14.1.14. crate_anon.anonymise.draft_dd
Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
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Draft an anonymisation data dictionary.
- crate_anon.anonymise.draft_dd.draft_dd(config: Config, dd_output_filename: str, incremental: bool = False, skip_dd_check: bool = False, explicit_dest_datatype: bool = False, systmone: bool = False, systmone_context: SystmOneContext | None = None, systmone_sre_spec_csv_filename: str | None = None, systmone_append_comments: bool = False, systmone_include_generic: bool = False, systmone_allow_unprefixed_tables: bool = False, systmone_alter_loaded_rows: bool = False, systmone_table_info_in_comments: bool = True) None [source]
Draft a data dictionary, by scanning a source database.
- Parameters:
config – Anonymisation config object.
incremental – If true: make it an incremental data dictionary, using only fields present in the database but absent from the existing data dictionary referred to in the config.
dd_output_filename – File for output (‘-’ for stdout).
skip_dd_check – If true: skip data dictionary validity check when loading the pre-existing data dictionary in “incremental” mode.
explicit_dest_datatype – Make destination datatypes explicit, not implicit. (Primarily for debugging.)
systmone – Process data dictionary for SystmOne data?
systmone_context – (For SystmOne.) Source database context for SystmOne use.
systmone_sre_spec_csv_filename – (For SystmOne.) Optional filename for TPP Strategic Reporting Extract (SRE) specification CSV.
systmone_append_comments – (For SystmOne.) Append, rather than replacing, existing comments? Usually better as False – if you use
, this will provide better comments.systmone_include_generic – (For SystmOne.) Include all fields that are not known about by this code and treated specially? If False, the config file settings are used (which may omit or include). If True, all such fields are included.
systmone_allow_unprefixed_tables – (For SystmOne.) Permit tables that don’t start with the expected prefix? (That prefix is e.g. ‘SR’ for the TPP SRE context, ‘S1_’ for the CPFT Data Warehouse context.) Discouraged; you may get odd tables and views.
systmone_alter_loaded_rows – Alter rows that were loaded from disk (not read from a database)? The default is to leave such rows untouched.
systmone_table_info_in_comments – Include table descriptions in column comments?