<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<style>{{ css|safe }}</style>
<h1>{{ db_name }}</h1>
Report generated at:
<span class="result">{{ now }}</span>
<span class="result">{{ db_name }}</span>
{% if url %}
URL (sanitised):
<span class="result">{{ url }}</span>
{% endif %}
Database engine:
<span class="result">{{ db_engine }}</span>
Number of tables:
<span class="result">{{ n_tables }}</span>
{% for table_name in table_names %}
<li><span class="result">{{ table_name }}</span></li>
{% endfor %}
<p class="info">
<ul class="info">
CRATE (Clinical Records Anonymisation and Text Extraction):
software for creating research databases.
See <a href="https://www.pubmed.gov/28441940">https://www.pubmed.gov/28441940</a>
or <a href="https://crateanon.readthedocs.io/">https://crateanon.readthedocs.io/</a>.
DB: database.
DD: data dictionary, used by CRATE to build a de-identified
research database from source data.
FK: foreign key, a cross-reference to a PK in another table.
MRID: master patient research identifier.
NLP: natural language processing, in which computers read free
text to extract structured data.
NOT NULL: a column that is not allowed to contain NULL values.
NULL: a missing or blank value.
PK: primary key, the main column (or sometimes columns)
defining and indexing rows of a table.
SQL: Structured Query Language, the standard language for
defining and querying databases.
RID: patient research identifier.
TRID: transient patient research identifier; this can be useful
for fast cross-referencing within SQL queries, but will change
when the database is rebuilt.
URL: uniform resource locator.
UTC: coordinated universal time (also known as Greenwich Mean
Time, Western European Time).
<p class="info">
<ul class="info">
This CRATE report for researchers was generated by scanning a
research database and summarizing key features (including by
reference to a CRATE data dictionary). CRATE version:
The number of distinct non-null values is taken from SELECT
COUNT(DISTINCT some_column), which does not include NULL
values. The actual distinct values, if shown, are taken from
SELECT DISTINCT some_column, which does include NULL values.
{{ tables_html|safe }}