9.2. Database structure

You can view the database structure in several ways.

Note that your administrator only has to tell CRATE about the database(s) and the way they’re linked, not about all tables in the database(s) – CRATE works out the rest by reading the database(s) directly.

9.2.1. Online in paginated tabular format

This shows the structure for all databases that CRATE knows about, in a paginated table. The columns are:

  • Schema

  • Table

  • Column

  • Comment

  • Data type (e.g. VARCHAR(32), INT(11), DATETIME)

  • May be NULL?

  • Indexed?

  • FULLTEXT index?

9.2.2. Online in single-page tabular format

This is like the paginated version, but all on one page.


May be slow for large databases.

9.2.3. Online in collapsible tree form

This shows a list of table names; each one is associated with a table of details (as above) that can be expanded and collapsed.


May be slow for large databases.

9.2.4. Download in tab-separated values (TSV) format

The same information as for the HTML view described above, but as a TSV file.

9.2.5. Download in Excel (.XLSX) format

The same information as for the HTML view described above, but as a single-sheet Office Open XML (Excel .XLSX) file.

9.2.6. Help on local database structure

This simply shows a page defined by your administrator.

(See DATABASE_HELP_HTML_FILENAME in Web config file.)