14.1.15. crate_anon.anonymise.eponyms
Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
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Medical eponym handling.
Eponyms from 2018-03-27 snapshot of:
Remember the following:
Patient names should be removed using their identifiable information. Removing all known names is just an additional experimental safety measure.
The eponyms are removed from the name lists, before the name lists are used to scrub text – so we don’t scrub “Parkinson’s disease”, as an obvious example.
Consequently, we can be quite liberal here. Including “Turner”, for example (a common UK name but also in Turner’s syndrome) won’t prevent a Mr Turner from being anonymised.
However, the point is to scrub out some inadvertent names, so maybe not too liberal!
- class crate_anon.anonymise.eponyms.EponymInfo[source]
Reserved for future use, the intention being maybe some classification by how rare or common (a) the eponymous disease is, and (b) the name itself is.
- crate_anon.anonymise.eponyms.get_plain_eponyms(add_unaccented_versions: bool = True) List[str] [source]
Returns a list of all names to be used as medical eponyms – that is, people who’ve had syndromes named after them.
- Parameters:
add_unaccented_versions – Add unaccented (mangled) versions of names, too? For example, do you want Sjogren as well as Sjögren?
- Returns:
alphabetically sorted list of strings