.is_extra_form %}
<p><em>If the patient might be interested, the researchers would
specifically like your involvement, and have provided an additional
form for you to complete.</em></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="action">
<b>Please click on ONE of the following buttons to respond to the
{% if not contact_request.is_extra_form %}
<div id="response_yes" class="response_button">
<a href="{{ url_yes|safe }}">Yes, ask the patient on my behalf</a>
{% endif %}
<div id="response_maybe" class="response_button">
<a href="{{ url_maybe|safe }}">
{% if contact_request.is_extra_form %}
Yes, I’ll ask the patient<br>
{% endif %}
Something else<br>
Tell me more
<div id="response_no" class="response_button">
<a href="{{ url_no|safe }}">No, I veto for clinical reasons</a>
Click “Tell me more” for links to full study details, and
information about this system. Donations will be made to local
mental health charities as a result of your participation.
<b>Don’t reply to this e-mail.</b>
If you’d like help, please telephone the Research Database Manager,
{{ settings.RDBM_NAME }}, on {{ settings.RDBM_TELEPHONE }}, or e-mail
<a href="mailto:{{ settings.RDBM_EMAIL }}">{{ settings.RDBM_EMAIL }}</a>
Terminal full stop removed from sentence above, as people were
copying/pasting it. Adding a space won't help; the problem is
"copy, paste, it fails, complain", so it just has to work.
<b>If you’re not one of this patient’s clinicians,</b> we
apologize. Please (1) ask your secretary to correct the patient’s
electronic records in this respect, and (2) report the contact
request code to the Research Database Manager (details above),
so that they can create a new request to the correct clinician.
<p>Many thanks for your help!</p>
<p>Yours sincerely,</p>
<p><i>The CPFT Research Database Computer</i></p>
<p>P.S. Sorry this is an automated e-mail. A computer has generated
this e-mail as part of a process that restricts access to confidential
patient-identifiable information.</p>
{% endblock %}