13.1. Testing

The python code on the server is tested with pytest

Tests are kept separate to the code they are testing in a tests sub-folder with the filename of the module appended with _tests.py. So the module crate_anon/anonymise/anonymise.py is tested in crate_anon/anonymise/tests/anonymise_tests.py.

Test classes should end in Tests e.g. AnonRegexTests. Tests that require an empty database should inherit from DatabaseTestCase. See crate_anon/testing/classes. Tests that do not require a database can just inherit from the standard python unittest.TestCase

To run all tests whilst in the CRATE virtual environment:

cd crate_anon

By default if there is an existing test database, this will be reused.

Custom CRATE pytest options:


Create a new test database. Necessary when there have been schema changes. Note that the option --create-db is added by pytest-django and isn’t currently used by CRATE.


Store the database in memory instead of on disk (SQLite only).


Log all SQL statements to the default log handler


SQLAlchemy test database URL (Not applicable to SQLite).

Some common standard pytest options:


Stop on failure

-k wildcard

Run tests whose classes or files only match the wildcard


Do not capture stdout and stderr. Necessary when debugging with e.g. pdb


Run previously failed tests first