-- note that javac wants the file to have the same name as its class
Based on
- https://gate.ac.uk/wiki/code-repository/src/sheffield/examples/StandAloneAnnie.java
* StandAloneAnnie.java
* Copyright (c) 2000-2001, The University of Sheffield.
* This file is part of GATE (see http://gate.ac.uk/), and is free
* software, licenced under the GNU Library General Public License,
* Version 2, June1991.
* A copy of this licence is included in the distribution in the file
* licence.html, and is also available at http://gate.ac.uk/gate/licence.html.
* hamish, 29/1/2002
* $Id: StandAloneAnnie.java,v 1.6 2006/01/09 16:43:22 ian Exp $
Copyright (C) 2000-2001, The University of Sheffield.
- https://gate.ac.uk/wiki/code-repository/src/sheffield/examples/BatchProcessApp.java
* BatchProcessApp.java
* Copyright (c) 2006, The University of Sheffield.
* This file is part of GATE (see http://gate.ac.uk/), and is free
* software, licenced under the GNU Library General Public License,
* Version 2, June1991.
* A copy of this licence is included in the distribution in the file
* licence.html, and is also available at http://gate.ac.uk/gate/licence.html.
* Ian Roberts, March 2006
* $Id: BatchProcessApp.java,v 1.5 2006/06/11 19:17:57 ian Exp $
- https://gate.ac.uk/sale/tao/splitch7.html#chap:api
- New code/derivative work (noting that the GPLv3+ license is compatible with
the inclusion of code already licensed under the LGPLv2; see
Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Rudolf Cardinal (rudolf@pobox.com).
This file is part of CRATE.
CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CRATE. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
TO COMPILE, THEN RUN: see buildme.sh
FIELDS THAT ARE USED AS STANDARD: see processAnnotation()
// no "package" command required
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.MDC;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.Corpus;
import gate.CorpusController;
import gate.Document;
import gate.Factory;
import gate.FeatureMap;
import gate.Gate;
import gate.creole.ANNIEConstants;
import gate.creole.ExecutionException;
import gate.creole.Plugin;
import gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException;
import gate.creole.ResourceReference;
import gate.util.GateException;
import gate.util.InvalidOffsetException;
import gate.util.persistence.PersistenceManager;
* CrateGatePipeline is a command-line program that fires up a specific GATE
* app, reads text from stdin, sends it to GATE, and prints the results to
* stdout.
public class CrateGatePipeline {
// ========================================================================
// Members
// ========================================================================
// Constants
private static final String m_default_input_terminator = "END_OF_DOCUMENT";
private static final String m_default_output_terminator = "END_OF_DOCUMENT";
private static final String TAB = "\t";
private static final String NEWLINE = "\n";
// Interface
private String m_args[];
// Options
private ArrayList<String> m_target_annotations = new ArrayList<String>();
private String m_input_terminator = m_default_input_terminator;
private String m_output_terminator = m_default_output_terminator;
private File m_gapp_file = null;
private String m_file_encoding = null; // null: use system default
private String m_annotxml_filename_stem = null;
private String m_gatexml_filename_stem = null;
private String m_tsv_filename_stem = null;
private boolean m_suppress_gate_stdout = false;
private boolean m_show_contents_on_crash = false;
private boolean m_continue_on_crash = false;
private ArrayList<String> m_set_inclusion_list = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<String> m_set_exclusion_list = new ArrayList<String>();
private Map<String, ArrayList<String>> m_set_annotation_combos =
new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
private String m_plugin_filename = null;
private boolean m_launch_then_stop = false;
private boolean m_demo = false;
// Text
private static final String m_sep1 = ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ";
private static final String m_sep2 = "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";
private static final String cg_pipeline_prefix = "CrateGatePipeline: ";
// Internal
private String m_extra_log_prefix = "";
private int m_count = 0;
private String m_pipe_encoding = "UTF-8";
private PrintStream m_out = null;
private String m_current_contents_for_crash_debugging = null;
private boolean m_output_terminator_pending = false;
// Logger:
private static final Logger m_log = Logger.getLogger("CrateGatePipeline");
// GATE things
private CorpusController m_controller = null;
private Corpus m_corpus = null;
// Output keys
private static final String KEY_SET = "_set";
private static final String KEY_TYPE = "_type";
private static final String KEY_ID = "_id";
private static final String KEY_STARTPOS = "_start";
private static final String KEY_ENDPOS = "_end";
private static final String KEY_CONTENT = "_content";
// ========================================================================
// Constructor
// ========================================================================
/** Process command-line arguments and execute the pipeline. */
public CrateGatePipeline(String args[]) throws GateException, IOException {
// Debug where Logger is being picked up from. Should be log4j-1.x for
// GATE 8.x and sl4fj for GATE 9.x
// System.out.println(Logger.class.getResource("Logger.class"));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arguments
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
m_args = args;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Logging
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GATE 8.x ships with log4j 1.x, which will look for log4j.xml on the
// classpath.
// GATE 9.x includes the compatibility layer log4j-over-slf4j, which
// will look for logback.xml on the classpath
// log4j-over-slf4j silently ignores Logger.setLevel() so the logging
// configuration (pattern, level etc) should go in the XML files.
// Examples are in the gate_log_config directory.
String tag = "";
if (!m_extra_log_prefix.isEmpty()) {
tag += "|" + escapePercent(m_extra_log_prefix);
MDC.put("tag", tag);
// Test:
Logger rootlog = Logger.getRootLogger();
rootlog.error("rootlog error");
rootlog.debug("rootlog debug");
rootlog.info("rootlog info");
rootlog.warn("rootlog warn");
m_log.error("m_log error");
m_log.debug("m_log debug");
m_log.info("m_log info");
m_log.warn("m_log warn");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup stdout
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// We're going to write to this:
m_out = new PrintStream(System.out, true, m_pipe_encoding);
// Report arguments etc.
// Some GATE apps may write to System.out, which will cause us problems
// unless we divert them:
if (m_suppress_gate_stdout) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4799006
m_log.debug("Suppressing GATE stdout");
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new OutputStream() {
public void write(int b) {
} else {
m_log.debug("Sending GATE stdout to stderr");
// Sets:
if (m_set_inclusion_list.size() == 0) {
m_log.debug("Including all sets by default");
} else {
for (String include : m_set_inclusion_list) {
m_log.debug("Explicitly including set: " + toPrintable(include));
for (String exclude : m_set_exclusion_list) {
m_log.debug("Explicitly excluding set: " + toPrintable(exclude));
// Annotations:
if (!m_set_annotation_combos.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry :
m_set_annotation_combos.entrySet()) {
String set = entry.getKey();
ArrayList<String> annots = entry.getValue();
for (String annot : annots) {
m_log.debug("Including set = " + toPrintable(set) +
", annotation = " + toPrintable(annot));
} else {
if (m_target_annotations.isEmpty()) {
m_log.debug("Including all annotations by default");
} else {
for (String annot : m_target_annotations) {
m_log.debug("Including annotation: " + toPrintable(annot));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do interesting things
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// - We need to be able to handle GATE crashes.
// - That requires us to restart GATE, so we need the exception-catcher
// to be above the code that calls setupGate() as well as the code
// that processes input.
// - That means here, above runPipeline().
// - If we're going to crash out, it's easy -- but if we're going to
// continue, we are likely to need to write the output terminator
// for the failed record first.
boolean finished = false;
while (!finished) {
try {
finished = true;
} catch (GateException | RuntimeException e) {
// GateException: "sensible" exception
// RuntimeException: likely bug in GATE code
// ... e.g. IllegalArgumentException; see
// https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/RuntimeException.html
m_log.error("GATE exception; aborting; stack trace follows");
if (m_continue_on_crash) {
m_log.warn("Proceeding despite GATE crash as requested");
if (m_output_terminator_pending) {
} else {
// Die explicitly with a defined exit code -- otherwise, Java
// exits with an UNDEFINED (e.g. 0 = "happy") return code.
} catch (Throwable e) {
// There are errors that are a Throwable but are not an
// Exception. The full hierarchy [1, 2] is:
// - java.lang.Object
// - java.lang.Throwable
// - java.lang.Error
// - AssertionError
// ...
// - java.lang.VirtualMachineError
// - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
// ...
// - java.lang.Exception
// ...
// - IOException
// - FileNotFoundException
// ...
// So in particular: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
// is not an Exception.
// Should we catch these? Well, we shouldn't continue after
// an Error [3].
// [1] https://airbrake.io/blog/java-exception-handling/the-java-exception-class-hierarchy
// [2] https://airbrake.io/blog/java-exception-handling/outofmemoryerror
// [3] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6083248/is-it-a-bad-practice-to-catch-throwable
m_log.error("Generic error/exception; aborting; details follow");
abort(); // as above
* Report an exception or other throwable to stderr, +/- the text that
* caused the crash.
private void reportThrowable(Throwable e) {
// Throwables have the same basic interface as Exceptions (Exception is
// a subclass).
e.printStackTrace(System.err); // with no parameter, goes to System.err (stderr)
if (m_show_contents_on_crash) {
if (m_current_contents_for_crash_debugging == null) {
m_log.error("No current contents");
} else {
m_log.error("Current contents being processed:");
* Run a GATE pipeline; read text from stdin; send it to GATE; write
* results to stdout.
private void runPipeline() throws GateException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
if (m_launch_then_stop) {
m_log.info("GATE launched; now stopping immediately as requested.");
m_log.info("Ready for input");
// Read from stdin, using end-of-text markers to split stdin into
// multiple texts, creating documents in turn
StdinResult result;
do {
// Read from stdin
result = readStdin();
if (result.finished) {
m_log.info("Text read from stdin");
m_log.debug(m_sep1 + "CONTENTS OF STDIN:");
m_output_terminator_pending = true; // in case of GATE crash
// Process text
} while (!result.finished);
// ========================================================================
// Handling of args, exiting, etc.
// ========================================================================
/** Exit in a happy way. */
private void exit() {
/** Exit in a sad way. */
private void abort() {
/** Complain that the user has passed bad command-line arguments. Exit. */
private void argfail(String msg) {
// Don't use the log; it's not configured yet.
writeStderr(cg_pipeline_prefix + "Use -h or --help for help.");
/** Show a usage message. */
private void usage() {
"usage: CrateGatePipeline --gate_app GATEAPP\n" +
" [--include_set SET [--include_set SET [...]]]\n" +
" [--exclude_set SET [--exclude_set SET [...]]]\n" +
" [--annotation ANNOT [--annotation ANNOT [...]]]\n" +
" [--set_annotation SET ANNOT [...]]\n" +
" [--encoding ENCODING]\n" +
" [--input_terminator TERM]\n" +
" [--output_terminator TERM]\n" +
" [--log_tag LOGTAG]\n" +
" [--write_annotated_xml FILESTEM]\n" +
" [--write_gate_xml FILESTEM]\n" +
" [--write_tsv FILESTEM]\n" +
" [--suppress_gate_stdout]\n" +
" [--show_contents_on_crash]\n" +
" [-h] [-v [-v [-v]]]\n" +
" [--pluginfile PLUGINFILE]\n" +
" [--launch_then_stop]\n" +
" [--demo]\n" +
"\n" +
"Java front end to GATE natural language processor.\n" +
"\n" +
"- Takes input on stdin. Produces output on stdout.\n" +
"- GATE applications produce output clustered (1) into named annotation sets\n" +
" (with a default, unnamed set). (2) Within annotation sets, we find\n" +
" annotations. (3) Each annotation is a collection of key/value pairs.\n" +
" This collection is not fixed, in that individual annotations, or keys within\n" +
" annotations, may be present sometimes and absent sometimes, depending on the\n" +
" input text.\n" +
"\n" +
"Optional arguments:\n" +
"\n" +
" --gate_app GATEAPP\n" +
" -g GATEAPP\n" +
" Specifies the GATE app (.gapp/.xgapp) file to use.\n" +
" REQUIRED unless specifying --demo.\n" +
"\n" +
" --include_set SET\n" +
" --exclude_set SET\n" +
" Includes or excludes the specified GATE set, by name.\n" +
" By default, the inclusion list is empty, and the exclusion\n" +
" list is also empty. By specifying set names here, you add\n" +
" to the inclusion or exclusion list. You can specify each\n" +
" option multiple times. Then, the rules are as follows:\n" +
" the output from a GATE set is included if (A) the inclusion\n" +
" list is empty OR the set is on the inclusion list, AND (B)\n" +
" the set is not on the exclusion list. Note also that there\n" +
" is a default set with no name; refer to this one using\n" +
" the empty string \"\". Set names are compared in a\n" +
" case-sensitive manner.\n" +
"\n" +
" --annotation ANNOT\n" +
" -a ANNOT\n" +
" Adds the specified annotation to the target list.\n" +
" If you don't specify any, you'll get them all.\n" +
"\n" +
" --set_annotation SET ANNOT\n" +
" -sa SET ANNOT\n" +
" Adds the specific set/annotation combination to the target\n" +
" list. Use this option for maximum control. You cannot mix\n" +
" --annotation and --set_annotation.\n" +
"\n" +
" --encoding ENCODING\n" +
" -e ENCODING\n" +
" The character encoding of the source documents, to be used\n" +
" for file output. If not specified, the platform default\n" +
" encoding (currently \"" + System.getProperty("file.encoding") + "\") is assumed.\n" +
"\n" +
" --input_terminator TERMINATOR\n" +
" -it TERMINATOR\n" +
" Specify stdin end-of-document terminator.\n" +
"\n" +
" --output_terminator TERMINATOR\n" +
" -ot TERMINATOR\n" +
" Specify stdout end-of-document terminator.\n" +
"\n" +
" --log_tag LOGTAG\n" +
" -lt LOGTAG\n" +
" Use an additional tag for stderr logging.\n" +
" Helpful in multiprocess environments.\n" +
"\n" +
" --write_annotated_xml FILESTEM\n" +
" -wa FILESTEM\n" +
" Write annotated XML document to FILESTEM<n>.xml, where <n>\n" +
" is the file's sequence number (starting from 0).\n" +
"\n" +
" --write_gate_xml FILESTEM\n" +
" -wg FILESTEM\n" +
" Write GateXML document to FILESTEM<n>.xml.\n" +
"\n" +
" --write_tsv FILESTEM\n" +
" -wt FILESTEM\n" +
" Write TSV-format annotations to FILESTEM<n>.tsv.\n" +
"\n" +
" --suppress_gate_stdout\n" +
" -s\n" +
" Suppress any stdout from GATE application.\n" +
"\n" +
" --show_contents_on_crash\n" +
" -show_contents_on_crash\n" +
" If GATE crashes, report the current text to stderr (as well\n" +
" as reporting the error).\n" +
" (WARNING: likely to contain identifiable material.)\n" +
"\n" +
" --continue_on_crash\n" +
" -c\n" +
" If GATE crashes, carry on after reporting the error.\n" +
"\n" +
" --help\n" +
" -h\n" +
" Show this help message and exit.\n" +
"\n" +
" --pluginfile PLUGINFILE\n" +
" INI file specifying GATE plugins, including name,\n" +
" location of Maven repository and version. See\n" +
" specimen_gate_plugin_file.ini. A simple example:\n" +
"\n" +
" [ANNIE]\n" +
" name = annie\n" +
" location = uk.ac.gate.plugins\n" +
" version = 8.6\n" +
"\n" +
" [Tools]\n" +
" name = tools\n" +
" location = uk.ac.gate.plugins\n" +
" version = 8.6\n" +
"\n" +
" --launch_then_stop\n" +
" Launch the GATE program, then stop immediately. (Used \n" +
" to pre-download plugins.)\n" +
"\n" +
" --demo\n" +
" Use the demo gapp file.\n"
* Process command-line arguments from m_args, and set internal variables.
private void processArgs() {
int i = 0;
int nleft;
String arg;
String insufficient = cg_pipeline_prefix + "Insufficient arguments while processing ";
String bad_arg = cg_pipeline_prefix + "Unknown argument: ";
// Process
while (i < m_args.length) {
arg = m_args[i++].toLowerCase();
nleft = m_args.length - i;
// writeStderr("PROCESSING ARG: " + arg);
switch (arg) {
case "--include_set":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
case "--exclude_set":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
case "-a":
case "--annotation":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
case "-sa":
case "--set_annotation":
if (nleft < 2) argfail(insufficient + arg);
String set = m_args[i++];
String annot = m_args[i++];
ArrayList<String> annotlist = m_set_annotation_combos.get(set);
if (annotlist == null) {
annotlist = new ArrayList<String>();
m_set_annotation_combos.put(set, annotlist);
} else {
if (!annotlist.contains(annot)) {
case "-e":
case "--encoding":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_file_encoding = m_args[i++];
case "-g":
case "--gate_app":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_gapp_file = new File(m_args[i++]);
case "-h":
case "--help":
case "-it":
case "--input_terminator":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_input_terminator = m_args[i++];
case "-ot":
case "--output_terminator":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_output_terminator = m_args[i++];
case "-lt":
case "--log_tag":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_extra_log_prefix = m_args[i++];
case "-wa":
case "--write_annotated_xml":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_annotxml_filename_stem = m_args[i++];
case "-wg":
case "--write_gate_xml":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_gatexml_filename_stem = m_args[i++];
case "-wt":
case "--write_tsv":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_tsv_filename_stem = m_args[i++];
case "-s":
case "--suppress_gate_stdout":
m_suppress_gate_stdout = true;
case "-show_contents_on_crash":
case "--show_contents_on_crash":
m_show_contents_on_crash = true;
case "-c":
case "--continue_on_crash":
m_continue_on_crash = true;
case "--pluginfile":
if (nleft < 1) argfail(insufficient + arg);
m_plugin_filename = m_args[i++];
case "--launch_then_stop":
m_launch_then_stop = true;
case "--demo":
m_demo = true;
argfail(bad_arg + arg);
// Validate
if (m_gapp_file == null && m_demo == false) {
argfail("Missing -g parameter (no .gapp file specified); " +
"and --demo not specified. use -h for help");
if (!m_target_annotations.isEmpty() && !m_set_annotation_combos.isEmpty()) {
argfail("Use either --annotation or --set_annotation, not both.");
/** Report command-line arguments (from m_args). */
private void reportArgs(boolean to_log) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_args.length; i++) {
String s = "Arg " + i + " = " + m_args[i];
if (to_log) {
} else {
// ========================================================================
// Escaping text
// ========================================================================
/** Escape tabs and newlines with backslash-escaping. */
private String escapeTabsNewlines(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return s;
s = s.replace("\\", "\\");
s = s.replace("\n", "\\n");
s = s.replace("\r", "\\r");
s = s.replace("\t", "\\t");
return s;
* Escape % to %% (to avoid log strings being interpreted as format
* strings).
private String escapePercent(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return s;
s = s.replace("%", "%%");
return s;
private static final char CONTROL_LIMIT = ' ';
private static final char PRINTABLE_LIMIT = '\u007e';
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
/** Create an escaped representation of a string, for debugging. */
public static String toPrintable(String source) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1350397/java-equivalent-of-python-repr
if (source == null) {
return null;
} else {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final int limit = source.length();
char[] hexbuf = null;
int pointer = 0;
while (pointer < limit) {
int ch = source.charAt(pointer++);
switch (ch) {
case '\0': sb.append("\\0"); break;
case '\t': sb.append("\\t"); break;
case '\n': sb.append("\\n"); break;
case '\r': sb.append("\\r"); break;
case '\"': sb.append("\\\""); break;
case '\\': sb.append("\\\\"); break;
} else {
if (hexbuf == null) {
hexbuf = new char[4];
for (int offs = 4; offs > 0; ) {
hexbuf[--offs] = HEX_DIGITS[ch & 0xf];
ch >>>= 4;
sb.append(hexbuf, 0, 4);
return sb.append('"').toString();
// ========================================================================
// stdin handling
// ========================================================================
* Represents a single input text read from stdin, and whether we have
* seen the "please end" special string and therefore are completely
* finished. Returned by readStdin().
private final class StdinResult {
public String contents;
public boolean finished;
StdinResult(String contents, boolean finished) {
this.contents = contents;
this.finished = finished;
StdinResult() {
this.contents = null;
this.finished = false;
* Read from stdin until we receive a terminator (either "end of this
* string" or "end of all strings" and return a StdinResult object.
private StdinResult readStdin() throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(System.in, m_pipe_encoding));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String line;
boolean finished_this = false;
boolean finished_everything = false;
while (!finished_this) {
line = br.readLine();
if (line == null) { // end of stdin
finished_this = true;
finished_everything = true;
} else if (line.equals(m_input_terminator)) { // end of this input
finished_this = true;
} else {
return new StdinResult(sb.toString(), finished_everything);
// ========================================================================
// stdout/stderr/log handling
// ========================================================================
/** Write a message to stderr. */
private void writeStderr(String msg) {
/** Write a message to stdout. */
private void print(String msg) {
/** Write a message to stdout and line-terminate it. */
private void println(String msg) {
// ========================================================================
// File handling
// ========================================================================
/** Write text to a file. */
private void writeToFile(String filename, String contents)
throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException,
IOException {
File file = new File(filename);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
OutputStreamWriter out;
if (m_file_encoding == null) {
out = new OutputStreamWriter(bos);
} else {
out = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, m_file_encoding);
/** Write XML to a file, naming it according to m_count. */
private void writeXml(String stem, String xml)
throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException,
IOException {
String filename = stem + m_count + ".xml";
writeToFile(filename, xml);
// ========================================================================
// PluginsConfig class
// ========================================================================
private final class SinglePluginConfig {
String name;
String location;
String version;
private final class PluginsConfig {
List<SinglePluginConfig> plugins = new ArrayList<SinglePluginConfig>();
public PluginsConfig(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException {
File plugin_file = new File(filename);
Scanner plugin_reader = new Scanner(plugin_file);
while (plugin_reader.hasNextLine()) {
String line = plugin_reader.nextLine().trim();
if (line.startsWith("[") && line.endsWith("]")) {
plugins.add(new SinglePluginConfig());
} else if (plugins.size() != 0) {
String[] parts = line.split("=");
if (parts.length != 2) {
// Line not formatted correctly - ignore
String key = parts[0].trim();
String value = parts[1].trim();
SinglePluginConfig p = plugins.get(plugins.size() - 1);
if (key.equals("name")) {
p.name = value;
} else if (key.equals("location")) {
p.location = value;
} else if (key.equals("version")) {
p.version = value;
} // else we don't care
for (SinglePluginConfig p : plugins) {
if (p.name == null || p.location == null || p.version == null) {
// ========================================================================
// GATE input processing
// ========================================================================
/** Initialize GATE. */
private void setupGate() throws GateException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
m_log.info("Initializing GATE...");
m_log.info("... GATE initialized");
m_log.info("Initializing app...");
if (m_plugin_filename != null) {
PluginsConfig plugins_config = new PluginsConfig(m_plugin_filename);
for (SinglePluginConfig p : plugins_config.plugins) {
// Doesn't fetch plugin again if already downloaded
m_log.info("Getting plugin:");
Plugin newPlugin = new Plugin.Maven(
p.location, p.name, p.version
if (m_demo) {
// Get ANNIE plugin
Plugin anniePlugin = new Plugin.Maven(
"uk.ac.gate.plugins", "annie", "8.6"
m_log.info("Loading the demo gapp file");
// Load the demo gapp file
m_controller = (CorpusController)
PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromUrl(new ResourceReference(
anniePlugin, "resources/" + ANNIEConstants.DEFAULT_FILE)
} else {
// load the saved application
m_controller = (CorpusController)
m_log.info("... app initialized");
m_log.info("Initializing corpus...");
// Create a GATE corpus (name is arbitrary)
m_corpus = Factory.newCorpus("CrateGatePipeline corpus"); // throws ResourceInstantiationException
// Tell the controller about the corpus
m_controller.setCorpus(m_corpus); // doesn't throw
m_log.info("... corpus initialized");
* Send some text to the GATE app, then call reportOutput() to process
* the results.
* Note that the following are subclasses of GateException:
* - ExecutionException
* - InvalidOffsetException
* - ResourceInstantiationException
private void processInput(String text)
throws ResourceInstantiationException, ExecutionException,
IOException, InvalidOffsetException {
if (m_show_contents_on_crash) {
m_current_contents_for_crash_debugging = text;
// Make a document from plain text
Document doc = Factory.newDocument(text); // throws ResourceInstantiationException
// Add the single document to the corpus
// Run the application.
m_log.info("Running application...");
m_controller.execute(); // throws ExecutionException
// Simulate GATE crash?
// throw new ExecutionException("hello");
m_log.info("Application complete, processing output...");
// remove the document from the corpus again
// Garbage collection
// https://gate.ac.uk/sale/tao/splitch7.html#chap:api
// ========================================================================
// GATE output processing
// ========================================================================
* Does the user wish us to process GATE annotations from a specific
* annotation set?
private boolean useSet(String setname) {
// Check set name against inclusion/exclusion lists.
// Case-sensitive comparisons used here.
for (String exclude : m_set_exclusion_list) {
if (setname.equals(exclude)) { // .equals(), not ==!
// Explicitly excluded.
m_log.debug("Explicitly excluding set: " + toPrintable(setname));
return false;
if (m_set_inclusion_list.size() == 0) {
// Empty inclusion list, which means include everything by default.
m_log.debug("Including set by default: " + toPrintable(setname));
return true;
for (String include : m_set_inclusion_list) {
if (setname.equals(include)) { // .equals(), not ==!
// Explicitly included.
m_log.debug("Explicitly including set: " + toPrintable(setname));
return true;
for (String include : m_set_annotation_combos.keySet()) {
if (setname.equals(include)) {
// Explicitly included via a set/annotation pair
m_log.debug("Including set for set/annotation pair: " +
return true;
// An inclusion list has been specified, but our set name isn't on it.
m_log.debug("Excluding set as not included: " + toPrintable(setname));
return false;
/** Which annotation sets does the document provide that the user wants? */
private Map<String, AnnotationSet> getAnnotationSets(Document doc) {
// The default of doc.getAnnotations() only gets the default (unnamed)
// AnnotationSet. But for KConnect/Bio-YODIE, we find an unnamed set,
// and a set named "Bio", whose annotations look like "Bio#Disease".
// Similarly, the GATE BRC Pharmacotherapy app has a set named "Output".
// Sometimes, the default unnamed set provides the same information as
// a named set, so we need to be able to specify inclusion/exclusion
// criteria.
// The underlying functions are:
// public AnnotationSet SimpleDocument::getAnnotations();
// public AnnotationSet SimpleDocument::getAnnotations(String name);
// and then the other useful one is:
// public Set<String> SimpleDocument::getAnnotationSetNames();
Map<String, AnnotationSet> sets = new HashMap<String, AnnotationSet>();
if (useSet("")) {
sets.put("", doc.getAnnotations()); // the unnamed one
for (String name : doc.getAnnotationSetNames()) {
if (useSet(name)) {
sets.put(name, doc.getAnnotations(name));
return sets;
* For a given set of annotations from a GATE document, find ones of
* particular types. Process each via processAnnotation(). Also adds them
* to annotations_to_write, for XML output.
private void fetchAndProcessAnnotations(
Document doc,
PrintStream outtsv,
String setname,
AnnotationSet annotations,
ArrayList<String> target_annots,
Set<Annotation> annotations_to_write) // written to; used for XML
throws InvalidOffsetException, IOException {
Iterator annot_types_it = target_annots.iterator();
while (annot_types_it.hasNext()) {
// Extract all the annotations of each requested type:
AnnotationSet annots_of_this_type = annotations.get(
if (annots_of_this_type != null) {
// Add them to the temporary set, for the XML
// Process individual annotations
Iterator ann_it = annots_of_this_type.iterator();
while (ann_it.hasNext()) {
Annotation annot = (Annotation)ann_it.next();
processAnnotation(setname, annot, doc, outtsv);
* Trawl a processed GATE document, find relevant annotations, and write
* them to our target outputs.
private void reportOutput(Document doc)
throws IOException, InvalidOffsetException {
FeatureMap features = doc.getFeatures();
String outstring;
String original_content = (String)
RepositioningInfo info = (RepositioningInfo)
status("original_content: " + original_content);
status("info: " + info);
PrintStream outtsv = null;
if (m_tsv_filename_stem != null) {
String filename = m_tsv_filename_stem + m_count + ".tsv";
outtsv = new PrintStream(filename);
// Fetch relevant output
if (!m_target_annotations.isEmpty() || !m_set_annotation_combos.isEmpty()) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// User has specified annotations to report.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a temporary Set to hold the annotations we wish to write out
Set<Annotation> annotations_to_write = new HashSet<Annotation>();
// Extract the annotations
Map<String, AnnotationSet> sets = getAnnotationSets(doc);
for (Map.Entry<String, AnnotationSet> gate_entry : sets.entrySet()) {
String setname = gate_entry.getKey();
AnnotationSet annotations = gate_entry.getValue();
if (!m_target_annotations.isEmpty()) {
// Specifying annotations generically
fetchAndProcessAnnotations(doc, outtsv, setname,
annotations, m_target_annotations,
} else {
// Specifying set/annotation combinations
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> sa_combo_entry :
m_set_annotation_combos.entrySet()) {
String target_set = sa_combo_entry.getKey();
if (!setname.equals(target_set)) {
ArrayList<String> target_annots = sa_combo_entry.getValue();
fetchAndProcessAnnotations(doc, outtsv, setname,
annotations, target_annots,
// Write annotated contents (as XML) to file?
if (m_annotxml_filename_stem != null) {
} else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// No annotations specified. Process them all.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Process all of them...
Map<String, AnnotationSet> sets = getAnnotationSets(doc);
for (Map.Entry<String, AnnotationSet> entry : sets.entrySet()) {
String setname = entry.getKey();
AnnotationSet annotations = entry.getValue();
Iterator ann_it = annotations.iterator();
while (ann_it.hasNext()) {
Annotation annot = (Annotation)ann_it.next();
processAnnotation(setname, annot, doc, outtsv);
// ... and write the whole thing as GateXML.
if (m_annotxml_filename_stem != null) {
writeXml(m_annotxml_filename_stem, doc.toXml());
if (outtsv != null) {
// Write GateXML to file?
if (m_gatexml_filename_stem != null) {
writeXml(m_gatexml_filename_stem, doc.toXml());
// Having written to stdout via processAnnotation()...
* Write the output terminate to stdout (and clear the "output terminator
* pending" flag, used by the code that handles GATE crashes).
private void writeOutputTerminator() {
// Flushing is not required:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7166328
m_output_terminator_pending = false;
* Take a GATE annotation, convert it into a key/value output map, and
* write it to the desired output (e.g. stdout +/- a TSV file).
private void processAnnotation(String setname, Annotation a, Document doc,
PrintStream outtsv)
throws InvalidOffsetException, IOException {
String type = a.getType();
long id = a.getId();
long start = a.getStartNode().getOffset().longValue();
long end = a.getEndNode().getOffset().longValue();
FeatureMap featuremap = a.getFeatures();
String content = "" + doc.getContent().getContent(start, end);
// ... was hard work to discover how to get that into a string!
// It's a Serializable, I think, not a string. Anyway, this works.
Map<String, String> outputmap = new HashMap<String, String>();
outputmap.put(KEY_SET, setname);
outputmap.put(KEY_TYPE, type);
outputmap.put(KEY_ID, "" + id);
// ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5071040
outputmap.put(KEY_STARTPOS, "" + start);
outputmap.put(KEY_ENDPOS, "" + end);
outputmap.put(KEY_CONTENT, content);
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : featuremap.entrySet()) {
outputmap.put("" + entry.getKey(), "" + entry.getValue());
// Primary output
printMapAsTsvLine(outputmap, m_out);
// Send to file as well?
if (outtsv != null) {
printMapAsTsvLine(outputmap, outtsv);
// Debugging
m_log.info("Found annotation of type: " + type);
m_log.debug(m_sep1 + "ANNOTATION:");
/** Write a key/value map to an output stream as TSV. */
private void printMapAsTsvLine(Map<String, String> map,
PrintStream stream) {
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (!first) {
first = false;
/** Write a key/value map to the debugging log. */
private void reportEntry(String key, String value) {
m_log.debug(key + ":" + escapeTabsNewlines(value));
private void reportMap(Map<String, String> map, boolean sort_keys) {
if (sort_keys) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/922528/how-to-sort-map-values-by-key-in-java
SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<>(map.keySet());
for (String key : keys) {
String value = map.get(key);
reportEntry(key, value);
} else {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
reportEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
private void reportMap(Map<String, String> map) {
reportMap(map, true);
// ========================================================================
// Main (run from the command line)
// ========================================================================
/** main(); create and run our pipeline. */
public static void main(String args[]) throws GateException, IOException {
CrateGatePipeline pipeline = new CrateGatePipeline(args);