14.4.10. crate_anon.linkage.matchresult


Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).

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Match result for fuzzy matching.

class crate_anon.linkage.matchresult.MatchResult(winner: Person | None = None, best_log_odds: float = -inf, second_best_log_odds: float = -inf, best_candidate: Person | None = None, second_best_candidate: Person | None = None, proband: Person | None = None)[source]

Result of a comparison between a proband (person) and a sample (group of people).

__init__(winner: Person | None = None, best_log_odds: float = -inf, second_best_log_odds: float = -inf, best_candidate: Person | None = None, second_best_candidate: Person | None = None, proband: Person | None = None)[source]
  • winner – The person in the sample (candidate) who matches the proband, if there is a winner by our rules; None if there is no winner.

  • best_log_odds – Natural log odds of the best candidate being the same as the proband, –∞ if there are no candidates

  • second_best_log_odds – The log odds of the closest other contender, which may be –∞.

  • best_candidate – The person in the sample (candidate) who is the closest match to the proband. May be None. If there is a winner, this is also the best person – but the best person may not be the winner (if they are not likely enough, or if there is another close contender).

  • second_best_candidate – The runner-up (second-best) candidate person, or None.

  • proband – The proband used for the comparison. (Helpful for parallel processing.)