{# crate_anon/crateweb/consent/templates/letter_patient_from_clinician_re_study.html #}
{% extends 'base_pdf_letter.html' %}
{% comment %}
template parameters:
patient_lookup: PatientLookup
study: Study
yellow: bool
unknown_consent_mode: bool
extra_form: bool
settings: Django settings object
address_from: List[str]
address_to: List[str]
salutation: str
signatory_name: str
signatory_title: str
{% endcomment %}
{% block letter_body %}
{% include "patient_p.html" with patient_lookup=patient_lookup only %}
<em>I’m writing to tell you about about a research study being carried
out within CPFT, to see whether you’d like to find out more, and maybe
take part.</em>
{% if yellow %}
I’m contacting you because you previously chose to receive
information about research studies via your clinician.
{% endif %}
{% include "phrase_never_affect_personal.html" %}
Research into mental health problems is vital if we are to find better
treatments and ways of improving the lives of those affected. CPFT and
its partner research organizations, such as the University of
Cambridge, conduct research into brain function and mental health
problems that is some of the best in the world. We’d be extremely
grateful for any help you could give us by taking part in research.
<p><em>The study we want to tell you about is this one:</em></p>
{% include "study_table.html" with study=study include_summary=True only %}
<em>This may be a study that you could take part in. The researchers
don’t know who you are, and we won’t tell them without your
Receiving this invitation doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a
particular problem or symptom — our researchers study people with
symptoms now, but also people who’ve had a particular symptom in the
past, and people who’ve never had a particular symptom (for comparison
to other people who have).
<p>Here’s what I’ve enclosed to help you decide if you’d like to be
contacted by the researchers with a view to possibly taking part in the
<li>Details of the study for you to have a look at.</li>
<li>A form to decide whether you’re interested in being
contacted by
{% if unknown_consent_mode %}
the researchers about <b>this</b> study,
{% else %}
these researchers
{% endif %}
and willing to allow them
to see your CPFT records so they can check you’re suitable for
the study. (<b>Saying “yes” doesn’t mean that you’re agreeing
to take part in the study</b> — just that the researchers can
write to tell you more about the study and maybe invite you to
take part. If you say no now, they’ll get no information about
you, not even your name.)</li>
{% if extra_form %}
<li>A form from the researchers, which I’ve filled in. If you
are interested in taking part, please fill in any gaps and
return it. If you don’t want to take part, you can throw it
{% endif %}
{% if unknown_consent_mode %}
A form titled <i>“Would you like to be contacted about
In the future, if researchers outside your clinical team want
to contact you directly about research studies that may be
relevant to you, you can choose to have your name and address
passed on to them (GREEN), to have all requests sent to you via
your clinicians (YELLOW), or not to have your name and address
passed on at all (RED).
{% endif %}
<li>A leaflet, <i>“Taking part in research”</i>, with some more
general information.</li>
<li>A Freepost envelope (to
{{ settings.RDBM_ADDRESS|join:", " }}).</li>
{% if unknown_consent_mode %}
<p><em>The most important thing to know is that saying yes or no
won’t affect your normal NHS treatment!</em></p>
{% endif %}
Please have a look at the study details,
{% if extra_form %}
and the form that the researchers would like,
{% endif %}
and then choose option 1 or option 2 on the decision form.
{% if unknown_consent_mode %}
Then please complete the other form (<i>“Would you like to be
contacted about research?”</i>).
{% endif %}
Finally, please return the
form{% if extra_form or unknown_consent_mode %}s{% endif %}
in the Freepost envelope, or give
{% if extra_form or unknown_consent_mode %}them{% else %}it{% endif %}
to a member of staff at CPFT.
{% if yellow or unknown_consent_mode %}
{% if yellow %}
I’ve written to you because you previously chose the “YELLOW”
option in CPFT’s Research Database. If you’d like to be
reminded what this means, to choose a different option, have any
concerns, or want to discuss things further before deciding, then
please contact us.
{% elif unknown_consent_mode %}
If you have any concerns, or want to discuss things further before
deciding, then please contact us.
{% endif %}
You can also do so via the CPFT Research Database Manager,
whose contact details are on the decision form
and below.
{% endif %}
<p>Thank you very much.</p>
{% endblock %}