{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/email_researcher_approval.html #}
{% extends 'base_email.html' %}
{% comment %}
template parameters:
consent_mode: ConsentMode
contact_request: ContactRequest
patient_lookup: PatientLookup
study: Study
{% endcomment %}
{% block content %}
<p>Dear {{ study.lead_researcher.profile.get_salutation }},</p>
<p>Good news! Following your contact request, you’ve been approved to
contact a patient about your study.</p>
<p><b>Please read the attached approval letter CAREFULLY.</b></p>
{% include "patient_table.html" with patient_lookup=patient_lookup consent_mode=consent_mode include_sex=True %}
{% include 'study_table.html' with study=study contact_request=contact_request %}
<p>Yours sincerely,</p>
<p><i>The CPFT Research Database Computer</i></p>
{% endblock %}