{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/letter_patient_confirm_traffic.html #}
{% extends 'base_pdf_letter.html' %}
{% comment %}
template parameters:
# Letter bits
address_from: List[str]
address_to: List[str]
salutation: str
signatory_name: str
signatory_title: str
# Specific bits
consent_mode: ConsentMode
patient_lookup: PatientLookup
settings: Django settings object
# URLs
red_img_url: str
yellow_img_url: str
green_img_url: str
{% endcomment %}
{% block letter_body %}
<p class="titlecolour"><b>Confirming your choice about
researchers contacting you</b></p>
{% if consent_mode.changed_by_clinician_override %}
<p>Your clinician recently told us what we should do if any
of our researchers would like to contact you directly about
research. This letter is to confirm that choice.</p>
<p>The possible options were:</p>
{% else %}
<p>You recently told us what we should do if any of our
researchers would like to contact you directly about research.
Thank you! This letter is to confirm your choice.</p>
<p>You were offered this choice:</p>
{% endif %}
<table class="options smallertext">
<col style="width:15%">
<col style="width:85%">
<td class="rjust">
<img src="{{ TRAFFIC_LIGHT_RED_ABS_URL }}" width="60" alt="Red">
{% include "phrase_red.html" %}
<td class="rjust">
<img src="{{ TRAFFIC_LIGHT_YELLOW_ABS_URL }}" width="60" alt="Yellow">
{% include "phrase_yellow.html" %}
<td class="rjust">
<img src="{{ TRAFFIC_LIGHT_GREEN_ABS_URL }}" width="60" alt="Green">
{% include "phrase_green.html" %}
{% if consent_mode.changed_by_clinician_override %}
<p><b>Your clinician told us we should use this option:</b></p>
{% else %}
<p><b>You chose this option:</b></p>
{% endif %}
<p class="indent"><b>{{ consent_mode.consent_mode }}</b></p>
<p>We asked some other things, too:</p>
<table class="patientprefs">
<col style="width:80%">
<col style="width:20%">
<th>We asked:</th>
{% if consent_mode.changed_by_clinician_override %}
Your clinician answered:
{% else %}
You answered:
{% endif %}
{% if consent_mode.consent_mode == "red" %}
<td>Do you wish to opt out of the use of your information
for research even after all details that could identify
you have been removed?</td>
<td>{{ consent_mode.exclude_entirely|yesno }}</td>
{% else %}
{% comment %} <!-- Removed as per Major Amendment 2, 12/EE/0407 -->
<td>Are you still willing to be contacted
about research even after being discharged from CPFT entirely?</td>
<td>{{ consent_mode.consent_after_discharge|yesno }}</td>
{% endcomment %}
<td>Do you prefer to hear about research
by e-mail?</td>
<td>{{ consent_mode.prefers_email|yesno }}</td>
{% if consent_mode.prefers_email %}
<td>... if so, we have your e-mail
address as:</td>
<td>{{ patient_lookup.pt_email|default:"?" }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% comment %} <!-- Removed as per Major Amendment 2, 12/EE/0407 -->
<td>Do you wish to limit your consent in
some way...</td>
<td class="deadcell"></td>
<td>... such as an annual limit?</td>
<td>{{ consent_mode.max_approaches_per_year|default:"–" }}</td>
<td>... or in some other way?</td>
<td>{{ consent_mode.other_requests|default:"–" }}</td>
{% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
{% if consent_mode.changed_by_clinician_override %}
<p><b>If you are happy with the current choice,</b> you don’t
need to do anything.</p>
{% else %}
<p><b>If you are happy with your current choice,</b> you don’t
need to do anything.</p>
{% endif %}
<p><b>If you would like to change your choice,</b> please complete
another copy of the enclosed form (<i>“Would you like to be contacted
about research?”</i>).</p>
<p>If you fill in any of the forms, please return them in the Freepost
envelope (to {{ settings.RDBM_ADDRESS|join:", " }}),
or give them to a member of staff at CPFT.</p>
<p>You may also speak to your health care professional at CPFT about
these choices at any time.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
{% endblock %}