Source code for crate_anon.linkage.validation.validate_fuzzy_linkage

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Highly specific code to develop/validate fuzzy linkage.**


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

import argparse
import csv
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
import datetime
import json
import logging
import math
import pdb
import random
import sys
import timeit
from typing import (

from cardinal_pythonlib.datetimefunc import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.hash import HashMethods
from cardinal_pythonlib.nhs import is_test_nhs_number, is_valid_nhs_number
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import main_only_quicksetup_rootlogger
from cardinal_pythonlib.profile import do_cprofile
from pendulum import Date
from rich_argparse import ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine, CursorResult, Row
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import text

from crate_anon.common.argparse_assist import (
from crate_anon.common.constants import (
from crate_anon.linkage.constants import NONE_TYPE
from crate_anon.linkage.identifiers import TemporalIDHolder
from crate_anon.linkage.matchconfig import MatchConfig
from crate_anon.linkage.helpers import (
from crate_anon.linkage.fuzzy_id_match import (
from crate_anon.linkage.people import People
from crate_anon.linkage.person import Person
from crate_anon.linkage.person_io import PersonWriter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Notes
# =============================================================================

_ = """

Speed of "validate1" test

On a test 3 GHz desktop, this code takes approximately 100 μs to hash a person
record, and 14-40 μs to compare two records (see timing tests).

A comparison of 1000 pre-hashed subjects to 50m records requiring hashing,
without any caching, is going to take about 1000 * 50m * 120 μs, or quite a
long time -- a big part of which would be pointless re-hashing. A reasonable
strategy for a large database would therefore be to:

- pre-hash the sample with the agreed key (e.g. about 1.8 hours for 66m
- for each hashed proband, restrict the comparison to those with a matching
  hashed DOB, and either a partial or a full match on surname (e.g. for
  "SMITH", with a frequency of about 0.01, this would give about 1800 records
  to check; checking would take up to about 40 μs each (so up to 72 ms per
  proband) -- plus some query time;
- checking 1000 probands would therefore take about 72 seconds; checking
  200k probands about 4 hours.
- So we'd be talking about a time of the order of 6 hours to compare an NHS
  Trust's entire data set to a UK national database.

For validation, we are thinking about a much larger, :math:`n^2`, comparison.
Again, we should pre-hash. So if :math:`h` is the hashing time and :math:`c` is
the comparison time, we're talking about :math:`hn + cn^2`. If we work
backwards and say :math:`h` is 100 μs, :math:`c` is 20 μs on average, and we
want this achievable in 1 hour, then that gives a value for n of about 19,000,
so let's say 20,000 (sample size 10,000, "other" size 10,000).

Subsequent speedup 2020-04-24: see comments in timing tests; ``h`` now down
from 100 to 71; ``c`` now down from 14-40 to 6-22 (6 for DOB mismatch, 22 for
match). So realistically ``c = 10`` or thereabouts.

.. code-block:: r

    h <- 71 / 1e6  # microseconds to seconds
    c <- 10 / 1e6  # 20 microseconds
    t <- function(n) { h * n + c * n^2 / 2 }  # function relating time to n
    target <- 60 * 60  # target time: 1 hour = 3600 seconds
    errfunc <- function(n) { (t(n) - target) ^ 2 }  # function giving error
    result <- optim(par = 50, fn = errfunc)  # minimize error, start n = 50
    # ... gives 26825

JSON encoding

There's no reason that needs to be specific about JSON
handling; it can just treat the "other_info" column as a string. We can
use JSON encoding here, and decode it in R later:

Finding columns across databases

In SQL Server, if you select from ``information_schema.columns``, you only see
columns from the database selected with the ``USE <database>`` statement or

There are approaches that iterate over databases
The latter is *very* slow (as acknowledged).

A nasty but effective (and reasonably quick) approach is:

.. code-block:: sql

    sp_MSforeachdb '
        -- Double up single quotes within this section.
        -- Question mark stands for the current database name.
            ''?'' AS [database_name],
   AS [schema_name],
   AS [table_name],
   AS [column_name]
        FROM sys.columns c
        INNER JOIN sys.objects t ON t.object_id = c.object_id
            -- sys.objects is per-column, not per-table, but this allows
            -- WHERE clauses to say "", which is clearer.
        INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id
        WHERE ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'', ''model'')
        AND LIKE ''%post%''  -- e.g. look for postcodes
        ORDER BY,, c.column_id

SMI definition

NICE SMI definition of severe mental illness: see Chen et al. (2020) PMID
33035957, which is from NICE (2016) NG58:

    "Severe mental illness includes a clinical diagnosis of: schizophrenia,
    schizotypal and delusional disorders, or bipolar affective disorder, or
    severe depressive episodes with or without psychotic episodes."

Thus, codes:

.. code-block:: none

    dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F20%'  -- schizophrenia
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F21%'  -- schizotypal
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F22%'  -- persistent delusional
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F25%'  -- schizoaffective
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F31%'  -- bipolar
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F322%'  -- severe depressive episode, not psychotic
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F323%'  -- severe depressive episode, psychotic
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F332%'  -- rec. dep, severe, not psychotic
    OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F333%'  -- rec. dep, severe, psychotic

Sort order involving NULL

.. code-block:: sql

    -- Test sort order involving NULL.

    USE testdb;
    CREATE TABLE test_sort_postcode_dates (
        postcode VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
        start_date DATE,
        end_date DATE

    INSERT INTO test_sort_postcode_dates
        (postcode, start_date, end_date)
        ('AA11 1AA', NULL,         NULL),
        ('AA11 1AA', NULL,         '2020-01-01'),
        ('AA11 1AA', NULL,         '2025-01-01'),
        ('AA11 1AA', '1990-01-01', NULL),
        ('AA11 1AA', '1990-01-01', '2020-01-01'),
        ('AA11 1AA', '1990-01-01', '2025-01-01'),
        ('AA11 1AA', '1995-01-01', NULL),
        ('AA11 1AA', '1995-01-01', '2020-01-01'),
        ('AA11 1AA', '1995-01-01', '2025-01-01'),
        ('BB22 2BB', NULL,         NULL),
        ('BB22 2BB', NULL,         '2020-01-01'),
        ('BB22 2BB', NULL,         '2025-01-01'),
        ('BB22 2BB', '1990-01-01', NULL),
        ('BB22 2BB', '1990-01-01', '2020-01-01'),
        ('BB22 2BB', '1990-01-01', '2025-01-01'),
        ('BB22 2BB', '1995-01-01', NULL),
        ('BB22 2BB', '1995-01-01', '2020-01-01'),
        ('BB22 2BB', '1995-01-01', '2025-01-01');

        CASE WHEN end_date IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS debug_end_date_sorter
    FROM test_sort_postcode_dates
        -- By default, NULL is smaller than any other value.
        -- We want any current postcodes (NULL end date) last. So:
        CASE WHEN end_date IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
        -- ... (ASC) past (NOT NULL) -> current (NULL)
        start_date,  -- (ASC) then by start date: NULL -> older -> newer
        end_date,  -- (ASC) then by end date: older -> newer
        postcode  -- tiebreaker

SQL Server error notes

Sometimes when comparing two columns in SQL with ``a = b``, you may get this
error: Collation error: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between
"Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to
operation. This is easily resolved
( by comparing e.g. ``a = b
COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS`` (forcing ``b`` to the right collation, in this

CAST() doesn't return NULL on failure (e.g. converting characters to integer);
it produces an error. Use TRY_CAST() to return NULL on failure.

Local ID hash key

For the main hashing system, in ````, it's perfectly plausible
that the user would use a predefined research ID, and not want that to be
hashed (even while the identity information is being hashed). It's very likely
that they would want the research ID hash key to be different from the fuzzy
linkage hash key. So allowing "no hashing" and "separate key" options, via
``--local_id_hash_key``, seems sensible.

In this validation function, we might want to extract fully identifiable local
IDs (``--local_id_hash_key`` unset; ``--plaintext`` set). More likely, we want
to hash as we fetch (``--local_id_hash_key`` set; ``--plaintext`` not set).
Separately, for our validation, we want to be able to hash NHS numbers (which
are not the local ID), as part of the ``other_info`` data that the linkage
process can retain but will ignore; that accounts for the
``cfg.hash_fn(nhs_number)`` calls. However, this is for specific internal
validation only, and therefore it's not really critical which hash key is used,
since these data will never leave our site.


# =============================================================================
# NHS number checks
# =============================================================================

[docs]def is_ok_nhs_number(n: int) -> bool: """ For skipping records with invalid NHS numbers (e.g. bad checksum) or test records (e.g. NHS number starts with 999, the official test range). """ if not is_valid_nhs_number(n): log.warning("Encountered bad (invalid) NHS number") return False if is_test_nhs_number(n): log.warning("Encountered test NHS number") return False return True
# ============================================================================= # Postcode convenience functions # =============================================================================
[docs]def last_imd(postcodes: List["PostcodeInfo"]) -> Optional[int]: """ The IMD from the last postcode specified for which an IMD is known, if any. """ for p in reversed(postcodes): if p.index_of_multiple_deprivation is not None: return p.index_of_multiple_deprivation return None
[docs]def postcode_temporal_identifiers( postcodes: List["PostcodeInfo"], ) -> List[TemporalIDHolder]: """ Returns the DummyTemporalIdentifier components of a list of postcodes. """ return [p.temporal_identifier for p in postcodes]
# ============================================================================= # Speed testing # =============================================================================
[docs]def speedtest(cfg: MatchConfig, set_breakpoint: bool = False) -> None: """ Run self-tests or timing tests. Args: cfg: The main :class:`MatchConfig` object. set_breakpoint: Set a pdb breakpoint to explore objects from the Python console? """"Building test conditions...") p1 = TemporalIDHolder( identifier="CB2 0QQ", # Addenbrooke's Hospital start_date=Date(2000, 1, 1), end_date=Date(2010, 1, 1), ) alice_bcd_unique_2000_add = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id="1", forenames=["Alice", "Beatrice", "Celia", "Delilah"], surnames=["Rarename"], dob="2000-01-01", postcodes=[p1], ) alice_smith_1930 = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id="8", forenames=["Alice"], surnames=["Smith"], dob="1930-01-01", ) alice_smith_2000 = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id="9", forenames=["Alice"], surnames=["Smith"], dob="2000-01-01", ) alice_smith = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id="10", forenames=["Alice"], surnames=["Smith"], ) if set_breakpoint: pdb.set_trace() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Timing tests # -------------------------------------------------------------------------"Testing comparison speed (do NOT use verbose logging)...") # NB Python has locals() and globals() but not nonlocals() so it's hard # to make this code work with a temporary function as you might hope. microsec_per_sec = 1e6 n_for_speedtest = 10000 t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( "alice_bcd_unique_2000_add" ".log_odds_same(alice_bcd_unique_2000_add)", number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest )"Plaintext full match: {t} μs per comparison") # On Wombat: 146 microseconds. # On Wombat 2020-04-24: 64 microseconds. t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( "alice_bcd_unique_2000_add.hashed()" ".log_odds_same(alice_bcd_unique_2000_add.hashed())", number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest )"Hash two objects + full match: {t} μs per comparison") # On Wombat: 631 microseconds. # On Wombat 2020-04-24: 407 microseconds. t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( "alice_smith_1930.log_odds_same(alice_smith_2000, )", number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest )"Plaintext DOB mismatch: {t} μs per comparison") # On Wombat: 13.6 microseconds. # On Wombat 2020-04-24: 6.1 microseconds. t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( "alice_smith_1930.hashed()" ".log_odds_same(alice_smith_2000.hashed())", number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest )"Hash two objects + DOB mismatch: {t} μs per comparison") # On Wombat: 240 microseconds. # On Wombat 2020-04-24: 153 microseconds. t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( "alice_smith_1930.hashed()", number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest )"Hash one object: {t} μs per comparison") # On Wombat: 104 microseconds. # On Wombat 2020-04-24: 71 microseconds. hashed_alice_smith_1930 = alice_smith_1930.hashed() hashed_alice_smith_2000 = alice_smith_2000.hashed() t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( ( "hashed_alice_smith_1930" ".log_odds_same(hashed_alice_smith_1930)" ), number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest )"Compare two identical hashed objects: {t} μs per comparison") # On Wombat 2020-04-024: 21.7 microseconds. t = ( microsec_per_sec * timeit.timeit( ( "hashed_alice_smith_1930" ".log_odds_same(hashed_alice_smith_2000)" ), number=n_for_speedtest, globals=locals(), ) / n_for_speedtest ) f"Compare two DOB-mismatched hashed objects: {t} μs per comparison" )
# On Wombat 2020-04-024: 6.4 microseconds. # ============================================================================= # Validation 1 # =============================================================================
[docs]def make_deletion_data(people: People, cfg: MatchConfig) -> People: """ Makes a copy of the supplied data set with deliberate deletions applied. Surnames and DOBs are excepted as we require exact matches for those. """ deletion_data = People(cfg) # start a new empty collection log.debug(f"Making deletion data for {people.size()} people") for person in people.people: modified_person = person.copy() modified_person.debug_delete_something() log.debug(f"Deleted:\nFROM: {person}\nTO : {modified_person}") deletion_data.add_person(modified_person) return deletion_data
[docs]def make_typo_data(people: People, cfg: MatchConfig) -> People: """ Makes a copy of the supplied data set with deliberate typos applied. Surnames and DOBs are excepted as we require exact matches for those. """ typo_data = People(cfg) # start a new empty collection log.debug(f"Making typo data for {people.size()} people") for person in people.people: modified_person = person.copy() modified_person.debug_mutate_something() log.debug(f"Mutated:\nFROM: {person}\nTO : {modified_person}") typo_data.add_person(modified_person) return typo_data
class ValidationOutputColnames: COLLECTION_NAME = "collection_name" IN_SAMPLE = "in_sample" DELETIONS = "deletions" TYPOS = "typos" IS_HASHED = "is_hashed" PROBAND_ID = "proband_id" WINNER_ID = "winner_id" BEST_MATCH_ID = "best_match_id" BEST_LOG_ODDS = "best_log_odds" SECOND_BEST_LOG_ODDS = "second_best_log_odds" SECOND_BEST_MATCH_ID = "second_best_match_id" CORRECT_IF_WINNER = "correct_if_winner" LEADER_ADVANTAGE = "leader_advantage" VALIDATION_OUTPUT_COLNAMES = [ getattr(ValidationOutputColnames, x) for x in vars(ValidationOutputColnames).keys() if not x.startswith("_") # dir() sorts by name; use vars() ]
[docs]def validate_1( cfg: MatchConfig, people_filename: str, output_filename: str, seed: int = 1234, ) -> None: """ Read data and perform split-half validation. Args: cfg: The main :class:`MatchConfig` object. people_filename: Filename of people; see :func:`read_people`. output_filename: Output CSV filename. seed: RNG seed """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load and hash data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- in_plaintext, out_plaintext = read_people_alternate_groups( cfg, people_filename )"Seeding random number generator with: {seed}") random.seed(seed)"Making copies with deliberate deletions...") in_deletions = make_deletion_data(in_plaintext, cfg) out_deletions = make_deletion_data(out_plaintext, cfg)"Making copies with deliberate typos...") in_typos = make_typo_data(in_plaintext, cfg) out_typos = make_typo_data(out_plaintext, cfg)"Hashing...") in_hashed = in_plaintext.hashed() out_hashed = out_plaintext.hashed() in_deletions_hashed = in_deletions.hashed() out_deletions_hashed = out_deletions.hashed() in_typos_hashed = in_typos.hashed() out_typos_hashed = out_typos.hashed()"... done") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate validation data and save it # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- data = [ # people, collection_name, sample, in_sample, deletions, typos (in_plaintext, "in_plaintext", in_plaintext, True, False, False), (out_plaintext, "out_plaintext", in_plaintext, False, False, False), (in_hashed, "in_hashed", in_hashed, True, False, False), (out_hashed, "out_hashed", in_hashed, False, False, False), (in_deletions, "in_deletions", in_plaintext, True, True, False), (out_deletions, "out_deletions", in_plaintext, False, True, False), ( in_deletions_hashed, "in_deletions_hashed", in_hashed, True, True, False, ), ( out_deletions_hashed, "out_deletions_hashed", in_hashed, False, True, False, ), (in_typos, "in_typos", in_plaintext, True, False, True), (out_typos, "out_typos", in_plaintext, False, False, True), (in_typos_hashed, "in_typos_hashed", in_hashed, True, False, True), (out_typos_hashed, "out_typos_hashed", in_hashed, False, False, True), ] # type: List[Tuple[People, str, People, bool, bool, bool]]"Writing to: {output_filename}") vc = ValidationOutputColnames with open(output_filename, "wt") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=VALIDATION_OUTPUT_COLNAMES) writer.writeheader() i = 1 # row 1 is the header for ( people, collection_name, sample, in_sample, deletions, typos, ) in data: for person in people.people: i += 1 if i % cfg.report_every == 0:"... creating CSV row {i}") result = sample.get_unique_match_detailed(person) if math.isfinite(result.best_log_odds) and math.isfinite( result.second_best_log_odds ): leader_advantage = ( result.best_log_odds - result.second_best_log_odds ) else: leader_advantage = None best_match_id = ( result.best_candidate.local_id if result.best_candidate else None ) correct_if_winner = ( int(best_match_id == person.local_id) if result.winner else None ) rowdata = { # As of Python 3.6, keyword order is preserved: # # noqa # # ... but it doesn't matter since we're using a DictWriter. vc.COLLECTION_NAME: collection_name, vc.IN_SAMPLE: int(in_sample), vc.DELETIONS: int(deletions), vc.TYPOS: int(typos), vc.IS_HASHED: int(person.is_hashed()), vc.PROBAND_ID: person.local_id, vc.WINNER_ID: ( result.winner.local_id if result.winner else None ), vc.BEST_MATCH_ID: best_match_id, vc.BEST_LOG_ODDS: result.best_log_odds, vc.SECOND_BEST_LOG_ODDS: result.second_best_log_odds, vc.SECOND_BEST_MATCH_ID: ( result.second_best_candidate.local_id if result.second_best_candidate else None ), vc.CORRECT_IF_WINNER: correct_if_winner, vc.LEADER_ADVANTAGE: leader_advantage, } writer.writerow(rowdata)"... done")
# ============================================================================= # Validation 2 # =============================================================================
[docs]@dataclass class PostcodeInfo: """ Postcode with IMD. """ postcode: str start_date: Optional[] end_date: Optional[] index_of_multiple_deprivation: Optional[int] def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not isinstance(self.postcode, str): raise ValueError(f"Bad postcode: {self.postcode!r}") self.postcode = standardize_postcode(self.postcode) if not POSTCODE_REGEX.match(self.postcode): raise ValueError(f"Bad postcode: {self.postcode!r}") self.start_date = coerce_to_pendulum_date(self.start_date) if not isinstance(self.start_date, (, NONE_TYPE)): raise ValueError(f"Bad start_date: {self.start_date!r}") self.end_date = coerce_to_pendulum_date(self.end_date) if not isinstance(self.end_date, (, NONE_TYPE)): raise ValueError(f"Bad end_date: {self.end_date!r}") if not isinstance( self.index_of_multiple_deprivation, (int, NONE_TYPE) ): raise ValueError( f"Bad index_of_multiple_deprivation: " f"{self.index_of_multiple_deprivation!r}" ) # Very occasionally we get a silly pair of dates, where the end date is # before the start date. It's hard to know what the right answer is, so # we will discard the (evidently invalid) date information. if ( self.start_date and self.end_date and self.end_date < self.start_date ): log.warning("PostcodeInfo: end_date < start_date, removing dates") self.start_date = None self.end_date = None @property def temporal_identifier(self) -> TemporalIDHolder: return TemporalIDHolder( identifier=self.postcode, start_date=self.start_date, end_date=self.end_date, )
[docs]@dataclass class CPFTValidationExtras: """ Extra information for the "other_info" column for validation, as per the approved CPFT protocol. This class should contain all information that would not otherwise make it into the matching file, i.e. that information required to check the correctness and/or bias of matching. It should not contain anything directly identifiable. We store dates as strings because they are then JSON-serializable. We use blank strings for unknown dates. """ # Gold-standard identifier to compare across databases: hashed_nhs_number: str # because "local_id" will be per system # Demographics: blurred_dob: str # ISO-format string version of blurred DOB gender: str ethnicity: Optional[str] index_of_multiple_deprivation: Optional[int] # MH-related information: first_mh_care_date: str # ISO-format date string, or empty string age_at_first_mh_care: Optional[int] # deliberately blurred to year any_icd10_dx_present: int # binary chapter_f_icd10_dx_present: int # binary severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present: int # binary has_pseudopostcode: bool = False has_nfa_pseudopostcode: bool = False has_non_nfa_pseudopostcode: bool = False def __post_init__(self) -> None: binary = (0, 1) if not isinstance(self.hashed_nhs_number, str): raise ValueError( f"Bad hashed_nhs_number: {self.hashed_nhs_number!r}" ) if not is_valid_isoformat_blurred_date(self.blurred_dob): raise ValueError(f"Bad blurred_dob: {self.blurred_dob!r}") if not isinstance(self.gender, str): raise ValueError(f"Bad gender: {self.gender!r}") if not isinstance(self.ethnicity, (str, NONE_TYPE)): raise ValueError(f"Bad ethnicity: {self.ethnicity!r}") if not isinstance( self.index_of_multiple_deprivation, (int, NONE_TYPE) ): raise ValueError( f"Bad index_of_multiple_deprivation: " f"{self.index_of_multiple_deprivation!r}" ) try: assert isinstance(self.first_mh_care_date, str) if self.first_mh_care_date: assert is_valid_isoformat_date(self.first_mh_care_date) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Bad first_mh_care_date: {self.first_mh_care_date!r}" ) if not isinstance(self.age_at_first_mh_care, (int, NONE_TYPE)): raise ValueError( f"Bad age_at_first_mh_care: {self.age_at_first_mh_care!r}" ) if self.any_icd10_dx_present not in binary: raise ValueError( f"Bad any_icd10_dx_present: {self.any_icd10_dx_present!r}" ) if self.chapter_f_icd10_dx_present not in binary: raise ValueError( f"Bad chapter_f_icd10_dx_present: " f"{self.chapter_f_icd10_dx_present!r}" ) if self.severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present not in binary: raise ValueError( f"Bad severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present: " f"{self.severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present!r}" )
[docs] def set_pseudo_postcode_info( self, postcodes: Iterable[PostcodeInfo] ) -> None: """ Updates our pseudopostcode flags, without storing the postcode(s). """ for pi in postcodes: if is_pseudopostcode(pi.postcode): self.has_pseudopostcode = True if is_nfa_postcode(pi.postcode): self.has_nfa_pseudopostcode = True else: self.has_non_nfa_pseudopostcode = True
@property def json(self) -> str: return json.dumps(asdict(self))
[docs]class QueryColnames: """ Used to reduce some duplication. However, we don't use these within SQL itself simply because copying/pasting is helpful for SQL development. """ ANY_ICD10_DX_PRESENT = "any_icd10_dx_present" CHAPTER_F_ICD10_DX_PRESENT = "chapter_f_icd10_dx_present" DOB = "dob" END_DATE = "end_date" ETHNICITY = "ethnicity" FIRST_MH_CARE_DATE = "first_mh_care_date" FIRST_NAME = "first_name" GENDER = "gender" INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION = "index_of_multiple_deprivation" PREV_INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION = "prev_index_of_multiple_deprivation" MIDDLE_NAME = "middle_name" MIDDLE_NAME_1 = "middle_name_1" MIDDLE_NAME_2 = "middle_name_2" MIDDLE_NAME_3 = "middle_name_3" MIDDLE_NAME_4 = "middle_name_4" NHS_NUMBER = "nhs_number" POSTCODE = "postcode" PREV_POSTCODE = "prev_postcode" SMI_ICD10_DX_PRESENT = "smi_icd10_dx_present" START_DATE = "start_date" SURNAME = "surname"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CRS/CDL # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def validate_2_fetch_cdl( cfg: MatchConfig, url: str, echo: bool = False ) -> Generator[Person, None, None]: """ Generates IDENTIFIED people from CPFT's CRS/CRL source database. See :func:`validate_2_fetch_rio` for notes. Information we do not have: - Dates for postcodes; there are address dates in CRS_CDL.dbo.Address but that is de-identified. Not sure where the master identifiable copy is, but maybe no longer available? - Middle names (not present anywhere). An older query with columns like ``patients.dttm_of_birth`` is no longer current. Column exploration (see non-aliased table names below): - v.EJPS_ID is PRIMARY KEY VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL; either 'M<number>' or 'number'; length 3/4/6/7. - ip.PatientID is INT NOT NULL, observed length 4/5/6 = ? - ip.Identifier is NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, length 4/10/12; deduced (below) to be NHS# - ip.CRSNo is NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL; length 4/6/7/8; deduced to be CRS/CDL# - Linkage combinations that do/do not work: - ``v.EPJS_ID = ip.PatientID`` -- type mismatch - ``v.EPJS_ID = ip.Identifier COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS`` -- matches 0 - ``v.EPJS_ID = ip.CRSNo COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS`` -- matches 154658 - ``REPLACE(v.EPJS_ID, 'M', '') = REPLACE(ip.CRSNo COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS, 'M', '')`` -- also matches 154658 - ``v.NHS_ID = ip.Identifier COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS`` -- matches 152944 - ``REPLACE(v.NHS_ID, ' ', '') = REPLACE(ip.Identifier COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS, ' ', '')`` -- matches 153060 - v.NHS_ID: VARCHAR(15) column, can be NULL. Length 3/8/10/12. - If 3, is '123' (junk) or 'xNx', i.e. missing. (Note that 'xNx' is/was a common "missing" code in CRIS.) - If 8, is garbage. - If 12, has spaces in (format: xxx xxx xxxx). Date range: .. code-block:: sql SELECT YEAR(REFERRAL_RECVD_DATE), COUNT(*) FROM CRS_CDL.dbo.Referral WHERE REFERRAL_RECVD_DATE IS NOT NULL GROUP BY YEAR(REFERRAL_RECVD_DATE) ORDER BY YEAR(REFERRAL_RECVD_DATE) -- exceeds 10,000/year from 1999-2012 inclusive. """ sql = text( """ SELECT -- TOP 0 -- use for debugging; check syntax, no results -- or use COUNT(*) instead of what follows -- From the identifiable patient table: ip.PatientID AS cdl_m_number, -- INT NOT NULL ip.FirstName AS first_name, ip.LastName AS surname, CAST(ip.DOB AS DATE) as dob, ip.PostCode AS postcode, -- From the linkage table: CAST(REPLACE(v.NHS_ID, ' ', '') AS BIGINT) AS nhs_number, -- From the research (de-identified) master patient table: CASE rp.GENDER WHEN 'Female' THEN 'F' WHEN 'Male' THEN 'M' WHEN 'Not Specified' THEN 'X' ELSE '' -- 'Not Known' is the CRS/CDL "unknown" value END AS gender, rp.ETHNICITY AS ethnicity, -- see also CDLPatient.Ethnicity CAST(rp.CREATE_DTTM AS DATE) AS first_mh_care_date, -- ... first registration date -- From the diagnosis table in the research database: -- Codes are of the format "F2391", with no space or full stop. CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM CRS_CDL.dbo.Diagnosis dx_any WHERE dx_any.BrcId = rp.BrcId AND dx_any.CODE IS NOT NULL ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS any_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM CRS_CDL.dbo.Diagnosis dx_f WHERE dx_f.BrcId = rp.BrcId AND dx_f.CODE LIKE 'F%' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS chapter_f_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM CRS_CDL.dbo.Diagnosis dx_smi WHERE dx_smi.BrcId = rp.BrcId AND ( dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F20%' -- schizophrenia OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F21%' -- schizotypal OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F22%' -- persistent delusional OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F25%' -- schizoaffective OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F31%' -- bipolar OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F322%' -- severe depressive episode, not psychotic OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F323%' -- severe depressive episode, psychotic OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F332%' -- rec. dep, severe, not psychotic OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F333%' -- rec. dep, severe, psychotic ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS smi_icd10_dx_present, -- From the ONS postcode-to-IMD lookup: ons.imd AS index_of_multiple_deprivation FROM rawCRSCDL.dbo.[CRS_Output_2020 09 21] AS ip -- ... identifiable patient table (only table in that database) INNER JOIN zVaultCRS_CDL.dbo.NHSID_BRC_Lookup AS v -- vault, linking id/de-id ON v.EPJS_ID = ip.CRSNo COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS -- CRS/CDL# INNER JOIN CRS_CDL.dbo.MPI AS rp -- research patient table ON rp.BrcId = v.BRC_ID -- research ID; INT NOT NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN onspd.dbo.postcode AS ons -- Office for National Statistics ON ons.pcd_nospace = REPLACE(UPPER(ip.PostCode), ' ', '') WHERE -- We require an NHS number to be known. TRY_CAST(REPLACE(v.NHS_ID, ' ', '') AS BIGINT) IS NOT NULL AND LEN(REPLACE(v.NHS_ID, ' ', '')) = 10 -- Successful double-check: no change with: v.EPJS_ID != 'xNx'. -- Final count: 152888 (on 2022-05-26). -- Compare: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rawCRSCDL.dbo.[CRS_Output_2020 09 21] = 162874 """ # noqa ) engine = create_engine(url, echo=echo) result = engine.execute(sql) # type: CursorResult q = QueryColnames for row in result: cdl_m_number = row["cdl_m_number"] # type: int nhs_number = row[q.NHS_NUMBER] if not is_ok_nhs_number(nhs_number): continue dob = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.DOB]) gender = row[q.GENDER] first_mh_care_date = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.FIRST_MH_CARE_DATE]) postcodes = [] # type: List[PostcodeInfo] postcode_str = row[q.POSTCODE] if postcode_str and POSTCODE_REGEX.match(postcode_str): postcodes.append( PostcodeInfo( postcode=postcode_str, start_date=None, end_date=None, index_of_multiple_deprivation=row[ q.INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION ], ) ) other = CPFTValidationExtras( hashed_nhs_number=cfg.hash_fn(nhs_number), blurred_dob=isoformat_optional_date_str( truncate_date_to_first_of_month(dob) ), gender=gender, ethnicity=row[q.ETHNICITY], index_of_multiple_deprivation=last_imd(postcodes), first_mh_care_date=isoformat_optional_date_str(first_mh_care_date), age_at_first_mh_care=age_years(dob, first_mh_care_date), any_icd10_dx_present=row[q.ANY_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], chapter_f_icd10_dx_present=row[q.CHAPTER_F_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present=row[q.SMI_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], ) other.set_pseudo_postcode_info(postcodes) p = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id=str(cdl_m_number), other_info=other.json, forenames=[row[q.FIRST_NAME] or ""], surnames=[row[q.SURNAME]], gender=gender, dob=isoformat_optional_date_str(dob), postcodes=postcode_temporal_identifiers(postcodes), ) yield p
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PCMIS # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def validate_2_fetch_pcmis( cfg: MatchConfig, url: str, echo: bool = False ) -> Generator[Person, None, None]: """ Generates IDENTIFIED people from CPFT's PCMIS source database. Args: cfg: The main :class:`MatchConfig` object. url: SQLAlchemy URL. echo: Echo SQL? Yields: :class:`Person` objects Before running: .. code-block:: sql CREATE INDEX _crateidx_fuzzy_pcmis_pd_pid ON rawPCMIS.dbo.PatientDetails (PatientID); CREATE INDEX _crateidx_fuzzy_pcmis_pd_nhsn ON rawPCMIS.dbo.PatientDetails (NHSNumber); CREATE INDEX _crateidx_fuzzy_pcmis_ref_pid ON rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals (PatientID); CREATE INDEX _crateidx_fuzzy_pcmis_ref_case ON rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals (CaseNumber); CREATE INDEX _crateidx_fuzzy_pcmis_ref_dx1 ON rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals (PrimaryDiagnosis); CREATE INDEX _crateidx_fuzzy_pcmis_ref_dx2 ON rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals (SecondaryDiagnosis); Date range: .. code-block:: sql SELECT YEAR(CreateDate), COUNT(*) FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals WHERE CreateDate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY YEAR(CreateDate) ORDER BY YEAR(CreateDate) -- exceeds 1,000/year from 2008-2020 inclusive; -- exceeds 10,000/year from 2015-2019 inclusive; """ sql = text( """ SELECT -- TOP 0 -- for debugging -- From the main patient index: p.PatientID as pcmis_patient_id, -- NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL CAST(p.NHSNumber AS BIGINT) AS nhs_number, p.FirstName AS first_name, p.MiddleName AS middle_name, p.LastName AS surname, CAST(p.DOB AS DATE) AS dob, CASE p.Gender -- VARCHAR; possible values '0', '1', '2', '9'. -- WHEN '1' THEN 'M' WHEN '2' THEN 'F' ELSE '' -- '0' = "not known" -- '9' = "not specified" END AS gender, p.Ethnicity AS ethnicity, -- as a code p.PostCode AS postcode, p.PreviousPostCode AS prev_postcode, -- From the ONS postcode table: ons_current.imd AS index_of_multiple_deprivation, ons_previous.imd AS prev_index_of_multiple_deprivation, -- From the referrals table: CAST(r.ReferralDate AS DATE) AS first_mh_care_date, -- From diagnostic codes: -- Possibilities: -- CaseContactDetails.PrimaryDiagnosis -- ICD-10 with dot -- IAPTDataReferral.ProvDiag -- empty -- CPFT_Referrals.PrimaryDiagnosis -- ICD-10 with dot -- ReferralDetails.PrimaryDiagnosis -- ICD-10 with dot -- ... and likewise SecondaryDiagnosis CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals dx_any WHERE dx_any.PatientId = p.PatientId AND ( dx_any.PrimaryDiagnosis IS NOT NULL OR dx_any.SecondaryDiagnosis IS NOT NULL ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS any_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals dx_f WHERE dx_f.PatientId = p.PatientId AND ( dx_f.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F%' OR dx_f.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F%' ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS chapter_f_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals dx_smi WHERE dx_smi.PatientId = p.PatientId AND ( -- To be more efficient: the dots are predictable, -- so include in the query strings rather than -- using REPLACE(). dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F20%' -- schizophrenia OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F21%' -- schizotypal OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F22%' -- persistent delusional OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F25%' -- schizoaffective OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F31%' -- bipolar OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F32.2%' -- severe depressive episode, not psychotic OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F32.3%' -- severe depressive episode, psychotic OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F33.2%' -- rec. dep, severe, not psychotic OR dx_smi.PrimaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F33.3%' -- rec. dep, severe, psychotic OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F20%' -- schizophrenia OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F21%' -- schizotypal OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F22%' -- persistent delusional OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F25%' -- schizoaffective OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F31%' -- bipolar OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F32.2%' -- severe depressive episode, not psychotic OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F32.3%' -- severe depressive episode, psychotic OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F33.2%' -- rec. dep, severe, not psychotic OR dx_smi.SecondaryDiagnosis LIKE 'F33.3%' -- rec. dep, severe, psychotic ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS smi_icd10_dx_present FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.PatientDetails AS p -- identifiable patient table LEFT OUTER JOIN onspd.dbo.postcode AS ons_current ON ons_current.pcd_nospace = REPLACE(UPPER(p.PostCode), ' ', '') LEFT OUTER JOIN onspd.dbo.postcode AS ons_previous ON ons_previous.pcd_nospace = REPLACE( UPPER(p.PreviousPostCode), ' ', '' ) LEFT OUTER JOIN -- Finding the first referral. -- When ReferralDetails had 131973 records, so did CPFT_Referrals. -- ReferralDetails.CaseNumber is alphanumeric but unique. -- ReferralDetails.DateOfOnset is NULL much more often than not. -- ReferralDetails.ReferredToService is a service name, not a date. -- ReferralDetails contains no clear date field. -- CPFT_Referrals does. rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals AS r ON r.CaseNumber = ( SELECT TOP 1 CaseNumber FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.CPFT_Referrals AS r2 WHERE r2.PatientID = p.PatientID ORDER BY r2.ReferralDate ) WHERE -- Restrict to patients with NHS numbers: p.NHSNumber IS NOT NULL AND LEN(p.NHSNumber) = 10 -- ... non-NULL values only have lengths 0 or 10 -- ... none have spaces in AND TRY_CAST(p.NHSNumber AS BIGINT) IS NOT NULL -- Final count: 93347 (on 2022-05-26). -- Compare: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rawPCMIS.dbo.PatientDetails = 94344. """ # noqa ) engine = create_engine(url, echo=echo) result = engine.execute(sql) # type: CursorResult q = QueryColnames for row in result: pcmis_patient_id = row["pcmis_patient_id"] # type: str nhs_number = row[q.NHS_NUMBER] if not is_ok_nhs_number(nhs_number): continue middle_name = row[q.MIDDLE_NAME] dob = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.DOB]) gender = row[q.GENDER] first_mh_care_date = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.FIRST_MH_CARE_DATE]) postcodes = [] # type: List[PostcodeInfo] for postcode_key, imd_key in ( (q.PREV_POSTCODE, q.PREV_INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION), (q.POSTCODE, q.INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION), ): postcode_value = row[postcode_key] if postcode_value and POSTCODE_REGEX.match(postcode_value): postcodes.append( PostcodeInfo( postcode=postcode_value, start_date=None, end_date=None, index_of_multiple_deprivation=row[imd_key], ) ) other = CPFTValidationExtras( hashed_nhs_number=cfg.hash_fn(nhs_number), blurred_dob=isoformat_optional_date_str( truncate_date_to_first_of_month(dob) ), gender=gender, ethnicity=row[q.ETHNICITY], index_of_multiple_deprivation=last_imd(postcodes), first_mh_care_date=isoformat_optional_date_str(first_mh_care_date), age_at_first_mh_care=age_years(dob, first_mh_care_date), any_icd10_dx_present=row[q.ANY_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], chapter_f_icd10_dx_present=row[q.CHAPTER_F_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present=row[q.SMI_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], ) other.set_pseudo_postcode_info(postcodes) p = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id=pcmis_patient_id, other_info=other.json, forenames=[row[q.FIRST_NAME] or "", middle_name], surnames=list(filter(None, [row[q.SURNAME]])), gender=gender, dob=isoformat_optional_date_str(dob), postcodes=postcode_temporal_identifiers(postcodes), ) yield p
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RiO # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_rio_postcodes( engine: Engine, rio_patient_id: str ) -> List[PostcodeInfo]: """ Fetches distinct valid time-stamped postcodes for a given person, from RiO. The most recent should be last. Args: engine: SQLAlchemy engine rio_patient_id: RiO patient ID Returns: list: of postcodes in :class:`PostcodeInfo` format """ sql = text( """ SELECT DISTINCT -- TOP 0 -- for debugging -- From the identifiable address table: UPPER(a.PostCode) AS postcode, CAST(a.FromDate AS DATE) AS start_date, CAST(a.ToDate AS DATE) AS end_date, -- From the ONS postcode-to-IMD lookup: ons.imd AS index_of_multiple_deprivation, CASE WHEN CAST(a.ToDate AS DATE) IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS end_date_is_null -- "ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if -- SELECT DISTINCT is specified." FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientAddress AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN onspd.dbo.postcode AS ons -- Office for National Statistics ON ons.pcd_nospace = REPLACE(UPPER(a.PostCode), ' ', '') WHERE a.ClientID = :patient_id AND a.PostCode IS NOT NULL AND LEN(a.PostCode) >= 5 -- minimum for valid postcode ORDER BY -- You can use aliases in ORDER BY from SQL Server 2008 onwards. end_date_is_null, start_date, end_date, postcode """ ) rows = engine.execute(sql, patient_id=rio_patient_id) q = QueryColnames postcodes = [ PostcodeInfo( postcode=row[q.POSTCODE], start_date=row[q.START_DATE], end_date=row[q.END_DATE], index_of_multiple_deprivation=row[q.INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION], ) for row in rows if POSTCODE_REGEX.match(row[q.POSTCODE]) ] return postcodes def _get_rio_names( engine: Engine, rio_client_id: str ) -> Tuple[List[str], str]: """ Fetches names for a given person, from RiO. Args: engine: SQLAlchemy engine rio_client_id: RiO primary key (``ClientId``) Returns: tuple: list_of_forenames, surname Out of a large database (>150k people), 4 have two rows here. JL notes that in each case examined, the earliest EffectiveDate, or smallest crate_pk, is the right one. De-identified debugging queries: .. code-block:: sql SELECT TOP 10 -- De-identified inspection: c2.crate_rio_number, c2.ClientNameID, c2.EffectiveDate, c2.Deleted, c2.AliasType, c2.EndDate, c2.crate_pk FROM ( -- Patients with >1 apparent record in this table: SELECT c1.crate_rio_number, COUNT(*) AS n_per_patient FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientName c1 WHERE c1.EndDate IS NULL AND c1.Deleted = 0 GROUP BY c1.crate_rio_number HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) s INNER JOIN RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientName c2 ON c2.crate_rio_number = s.crate_rio_number The majority appear to have one entry with AliasType = '1' and another with AliasType = '2'. These are defined in ClientAliasType (a non-patient table, just ``SELECT * FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientAliasType`` to view); note that the code is of type NVARCHAR(10). Here, we see that '1' is 'Usual name'; '2' is 'Alias'; there are others. Restricting to '1' eliminates duplicates. .. code-block:: sql SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT crate_rio_number) AS n_patients, COUNT(DISTINCT ClientID) AS n_patients_another_way, COUNT(*) AS n_rows FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientName c1 WHERE EndDate IS NULL AND Deleted = 0 AND AliasType = '1' -- usual name Note that there are quite a lot of single-letter names: .. code-block:: sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientName WHERE EndDate IS NULL -- still current AND Deleted = 0 -- redundant AND AliasType = '1' -- usual name AND ( LEN(GivenName2) = 1 OR LEN(GivenName3) = 1 OR LEN(GivenName4) = 1 OR LEN(GivenName5) = 1 ) -- gives 10,619 (out of 216,739 without the length clause). Is ClientName.GivenName1 the same as Client.Firstname? .. code-block:: sql SELECT COUNT(*) AS n_joined, SUM(IIF(c.Firstname = cn.GivenName1, 1, 0)) AS first_name_same FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientName AS cn INNER JOIN RiO62CAMLive.dbo.Client AS c ON cn.ClientID = c.ClientID WHERE (c.NNNStatus = 1 OR c.NNNStatus = 2) AND cn.EndDate IS NULL AND cn.Deleted = 0 AND cn.AliasType = '1' -- e.g. 208582 joined, 116842 match. -- So no, not always the same. """ sql = text( """ SELECT -- OK to use UPPER() with NULL values. Result is, of course, NULL. -- But we will case-standardize everything later anywa. GivenName1 AS first_name, GivenName2 AS middle_name_1, GivenName3 AS middle_name_2, GivenName4 AS middle_name_3, GivenName5 AS middle_name_4, Surname AS surname FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientName WHERE ClientID = :client_id AND EndDate IS NULL -- still current AND Deleted = 0 -- redundant AND AliasType = '1' -- usual name """ ) result = engine.execute(sql, client_id=rio_client_id) # type: CursorResult rows = result.fetchall() # type: List[Row] n_rows = len(rows) # or result.rowcount() assert n_rows <= 1, "Didn't expect >1 row per patient in ClientName" if n_rows == 0: log.warning("RiO patient found with no name entry") return [], "" row = rows[0] q = QueryColnames forenames = [ row[q.FIRST_NAME], row[q.MIDDLE_NAME_1], row[q.MIDDLE_NAME_2], row[q.MIDDLE_NAME_3], row[q.MIDDLE_NAME_4], ] # Removal of blanks is optional; the Person object will also do it. surname = row[QueryColnames.SURNAME] or "" return forenames, surname
[docs]def validate_2_fetch_rio( cfg: MatchConfig, url: str, echo: bool = False ) -> Generator[Person, None, None]: """ Generates IDENTIFIED people from CPFT's RiO source database. The connection to any such database is HIGHLY confidential; it sits on a secure server within a secure network and access to this specific database is very restricted -- to administrators only. Args: cfg: The main :class:`MatchConfig` object. url: SQLAlchemy URL. echo: Echo SQL? Yields: :class:`Person` objects Date range: .. code-block:: sql SELECT YEAR(Referral_DateTime), COUNT(*) FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.Referral WHERE Referral_DateTime IS NOT NULL GROUP BY YEAR(Referral_DateTime) ORDER BY YEAR(Referral_DateTime) -- exceeds 10,000/year from 2012-2021 inclusive. Don't use ``ClientIndex``; first name and surname are always NULL. Use ``Client``. """ sql = text( """ SELECT -- TOP 0 -- for debugging -- From the main patient index: c.ClientID AS rio_client_id, -- VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL CAST(c.NNN AS BIGINT) AS nhs_number, -- c.Firstname AS first_name, -- problem: poorly structured -- c.Surname AS surname, -- problem: poorly structured CAST(c.DateOfBirth AS DATE) AS dob, CASE c.Gender WHEN 'F' THEN 'F' WHEN 'M' THEN 'M' WHEN 'X' THEN 'X' ELSE '' -- 'U' is the RiO "unknown" value END AS gender, CAST(c.FirstCareDate AS DATE) AS first_mh_care_date, -- From the ethnicity table: ge.CodeDescription AS ethnicity, -- From diagnostic codes: -- Codes can be with or without dots, e.g. F321 or F32.1 (!). -- But a dot only as the fourth character, if present. CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.DiagnosisClient dx_any WHERE dx_any.ClientID = c.ClientID AND dx_any.RemovalDate IS NULL -- not removed -- NB RemovalDate indicates deletion and is separate -- from DiagnosisEndDate, e.g. a real problem now gone. -- AND dx_any.CodingScheme = 'ICD10' -- redundant -- AND dx_any.Diagnosis IS NOT NULL -- redundant -- AND dx_any.Diagnosis != '' -- redundant ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS any_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.DiagnosisClient dx_f WHERE dx_f.ClientID = c.ClientID AND dx_f.RemovalDate IS NULL AND dx_f.Diagnosis LIKE 'F%' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS chapter_f_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.DiagnosisClient dx_smi WHERE dx_smi.ClientID = c.ClientID AND dx_smi.RemovalDate IS NULL AND ( dx_smi.Diagnosis LIKE 'F20%' -- schizophrenia OR dx_smi.Diagnosis LIKE 'F21%' -- schizotypal OR dx_smi.Diagnosis LIKE 'F22%' -- persistent delusional OR dx_smi.Diagnosis LIKE 'F25%' -- schizoaffective OR dx_smi.Diagnosis LIKE 'F31%' -- bipolar OR REPLACE(dx_smi.Diagnosis, '.', '') LIKE 'F322%' -- severe depressive episode, not psychotic OR REPLACE(dx_smi.Diagnosis, '.', '') LIKE 'F323%' -- severe depressive episode, psychotic OR REPLACE(dx_smi.Diagnosis, '.', '') LIKE 'F332%' -- rec. dep, severe, not psychotic OR REPLACE(dx_smi.Diagnosis, '.', '') LIKE 'F333%' -- rec. dep, severe, psychotic ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS smi_icd10_dx_present FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.Client AS c -- identifiable patient table -- We use the original raw RiO database, not the CRATE-processed -- one. LEFT JOIN RiO62CAMLive.dbo.GenEthnicity ge ON ge.Code = c.Ethnicity AND ge.Deleted = 0 WHERE -- Restrict to patients with NHS numbers: TRY_CAST(REPLACE(c.NNN, ' ', '') AS BIGINT) IS NOT NULL AND LEN(REPLACE(c.NNN, ' ', '')) = 10 -- Actually, this is overkill; none have spaces in. -- The "length 10" filter also makes no difference. -- The NOT NULL filter is important, of course. -- NHS number verification status? -- AND (c.NNNStatus = 1 OR c.NNNStatus = 2) -- For counts: -- SELECT NNNStatus, COUNT(*) FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.Client GROUP BY NNNStatus -- For status codes: -- SELECT * FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.NNNStatus -- 7333 -> 0 = "Trace/verification required" -- 129552 -> 1 = no text given -- 79030 -> 2 = [NHS] "Number present and verified" -- 824 -> 3 = "No match found" -- ... other codes not present in RiO62CAMLive.dbo.Client. -- A very small number (~40) have a null NHS number despite an -- OK-looking status flag; we'll skip them as above. -- Since these codes seem a bit unreliable, we'll use everyone, -- particularly as they may reflect a check against the national -- system during a period of NHS number creation or updating -- details. That also reflects our behaviour with other databases. -- Final count: 208538 (on 2022-05-26), revised to 208633 (on -- 2022-06-16) after removal of NNNStatus clause. -- Compare: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.ClientIndex = 216739 -- Compare: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RiO62CAMLive.dbo.Client = 216739 """ # noqa ) engine = create_engine(url, echo=echo) result = engine.execute(sql) # type: CursorResult q = QueryColnames for row in result: rio_client_id = row["rio_client_id"] # type: str nhs_number = row[q.NHS_NUMBER] # type: int if not is_ok_nhs_number(nhs_number): continue dob = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.DOB]) gender = row[q.GENDER] # type: str first_mh_care_date = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.FIRST_MH_CARE_DATE]) forenames, surname = _get_rio_names(engine, rio_client_id) postcodes = _get_rio_postcodes(engine, rio_client_id) other = CPFTValidationExtras( hashed_nhs_number=cfg.hash_fn(nhs_number), blurred_dob=isoformat_optional_date_str( truncate_date_to_first_of_month(dob) ), gender=gender, ethnicity=row[q.ETHNICITY], index_of_multiple_deprivation=last_imd(postcodes), first_mh_care_date=isoformat_optional_date_str(first_mh_care_date), age_at_first_mh_care=age_years(dob, first_mh_care_date), any_icd10_dx_present=row[q.ANY_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], chapter_f_icd10_dx_present=row[q.CHAPTER_F_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present=row[q.SMI_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], ) other.set_pseudo_postcode_info(postcodes) p = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id=rio_client_id, other_info=other.json, forenames=forenames, surnames=[surname], gender=gender, dob=isoformat_optional_date_str(dob), postcodes=postcode_temporal_identifiers(postcodes), ) yield p
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SystmOne # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_systmone_postcodes( engine: Engine, systmone_patient_id: int ) -> List[PostcodeInfo]: """ Fetches distinct valid time-stamped postcodes for a given person, from RiO. The most recent should be last. Args: engine: SQLAlchemy engine systmone_patient_id: SystmOne patient ID Returns: list: of postcodes in :class:`PostcodeInfo` format """ sql = text( """ SELECT DISTINCT -- TOP 0 -- for debugging -- From the identifiable address table: a.PostCode_NoSpaces AS postcode, CAST(a.DateEvent AS DATE) AS start_date, CAST(a.DateTo AS DATE) AS end_date, -- From the ONS postcode-to-IMD lookup: ons.imd AS index_of_multiple_deprivation, CASE WHEN CAST(a.DateTo AS DATE) IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS end_date_is_null FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_PatientAddress a LEFT OUTER JOIN onspd.dbo.postcode AS ons -- Office for National Statistics ON ons.pcd_nospace = a.PostCode_NoSpaces WHERE a.IDPatient = :patient_id AND a.PostCode_NoSpaces IS NOT NULL AND LEN(a.PostCode_NoSpaces) >= 5 -- minimum for valid postcode ORDER BY -- You can use aliases in ORDER BY from SQL Server 2008 onwards. end_date_is_null, start_date, end_date, postcode """ ) rows = engine.execute(sql, patient_id=systmone_patient_id) q = QueryColnames postcodes = [ PostcodeInfo( postcode=row[q.POSTCODE], start_date=row[q.START_DATE], end_date=row[q.END_DATE], index_of_multiple_deprivation=row[q.INDEX_OF_MULTIPLE_DEPRIVATION], ) for row in rows if POSTCODE_REGEX.match(row[0]) ] return postcodes
[docs]def validate_2_fetch_systmone( cfg: MatchConfig, url: str, echo: bool = False ) -> Generator[Person, None, None]: """ Generates IDENTIFIED people from CPFT's SystmOne source database. Args: cfg: The main :class:`MatchConfig` object. url: SQLAlchemy URL. echo: Echo SQL? Yields: :class:`Person` objects Date range: - We know that CPFT secondary care MH moves to SystmOne in phases, 2020-2021, specifically: - 2020-10-12, Children's Directorate; - 2020-12-07, Older People/Adults and Community Directorate (MH); - 2021-06-14, Adult & Specialist Directorate. - Before that: in 2015, many Cambridgeshire Community Services (CCS) staff moved to CPFT to support integrated adult/community services ( and they were using SystmOne. .. code-block:: sql SELECT YEAR(ReferralDate), COUNT(*) FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_ReferralsIn WHERE ReferralDate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY YEAR(ReferralDate) ORDER BY YEAR(ReferralDate) -- exceeds 10,000/year from 2007-. - S1_Diagnosis contains these code schemes: .. code-block:: sql SELECT DISTINCT CodeScheme FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Diagnosis -- 'ICD-10', 'OPCS' only (in current data). -- Only 7504 rows in whole table. In the strategic reporting extract, it's SRClinicalCode (and there is no SRDiagnosis). There's SRCode, too, which contains Read/CTV3 and SNOMED codes. CPFT's table S1_Diagnosis is essentially SRClinicalCode with a Description column linked in, and minor column renaming (e.g. DtDiagnosis to DateDiagnosis). But it's the right (and only) table for ICD-10 codes. - There are no NHS numbers with spaces in, so we don't have to worry about that: .. code-block:: sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Patient WHERE p.NHSNumber LIKE '% %' -- returns 0 """ sql = text( """ SELECT -- TOP 0 -- for debugging -- From the main patient index: p.IDPatient as systmone_patient_id, -- BIGINT NULL CAST(p.NHSNumber AS BIGINT) AS nhs_number, p.FirstName AS first_name, p.GivenName2 AS middle_name, p.Surname AS surname, CAST(p.DOB AS DATE) AS dob, CASE p.Gender WHEN 'F' THEN 'F' WHEN 'M' THEN 'M' WHEN 'I' THEN 'X' ELSE '' -- ELSE clause includes NULL values -- 'U' = "unknown" END AS gender, -- From the demographics table: d.Ethnicity AS ethnicity, -- From the referrals table: CAST(r.ReferralDateTime AS DATE) AS first_mh_care_date, -- From diagnostic codes: -- There are no dots in ICD-10 codes. -- Length is 4 or 5. Codes can be like this: 'F03X-'. CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Diagnosis dx_any WHERE dx_any.IDPatient = p.IDPatient AND dx_any.CodeScheme = 'ICD-10' AND dx_any.DateEnded IS NULL -- none in practice -- DateEpisodeEnd is separate; that is sometimes -- populated. AND dx_any.CODE IS NOT NULL -- none in practice ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS any_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Diagnosis dx_f WHERE dx_f.IDPatient = p.IDPatient AND dx_f.CodeScheme = 'ICD-10' AND dx_f.DateEnded IS NULL -- none in practice AND dx_f.CODE LIKE 'F%' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS chapter_f_icd10_dx_present, CASE WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Diagnosis dx_smi WHERE dx_smi.IDPatient = p.IDPatient AND dx_smi.CodeScheme = 'ICD-10' AND dx_smi.DateEnded IS NULL -- none in practice AND ( dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F20%' -- schizophrenia OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F21%' -- schizotypal OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F22%' -- persistent delusional OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F25%' -- schizoaffective OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F31%' -- bipolar OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F322%' -- severe depressive episode, not psychotic OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F323%' -- severe depressive episode, psychotic OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F332%' -- rec. dep, severe, not psychotic OR dx_smi.CODE LIKE 'F333%' -- rec. dep, severe, psychotic ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS smi_icd10_dx_present FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Patient AS p -- identifiable patient table LEFT OUTER JOIN SystmOne.dbo.S1_Demographics AS d ON d.IDPatient = p.IDPatient -- 1:1 mapping LEFT OUTER JOIN SystmOne.dbo.S1_ReferralsIn AS r ON r.RowIdentifier = ( -- The first mental health referral. SELECT TOP 1 RowIdentifier FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_ReferralsIn AS r2 WHERE r2.IDPatient = p.IDPatient AND r2.IsMentalHealth = 1 -- 0 or 1 ORDER BY r2.ReferralDateTime ) WHERE -- Restrict to patients with NHS numbers: p.NHSNumber IS NOT NULL AND LEN(p.NHSNumber) = 10 -- None have spaces in; see above. AND TRY_CAST(p.NHSNumber AS BIGINT) IS NOT NULL -- About 1/619,000 have no DOB: AND p.DOB IS NOT NULL -- There are no "deleted" flags. -- Final count: 613175 (2022-06-01). -- Compare: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SystmOne.dbo.S1_Patient = 619062. """ # noqa ) engine = create_engine(url, echo=echo) result = engine.execute(sql) # type: CursorResult q = QueryColnames for row in result: systmone_patient_id = row["systmone_patient_id"] # type: int assert systmone_patient_id is not None nhs_number = row[q.NHS_NUMBER] if not is_ok_nhs_number(nhs_number): continue dob = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.DOB]) gender = row[q.GENDER] first_mh_care_date = coerce_to_pendulum_date(row[q.FIRST_MH_CARE_DATE]) postcodes = _get_systmone_postcodes(engine, systmone_patient_id) other = CPFTValidationExtras( hashed_nhs_number=cfg.hash_fn(nhs_number), blurred_dob=isoformat_optional_date_str( truncate_date_to_first_of_month(dob) ), gender=gender, ethnicity=row[q.ETHNICITY], index_of_multiple_deprivation=last_imd(postcodes), first_mh_care_date=isoformat_optional_date_str(first_mh_care_date), age_at_first_mh_care=age_years(dob, first_mh_care_date), any_icd10_dx_present=row[q.ANY_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], chapter_f_icd10_dx_present=row[q.CHAPTER_F_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], severe_mental_illness_icd10_dx_present=row[q.SMI_ICD10_DX_PRESENT], ) other.set_pseudo_postcode_info(postcodes) p = Person( cfg=cfg, local_id=str(systmone_patient_id), other_info=other.json, forenames=[row[q.FIRST_NAME], row[q.MIDDLE_NAME]], surnames=[row[q.SURNAME]], gender=gender, dob=isoformat_optional_date_str(dob), postcodes=postcode_temporal_identifiers(postcodes), ) yield p
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Common functions # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def save_people_from_db( people: Iterable[Person], output_filename: str, plaintext: bool = True, report_every: int = 1000, ) -> None: """ Saves people (in plaintext) from a function that generates them from a database. Args: people: Iterable of :class:`Person`. output_filename: Output CSV/JSONL filename. plaintext: Save in plaintext format? report_every: Report progress every n people. Out of interest, the reason why Windows files show as being of zero length until closed (and how to update the display): """ with PersonWriter( filename=output_filename, plaintext=plaintext, include_frequencies=True, include_other_info=True, ) as writer: for rownum, p in enumerate(people, start=1): writer.write(p) if rownum % report_every == 0:"Processing person #{rownum}")
# ============================================================================= # Command-line entry point # ============================================================================= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants and helper functions for help text # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMBS_POPULATION = 852523 # ... 2018 estimate; CDL = "cdl" PCMIS = "pcmis" RIO = "rio" SYSTMONE = "systmone" ALL_DATABASES = (CDL, PCMIS, RIO, SYSTMONE) class EnvVar: HASHKEY = "CRATE_FUZZY_HASH_KEY" DATADIR = "CRATE_FUZZY_LINKAGE_VALIDATION_DATA_DIR" VALIDATOR = "CRATE_FUZZY_VALIDATOR" COMMON_OPTIONS = "CRATE_FUZZY_COMMON_OPTIONS" HASH_OPTIONS = "CRATE_FUZZY_HASH_OPTIONS" @staticmethod def db_url_envvar(db: str) -> str: return "CRATE_FUZZY_DB_URL_" + db.upper()
[docs]def v2_plaintext(database: str) -> str: """ A default filename. """ return f"fuzzy_data_{database}_DANGER_IDENTIFIABLE.csv"
[docs]def v2_hashed(database: str) -> str: """ A default filename. """ return f"fuzzy_data_{database}_hashed.jsonl"
[docs]def v2_outplain(probands: str, sample: str) -> str: """ A default filename. """ return f"fuzzy_compare_{probands}_to_{sample}_plaintext.csv"
[docs]def v2_outhashed(probands: str, sample: str) -> str: """ A default filename. """ return f"fuzzy_compare_{probands}_to_{sample}_hashed.csv"
[docs]def help_v2_fetch(plaintext: bool = True) -> str: """ Help string for fetching data from all sources. Produces Windows output; one line per command (helpful for commenting things out). """ if plaintext: plain = "--plaintext " filename_fn = v2_plaintext hash_options = "" else: plain = "" filename_fn = v2_hashed hash_options = f"%{EnvVar.HASH_OPTIONS}% " return "\n".join( f'"%{EnvVar.VALIDATOR}%" validate2_fetch_{db} ' f"--output {filename_fn(db)} {plain}" f'--url "%{EnvVar.db_url_envvar(db)}%" ' f"{hash_options}" f"|| exit /b" for db in ALL_DATABASES )
[docs]def help_v2_hash() -> str: """ Help string for hashing data from all sources. Produces Windows output; one line per command (helpful for commenting things out). """ return "\n".join( f"crate_fuzzy_id_match {Commands.HASH} " f"--{Switches.INPUT} {v2_plaintext(db)} " f"--{Switches.OUTPUT} {v2_hashed(db)} " f"--{Switches.INCLUDE_OTHER_INFO} " f"%{EnvVar.HASH_OPTIONS}% " f"|| exit /b" for db in ALL_DATABASES )
[docs]def help_v2_compare(plaintext: bool) -> str: """ Help string for comparing data from all sources. Produces Windows output; one line per command (helpful for commenting things out). """ if plaintext: command = Commands.COMPARE_PLAINTEXT source_fn = v2_plaintext out_fn = v2_outplain else: command = Commands.COMPARE_HASHED_TO_HASHED source_fn = v2_hashed out_fn = v2_outhashed return "\n".join( f"crate_fuzzy_id_match {command} " f"--probands {source_fn(db1)} " f"--sample {source_fn(db2)} " f"--output {out_fn(db1, db2)} " f"%{EnvVar.COMMON_OPTIONS}% " f"|| exit /b" for db1 in ALL_DATABASES for db2 in ALL_DATABASES # if db1 != db2 -- include self-to-self comparisons )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Long help strings # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP_VALIDATE_1 = f""" Takes an identifiable list of people (typically a short list of imaginary people!) and validates the matching process. This is done by splitting the input list into two groups (alternating), then comparing a list of probands either against itself (there should be matches) or against the other group (there should generally not be). The process is carried out in cleartext (plaintext) and in a hashed form. At times it's made harder by introducing deletions or mutations (typos) into one of the groups. Here's a specimen test CSV file to use, with entirely made-up people and institutional (not personal) postcodes in Cambridge: {get_demo_csv()} Explanation of the output format: {ValidationOutputColnames.COLLECTION_NAME}: A human-readable name summarizing the next four. {ValidationOutputColnames.IN_SAMPLE}: (Boolean) Whether the probands are in the sample. {ValidationOutputColnames.DELETIONS}: (Boolean) Whether random items have been deleted from the probands. {ValidationOutputColnames.TYPOS}: (Boolean) Whether random typos have been made in the probands. {ValidationOutputColnames.IS_HASHED}: (Boolean) Whether the proband and sample are hashed. {ValidationOutputColnames.PROBAND_ID}: The local ID of the proband (from the proband file). {ValidationOutputColnames.WINNER_ID}: The local ID of the best-matching person in the sample (from the sample file) if they were a good enough match to win. {ValidationOutputColnames.BEST_MATCH_ID}: The local ID of the best-matching person in the sample (from the sample file). {ValidationOutputColnames.BEST_LOG_ODDS}: The calculated log (ln) odds that the proband and the sample member identified by 'winner_id' are the sample person (ideally high if there is a true match, low if not). {ValidationOutputColnames.SECOND_BEST_LOG_ODDS}: The calculated log odds of the proband and the runner-up being the same person (ideally low). {ValidationOutputColnames.SECOND_BEST_MATCH_ID}: The ID of the second-best matching person, if there is one. {ValidationOutputColnames.CORRECT_IF_WINNER}: (Boolean) Whether the proband and winner IDs are the same (ideally true). {ValidationOutputColnames.LEADER_ADVANTAGE}: The log odds by which the winner beats the runner-up (ideally high, indicating a strong preference for the winner over the runner-up). Clearly, if the probands are in the sample, then a match may occur; if not, no match should occur. If hashing is in use, this tests de-identified linkage; if not, this tests identifiable linkage. Deletions and typos may reduce (but we hope not always eliminate) the likelihood of a match, and we don't want to see mismatches. For n input rows, each basic set test involves n^2/2 comparisons. Then we repeat for typos and deletions. (There is no point in DOB typos as our matching rules preclude that.) Examine: - P(unique plaintext match | proband in sample) -- should be close to 1. - P(unique plaintext match | proband in others) -- should be close to 0. - P(unique hashed match | proband in sample) -- should be close to 1. - P(unique hashed match | proband in others) -- should be close to 0. """ HELP_VALIDATE_2_CDL = rf""" Validation #2. Sequence (using Windows command-line syntax): 0. Setup set {EnvVar.HASHKEY}=<SOME_SECRET_KEY> set {EnvVar.DATADIR}=<DIRECTORY> 1. Fetch and hash (If you fetched and hashed separately, you would also need the --{Switches.INCLUDE_OTHER_INFO} option for the hashing step.) set {EnvVar.VALIDATOR}=\path\to\ set {EnvVar.db_url_envvar(CDL)}=<SQLALCHEMY_URL> set {EnvVar.db_url_envvar(PCMIS)}=<SQLALCHEMY_URL> set {EnvVar.db_url_envvar(RIO)}=<SQLALCHEMY_URL> set {EnvVar.db_url_envvar(SYSTMONE)}=<SQLALCHEMY_URL> set {EnvVar.HASH_OPTIONS}=--{Switches.KEY} "%{EnvVar.HASHKEY}%" --{Switches.LOCAL_ID_HASH_KEY} "%{EnvVar.HASHKEY}%" --{Switches.HASH_METHOD} {HashMethods.HMAC_MD5} cd "%{EnvVar.DATADIR}%" {help_v2_fetch(plaintext=False)} 2. Compare. set {EnvVar.COMMON_OPTIONS}=--{Switches.POPULATION_SIZE} {CAMBS_POPULATION} --{Switches.EXTRA_VALIDATION_OUTPUT} cd "%{EnvVar.DATADIR}%" {help_v2_compare(plaintext=False)} """ # noqa # Skipped: {help_v2_compare(plaintext=True)} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main() -> int: """ Command-line entry point. """ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Argument parser # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # noinspection PyTypeChecker parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Validate identity matching via hashed fuzzy identifiers", formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) subparsers = add_subparsers(parser) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # speedtest command # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ speedtest_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "speedtest", help="Run speed tests and stop", description=""" This will run several comparisons to test hashing and comparison speed. Results are reported as microseconds per comparison. """, formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) speedtest_parser.add_argument( "--profile", action="store_true", help="Profile (makes things slower but shows you what's taking the " "time).", ) add_hasher_options(speedtest_parser) add_matching_rules(speedtest_parser) add_error_probabilities(speedtest_parser) add_config_options(speedtest_parser) add_basic_options(speedtest_parser) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # validate1 command # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ validate1_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "validate1", help="Run validation test 1 and stop. In this test, a list of people " "is compared to a version of itself, at times with elements " "deleted or with typos introduced.", description=HELP_VALIDATE_1, formatter_class=RawDescriptionArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) validate1_parser.add_argument( "--people", type=str, required=True, help="Input filename for validation 1 data. " + Person.PLAINTEXT_CSV_FORMAT_HELP, ) validate1_parser.add_argument( "--output", type=str, required=True, help=( f"Output CSV file for validation. Header row present. Columns: " f"{VALIDATION_OUTPUT_COLNAMES}." ), ) validate1_parser.add_argument( "--seed", type=int, default=1234, help="Random number seed, for introducing deliberate errors in " "validation test 1", ) add_matching_rules(validate1_parser) add_error_probabilities(validate1_parser) add_config_options(validate1_parser) add_basic_options(validate1_parser) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # validate2 and ancillary commands # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def _add_validate2_elements(parser_: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """ Adds common options. """ parser_.add_argument( "--url", type=str, required=True, help="SQLAlchemy URL for source (IDENTIFIABLE) database", ) parser_.add_argument( "--output", type=str, required=True, help="Filename for output (plaintext CSV or hashed JSONL) data. " + Person.PLAINTEXT_CSV_FORMAT_HELP, ) parser_.add_argument( "--plaintext", action="store_true", help="Write identifiable, not hashed, data.", ) parser_.add_argument("--echo", action="store_true", help="Echo SQL?") add_hasher_options(parser_) add_error_probabilities(parser_) add_config_options(parser_) add_basic_options(parser_) def _get_validate2_config(args_) -> MatchConfig: return get_cfg_from_args( args_, require_hasher=False, require_main_config=True, require_error=True, require_matching=False, ) # CDL validate2_cdl_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "validate2_fetch_cdl", help="Validation 2A: fetch people from CPFT CDL database", description=HELP_VALIDATE_2_CDL, formatter_class=RawDescriptionArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) _add_validate2_elements(validate2_cdl_parser) # RiO validate2_rio_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "validate2_fetch_rio", help="Validation 2B: fetch people from CPFT RiO database", description="See validate2_fetch_cdl command.", formatter_class=RawDescriptionArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) _add_validate2_elements(validate2_rio_parser) # PCMIS validate2_pcmis_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "validate2_fetch_pcmis", help="Validation 2C: fetch people from CPFT PCMIS database", description="See validate2_fetch_cdl command.", formatter_class=RawDescriptionArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) _add_validate2_elements(validate2_pcmis_parser) # SystmOne validate2_systmone_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "validate2_fetch_systmone", help="Validation 2B: fetch people from CPFT SystmOne database", description="See validate2_fetch_cdl command.", formatter_class=RawDescriptionArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) _add_validate2_elements(validate2_systmone_parser) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Parse arguments and set up # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ args = parser.parse_args() main_only_quicksetup_rootlogger( level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO ) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Run a command # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Command: {args.command}") if args.command == "speedtest": cfg = get_cfg_from_args( args, require_hasher=True, require_main_config=True, require_error=True, require_matching=True, ) fn = do_cprofile(speedtest) if args.profile else speedtest fn(cfg) elif args.command == "validate1": cfg = get_cfg_from_args( args, require_hasher=False, require_main_config=True, require_error=True, require_matching=True, )"Running validation test 1.") validate_1( cfg, people_filename=args.people, output_filename=args.output, seed=args.seed, )"Validation test 1 complete.") elif args.command == "validate2_fetch_cdl": warn_or_fail_if_default_key(args) cfg = _get_validate2_config(args) save_people_from_db( people=validate_2_fetch_cdl(cfg=cfg, url=args.url, echo=args.echo), output_filename=args.output, plaintext=args.plaintext, report_every=cfg.report_every, ) elif args.command == "validate2_fetch_pcmis": warn_or_fail_if_default_key(args) cfg = _get_validate2_config(args) save_people_from_db( people=validate_2_fetch_pcmis( cfg=cfg, url=args.url, echo=args.echo ), output_filename=args.output, plaintext=args.plaintext, report_every=cfg.report_every, ) elif args.command == "validate2_fetch_rio": warn_or_fail_if_default_key(args) cfg = _get_validate2_config(args) save_people_from_db( people=validate_2_fetch_rio(cfg=cfg, url=args.url, echo=args.echo), output_filename=args.output, plaintext=args.plaintext, report_every=cfg.report_every, ) elif args.command == "validate2_fetch_systmone": warn_or_fail_if_default_key(args) cfg = _get_validate2_config(args) save_people_from_db( people=validate_2_fetch_systmone( cfg=cfg, url=args.url, echo=args.echo ), output_filename=args.output, plaintext=args.plaintext, report_every=cfg.report_every, ) else: # Shouldn't get here. log.error(f"Unknown command: {args.command}") return EXIT_FAILURE"... command {args.command} finished.") return EXIT_SUCCESS
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())