14.4.15. crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names
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Measure entropy and entropy reduction among names.
See also:
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/SEZqJcSm25XpQMhzr/information-theory-and-the-symmetry-of-updating-beliefs denoted [Academian2010].
Summarized: Probabilistic evidence, pev()
pev(A, B) = P(A and B) / [P(A) * P(B)] [1] [Academian2010]
= pev(B, A)
Stating Bayes theorem in those terms:
P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B | A) = P(B) * P(A | B) [2] Bayes, symmetrical
P(A | B) = P(A) * P(B | A) / P(B) [3] Bayes, conventional
but, from [1] and [2], since
pev(A, B) = P(B) * P(A | B) / [P(A) * P(B)] RNC derivation
= P(A | B) / P(A)
= P(A) * P(B | A) / [P(A) * P(B)]
= P(B | A) / P(B)
we reach this version of Bayes’ theorem:
P(A | B) = P(A) * pev(A, B) [4a] [Academian2010]
P(B | A) = P(B) * pev(A, B) [4b] [Academian2010]
Probabilistic evidence, being the ratio of two probabilities, has range [0, +∞]. It is a multiplicative measure of mutual evidence: 1 if A and B are independent; >1 if they make each other more likely; <1 if they make each other less likely. Information value, inf()
The information value of an event (a.k.a. surprisal, self-information):
inf(A) = log_base_half[P(A)] = -log2[P(A)] [5] [Academian2010]
Range check: p(A) ∈ [0, 1], so inf(A) ∈ [0, +∞]; impossibility (p = 0) gives inf(A) = +∞, while certainty (p = 1) gives inf(A) = 0; p = 0.5 corresponds to inf(A) = 1.
This is also “uncertainty” (how many independent bits are required to confirm that A is true) or “informativity” (how many independent bits are gained if we are told that A is true). Informational evidence, iev()
Redundancy, or mutual information, or informational evidence:
iev(A, B) = log2[pev(A, B)] [6] [Academian2010]
NOTE the error in the original (twice, in equation and
preceding paragraph); it cannot be -log2[pev(A, B)], as pointed
out in the comments, and rechecked here.
= log2{ P(A and B) / [P(A) * P(B)] } from [1]
= log2[P(A and B)] - log2[P(A)] - log2[P(B)]
= -inf(A and B) + inf(A) + inf(B)
= inf(A) + inf(B) - inf(A and B) [7] [Academian2010]
= iev(B, A)
Range check: pev ∈ [0, +∞], so iev ∈ [-∞, +∞].
If iev(A, B) is positive, the uncertainty of A decreases upon observing B (meaning A becomes more likely). If it is negative, the uncertainty of A increases (A becomes less likely). A value of -∞ means A and B completely contradict each other, and +∞ means they completely confirm each other. Conditional information value
inf(A | B) = -log2[P(A | B)] [8], from [5]
= -log2{ P(A) * pev(A, B) } from [4a]
= -{ log2[P(A)] + log2[pev(A, B)] }
= -log2[P(A)] - log2[pev(A, B)]
= inf(A) - iev(A, B) from [5, 6]
= inf(A) - [inf(A) + inf(B) - inf(A and B)] from [7]
= inf(A) - inf(A) - inf(B) + inf(A and B)
= - inf(B) + inf(A and B)
= inf(A and B) - inf(B) [9] [Academian2010] Information-theoretic Bayes’ theorem
Taking logs of [4a],
log2[P(A | B)] = log2[P(A)] + log2[pev(A, B)]
-log2[P(A | B)] = -log2[P(A)] - log2[pev(A, B)]
we obtain, from [8], [5], and [6] respectively,
inf(A | B) = inf(A) - iev(A, B) [10] [Academian2010]
or: Bayesian updating is subtracting mutual evidence from uncertainty. A worked example
./entropy_names.py demo_info_theory_bayes_cancer Other references
Bayes theorem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem … ultimately Bayes (1763).
A probability mass function for a discrete random variable X, which can take multiple states each labelled x: p_X(x) = P(X = x). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_mass_function
Information content, self-information, surprisal, Shannon information, inf(): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_content … ultimately e.g. Shannon (1948), Shannon & Weaver (1949). For a single event, usually expressed as I(x) = -log[P(x)]. For a random variable, usually expressed as I_X(x) = -log[p_X(x)].
Entropy is the expected information content (surprisal) of measurement of X: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory) Usually written H(X) = E[I(X)] = E[-log(P(X))], or (with the minus sign outside): H(X) = -sum_i[P(x_i) * log(P(x_i))], i.e. the sum of information for each value, weighted by the probability of that value.
Mutual information (compare “informational evidence” above): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_information Typically:
I(X; Y) = I(Y; X) # symmetric = H(X) - H(X | Y) = H(Y) - H(Y | X) = H(X) + H(Y) - H(X, Y) # cf. eq. [7]? = H(X, Y) - H(X | Y) - H(Y | X) I(X; Y) >= 0 # non-negative
H(X) and H(Y) are marginal entropies,
H(X | Y) and H(Y | X) are conditional entropies,
H(X, Y) is the joint entropy.
However, this is not the same quantity; I(X; Y) >= 0 whereas iev ∈ [-∞, +∞]. This (Wikipedia) is the mutual information of two random variables: the amount of information you can observe about one random variable by observing the other. The “iev” concept above is about pairs of individual events.
For two discrete RVs,
I(X; Y) = sum_y{ sum_x{ P_XY(x, y) log[ P_XY(x, y) / (P_X(x) * P_Y(y)) ] }}
Mutual information is a consideration across events. The individual-event version is “pointwise mutual information”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointwise_mutual_information, which is
pmi(x; y) = log[ P(x, y) / (P(x) * P(y) ] = log[ P(x | y) / P(x) ] = log[ P(y | x) / P(y) ] Applying to our problem of selecting a good partial representation
Assume we are comparing a proband and a candidate and there is not a full match. We start with some sort of prior, P(H | information so far); for now, we’ll simplify that to P(H). We want P(H | D) where D is the new information from the partial identifier – the options being a partial match, or no match. We generally use this form of Bayes’ theorem:
ln(posterior odds) = ln(prior odds) + ln(likelihood ratio)
ln[P(H | D) / P(¬H | D)] = ln[P(H) / P(¬H)] + ln[P(D | H) / P(D | ¬H)]
Converting to log2 just involves multiplying by a constant, of course:
ln(x) = log2(x) * ln(2)
log2(x) = ln(x) * log2(e)
A partial match would provide a log likelihood of
log(p_ep) − log(p_pnf)
and no match would provide a log likelihood of
log(p_en) − log(p_n)
We could weight that (or the information equivalent) by the probability of obtaining a partial match (given no full match) and of obtaining no match (given no full match) respectively.
… let’s skip this and try mutual information.
Code largely abandoned; not re-checked since NameFrequencyInfo was refactored, since this code had served it purpose.
- class crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.ValidationNameFreqInfo(name: str, p_name: float, metaphone: str, p_metaphone: float, f2c: str, p_f2c: float)[source]
Used for validation calculations.
- __init__(name: str, p_name: float, metaphone: str, p_metaphone: float, f2c: str, p_f2c: float) None
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.demo_info_theory_bayes_cancer() None [source]
From the comments in [Academian2010]:
1% of women at age forty who participate in routine screening have breast cancer. 80% of women with breast cancer will get positive mammographies. 9.6% of women without breast cancer will also get positive mammographies. A woman in this age group had a positive mammography in a routine screening. What is the probability that she actually has breast cancer?
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.entropy(frequencies: Iterable[float]) float [source]
Returns the (information/Shannon) entropy of the probability distribution supplied, in bits. By definition,
H = -sum_i[ p_i * log_2(p_i) ]
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.gen_gender_weighted_frequencies(freqdict: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float], p_female: float) Generator[float, None, None] [source]
Generates gender-weighted frequencies. Requires p_female + p_male = 1.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.gen_mutual_info_name_probabilities(nf: NameFrequencyInfo, p_female: float | None = None, name_metaphone: bool = False, name_firsttwochar: bool = False, metaphone_firsttwochar: bool = False) Generator[Tuple[float, float, float], None, None] [source]
Generates mutual information probabilities for name/fuzzy name comparisons.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.gen_name_frequency_tuples(nf: NameFrequencyInfo, p_female: float | None = None) Generator[ValidationNameFreqInfo, None, None] [source]
Generates frequency tuples (name, p_name, metaphone, p_metaphone, f2c, p_firsttwochar).
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.get_frequencies(nf: NameFrequencyInfo, p_female: float | None = None, metaphones: bool = False, first_two_char: bool = False) List[float] [source]
Returns raw frequencies for a category of identifier, optionally combining (weighting by gender) for those stored separately by gender.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.inf_bits_from_p(p: float) float [source]
The information value (surprisal, self-information) of an event from its probability, p; see equation [5] above.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.mutual_info(iterable_xy_x_y: Iterable[Tuple[float, float, float]], verbose: bool = False) float [source]
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_information: mutual information of two jointly discrete random variables X and Y. The expectation from the iterable is that for all x ∈ X and y ∈ Y, the iterable delivers the tuple P_X_Y(x, y), P_X(x), P_Y(y). Uses log2 and therefore the units are bits.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.p_from_inf(inf_bits: float) float [source]
The information value (surprisal, self-information) of an event from its probability, p; see equation [5] above.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.p_log2_p_over_q(p: float, q: float) float [source]
Given p and q, calculate p * log_2(p / q), except return 0 if p == 0. Used for KL divergence.
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.p_log2p(p: float) float [source]
Given p, calculate p * log_2(p).
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.partial_calcs(nf: NameFrequencyInfo, p_female: float | None = None, report_every: int = 10000, debug_stop: int | None = None) None [source]
Show e.g. p(match metaphone but not name). This has the potential to be really slow (e.g. 175k^2 = 3e10) though it should only need to be done once – however, we can optimize beyond an n^2 comparison. Uses examples from the public US name databases.
Maths is e.g.
integral_over_a(integral_over_b(p_a * p_b * binary(conjunction event)))
Share metaphone, not first two characters (F2C) or name:
Share F2C, not metaphone or name:
AALDERS [ALTR, AA] / AASEN [ASN, AA] (etc.; these are obvious)
- crate_anon.linkage.validation.entropy_names.relative_entropy_kl_divergence(pairs: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) float [source]
Returns the relative entropy, or Kullback-Leibler divergence, D_KL(P || Q), in bits; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullback%E2%80%93Leibler_divergence.
The iterable should contain pairs P(x), Q(x) for all values of x in the distribution. We calculate
D_KL(P || Q) = sum_x{ P(x) * log[P(x) / Q(x)] }