14.5.27. crate_anon.nlp_manager.parse_medex
Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
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NLP handler for the external MedEx-UIMA tool, to find references to drugs (medication.
can’t find Python version of MedEx (which preceded MedEx-UIMA)
paper on Python version is https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995636/; uses Python NLTK
see notes in Documents/CRATE directory
MedEx-UIMA is in Java, and resolutely uses a file-based processing system;
), and even in its coreMedTagger.medtagging()
function it’s making files in directories; that’s deep in the core of its NLP thinking so we can’t change that behaviour without creating a fork. So the obvious way to turn this into a proper “live” pipeline would be for the calling code tofire up a receiving process - Python launching custom Java
create its own temporary directory - Python
receive data - Python
stash it on disk - Python
call the MedEx function - Python -> stdout -> custom Java -> MedEx
return the results - custom Java signals “done” -> Python reads stdin?
and clean up - Python
Not terribly elegant, but might be fast enough (and almost certainly much faster than reloading Java regularly!).
output comes from its
functionwould need a per-process-unique temporary directory, since it scans all files in the input directory (and similarly one output directory); would do that in Python
MedEx-UIMA is firmly (and internally) wedded to a file-based processing system. So we need to:
create a process-specific pair of temporary directories;
fire up a receiving process
pass data (1) to file and (2) signal that there’s data available;
await a “data ready” reply and read the data from disk;
clean up (delete files) in readiness for next data chunk.
NOTE ALSO that MedEx’s MedTagger
class writes to stdout
(though not
). Option 1: move our logs to stdout
and use stderr
signalling. Option 2: keep things as they are and just use a stdout
that’s not used by MedEx. Went with option 2; simpler and more consistent esp.
for logging.
How do we clean up the temporary directories?
is not the opposite of__init__
; https://www.algorithm.co.il/blogs/programming/python-gotchas-1-__del__-is-not-the-opposite-of-__init__/https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/06/12/safely-using-destructors-in-python
NLP works fine, but UK-style abbreviations e.g. “qds” not recognized where “q.i.d.” is. US abbreviations: e.g. https://www.d.umn.edu/medweb/Modules/Prescription/Abbreviations.html
Places to look, and things to try adding:
resources/TIMEX/norm_patterns/NormFREQword qds=>R1P6H resources/TIMEX/rules/frequency_rules //QID ( 4 times a day expression="[Qq]\.?[Ii]\.?[Dd]\.?[ ]*\((.*?)\)",val="R1P6H" // RNC: qds expression="[Qq]\.?[Dd]\.?[Ss]\.?[ ]*\((.*?)\)",val="R1P6H" ... looked like it was correct, but not working ... are this files compiled in, rather than being read live? ... do I have the user or the developer version?
… not there yet. Probably need to recompile. See MedEx’s Readme.txt
reference to expression/val (as in frequency_rules):
TIMEX.Rule._add_rule() ... from TIMEX.Rule.Rule via a directory walker ... from TIMEX.ProcessingEngine.ProcessingEngine() ... via semi-hardcoded file location relative to class's location ... via rule_dir, set to .../TIMEX/rules
Detect a file being accessed:
sudo apt install inotify-tools inotifywait -m FILE
… frequency_rules IS opened.
org.apache.medex.Main [OR: CrateNedexPipeline.java] org.apache.medex.MedTagger.run_batch_medtag ... creeates an org.apache.NLPTools.Document ... not obviously doing frequency stuff, or drug recognition ... then runs org.apache.medex.MedTagger.medtagging(doc) ... this does most of the heavy lifting, I think ... uses ProcessingEngine freq_norm_engine ... org.apache.TIMEX.ProcessingEngine ... but it may be that this just does frequency NORMALIZATION, not frequency finding ... uses SemanticRuleEngine rule_engine ... which is org.apache.medex.SemanticRuleEngine ... see all the regexlist.put(..., "FREQ") calls ... note double-escaping \\ for Java's benefit
Rebuilding MedEx:
See build_medex_itself.py
YES. If you add to
, with extra entries in theregexlist.put(...)
sequence, new frequencies appear in the output.To get them normalized as well, add them to frequency_rules.
// EXTRA FOR UK FREQUENCIES (see https://www.evidence.nhs.uk/formulary/bnf/current/general-reference/latin-abbreviations) // NB case-insensitive regexes in SemanticRuleEngine.java, so ignore case here regexlist.put("^(q\\.?q\\.?h\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // qqh, quarta quaque hora (RNC) regexlist.put("^(q\\.?d\\.?s\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // qds, quater die sumendum (RNC); must go before existing competing expression: regexlist.put("^q(\\.|)\\d+( |$)","FREQ"); regexlist.put("^(t\\.?d\\.?s\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // tds, ter die sumendum (RNC) regexlist.put("^(b\\.?d\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // bd, bis die (RNC) regexlist.put("^(o\\.?d\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // od, omni die (RNC) regexlist.put("^(mane)( |$)", "FREQ"); // mane (RNC) regexlist.put("^(o\\.?m\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // om, omni mane (RNC) regexlist.put("^(nocte)( |$)", "FREQ"); // nocte (RNC) regexlist.put("^(o\\.?n\\.?)( |$)", "FREQ"); // on, omni nocte (RNC) regexlist.put("^(fortnightly)( |$)", "FREQ"); // fortnightly (RNC) regexlist.put("^((?:2|two)\s+weekly)\b", "FREQ"); // fortnightly (RNC) regexlist.put("argh", "FREQ"); // fortnightly (RNC) // ALREADY IMPLEMENTED BY MedEx: tid (ter in die) // NECESSITY, NOT FREQUENCY: prn (pro re nata) // TIMING, NOT FREQUENCY: ac (ante cibum); pc (post cibum)
// EXTRA FOR UK FREQUENCIES (see https://www.evidence.nhs.uk/formulary/bnf/current/general-reference/latin-abbreviations) // NB case-sensitive regexes in Rule.java, so offer upper- and lower-case alternatives here // qqh, quarta quaque hora (RNC) expression="\b[Qq]\.?[Qq]\.?[Hh]\.?\b",val="R1P4H" // qds, quater die sumendum (RNC); MUST BE BEFORE COMPETING "qd" (= per day) expression: expression="[Qq]\.?[ ]?[Dd]\.?",val="R1P24H" expression="\b[Qq]\.?[Dd]\.?[Ss]\.?\b",val="R1P6H" // tds, ter die sumendum (RNC) expression="\b[Tt]\.?[Dd]\.?[Ss]\.?\b",val="R1P8H" // bd, bis die (RNC) expression="\b[Bb]\.?[Dd]\.?\b",val="R1P12H" // od, omni die (RNC) expression="\b[Oo]\.?[Dd]\.?\b",val="R1P24H" // mane (RNC) expression="\b[Mm][Aa][Nn][Ee]\b",val="R1P24H" // om, omni mane (RNC) expression="\b[Oo]\.?[Mm]\.?\b",val="R1P24H" // nocte (RNC) expression="\b[Nn][Oo][Cc][Tt][Ee]\b",val="R1P24H" // on, omni nocte (RNC) expression="\b[Oo]\.?[Nn]\.?\b",val="R1P24H" // fortnightly and variants (RNC); unsure if TIMEX3 format is right expression="\b[Ff][Oo][Rr][Tt][Nn][Ii][Gg][Hh][Tt][Ll][Yy]\b",val="R1P2WEEK" expression="\b(?:2|[Tt][Ww][Oo])\s+[Ww][Ee][Ee][Kk][Ll][Yy]\b",val="R1P2WEEK" // monthly (RNC) expression="\b[Mm][Oo][Nn][Tt][Hh][Ll][Yy]\b",val="R1P1MONTH" // // ALREADY IMPLEMENTED BY MedEx: tid (ter in die) // NECESSITY, NOT FREQUENCY: prn (pro re nata) // TIMING, NOT FREQUENCY: ac (ante cibum); pc (post cibum)
How about routes of administration?
MedTagger.printResult() route is in FStr_list[5] ... called from MedTagger.medtagging() route is in FStr_list_final[5] before that, is in FStr (separated by \n) ... from formatDruglist ... ... from logs, appears first next to "input for tagger" at which point it's in sent_token_array[j] (e.g. "po") sent_tag_array[j] (e.g. "RUT" = route) ... from tag_dict ... from filter_tags ... from (Document) doc.filtered_drug_tag() ... ... ?from MedTagger.medtagging() calling doc.add_drug_tag() ... no, not really; is in this bit: SuffixArray sa = new SuffixArray(...); Vector<SuffixArrayResult> result = sa.search(); ... and then each element of result has a "semantic_type" member that can be "RUT" ... SuffixArray.search() semantic_type=this.lex.sem_list().get(i); ... where lex comes from MedTagger: this.lex = new Lexicon(this.lex_fname); ... Lexicon.sem_list() returns Lexicon.semantic_list ... Lexicon.Lexicon() constructs using MedTagger's this.lex_fname ... which is lexicon.cfg ... aha! There it is. If a line in lexicon.cfg has a RUT tag, it'll appear as a route. So: grep "RUT$" lexicon.cfg | sort # and replace tabs with spaces bedside RUT by mouth RUT drip RUT gt RUT g tube RUT g-tube RUT gtube RUT im injection RUT im RUT inhalation RUT inhalatn RUT inhaled RUT intramuscular RUT intravenously RUT intravenous RUT iv RUT j tube RUT j-tube RUT jtube RUT nare RUT nares RUT naris RUT neb RUT nostril RUT orally RUT oral RUT ou RUT patch DDF-DOSEUNIT-RUT per gt RUT per mouth RUT per os RUT per rectum RUT per tube RUT p. g RUT pgt RUT png RUT pnj RUT p.o RUT po RUT sc RUT sl RUT sq RUT subc RUT subcu RUT subcutaneously RUT subcutaneous RUT subcut RUT subling RUT sublingual RUT sub q RUT subq RUT swallow RUT swish and spit RUT sw&spit RUT sw&swall RUT topically RUT topical RUT topical tp RUT trans RUT with spacer RUT
Looks like these are not using synonyms. Note also format is
Note also that the first element is always forced to lower case (in Lexicon.Lexicon()), so presumably it’s case-insensitive.
There’s no specific comment format (though any line that doesn’t resolve to two items when split on a tab looks like it’s ignored).
So we might want to add more; use
build_medex_itself.py --extraroutes >> lexicon.cfg
Note that all frequencies and routes must be in the lexicon. And all frequencies must be in
(and, to be normalized, frequency_rules).USEFUL BIT FOR CHECKING RESULTS:
SELECT sentence_text, drug, generic_name, form, strength, dose_amount, route, frequency, frequency_timex3, duration, necessity FROM anonymous_output.drugs;
Pipe encoding (to Java’s
, from Java’sstdout
) encoding is the less important as we’re only likely to send/receive ASCII. It’s hard-coded to UTF-8.File encoding is vital and is hard-coded to UTF-8 here and in the receiving Java.
We have no direct influence over the MedTagger code for output (unless we modify it). The output function is
, which (line 2040 ofMedTagger.java
) callsout.write(stuff)
.The out variable is set by
this.out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(output_dir + File.separator + doc.fname()));
That form of the FileWriter constructor,
FileWriter(String fileName)
, uses the “default character encoding”, as per https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/io/FileWriter.htmlThat default is given by
. However, we don’t have to do something daft like asking the Java to report its file encoding to Python through a pipe; instead, we can set the Java default encoding. It can’t be done dynamically, but it can be done at JVM launch: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/361975/setting-the-default-java-character-encoding.Therefore, we should have a Java parameter specified in the config file as
- class crate_anon.nlp_manager.parse_medex.Medex(nlpdef: NlpDefinition, cfg_processor_name: str, commit: bool = False)[source]
Class controlling a Medex-UIMA external process, via our custom Java interface,
.MedEx-UIMA is a medication-finding tool: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25954575.
- __init__(nlpdef: NlpDefinition, cfg_processor_name: str, commit: bool = False) None [source]
- Parameters:
nlpdef – a
cfg_processor_name – the name of a CRATE NLP config file section (from which we may choose to get extra config information)
commit – force a COMMIT whenever we insert data? You should specify this in multiprocess mode, or you may get database deadlocks.
- dest_tables_columns() Dict[str, List[Column]] [source]
Describes the destination table(s) that this NLP processor wants to write to.
- Returns:
a dictionary of
{tablename: destination_columns}
, wheredestination_columns
is a list of SQLAlchemyColumn
objects.- Return type:
- dest_tables_indexes() Dict[str, List[Index]] [source]
Describes indexes that this NLP processor suggests for its destination table(s).
- Returns:
a dictionary of
{tablename: indexes}
, whereindexes
is a list of SQLAlchemyIndex
objects.- Return type:
- static frequency_and_timex(text: str) Tuple[str | None, str | None] [source]
Splits a MedEx frequency/TIMEX strings to its frequency and TIMEX parts; e.g. splits
to"b.i.d.", "R1P12H"
- static get_text_start_end(medex_str: str | None) Tuple[str | None, int | None, int | None] [source]
MedEx returns “drug”, “strength”, etc. as
, where the text is followed by the start position (zero-indexed) and the end position (one beyond the last character) (zero-indexed). This function converts a string likeaspirin[7,14]
to a tuple like"aspirin", 7, 14
.- Parameters:
medex_str – string from MedEx
- Returns:
text, start_pos, end_pos
; values may beNone
- Return type:
- static int_or_none(text: str | None) int | None [source]
Takes text and returns an integer version or
- parse(text: str) Generator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]], None, None] [source]
Send text to the external process, and receive the result.
Note that associated data is not passed into this function, and is kept in the Python environment, so we can’t run into any problems with the transfer to/from the Java program garbling important data. All we send to the subprocess is the text (and an input_terminator). Then, we may receive MULTIPLE sets of data back (“your text contains the following 7 people/drug references/whatever”), followed eventually by the output_terminator, at which point this set is complete.