Source code for crate_anon.preprocess.systmone_ddgen



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Generate a CRATE data dictionary for SystmOne data.**


- SystmOne is a general-purpose electronic health record (EHR) system from TPP
  (The Phoenix Partnership):

- It's widely used in general practice (GP), and in
  Cambridgeshire/Peterborough, ~80% of GP surgeries use it (2018 data,, Figure 2).

- Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) used to use
  SystmOne for community services, and then moved nearly all the rest of its
  services to SystmOne (from RiO, in the case of mental health services):
  Children's Directorate (12 Oct 2020), Community Hospital wards (30 Nov 2020),
  the rest of the Older People, Adults, and Community Directorate (7 Dec 2020),
  and finally the Adult and Specialist Directorate (14 Jun 2021).

- SystmOne is centrally hosted by TPP.

- TPP provide a nightly "Strategic Reporting extract" (SRE) of SystmOne data.

- Its primary coding mechanisms are (1) CTV3 (Read) codes, and (2) SNOMED
  codes (see e.g. -- the latter are gradually
  taking over (as of 2021). Coded values can be numeric. For example, one entry
  might include:

  - SNOMED code 718087004
  - SNOMED text "QRISK2 cardiovascular disease 10 year risk score"
  - CTV3 code "XaQVY"
  - CTV3 text "QRISK2 cardiovascular disease 10 year risk score"
  - Numeric unit "%"
  - Numeric value 10.4

- SystmOne collects data mostly via "templates" and "questionnaires". Templates
  are perhaps closer to the heart of SystmOne (e.g. better presented in the
  long-form journal view) and values entered into templates are (always?)
  coded. Questionnaires are more free-form. Both can have free text attached to
  coded values.

Strategic Reporting extract

```` (e.g. 2021-02-18) contains e.g. ``Specification
v123.csv``, which is a full description of the SRE. Principles:

- All these tables start ``SR``, e.g. ``SR18WeekWait``, ``SRAAndEAttendance``.

- Columns in that spreadsheet are:

  .. code-block:: none

    ColumnDataType -- possible values include:
        Date and Time
        Numeric - Integer
        Numeric - Real
        Text - Fixed
        Text - Variable
    ColumnLength -- possible values include:
        empty (e.g. boolean, date, date/time)
        8 for integer
        4 for real
        the VARCHAR length -- for both "variable" and "fixed" text types
    ColumnOrdinal -- sequence number of column within table
    LinkedTable     }
    LinkedColumn1   }-+
    LinkedColumn2   } |
                      +-- e.g.
                            SROrganisation, ID
                            SRStaffMember, RowIdentifier
                            SRPatient, RowIdentifier, IDOrganisationVisibleTo

- To get a table list:

  .. code-block:: bash

    # Poor for CSVs with newlines within their strings:
    tail -n+2 "Specification v123.csv" | cut -d, -f1 | sort | uniq

    # Much better:
    python3 -c 'import csv; print("\n".join(row[0] for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(open("Specification v123.csv"))) if i > 0))' | sort | uniq

- Tables and their descriptions:

  .. code-block:: python

    import csv
    s = set()
    for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(open("Specification v123.csv"))):
        if i > 0:
            s.add(f"{row[0]} - {row[1]}")

    print("\n".join((x for x in sorted(s))))

  Translating that to a single line:
  ... meh, hard.

- ``SRPatient`` looks to be the master patient table here -- including names,
  dates of birth/death, NHS number.

- ``Tpp Strategic Reporting Table Specification v123.rtf`` contains a nicer
  version of (exactly?) the same information.

- Strategic Reporting downloads can be configured. Options include:

  - Whether to include the shared record. (I'm not sure if that means a
    national thing or data from SystmOne that each patient may have consented
    to sharing "'out' from another organization, then 'in' to mine".)

- When a download is set up, the recipient gets one CSV file per table
  selected, such as ``SRPatient.csv`` for the ``SRPatient`` table, plus some
  ever-present system tables:

  - ``SRManifest.csv``, describing what you've received;
  - ``SRMapping.csv`` and ``SRMappingGroup.csv``, providing text for built-in

- The date format is e.g. "29 Sep 2011 14:53:28". Unknown times are marked as
  "00:00:00". Unknown dates give an empty string. Boolean values are ``TRUE``
  or ``FALSE``.

Free-text data

The SRE does not contain free text data or binary documents by default. For
some Trusts, an augmented SRE is provided also, with that information.

From ``FreeText Model.xlsx``, 2021-04-15, some of this data comes in the
following format:

.. code-block:: none

    Field Name	                Type	        Description
    RowIdentifier	            bigint	        The unique identifier of the
    IDPatient	                bigint	        Links to patient ID in
    IDReferralIn	            bigint	        ID of referral
    IDEvent	                    bigint	        Links to activity event ID
    Question	                varchar(MAX)	The questionnaire question
    [FreeText]	                varchar(MAX)	The answer given to the above
    EventDate	                datetime	    The data/time of the
    SRTable	                    varchar(100)	Which SR table the record
                                                relates to
    IDSRTable	                bigint	        The ID of the above table
    QuestionnaireName	        varchar(255)	The name of the questionnaire
    IDAnsweredQuestionnaire	    bigint	        The ID of the above
    QuestionnaireVersionNumber	int	            The version number of the above
    IDOrganisation	            bigint	        Organisation ID of the
                                                questionnaire record
    CPFTGroup	                int	            Group (directorate)
    Directorate	                varchar(50)	    Directorate name
    TeamName	                varchar(100)	Name of team linked to the
    IsMentalHealth	            int	            Mental or physical health
    Imported	                date	        Date imported to the database

    (SR = Strategic Reporting.)

Specimen values:

- SRTable: 'SRAnsweredQuestionnaire'
- IDSRTable: this varies for rows with SRTable = 'SRAnsweredQuestionnaire', so
  I think it's the PK within the table indicated by SRTable.
- QuestionnaireName = 'CPFT Risk Assessment'
- IDAnsweredQuestionnaire = this is unique for rows with QuestionnaireName =
  'CPFT Risk Assessment', so I think it's the ID of the Questionnaire, and is
  probably a typo.

(This ends up (in our environment) in the S1_FreeText table, as below, so it
likely arrives as SRFreeText.)

However, note that ``RowIdentifier`` is **not** unique in this table. Whatever
they mean by "record", it isn't that. For example, there are 7 rows with one
common value of ``RowIdentifier`` that are clearly the 7 questions (in
``Question``) and textually coded answers (in ``FreeText``) to a SWEMWBS
questionnaire. That means that to apply a FULLTEXT index, which requires an
indexed unique value, we have to add one.

Key fields

- ``IDPatient`` -- the SystmOne patient number, in all patient tables (PID,
  in CRATE terms).
- ``SRPatient.NHSNumber`` -- the NHS number (MPID, in CRATE terms).

Notable tables in the SRE

- [SR]Patient, as above

- Patient identifiers and relationship/third-party details:

  - [SR]PatientAddressHistory
  - [SR]PatientContactDetails
  - [SR]HospitalAAndENumber

- Relationship/third-party details:

  - [SR]PatientRelationship
  - some of the safeguarding tables

- [SR]NDOptOutPreference, re NHS national data opt out (for NHS Act s251 use)

  - This has an IDPatient column; presumably presence indicates an active

- Full text and binary:

  - [SR]Media -- contains filenames and some metadata
  - [SR]FreeText -- if supplied

Notable additional tables/columns in the CPFT environment

- S1_FreeText -- this includes all answers to Questionnaires (linked via
  ``IDAnsweredQuestionnaire`` etc.). Comes from the "upgraded" SRE.

- Several tables have identifiers linked in. For example, try:

  .. code-block:: sql

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name = 'FirstName'

Notable tables omitted from the CPFT environment

- Questionnaire -- data is linked into to AnsweredQuestionnaire (which still
  contains the column ``IDQuestionnaire``).

CPFT copy

This broadly follows the SRE, but is expanded. Some notable differences:

- Tables named ``SR*`` in the SRE are named ``S1_*`` in the CPFT version (e.g.
  ``SRPatient`` becomes ``S1_Patient``).

- There is a ``S1_Patient.NationalDataOptOut`` column (0 or 1).

- The local opt-out information appears in S1_ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch
  (as the OptOut field, a text field) but is clearer in
  S1_ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch_OptOutCheck, which only contains patients
  opting out and has:

  .. code-block:: none

    IDPatient = <ID_of_patient_opting_out>
    SNOMEDCode = 1091881000000109
    CTV3Code = 'XaaDb'
    CTV3Text = 'Declined invitation to participate in research study'

  So for CPFT, we will autodetect this table/column
  (S1_ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch_OptOutCheck.SNOMEDCode) and the config
  file should contain:

  .. code-block:: ini

    optout_col_values = [1091881000000109]

- There seem to be quite a few extra tables, such as:

  .. code-block:: none


  These look like CPFT-created tables pulling data from questionnaires or

- There is ``S1_FreeText``, where someone (NP!) has helpfully imported that
  additional data.

- There is ``S1_ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch``, which is the traffic-light
  system for the CPFT Research Database.

In more detail:

- All data is loaded via stored procedures, available via Microsoft SQL Server
  Management Studio in :menuselection:`[server] --> [database] -->
  Programmability --> Stored Procedures`. Right-click any and choose "Modify"
  to view the source. For example, the stored procedure named
  ``dbo.load_S1_Patient`` creates the ``S1_Patient`` table.

- ``RwNo`` or ``RwNo_Patient`` is frequently used, typically via:

  .. code-block:: none

        -- stuff,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY IDPatient
            ORDER BY DateEventRecorded DESC
        ) AS RwNo
        -- somewhere
        RwNo = 1

        -- stuff,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY IDPatient
            ORDER BY DateEvent DESC
        ) AS RwNo_Patient
        -- somewhere

  ... in other words, picking the most recent for each patient (or, without
  the WHERE clause, showing its sequencing within each patient).

Test patients in the live system?

There are some test patients in our live system.

.. code-block:: sql

    SELECT COUNT(*)  -- or DISTINCT firstname, surname
    FROM S1_Patient
    WHERE firstname LIKE '%test%' AND surname LIKE '%test%';

    -- Several present. However, in the CPFT copy, column "TestPatient" from
    -- this table (BOOLEAN in SRE docs) is missing. How to distinguish?

There are several present. They should be distinguished by the ``TestPatient``
column (BOOLEAN, as per the SRE docs). Our code looks for the "TestPatient"
column and marks it as an opt-out flag.

.. todo:: TestPatient column missing in CPFT copy. [A/w NP 2022-03-21.]

Manual review after first draft

Reviewing CPFT de-identified output for patient-related content only (not
staff-related), per local ethics approvals.

.. code-block:: sql

    -- Tables in the de-identified database:
    SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_catalog = 'S1' ORDER BY table_name;

All reviewed and this code tweaked accordingly.

Related tools

- The OpenSAFELY research tool runs on SystmOne data (with other data linked
  in); it therefore provides helpful code lists. See


  This tool is one that separates researchers from data (by allowing queries,
  not researchers, access); it made its debut during COVID-19 with Williamson
  et al. (2020),

- Other such tools like DataSHIELD (, or e.g. Gaye
  et al. 2014, perform similar
  researcher/data separation via other methods.

"""  # noqa

# todo: SystmOne (CRATE traffic-light system): implement S1_ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch  # noqa

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

import csv
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

from cardinal_pythonlib.dicts import reversedict
from cardinal_pythonlib.enumlike import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

from crate_anon.anonymise.altermethod import AlterMethod
from crate_anon.anonymise.constants import (
from crate_anon.common.logfunc import warn_once
from crate_anon.common.sql import SQLTYPE_DATE
from crate_anon.anonymise.dd import DataDictionary, DataDictionaryRow
from crate_anon.preprocess.constants import CRATE_COL_PK

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Typing
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

TABLE_TRANSLATION_DICT_TYPE = Dict["SystmOneContext", Dict[str, str]]
# ... maps a SystmOneContext to a dictionary mapping one tablename to another

    "SystmOneContext", Dict[Tuple[str, str], str]
# ... maps a SystmOneContext to a dictionary mapping (table, col) to newcol

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions for constants
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _flip_coldict(d: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str]) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], str]:
    Flips a mapping from (tablename, col1): col2 to (tablename, col2): col1.
    return {(table, newcol): srccol for (table, srccol), newcol in d.items()}

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cosmetic
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

COMMENT_SEP = " // "  # for combining parts of column comments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic regular expression
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ANYTHING = ".+"  # at least one character

[docs]def not_just_at_start(x: str) -> str: """ Apply a prefix so that a regex string doesn't just work at the start of a string. """ return ".*" + x
[docs]def terminate(x: str) -> str: """ Apply an end-of-string terminator to a regex string. """ return x + "$"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Contexts and table naming # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class SystmOneContext(Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """ Environments in which we might have SystmOne data. """ TPP_SRE = "TPP Strategic Reporting Extract" CPFT_DW = "CPFT Data Warehouse"
DEFAULT_SYSTMONE_CONTEXT = SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW TABLE_PREFIXES = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: "SR", SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: "S1_", } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Table names # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Core" tablename, without the SR/S1_/... prefix.
[docs]class S1Table: """ SystmOne "core" table names, with no prefix. """ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables containing a range of patient identifiers # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PATIENT = "Patient" # e.g. SRPatient (SRE), S1_Patient (CPFT) ADDRESS_HISTORY = "PatientAddressHistory" CARE_PLAN_REVIEW = "CarePlanReview" CONTACT_DETAILS = "PatientContactDetails" RELATIONSHIPS = "PatientRelationship" # Other tables starting "Patient": # - SRPatientContactProperty: seems not relevant; describes visits/diary # events # - SRPatientGroups: e.g. to group patients in a residential home; also # family, but contains no direct identifiers. # - SRPatientLeave: leave from hospital. # - SRPatientLocation: location within A&E departments, I think. # - SRPatientRegistration: registration status (and who did it); also their # preferred pharmacy; but no direct identifiers. HOSP_AE_NUMBERS = "HospitalAAndENumber" SAFEGUARDING_PERSON_AT_RISK = "SafeguardingPersonAtRisk" # See also OMIT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS below. # # Other tables whose name might suggest patient identifiers: # - SRAddressBookEntry: institutional addresses only? (FK to this from # SRSafeguardingIncidentDetails, for example.) todo: check -- institutional addresses only? # noqa # - SRHospitalAdmissionAndDischarge, etc. -- no external identifiers linked # to HospitalAAndENumber, just SystmOne IDs. # - SROohEmergencyCall -- no contact numbers. # - SROohTransport -- very structured. # - SROohVisit -- very structured. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables containing free text # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREETEXT = "FreeText" MEDIA = "Media" # todo: binary documents -- how? # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Others requiring special treatment # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACTIVITY_EVENT = "ActivityEvent" BED_CLOSURE = "BedClosure" CONTACTS = "Contacts" DISCHARGE_DELAY = "DischargeDelay" MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_APPEAL = "SectionAppeal" MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_AWOL = "MHAWOL" NOMIS_NUMBER = "NomisNumber" # National Offender Management Info. System OUT_OF_HOURS_ACTION = "OohAction" OUT_OF_HOURS_THIRD_PARTY_CALL = "OohThirdPartyCall" SAFEGUARDING_ALLEGATION_DETAILS = "SafeguardingAllegationDetails" SAFEGUARDING_INCIDENT_DETAILS = "SafeguardingIncidentDetails" TASK = "Task" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Not used here, but used for the consent-for-contact system # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLINICAL_CODE = "ClinicalCode" GP_PRACTICE_HISTORY = "GPPracticeHistory" HOSPITAL_CONSULTANT_EVENT = "HospitalConsultantEvent" ORGANISATION = "Organisation" REFERRAL_ALLOCATION = "ReferralAllocation" REFERRAL_ALLOCATION_STAFF = "ReferralAllocationStaff" RESPONSIBLE_PARTY = "ResponsibleParty" TEAM = "Team"
[docs]class CPFTTable: """ Selected tables that CPFT have renamed or created. """ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables containing a range of patient identifiers # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDRESS = "PatientAddress" CONTACT_DETAILS = "PatientContact" DEMOGRAPHICS = "Demographics" REL_MOTHER = "PatientRelationshipMother" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables containing free text # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE = "CYPFRS_TelephoneTriage" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Others requiring special treatment # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BED_CLOSURE = "InpatientBedClosure" CONTACTS_ARCHIVE = "ContactsArchive" CONTACTS_ARCHIVE_CLIENT_SEQUENCE = "ContactsArchive_ClientSequence" MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_APPEAL = "MentalHealthAct_SectionAppeal" MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_AWOL = "MentalHealthAct_Awol" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Not used here, but used for the consent-for-contact system # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIAGNOSIS = "Diagnosis" GP_PRACTICE = "PatientGPPractice" INPATIENT_CONSULTANT_EPISODE = "InpatientSpells_ConsultantEpisode" CARE_COORDINATOR = "CPACareCoordinator" # These created as custom tables (quasi-views) by CPFT, with no direct # equivalent in the original (the data probably coming from SRCode or # similar): CPFTRD_PREFS = "ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch" CPFTRD_EMAIL = "ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch_EmailCheck" CPFTRD_OPT_OUT = "ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch_OptOutCheck"
[docs]class CrateView: """ Views created by CRATE, which do not have contextual prefixes. """ CRATE_VIEW_PREFIX = "vw_crate_" GEOGRAPHY_VIEW = CRATE_VIEW_PREFIX + "PatientAddressWithResearchGeography" TESTPATIENT_VIEW = CRATE_VIEW_PREFIX + "FindExtraTestPatients"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Table collections # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tables are referred to here by their "core" name, i.e. after removal of # prefixes like "SR" or "S1_", if they have one. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables to include # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX_S1 = ( # Include even if --systmone_allow_unprefixed_tables is not used. CrateView.CRATE_VIEW_PREFIX, ) _INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX_CPFT = ("vw",) # some other views INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX_S1 + _INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables to omit # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_S1 = ( S1Table.NOMIS_NUMBER, # NOMIS (prison) numbers S1Table.SAFEGUARDING_ALLEGATION_DETAILS, # ... sensitive and no patient ID column ) _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_CPFT = ( # CPFT extras: "Deaths", # has NHS number then multi-system ID but not consistent SystmOne patient ID # noqa "gr_workings", # no idea "InpatientAvailableBeds", # RowIdentifier very far from unique; ?no PK; no patient info # noqa ) OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_S1 + _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_CPFT, } _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX_S1 = () _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX_CPFT = ( # CPFT extras: "Accommodation_", # ... e.g. Accommodation_20210329, Accommodation_Wendy "AuditLog", # may have gone now! Was there for a while. Not relevant. # KEPT: ClinicalOutcome_NHS_Staff_LongCovid. # This one filters for CTV3 codes "Y2c49" and "Y2ca". As d/w NP 2021-12-14: # - These are "local" codes. # ("Official" Read codes have been frozen since 2016, according to # # noqa # - They indicate whether someone is a healthcare worker (HCW). # - Introduced for COVID-19, since HCW status was a clear risk factor for # infection. # - No detail suggesting identification (and they don't indicate e.g. # membership of a specific Trust, or a specific job role). "Inpatients", # S1_Inpatients, S1_Inpatients_20201020: current inpatients -- but these # tables have NHSNumber as FLOAT. Exclude them. "Mortality", # includes S1_Mortality, S1_MortalityAdditionalInfo # These contain (a) age (rather than DOB) information, and (b) information # from multiple systems -- some risk of including RiO patients with # coincidentally the same ClientID as a SystmOne IDPatient, unless # filtered, and is derived information anyway -- for now, we'll omit. "ReferralsOpen$", # This CPFT table is a non-patient table (but with potentially identifiable # information about referral reason? -- maybe not) -- skip it. "WaitList_", # S1_Waitlist_* # Waiting list tables use a confusing blend of SystmOne "IDPatient" and # RiO "ClientID" columns, and it's not clear they add much. "UserSmartCard", # Not relevant clinically. # I considered excluding "vw.*" (views) and "zzz.*" (scratch tables) here, # but the user has the option to exclude all such tables via # --systmone_allow_unprefixed_tables if they desire. Views may be useful; # see also INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX above. However, "zz" or "zzz" tables in # CPFT are scratch tables that should not be used: "zz", # Some have suffixes e.g. "S1_ReferralsIn_20200917", i.e. end with an # underscore then 8 digits. These are temporary copies that we should not # use. Some have more after that date. r"\w+_\d{8}", # If a table has the suffix "_old", we probably don't want it! r"\w+_old", ) OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX_S1 + _OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables that have been renamed # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _S1_TO_CPFT_TABLE_TRANSLATION = { # Where CPFT has renamed a S1 SRE table directly. S1Table.ADDRESS_HISTORY: CPFTTable.ADDRESS, # ... i.e. CPFT have renamed SRPatientAddressHistory to S1_PatientAddress. S1Table.BED_CLOSURE: CPFTTable.BED_CLOSURE, S1Table.CLINICAL_CODE: CPFTTable.DIAGNOSIS, S1Table.CONTACT_DETAILS: CPFTTable.CONTACT_DETAILS, S1Table.HOSPITAL_CONSULTANT_EVENT: CPFTTable.INPATIENT_CONSULTANT_EPISODE, S1Table.MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_APPEAL: CPFTTable.MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_APPEAL, S1Table.MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_AWOL: CPFTTable.MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_AWOL, S1Table.GP_PRACTICE_HISTORY: CPFTTable.GP_PRACTICE, S1Table.RESPONSIBLE_PARTY: CPFTTable.CARE_COORDINATOR, } CORE_TO_CONTEXT_TABLE_TRANSLATIONS = { # Key: destination context. # Value: translation dictionary, mapping "core" tablename to target. # Absent values lead to no translation. SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: {}, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _S1_TO_CPFT_TABLE_TRANSLATION, } # type: TABLE_TRANSLATION_DICT_TYPE CONTEXT_TO_CORE_TABLE_TRANSLATIONS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: {}, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: reversedict(_S1_TO_CPFT_TABLE_TRANSLATION), } # type: TABLE_TRANSLATION_DICT_TYPE # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Tables that look like they have a proper PK, but don't, and we very much want # them to. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TABLES_REQUIRING_CRATE_PK_REGEX = ( # Tables go here if we have to add a PK-style column/index -- usually # because we want to apply a FULLTEXT index. S1Table.FREETEXT, # ... unterminated, so includes FreeText (S1) and FreeText_* (CPFT) ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Column names # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We work internally with TPP SRE column names. Any renaming (e.g. in CPFT) is # explicitly noted.
[docs]class S1GenericCol: """ Columns used in many SystmOne tables. """ CTV3_CODE = "CTV3Code" # Read code CTV3_TEXT = "CTV3Text" # ... and corresponding description EVENT_ID = "IDEvent" # FK to SREvent.RowIdentifier EVENT_OCCURRED_WHEN = "DateEvent" # when event happened EVENT_RECORDED_WHEN = "DateEventRecorded" # when event recorded FREETEXT = "FreeText" NOTES_SUFFIX = "Notes" # ... "Notes", but also "ends with 'Notes'", e.g. AdmissionNotes, # IncidentNotes, LocationNotes ORG_ID_DONE_AT = "IDOrganisationDoneAt" # FK to SROrganisation.ID ORG_ID_ENTERED_AT = "IDOrganisation" # org at which the data was entered ORG_ID_VISIBLE_TO = "IDOrganisationVisibleTo" # FK to SROrganisation.ID ORG_REGISTERED_AT = "IDOrganisationRegisteredAt" # ... org where the patient was registered when the data was entered PATIENT_ID = "IDPatient" # FK to SRPatient.RowIdentifier ROW_ID = "RowIdentifier" # PK for nearly all SystmOne original tables QUESTIONNAIRE_ID = "IDAnsweredQuestionnaire" # ... FK to SRAnsweredQuestionnaire.RowIdentifier REFERRAL_ID = "IDReferralIn" # FK to SRReferralIn.RowIdentifier SNOMED_CODE = "SNOMEDCode" # SNOMED-CT code SNOMED_TEXT = "SNOMEDText" # ... and corresponding description STAFF_ID_DONE_BY = "IDDoneBy" # FK to SRStaffMember.RowIdentifier STAFF_PROFILE_ID_RECORDED_BY = "IDProfileEnteredBy"
# ... FK to SRStaffMemberProfile.RowIdentifier
[docs]class CPFTGenericCol: """ " CPFT variants for generic column names. """ AGE_YEARS = "AgeInYears" # ... usually "at the time of calculation, or death", i.e. unhelpful if you # are unsure when the data was extracted; see stored procedure # load_S1_Patient. ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER = "AssignmentNumber" # ... payroll number of member of staff, I think -- too sensitive, and I am # surprised it is there in the first place. HOME_CONTACT_NUMBER = "HomeContactNumber" MOBILE_CONTACT_NUMBER = "MobileContactNumber" NHSNUM2 = "NHSNumber2" NHSNUM_MOTHER = "CYPHS_NHSNumber_Mother" PATIENT_ADDRESS = "PatientAddress" PATIENT_NAME = "PatientName" POSTCODE = "PostCode" PATIENT_ID_SYNONYM_1 = "Patient_ID"
[docs]class CrateS1ViewCol: """ Additional columns added by CRATE's preprocessor """ IS_TEST_PATIENT = "is_test_patient"
[docs]class S1PatientCol: """ Columns in the Patient table. """ PK = S1GenericCol.ROW_ID # RowIdentifier NHSNUM = "NHSNumber" TITLE = "Title" FORENAME = "FirstName" MIDDLE_NAMES = "MiddleNames" SURNAME = "Surname" PREV_SURNAME = "PreviousSurname" EMAIL = "EmailAddress" DOB = "DateBirth" DOD = "DateDeath" BIRTHPLACE = "BirthPlace" GENDER = "Gender" SPEAKS_ENGLISH = "SpeaksEnglish" # curious that this is a specific flag TESTPATIENT = "TestPatient" SOCIAL_SERVICES_REF = "SSRef" SPINE_MATCHED = "SpineMatched"
[docs]class CPFTPatientCol: """ CPFT variants for the patient table. """ MIDDLE_NAMES = "GivenName2" DOB = "DOB"
[docs]class S1AddressCol: """ Columns in the PatientAddressHistory table. """ ADDRESS_TYPE = "AddressType" CCG_OF_RESIDENCE = "CcgOfResidence" DATE_TO = "DateTo" BUILDING_NAME = "NameOfBuilding" BUILDING_NUMBER = "NumberOfBuilding" ROAD = "NameOfRoad" LOCALITY = "NameOfLocality" TOWN = "NameOfTown" COUNTY = "NameOfCounty" POSTCODE = "FullPostCode"
[docs]class CPFTAddressCol: """ CPFT variants for the address table. """ POSTCODE_NOSPACE = "PostCode_NoSpaces"
[docs]class S1ContactCol: """ Columns in the PatientContactDetails table. """ NUMBER = "ContactNumber"
[docs]class S1RelCol: """ Columns in the PatientRelationship table. (This is also one for which we specify everything in detail, since CPFT add in extra identifiers.) """ RELATED_ID_DEPRECATED = "IDRelationshipWithPatient" # ... replaced by IDPatientRelationshipWith RELATED_ID = "IDPatientRelationshipWith" RELATED_STAFFCODE_OR_RELNHSNUM = "CodeRelationshipWithUser" # ... SRE help says "The ODS code for the staff member the relationship is # with". However, it seems that it sometimes contains the NHS number of the # relative (certainly an NHS number that differs from the patient's!). NAME = "RelationshipWithName" DOB = "RelationshipWithDateOfBirth" ADDRESS_HOUSE_NAME = "RelationshipWithHouseName" ADDRESS_HOUSE_NUMBER = "RelationshipWithHouseNumber" ADDRESS_ROAD = "RelationshipWithRoad" ADDRESS_LOCALITY = "RelationshipWithLocality" ADDRESS_POST_TOWN = "RelationshipWithPostTown" ADDRESS_COUNTY = "RelationshipWithCounty" ADDRESS_POSTCODE = "RelationshipWithPostCode" ADDRESS_TELEPHONE = "RelationshipWithTelephone" ADDRESS_WORK_TELEPHONE = "RelationshipWithWorkTelephone" ADDRESS_MOBILE_TELEPHONE = "RelationshipWithMobileTelephone" ADDRESS_FAX = "RelationshipWithFax" ADDRESS_EMAIL = "RelationshipWithEmailAddress" # Fields about the timing/nature of the relationship: DATE_ENDED = "DateEnded" REL_TYPE = "RelationshipType" GUARDIAN_PROXY = "PersonalGuardianOrProxy" NEXT_OF_KIN = "NextOfKin" CARER = "CaresForPatient" PRINCIPAL_CARER = "PrincipalCarerForPatient" KEYHOLDER = "KeyHolder" PARENTAL_RESPONSIBILITY = "HasParentalResponsibility" FINANCIAL_REP = "FinancialRepresentative" ADVOCATE = "Advocate" MAIN_VISITOR = "MainVisitor" CALLBACK_CONSENT = "CallCentreCallBackConsent" COPY_CORRESPONDENCE = "CopyCorrespondence" CONTACT_ORDER = "ContactOrder" CONTACT_METHOD = "ContactMethod" COMMS_FORMAT = "CommunicationFormat" INTERPRETER_REQUIRED = "InterpreterRequired" # and things that are about the relative but not directly identifying: SEX = "RelationshipWithSex" LANGUAGE = "RelationshipWithSpokenLanguage" ORG = "RelationshipWithOrganisation"
[docs]class CPFTOtherCol: """ Other CPFT variants. """ REL_MOTHER_COL_NHSNUM = S1PatientCol.NHSNUM
[docs]class S1HospNumCol: """ Columns in the HospitalAAndENumber table. """ HOSPNUM = "HospitalNumber" COMMENTS = "Comments"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Column collections # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns that have been renamed # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _S1_TO_CPFT_COLUMN_TRANSLATION = { # Where CPFT has renamed a column. # - Key: (core_tablename, colname) tuple. # - Value: new CPFT column name. (S1Table.PATIENT, S1PatientCol.MIDDLE_NAMES): CPFTPatientCol.MIDDLE_NAMES, (S1Table.PATIENT, S1PatientCol.DOB): CPFTPatientCol.DOB, ( S1Table.RELATIONSHIPS, S1RelCol.RELATED_STAFFCODE_OR_RELNHSNUM, ): S1PatientCol.NHSNUM, } CORE_TO_CONTEXT_COLUMN_TRANSLATIONS = { # Key: destination context. # Value: translation dictionary -- see e.g. S1_TO_CPFT_COLUMN_TRANSLATION. SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: {}, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _S1_TO_CPFT_COLUMN_TRANSLATION, } # type: COLUMN_TRANSLATION_DICT_TYPE CONTEXT_TO_CORE_CONTEXT_COLUMN_TRANSLATIONS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: {}, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _flip_coldict(_S1_TO_CPFT_COLUMN_TRANSLATION), } # type: COLUMN_TRANSLATION_DICT_TYPE # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PID column names # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _PID_SYNONYMS_S1 = (S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID,) _PID_SYNONYMS_CPFT = ( "PatientID", # e.g. in CPFT: S1_eDSM (a CPFT table) "PatID", # e.g. in CPFT: ASCRIBE_Statin ) PID_SYNONYMS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _PID_SYNONYMS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _PID_SYNONYMS_S1 + _PID_SYNONYMS_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # MPID column names # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _MPID_SYNONYMS_S1 = (S1PatientCol.NHSNUM,) _MPID_SYNONYMS_CPFT = (CPFTGenericCol.NHSNUM2,) MPID_SYNONYMS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _MPID_SYNONYMS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _MPID_SYNONYMS_S1 + _MPID_SYNONYMS_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Other system identifiers # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _OTHER_SYSTEM_IDS_CPFT = ( "ClientID", # ... seen in CPFT -- although often these tables should be excluded and # this field contains RiO (not SystmOne) IDs. However, some look at least # partially valid (e.g. S1_Deaths.ClientID, S1_Mortality.ClientID, # S1_MortalityAdditionalInfo.ClientID). For the last of those, there is an # explicit "SourceSystem" column; sometimes this is SystmOne, sometimes # RiO, etc. Using ClientID as a primary patient ID will mean that only IDs # present in the SystmOne master table will be taken. However, there is # also potential for confusion, so we exclude these tables above. # # Empirically: S1_Deaths.ClientID contains IDs that look neither like # SystmOne IDs (integer) or RiO ones (integer) or CRS/CDL ("M" prefix) but # hav e.g. an "AP<integer>" format -- ah, it's PCMIS. ) OTHER_SYSTEM_IDS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: (), SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _OTHER_SYSTEM_IDS_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns to treat as safe # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COLS_GENERIC_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1 = ( S1GenericCol.ORG_ID_DONE_AT, S1GenericCol.STAFF_ID_DONE_BY, S1GenericCol.EVENT_ID, S1GenericCol.EVENT_OCCURRED_WHEN, S1GenericCol.EVENT_RECORDED_WHEN, S1GenericCol.ORG_ID_ENTERED_AT, S1GenericCol.ORG_ID_VISIBLE_TO, S1GenericCol.ORG_REGISTERED_AT, S1GenericCol.STAFF_PROFILE_ID_RECORDED_BY, ) _COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1 = COLS_GENERIC_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1 + ( # This list exists because we don't assume that things in the Patient table # are safe -- we assume they are unsafe, and let them through only if we # know about them. So we add "safe" things (that are not direct # identifiers) here. S1PatientCol.GENDER, S1PatientCol.SPEAKS_ENGLISH, S1PatientCol.SPINE_MATCHED, ) _COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED_CPFT = ( # Added by CPFT: "DeathIndicator", # binary version (0 alive, 1 dead) "NationalDataOptOut", # Added by CPFT (from NDOptOutPreference)?) # - CPFT also add "RwNo" (bigint), but it's always 1 here. See above. # - We ignore "AgeInYears" (added by CPFT) since that is dangerous and # depends on when you ask. ) COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1 + _COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED_CPFT, } _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1 = ( S1RelCol.DATE_ENDED, S1RelCol.REL_TYPE, S1RelCol.GUARDIAN_PROXY, S1RelCol.NEXT_OF_KIN, S1RelCol.CARER, S1RelCol.PRINCIPAL_CARER, S1RelCol.KEYHOLDER, S1RelCol.PARENTAL_RESPONSIBILITY, S1RelCol.FINANCIAL_REP, S1RelCol.ADVOCATE, S1RelCol.MAIN_VISITOR, S1RelCol.CALLBACK_CONSENT, S1RelCol.COPY_CORRESPONDENCE, S1RelCol.CONTACT_ORDER, S1RelCol.CONTACT_METHOD, S1RelCol.COMMS_FORMAT, S1RelCol.INTERPRETER_REQUIRED, S1RelCol.SEX, S1RelCol.LANGUAGE, S1RelCol.ORG, ) _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED_CPFT = ( # Added by CPFT: "DateDeath", # date of death of relative ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1 + _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED_CPFT, } CPFT_REL_MOTHER_OK_UNMODIFIED = () # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns to exclude from the output # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE_S1 = ( # Columns to exclude, regardless of table. # # This is primarily for when CPFT put identifiers all over the place (e.g. # joining them from the patient table). We can simply exclude (rather than # using them for scrubbing) since they are duplicates (for convenience) of # information in other tables like Patient, PatientContactDetails, # PatientAddressHistory. S1PatientCol.DOB, S1PatientCol.EMAIL, S1PatientCol.FORENAME, S1PatientCol.MIDDLE_NAMES, S1PatientCol.PREV_SURNAME, S1PatientCol.SURNAME, S1PatientCol.TITLE, # ... unnecessary -- and might be rare, e.g. Lord High Admiral S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NAME, S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NUMBER, S1AddressCol.COUNTY, S1AddressCol.LOCALITY, S1AddressCol.POSTCODE, S1AddressCol.ROAD, S1AddressCol.TOWN, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_COUNTY, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_EMAIL, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_FAX, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_HOUSE_NAME, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_HOUSE_NUMBER, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_LOCALITY, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_MOBILE_TELEPHONE, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_POST_TOWN, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_POSTCODE, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_ROAD, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_TELEPHONE, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_WORK_TELEPHONE, S1RelCol.DOB, S1RelCol.NAME, S1HospNumCol.HOSPNUM, # just in case ) _COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE_CPFT = ( CPFTAddressCol.POSTCODE_NOSPACE, CPFTGenericCol.AGE_YEARS, # ... age when? Unhelpful. (And also, potentially leads to DOB discovery; # a blurred age near a birthday might be un-blurred by this.) CPFTGenericCol.ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER, # could hash it, but still, sensitive. CPFTGenericCol.HOME_CONTACT_NUMBER, CPFTGenericCol.MOBILE_CONTACT_NUMBER, CPFTGenericCol.NHSNUM2, CPFTGenericCol.NHSNUM_MOTHER, CPFTGenericCol.PATIENT_ADDRESS, CPFTGenericCol.PATIENT_NAME, CPFTGenericCol.POSTCODE, CPFTPatientCol.DOB, CPFTPatientCol.MIDDLE_NAMES, ) COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE_S1 + _COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE_CPFT, } OMIT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_S1 = ( # Other specific fields to omit. (S1Table.CONTACTS, "ContactWith"), (S1Table.HOSP_AE_NUMBERS, S1HospNumCol.COMMENTS), (S1Table.OUT_OF_HOURS_ACTION, "Details"), # ... out-of-hours calls; details can sometimes contain phone numbers (S1Table.OUT_OF_HOURS_THIRD_PARTY_CALL, "Contact"), # free text (S1Table.SAFEGUARDING_INCIDENT_DETAILS, "PoliceReference"), ) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns containing scrub-source information # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COLS_PATIENT_WORDS = ( # Scrub as words. S1PatientCol.FORENAME, S1PatientCol.MIDDLE_NAMES, S1PatientCol.SURNAME, S1PatientCol.PREV_SURNAME, S1PatientCol.EMAIL, S1PatientCol.BIRTHPLACE, # Unusual. But: scrub birthplace. ) COLS_REQUIRED_SCRUBBERS = ( # Information that must be present in the master patient table. S1PatientCol.PK, # likely redundant! It's the PID "definer". S1PatientCol.FORENAME, S1PatientCol.SURNAME, S1PatientCol.DOB, ) COLS_ADDRESS_PHRASES = ( # Scrub as phrases. # - For S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NAME, see below. # - For S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NUMBER, see below. S1AddressCol.ROAD, S1AddressCol.LOCALITY, S1AddressCol.TOWN, S1AddressCol.COUNTY, ) COLS_ADDRESS_PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMBER = ( S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NAME, S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NUMBER, # S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NUMBER poses a new problem for us: this is meant # to be e.g. "5", which is by itself non-identifying and would be a big # problem if we scrub (consider e.g. "5 mg"). However, sometimes it is "5 # Tree Road", because it's not forced to be numeric. So we extend CRATE # (2021-12-01) to add ScrubMethod.PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMERIC. # (S1AddressCol.BUILDING_NAME occasionally contains numbers only, so we # do the same thing.) ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_XREF_ID = ( # Scrub (third-party) as full cross-references to another record. S1RelCol.RELATED_ID_DEPRECATED, S1RelCol.RELATED_ID, ) _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS_S1 = ( # Scrub (third-party) as words. S1RelCol.NAME, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_EMAIL, ) _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS_CPFT = ( # Added by CPFT: "Surname", # surname of relative "FirstName", # surname of relative ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS_S1 + _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS_CPFT, } _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_DATES_S1 = ( # Scrub (third-party) as dates. S1RelCol.DOB, ) _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_DATES_CPFT = ( # Added by CPFT: "DOB", # likely duplicate of S1RelCol.DOB ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_DATES = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_DATES_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_DATES_S1 + _COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS_CPFT, } COLS_RELATIONSHIP_PHRASES = ( # Scrub (third-party) as phrases. # Same principles as for the patient address, above. # - For S1RelCol.ADDRESS_HOUSE_NAME, see below. # - For S1RelCol.ADDRESS_HOUSE_NUMBER, see below. S1RelCol.ADDRESS_ROAD, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_LOCALITY, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_POST_TOWN, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_COUNTY, ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMERIC = ( S1RelCol.ADDRESS_HOUSE_NAME, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_HOUSE_NUMBER, ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_CODES = ( # Scrub (third-party) as codes. S1RelCol.ADDRESS_POSTCODE, ) COLS_RELATIONSHIP_NUMBERS = ( # Scrub (third-party) as numbers. S1RelCol.RELATED_STAFFCODE_OR_RELNHSNUM, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_TELEPHONE, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_WORK_TELEPHONE, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_MOBILE_TELEPHONE, S1RelCol.ADDRESS_FAX, ) _COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE_S1 = (S1PatientCol.DOB,) _COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE_CPFT = (CPFTPatientCol.DOB,) COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE_S1 + _COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns containing free text, which need to be scrubbed # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ... assuming they are of string type. _FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 = ( ( terminate(S1Table.FREETEXT), terminate(S1GenericCol.FREETEXT), ), # the bulk of free text; VARCHAR(MAX) (ANYTHING, not_just_at_start(S1GenericCol.NOTES_SUFFIX)), ("PersonAtRisk$", "ReasonForPlan$"), # free text re safeguarding # ("ReferralIn$", "PrimaryReason$"), # only 200 chars; may be OK -- yes ( "SafeguardingAllegationDetails$", "Outcome$", ), # only 100 chars -- but OMIT whole table, as above ("SpecialNotes$", "Note$"), # 8000 char free text ) _FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT = ( # CPFT: # - SRReferralIn renamed to S1_ReferralsIn with extra columns, # PrimaryReason, but there are several others, like # ReferralReasonDescription1. # - Actually, however, on review, e.g. # - S1_ReferralInReferralReason.ReferralReason is numeric # - S1_ReferralInReferralReason.ReferralReasonDescription is pick-list, # not free text # - Similarly for referrals out. # and "Other" is scrubbed by the generic scrubber, so that messes up # useful data in the descriptions. So not this: # # (".*Referral", ".*Reason"), # A bunch of explicitly free-text fields: # - any not-otherwise-handled textual field in a table named "FreeText_..." ( S1Table.FREETEXT, ANYTHING, ), # table name not terminated so allows anything starting with this # - any field named "FreeText..." (e.g. S1_Honos_Scores.FreeText) (ANYTHING, S1GenericCol.FREETEXT), # - S1_CYPFRS_TelephoneTriage links in a bunch of things from S1_FreeText. (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Assessment"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Presentation"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Risk"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Strength"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Intervention"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Problem"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Social"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Advice"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Clinical"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*Outcome"), (CPFTTable.CYP_FRS_TELEPHONE_TRIAGE, ".*NextOfKin"), ) FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 + _FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT, } _EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 = ( # Things that look like free text, but aren't. ("AnsweredQuestionnaire$", "QuestionnaireName$"), (ANYTHING, S1GenericCol.CTV3_CODE), # common clinical coding (ANYTHING, S1GenericCol.CTV3_TEXT), # common clinical coding ) _EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT = ( # These contain non-patient data -- instead, the stock text of # questionnaires: ("FreeText_Honos_Scoring_Answers", ANYTHING), ("FreeText_Honos_Scoring_Questions", ANYTHING), ("FreeText_SWEMWBS", ANYTHING), ("FreeText_SWEMWBS_Scores", ANYTHING), ("FreeText_WEMWBS", ANYTHING), # Should not be identifying: (ANYTHING, "Ethnicity$"), ) EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: ( _EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 ), SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: ( _EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 + _EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT ), } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns to index # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FULLTEXT_INDEX_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 = ( # Subset of free-text columns where we would want to implement a FULLTEXT # index. ("FreeText$", "FreeText$"), # the bulk of free text; VARCHAR(MAX) ) _NORMAL_INDEX_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT = ( # S1_Patient.IDPatient: Added by CPFT. Duplicate of RowIdentifier. # But likely to be used by researchers, so should be indexed. (terminate(S1Table.PATIENT), terminate(S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID)), ) NORMAL_INDEX_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: (), SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _NORMAL_INDEX_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT, } _GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX_S1 = ( # Generically sensible things to index. S1GenericCol.CTV3_CODE, # common clinical coding S1GenericCol.CTV3_TEXT, # common clinical coding S1GenericCol.EVENT_ID, # a common FK S1GenericCol.EVENT_OCCURRED_WHEN, # when did it happen? S1GenericCol.QUESTIONNAIRE_ID, # a common FK S1GenericCol.REFERRAL_ID, # a common FK S1GenericCol.SNOMED_CODE, # common clinical coding S1GenericCol.SNOMED_TEXT, # common clinical coding ) _GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX_CPFT = (CPFTGenericCol.PATIENT_ID_SYNONYM_1,) GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX_S1 + _GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns that are (or are not) PKs # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 = ( # If CRATE inserts its PK field somewhere, it's a PK. (ANYTHING, terminate(CRATE_COL_PK)), ) _PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT = ( # Primary key fields with non-standard names. # Note that some are CPFT-created tables, which is why they don't follow # standard conventions. ("3DayFollowUp", "IDHospitalAdmissionAndDischarge"), ("ActivityEvent_EventDuration", S1GenericCol.EVENT_ID), # AQ_* -- no obvious PK. ("_CGAS_PairedScore_By_Referral", S1GenericCol.REFERRAL_ID), ( "CarePlan", "CarePlanID", ), # includes CarePlanDetail, modified from the source # ... CarePlanReview has IDCarePlan but that is not unique. ("Caseload", "IDReferralIn"), # ClinicalDashboard*: a bunch of CPFT things; no obvious PK. # ClinicalMeasure*: a bunch of CPFT derived things; no obvious PK. # ClinicalOutcome*: a bunch of CPFT derived things; no obvious PK. # ContactsArchive_LatestStaffContact: no obvious PK. ("ContactsArchive_NonLegalContacts", S1GenericCol.EVENT_ID), ("ContactsArchive_TotalsByReferral", S1GenericCol.REFERRAL_ID), # Contacts_CYP_PlanMetric_7: no obvious PK. ("Contacts_CarerStatus_MH", S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID), ("Contacts_CarerStatus_PH", S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID), # CoronaVirus: no obvious PK (maybe combination of IDPatient, IDReferralIn) # CurrentInpatientDashboard_Doctors: *almost* IDPatient, IDReferralIn but # one extra row # Deaths: no obvious PK, despite "ClientID" (not unique) (CPFTTable.DEMOGRAPHICS, S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID), # DischargeDelay_Fact: no obvious PK. # EuroQol*: no PKs # FACT_Inp_Data: no obvious PK. # Falls_AtRiskState*: no PKs # FreeText_* [CPFT derived free text tables]: none in the first, not all # explored # GateKeeping: no obvious PK. # Honos_Scores: no PK # ICW_PTL: no PK # Immunisation: no obvious PK # InpatientLeave: no obvious PK # Inpatient_NorthwickParkIndex: no obvious PK # LADSAdults_Output: no obvious PK ("LADSAdultsQuestionnaires", S1GenericCol.QUESTIONNAIRE_ID), # LADSCYPHS_Output: no obvious PK ("LADSCYPQuestionnaires", S1GenericCol.QUESTIONNAIRE_ID), ("MDT_Caseload", S1GenericCol.REFERRAL_ID), # OutOfHoursSRCodeInformation: no PK # PRISM_ReReferral: no PK # PatientAnsweredQuestionnaireInformation: IDPatient currently unique but I # strongly suspect only temporarily # PatientContact: no PK # PatientEthnicity: no PK ("PatientGPPractice", S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID), # PatientLanguageDeathOptions: no PK # PatientLetterInformation: IDPatient currently unique but I strongly # suspect only temporarily ("PatientOverview", S1GenericCol.REFERRAL_ID), # PatientRelationship: no PK (modified from the source) ("PatientRelationshipMother", S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID), # PatientSRCodeInformation: no PK # PhysicalHealthChecks*: no PK (IDPatient currently unique in # S1_PhysicalHealthChecks_CQUIN but unlikely to remain so) # QRisk: no PK ( "ReferralInIntervention", S1GenericCol.REFERRAL_ID, ), # modified from the source ("Vanguard", "ReferralNumber"), # eDSM: no PK ) PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 + _PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT, } _NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 = tuple( # Tables in which "RowIdentifier" (S1GenericCol.ROW_ID) is not unique. (terminate(t), S1GenericCol.ROW_ID) for t in ( S1Table.ACTIVITY_EVENT, S1Table.CARE_PLAN_REVIEW, S1Table.DISCHARGE_DELAY, S1Table.FREETEXT, # see also TABLES_REQUIRING_CRATE_PK_REGEX above S1Table.BED_CLOSURE, S1Table.MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_APPEAL, S1Table.MENTAL_HEALTH_ACT_AWOL, S1Table.TASK, ) ) + tuple( # Also, if we insert a CRATE PK, then the "RowIdentifier" can't be the PK. (t_regex, S1GenericCol.ROW_ID) for t_regex in TABLES_REQUIRING_CRATE_PK_REGEX ) _NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT = tuple( # Similarly. These tables have things that look like PKs, but gave rise to # a "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint" error, so they aren't. This # happens when someone in CPFT maps e.g. "RowIdentifier" in an unusual way. (t, S1GenericCol.ROW_ID) for t in ( terminate("Child_At_Risk"), "InpatientBedStay", # includes InpatientBedStay_Old, etc. terminate(CPFTTable.CONTACTS_ARCHIVE), terminate(CPFTTable.CONTACTS_ARCHIVE_CLIENT_SEQUENCE), ) ) NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 + _NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_CPFT, } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Columns containing opt-out information # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_S1 = ( # Test patients -- not an "opt out" but an "invalid patient" marker: (CrateView.TESTPATIENT_VIEW, CrateS1ViewCol.IS_TEST_PATIENT), # Note that the main patient table is handled separately/explicitly. ) _OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_CPFT = ( # CPFT Research Database local opt-out: ("ClinicalOutcome_ConsentResearch_OptOutCheck", "SNOMEDCode"), ) OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS = { SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE: _OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_S1, SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW: _OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_S1 + _OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_CPFT, } # ============================================================================= # String comparison helper functions # ============================================================================= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plain strings # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def eq(x: str, y: str) -> bool: """ Case-insensitive string comparison. """ return x.lower() == y.lower()
[docs]def tcmatch(table1: str, column1: str, table2: str, column2: str) -> bool: """ Equal (in case-insensitive fashion) for table and column? """ return eq(table1, table2) and eq(column1, column2)
[docs]def is_in(x: str, y: Iterable[str]) -> bool: """ Case-insensitive version of "in", to replace "if x in y". """ return any(eq(x, test) for test in y)
[docs]def is_pair_in(a: str, b: str, y: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]) -> bool: """ Case-insensitive version of "in", to replace "if a, b in y". """ return any(eq(a, test_a) and eq(b, test_b) for test_a, test_b in y)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Regular expressions # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def eq_re(x: str, y_regex: str) -> bool: """ Returns True if the regex matches at the start of the string. """ return bool(re.match(y_regex, x, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
[docs]def is_in_re(x: str, y_regexes: Iterable[str]) -> bool: """ Case-insensitive regex-based version of "in", to replace "if x in y". """ return any(eq_re(x, test) for test in y_regexes)
[docs]def is_pair_in_re( a: str, b: str, y_regexes: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] ) -> bool: """ Case-insensitive regex-based version of "in", to replace "if a, b in y". """ return any( eq_re(a, test_a) and eq_re(b, test_b) for test_a, test_b in y_regexes )
# ============================================================================= # Table/column name interpretation # =============================================================================
[docs]def tablename_prefix(context: SystmOneContext) -> str: """ The tablename prefix in the given context. """ try: return TABLE_PREFIXES[context] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Unknown SystmOne context: {context}")
[docs]def core_tablename( tablename: str, from_context: SystmOneContext, allow_unprefixed: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Is this a table of an expected format that we will consider? - If so, returns the "core" part of the tablename, in the given context. - Otherwise, if ``allow_unprefixed`` return the input. - Otherwise, return an empty string. """ prefix = tablename_prefix(from_context) if not tablename.startswith(prefix): if is_in_re(tablename, INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX[from_context]): return tablename else: warn_once(f"Unrecognized table name style: {tablename}", log) if allow_unprefixed: return tablename else: return "" rest = tablename[len(prefix) :] if not rest: raise ValueError(f"Table name {tablename!r} only contains its prefix") xlate = CONTEXT_TO_CORE_TABLE_TRANSLATIONS[from_context] return xlate.get(rest) or rest
[docs]def contextual_tablename( tablename_core: str, to_context: SystmOneContext ) -> str: """ Prefixes the "core" table name for a given context, and sometimes translates it too. """ prefix = tablename_prefix(to_context) xlate = CORE_TO_CONTEXT_TABLE_TRANSLATIONS[to_context] translated = xlate.get(tablename_core) tablename = translated if translated else tablename_core return f"{prefix}{tablename}"
[docs]def translate_tablename( from_tablename: str, from_context: SystmOneContext, to_context: SystmOneContext, ): """ Translates a table name from one S1 context to another. """ coretab = core_tablename(from_tablename, from_context=from_context) return contextual_tablename(coretab, to_context=to_context)
[docs]def cpft_s1_tablename(core_tablename: str) -> str: """ Helper function for the consent-for-contact system, but conceptually it sits reasonably well here. Args: core_tablename: Table name in S1 "core" format (devoid of any prefix). Returns: Returns the local CPFT table name. """ return contextual_tablename( core_tablename, to_context=SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW, )
[docs]def core_columnname( tablename_core: str, columnname_context: str, from_context: SystmOneContext ) -> str: """ Some contexts rename their column names. This function puts them back into the "core" (TPP SRE) name space. """ xlate = CONTEXT_TO_CORE_CONTEXT_COLUMN_TRANSLATIONS[from_context] return ( xlate.get((tablename_core, columnname_context)) or columnname_context )
[docs]def contextual_columnname( tablename_core: str, columnname_core: str, to_context: SystmOneContext ) -> str: """ Translates a "core" column name to its contextual variant, if applicable. """ xlate = CORE_TO_CONTEXT_COLUMN_TRANSLATIONS[to_context] return xlate.get((tablename_core, columnname_core)) or columnname_core
# ============================================================================= # Comments # =============================================================================
[docs]def join_comments(comments: List[str]) -> str: """ Joins comment elements, skipping any blanks. """ return COMMENT_SEP.join(filter(None, comments))
# ============================================================================= # Helper classes # =============================================================================
[docs]class SystmOneSRESpecRow: """ Represents a row in the SystmOne SRE specification CSV file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Initialize with a row dictionary from a :class:`csv.DictReader`. """ self.table_name = d["TableName"] # type: str self.table_description = d["TableDescription"] # type: str self.column_name = d["ColumnName"] # type: str self.column_description = d["ColumnDescription"] # type: str self.column_data_type = d["ColumnDataType"] # type: str _col_length = d["ColumnLength"] self.column_length = int(_col_length) if _col_length else None _date_def = d["DateDefining"] # type: str if _date_def == "Yes": self.date_defining = True elif _date_def == "No": self.date_defining = False else: raise ValueError(f"Bad DateDefining field: {_date_def!r}") self.column_ordinal = int(d["ColumnOrdinal"]) self.linked_table = d["LinkedTable"] # type: str self.linked_column_1 = d["LinkedColumn1"] # type: str self.linked_column_2 = d["LinkedColumn2"] # type: str
@property def tablename_core(self) -> str: """ Core part of the tablename. """ return core_tablename( self.table_name, from_context=SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE ) @property def linked_table_core(self) -> str: """ Core part of the linked table name. """ return core_tablename( self.linked_table, from_context=SystmOneContext.TPP_SRE )
[docs] def comment( self, context: SystmOneContext, with_table: bool = True ) -> str: """ Used to generate a comment for the CRATE data dictionary. Args: context: The SystmOneContext in which data is being processed. with_table: Include information about the table. """ if with_table: elements = [ f"TABLE: {self.table_description}", f"COLUMN: {self.column_description}", ] else: elements = [f"{self.column_description}"] if self.linked_table: context_prefix = tablename_prefix(context) linked_table_ctx = f"{context_prefix}{self.linked_table_core}" links = [] # type: List[str] if self.linked_column_1: links.append( f"FOREIGN KEY TO " f"{linked_table_ctx}.{self.linked_column_1}" ) if self.linked_column_2: links.append(f"WITH {linked_table_ctx}.{self.linked_column_2}") elements.append(" ".join(links)) return join_comments(elements)
[docs] def description( self, context: SystmOneContext, with_table: bool = True ) -> str: """ Full description line. Args: context: The SystmOneContext in which data is being processed. with_table: Include information about the table. """ tname = contextual_tablename(self.tablename_core, context) cname = contextual_columnname( self.tablename_core, self.column_name, context ) elements = [ f"{tname}.{cname}", self.comment(context, with_table=with_table), ] return join_comments(elements)
[docs]class SystmOneSRESpecs: """ Loads and represents the SystmOne SRE specifications. """
[docs] def __init__(self, context: SystmOneContext, filename: str) -> None: """ Initialize by reading a SystmOne SRE specification CSV file. context: The context from which SystmOne data is being extracted (e.g. the raw TPP Strategic Reporting Extract (SRE), or a local version processed into CPFT's Data Warehouse). filename: Optional filename for the TPP SRE specification file, in comma-separated value (CSV) format. """ self.context = context self.filename = filename # All specifications: self.specs = [] # type: List[SystmOneSRESpecRow] # Map from (tablename_core, columnname) to SystmOneSRESpecRow: self.tabcolmap = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], SystmOneSRESpecRow] # Map from tablename_core to table comment: self.tabcomments = {} # type: Dict[str, str] if filename:"Reading SystmOne SRE specs from: {filename}") with open(filename, "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for rowdict in reader: s = SystmOneSRESpecRow(rowdict) self.specs.append(s) self.tabcolmap[s.tablename_core, s.column_name] = s self.tabcomments.setdefault( s.tablename_core, s.table_description )
[docs] def debug_specs(self) -> None: """ Print the specs to the debugging log. """ specs_str = "\n".join( spec.description(self.context) for spec in self.specs ) log.debug(f"SystmOne specs:\n{specs_str}")
[docs] def get_spec_row( self, tablename_core: str, columnname: str ) -> SystmOneSRESpecRow: """ Look up a row specification. """ return self.tabcolmap.get((tablename_core, columnname))
[docs] def table_comment(self, tablename_core: str) -> str: """ Returns the table description/comment for a given table, if known, or a blank string. """ return self.tabcomments.get(tablename_core) or ""
[docs]@dataclass class ScrubSrcAlterMethodInfo: """ For describing scrub-source and alter-method information. """ change_comment_and_indexing_only: bool = False src_flags: str = "" scrub_src: Optional[ScrubSrc] = None scrub_method: Optional[ScrubMethod] = None decision: Decision = Decision.OMIT alter_methods: List[AlterMethod] = field(default_factory=list) dest_datatype: str = None dest_field: str = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: """ Validation. """ for char in self.src_flags: assert any(char == enum.value for enum in SrcFlag)
[docs] def add_src_flag(self, flag: SrcFlag) -> None: """ Add a flag, if it doesn't exist already. """ flagchar = flag.value if flagchar not in self.src_flags: self.src_flags += flagchar
[docs] def add_alter_method(self, alter_method: AlterMethod) -> None: """ Adds an alteration method. """ self.alter_methods.append(alter_method)
[docs] def include(self) -> None: """ Sets the decision to "include". """ self.decision = Decision.INCLUDE
[docs] def omit(self) -> None: """ Sets the decision to "omit". """ self.decision = Decision.OMIT
# ============================================================================= # Feature detection # =============================================================================
[docs]def is_master_patient_table(tablename: str) -> bool: """ Is this the master patient table? """ return eq(tablename, S1Table.PATIENT)
[docs]def is_pid(colname: str, context: SystmOneContext) -> bool: """ Is this column the SystmOne primary patient identifier (PID)? It's nearly always S1GenericCol.PID. But occasionally something else (e.g. in CPFT-created tables). This works for all tables EXCEPT the main "Patient" table, where the PK takes its place. Occasionally, CPFT tables blend SystmOne patients with other patients using IDs from other EHR systems. However, those patients won't be in our master patient index, so their data won't be brought through. """ return is_in(colname, PID_SYNONYMS[context])
[docs]def is_mpid(colname: str, context: SystmOneContext) -> bool: """ Is this column the master patient identifier (MPID), i.e. the NHS number? """ return is_in(colname, MPID_SYNONYMS[context])
[docs]def is_other_system_id(colname: str, context: SystmOneContext) -> bool: """ Is this column an ID from another system (e.g. RiO, PCMIS)? """ return is_in(colname, OTHER_SYSTEM_IDS[context])
[docs]def is_pk( tablename: str, colname: str, context: SystmOneContext, ddr: DataDictionaryRow = None, ) -> bool: """ Is this a primary key (PK) column within its table? """ # This check is debatable. It's possible that the source database has # columns that are NULLable but are in fact never null and are PKs. Indeed, # that is the case; e.g. S1_FreeText.RowIdentifier is shown as "bigint, # null" in SQL Server Manager, but "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM S1_FreeText WHERE # RowIdentifier IS NULL" gives 0 rows, out of ~1M rows in total. # # if ddr.src_reflected_nullable: # return False # can't be a PK if it can be NULL # 1. If it's explicitly ruled out as a PK (e.g. it has the name that should # mean it's a PK, but it's been messed with locally, or the TPP design # team were having an off day), then it's not a PK. if is_pair_in_re( tablename, colname, NOT_PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS[context] ): return False # 2. If the source database says so (ours never does). if ddr and return True # 3. If it has the standard column name, i.e. RowIdentifier, then it's # a PK. if eq(colname, S1GenericCol.ROW_ID): return True # 4. If it's a specifically noted PK. return is_pair_in_re( tablename, colname, PK_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS[context] )
[docs]def is_free_text( tablename: str, colname: str, context: SystmOneContext, ddr: DataDictionaryRow = None, ) -> bool: """ Is this a free-text field requiring scrubbing? Unusually, there is not very much free text, and it is mostly collated. (We haven't added binary support yet. Do we have the binary documents?) """ if ddr and not ddr.src_is_textual: return False return is_pair_in_re( tablename, colname, FREETEXT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS[context] ) and not is_pair_in_re( tablename, colname, EXEMPT_FROM_SCRUBBING_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS[context], )
[docs]def should_be_fulltext_indexed(tablename: str, colname: str) -> bool: """ Is this a field that should get a FULLTEXT index? That's not just "a column that contains free text and should be scrubbed", that is "a column with a lot of interesting free text that should get a special index". """ return is_pair_in_re( tablename, colname, FULLTEXT_INDEX_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS_S1 )
# ============================================================================= # Deciding about columns # =============================================================================
[docs]def process_generic_table_column( tablename: str, colname: str, ddr: DataDictionaryRow, ssi: ScrubSrcAlterMethodInfo, context: SystmOneContext, ) -> bool: """ Performs operations applicable to columns any SystmOne table, except a few very special ones like Patient. Modifies ``ssi`` in place. Returns: recognized and dealt with? """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic table # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PKs, PIDs, MPIDs (which can overlap, e.g. a PK that is a PID) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ handled = False if is_pk(tablename, colname, context, ddr): # PK for all tables. ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.PK) ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.NOT_NULL) ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.ADD_SRC_HASH) ssi.include() handled = True # PKs can also be other things: if is_pair_in( tablename, colname, OPT_OUT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS[context] ): ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.OPT_OUT) handled = True if is_pid(colname, context): # FK to Patient.RowIdentifier for all other patient-related tables. ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.PRIMARY_PID) ssi.dest_field = ddr.config.research_id_fieldname ssi.include() handled = True elif is_mpid(colname, context): # An NHS number in a random table. OK, as long as we hash it. ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.MASTER_PID) ssi.dest_field = ddr.config.master_research_id_fieldname ssi.include() handled = True elif is_other_system_id(colname, context): # Something like a RiO or PCMIS ID. Use it to scrub, but it's not a # PID or MPID. ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.CODE ssi.omit() handled = True if handled: return True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Other things # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if is_in(colname, COLS_GENERIC_EXCLUDE[context]): # Columns that are never OK in a generic table, such as duplicated # direct identifiers (handled specially in the master patient ID table # etc.). ssi.omit() # ... likely redundant but that's not obvious within this function elif is_in(colname, COLS_GENERIC_OK_UNMODIFIED_S1): # Generic columns that are always OK (e.g. organization ID). ssi.include() elif is_free_text(tablename, colname, context, ddr): # Free text to be scrubbed. ssi.add_alter_method(AlterMethod(config=ddr.config, scrub=True)) ssi.include() elif is_in(colname, COLS_TRUNCATE_DATE[context]): # Truncate date? # We don't do the scrub_src and scrub_method here; we already know the # patient's DOB from the master patient table. This code is about # making sure that DOBs (for example) elsewhere are truncated, and # time information doesn't leak through. ssi.add_alter_method( AlterMethod(config=ddr.config, truncate_date=True) ) ssi.dest_datatype = SQLTYPE_DATE ssi.include() else: # Unrecognized. return False return True
[docs]def get_scrub_alter_details( tablename: str, colname: str, ddr: DataDictionaryRow, context: SystmOneContext, include_generic: bool = False, ) -> ScrubSrcAlterMethodInfo: """ The main "thinking" function. Is this a sensitive field that should be used for scrubbing? Should it be modified in transit? Args: tablename: The "core" tablename being considered, without any prefix (e.g. "Patient", not "SRPatient" or "S1_Patient"). colname: The database column name. ddr: Data dictionary row. context: The context from which SystmOne data is being extracted (e.g. the raw TPP Strategic Reporting Extract (SRE), or a local version processed into CPFT's Data Warehouse). include_generic: Include all fields that are not known about by this code and treated specially? If False, the config file settings are used (which may omit or include). If True, all such fields are included. """ ssi = ScrubSrcAlterMethodInfo(decision=Decision.OMIT) # omit by default # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Omit table entirely (and ignore its contents for scrubbing)? # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if is_in(tablename, OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES[context]) or is_in_re( tablename, OMIT_AND_IGNORE_TABLES_REGEX[context] ): return ssi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deal with the core patient table. Many details here. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if eq(tablename, S1Table.PATIENT): if eq(colname, S1GenericCol.ROW_ID): # RowIdentifier: SystmOne patient ID in the master patient table. # Hash and scrub SystmOne IDs. ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.PK) ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.NOT_NULL) ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.PRIMARY_PID) # automatically hashed ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.DEFINES_PRIMARY_PIDS) ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC ssi.include() elif eq(colname, S1GenericCol.PATIENT_ID): # IDPatient: Added by CPFT to the master patient table. # Needs to be hashed. Is a duplicate of RowIdentifier. ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.PRIMARY_PID) # automatically hashed ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC ssi.include() elif is_mpid(colname, context): # NHS number # Hash and scrub NHS numbers. (Present as a text field, but is # numeric.) ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.MASTER_PID) # automatically hashed ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC ssi.dest_field = ddr.config.master_research_id_fieldname ssi.include() elif is_in(colname, COLS_PATIENT_WORDS): # Scrub and omit all names. ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.WORDS elif eq(colname, S1PatientCol.DOB): # Truncate and scrub dates of birth. ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.DATE ssi.add_alter_method( AlterMethod(config=ddr.config, truncate_date=True) ) ssi.dest_datatype = SQLTYPE_DATE ssi.include() elif eq(colname, S1PatientCol.DOD): # Include dates of death. ssi.include() elif eq(colname, S1PatientCol.BIRTHPLACE): # Unusual. But: scrub birthplace. ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.WORDS elif eq(colname, S1PatientCol.TESTPATIENT): # Exclude test patients. ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.OPT_OUT) ssi.include() elif eq(colname, S1PatientCol.SOCIAL_SERVICES_REF): # Scrub and omit Social Services ID (text). ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.CODE ssi.omit() # just to be explicit elif is_in(colname, COLS_PATIENT_TABLE_OK_UNMODIFIED[context]): # These are OK. ssi.include() else: # If anything else is put into this table, it may be sensitive. pass # omit anything else in the master patient table # Via a separate "if" statement: if is_in(colname, COLS_REQUIRED_SCRUBBERS): ssi.add_src_flag(SrcFlag.REQUIRED_SCRUBBER) return ssi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Proceed for all other tables. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- handled = process_generic_table_column( tablename=tablename, colname=colname, ddr=ddr, ssi=ssi, context=context ) if handled: # Recognized and handled as a generic column. return ssi if eq(tablename, S1Table.ADDRESS_HISTORY): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Address table. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if is_in(colname, COLS_ADDRESS_PHRASES): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.PHRASE elif is_in(colname, COLS_ADDRESS_PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMBER): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMERIC elif eq(colname, S1AddressCol.POSTCODE): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.CODE else: # omit anything else in the address table, e.g. # CPFTAddressCol.POSTCODE_NOSPACE pass elif eq(tablename, S1Table.CONTACT_DETAILS): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Contact details table. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if eq(colname, S1ContactCol.NUMBER): # Could be patient; ?could be third party; mostly patient? ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC else: pass # omit anything else in the contact details table elif eq(tablename, S1Table.RELATIONSHIPS): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Third-party (relationships) table. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_XREF_ID): # "Go fetch that linked patient, and use their identity information # as a third-party scrubber for our index patient." ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY_XREF_PID ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC ssi.include() elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_WORDS[context]): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.WORDS elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_DATES[context]): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.DATE elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_PHRASES): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.PHRASE elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMERIC): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMERIC elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_CODES): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.CODE elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_NUMBERS): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC elif is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_OK_UNMODIFIED[context]): ssi.include() else: pass # omit anything unknown in the relationship table elif context == SystmOneContext.CPFT_DW and eq( tablename, CPFTTable.REL_MOTHER ): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # A CPFT partial duplicate table: from the relationship table where # that relationship is "Mother". # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if is_in(colname, COLS_RELATIONSHIP_XREF_ID): ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY_XREF_PID ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC ssi.include() elif eq(colname, CPFTOtherCol.REL_MOTHER_COL_NHSNUM): # Likely a duplicate as a scrubber. But that's not a problem for # CRATE and this also marks it as something to remove. ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC elif is_in(colname, CPFT_REL_MOTHER_OK_UNMODIFIED): ssi.include() else: pass # omit anything unown elif tcmatch( tablename, colname, S1Table.HOSP_AE_NUMBERS, S1HospNumCol.HOSPNUM ): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # A hospital number. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.PATIENT ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.CODE # can contain text elif tcmatch( tablename, colname, S1Table.SAFEGUARDING_PERSON_AT_RISK, S1PatientCol.NHSNUM, ): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Another person's NHS number. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ssi.scrub_src = ScrubSrc.THIRDPARTY ssi.scrub_method = ScrubMethod.NUMERIC elif is_pair_in(tablename, colname, OMIT_TABLENAME_COLNAME_PAIRS_S1): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # A column to omit specifically. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- pass # omit else: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # A generic field in a generic table. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if include_generic: ssi.include() else: # Don't change anything except the comment: ssi.change_comment_and_indexing_only = True return ssi
[docs]def get_index_flag( tablename: str, colname: str, ddr: DataDictionaryRow, context: SystmOneContext, ) -> Optional[IndexType]: """ Should this be indexed? Returns an indexing flag, or ``None`` if it should not be indexed. """ if is_pk(tablename, colname, context, ddr): # PKs should have a unique index. return IndexType.UNIQUE pid = is_pid(colname, context) if is_master_patient_table(tablename) and pid: # In the master patient table, PIDs are unique. # (MPIDs aren't -- they can be NULL.) return IndexType.UNIQUE if pid or is_mpid(colname, context): # We index all patient IDs. return IndexType.NORMAL if is_pair_in_re( tablename, colname, NORMAL_INDEX_TABLENAME_COLNAME_REGEX_PAIRS[context] ): # Additional columns to index return IndexType.NORMAL if colname in GENERIC_COLS_TO_INDEX[context]: return IndexType.NORMAL if should_be_fulltext_indexed(tablename, colname): # Full-text indexes return IndexType.FULLTEXT return IndexType.NONE
# ============================================================================= # Modify a data dictionary row according to detected features # =============================================================================
[docs]class TableCommentWorking: """ Class used to store data temporarily about table comments, during SystmOne data dictionary annotation. Slightly complex because """
[docs] def __init__( self, dd: DataDictionary, specifications: SystmOneSRESpecs, append_comments: bool = False, allow_unprefixed_tables: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: dd: The data dictionary. specifications: Details of the TPP SRE specifications. append_comments: Append comments to any that were autogenerated, rather than replacing them. (If you use the SRE specifications, you may as well set this to False as the SRE specification comments are much better.) allow_unprefixed_tables: Permit tables that don't start with the expected contextual prefix? Discouraged; you may get odd tables and views. """ self.dd = dd self.specifications = specifications self.append_comments = append_comments self.allow_unprefixed_tables = allow_unprefixed_tables # "Core" tablenames for which the DD has a table comment already: self.coretable_comments_already_exist = set() # type: Set[str] for ddr in dd.rows: if not ddr.is_table_comment: continue tablename_core = self._get_core_tablename(ddr.src_table) if not tablename_core: continue self.coretable_comments_already_exist.add(tablename_core) # We maintain a list of extra DDRs to add: self.extra_table_comment_rows = [] # type: List[DataDictionaryRow]
def _get_core_tablename(self, dd_tablename: str) -> str: """ Returns the equivalent "core" (unprefixed) table name, which we use with our SystmOne specifications file. If the input doesn't have the right prefix and allow_unprefixed_tables is False, this will return a blank string. """ return core_tablename( dd_tablename, from_context=self.specifications.context, allow_unprefixed=self.allow_unprefixed_tables, )
[docs] def maybe_add_table_comment(self, ddr: DataDictionaryRow): """ We scan each data dictionary row via this function. - If we already have seen a comment for this table in the data dictionary, we don't do anything, UNLESS this row is itself that comment, and then if - Otherwise, we add the SystmOne comment, if found, as an extra DDR, storing it in our "extra_table_comment_rows" list. """ tablename_core = self._get_core_tablename(ddr.src_table) if not tablename_core: return s1_table_comment = self.specifications.table_comment(tablename_core) if not s1_table_comment: return if tablename_core in self.coretable_comments_already_exist: if ddr.is_table_comment: # This DDR is itself the table comment. Modify it. if self.append_comments: ddr.comment = join_comments( [ddr.comment, s1_table_comment] ) else: ddr.comment = s1_table_comment return # Add a new DDR for the table comment: tc_ddr = DataDictionaryRow(self.dd.config) tc_ddr.set_as_table_comment( ddr.src_db, ddr.src_table, s1_table_comment ) self.extra_table_comment_rows.append(tc_ddr) self.coretable_comments_already_exist.add(tablename_core)
[docs]def annotate_systmone_dd_row( ddr: DataDictionaryRow, context: SystmOneContext, specifications: SystmOneSRESpecs, append_comments: bool = False, include_generic: bool = False, allow_unprefixed_tables: bool = False, table_info_in_comments: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Modifies (in place) a data dictionary row for SystmOne. Args: ddr: The data dictionary row to amend. context: The context from which SystmOne data is being extracted (e.g. the raw TPP Strategic Reporting Extract (SRE), or a local version processed into CPFT's Data Warehouse). specifications: Details of the TPP SRE specifications. append_comments: Append comments to any that were autogenerated, rather than replacing them. (If you use the SRE specifications, you may as well set this to False as the SRE specification comments are much better.) include_generic: Include all fields that are not known about by this code and treated specially? If False, the config file settings are used (which may omit or include). If True, all such fields are included. allow_unprefixed_tables: Permit tables that don't start with the expected contextual prefix? Discouraged; you may get odd tables and views. A few (see INCLUDE_TABLES_REGEX) are explicitly included anyway. table_info_in_comments: Include table descriptions in column comments? """ tablename = core_tablename( ddr.src_table, from_context=context, allow_unprefixed=allow_unprefixed_tables, ) if not tablename: # It didn't have the right prefix and allow_unprefixed_tables is False. ddr.decision = Decision.OMIT return colname = core_columnname(tablename, ddr.src_field, from_context=context) debugmsg = f"Considering: {ddr.src_table}.{ddr.src_field}" if tablename != ddr.src_table or colname != ddr.src_field: debugmsg += f" [translated to 'core' version: {tablename}.{colname}]" log.debug(debugmsg) # Do our thinking ssi = get_scrub_alter_details( tablename=tablename, colname=colname, ddr=ddr, include_generic=include_generic, context=context, ) if not ssi.change_comment_and_indexing_only: # Source information ddr.src_flags = ssi.src_flags ddr.scrub_src = ssi.scrub_src ddr.scrub_method = ssi.scrub_method # Output decision ddr.decision = ssi.decision # Alterations ddr.set_alter_methods_directly(ssi.alter_methods) # Destination -- mostly automatic ddr.dest_field = ssi.dest_field or ddr.dest_field ddr.dest_datatype = ssi.dest_datatype or ddr.dest_datatype # Indexing ddr.index = get_index_flag(tablename, colname, ddr, context) # Improve comment spec = specifications.get_spec_row(tablename, colname) if spec: spec_comment = spec.comment(context, with_table=table_info_in_comments) # If we have no new comment, leave the old one alone. if spec_comment: if append_comments: ddr.comment = join_comments([ddr.comment, spec_comment]) else: ddr.comment = spec_comment
# ============================================================================= # Modify a data dictionary # =============================================================================
[docs]def modify_dd_for_systmone( dd: DataDictionary, context: SystmOneContext, sre_spec_csv_filename: str = "", debug_specs: bool = False, append_comments: bool = False, include_generic: bool = False, allow_unprefixed_tables: bool = False, alter_loaded_rows: bool = False, table_info_in_comments: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Modifies a data dictionary in place. Args: dd The data dictionary to amend. context: The context from which SystmOne data is being extracted (e.g. the raw TPP Strategic Reporting Extract (SRE), or a local version processed into CPFT's Data Warehouse). sre_spec_csv_filename: Optional filename for the TPP SRE specification file, in comma-separated value (CSV) format. If present, this will be used to add proper descriptive comments to all known fields. Highly recommended. debug_specs: Report the SRE specifications to the log. append_comments: Append comments to any that were autogenerated, rather than replacing them. (If you use the SRE specifications, you may as well set this to False as the SRE specification comments are much better.) include_generic: Include all fields that are not known about by this code and treated specially? If False, the config file settings are used (which may omit or include). If True, all such fields are included. allow_unprefixed_tables: Permit tables that don't start with the expected contextual prefix? Discouraged; you may get odd tables and views. alter_loaded_rows: Alter rows that were loaded from disk (not read from a database)? The default is to leave such rows untouched. table_info_in_comments: Include table descriptions in column comments? """"Modifying data dictionary for SystmOne. Context = {context}") specs = SystmOneSRESpecs(context, sre_spec_csv_filename) if debug_specs: specs.debug_specs() table_comment_working = TableCommentWorking( dd=dd, specifications=specs, append_comments=append_comments, allow_unprefixed_tables=allow_unprefixed_tables, ) for ddr in dd.rows: table_comment_working.maybe_add_table_comment(ddr) if ddr.from_file and not alter_loaded_rows: # Skip rows that were loaded from disk. continue if ddr.is_table_comment: continue # those were handled above annotate_systmone_dd_row( ddr=ddr, context=context, specifications=specs, append_comments=append_comments, include_generic=include_generic, allow_unprefixed_tables=allow_unprefixed_tables, table_info_in_comments=table_info_in_comments, ) dd.rows += table_comment_working.extra_table_comment_rows"... done") # We may have added table comments, so sort. dd.sort()