Source code for crate_anon.linkage.people



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

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**People representations for fuzzy matching.**


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
from typing import (

from ordered_set import OrderedSet

from crate_anon.linkage.constants import INFINITY, MINUS_INFINITY
from crate_anon.linkage.matchconfig import MatchConfig
from crate_anon.linkage.matchresult import MatchResult
from crate_anon.linkage.person import Person

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Exceptions
# =============================================================================

[docs]class DuplicateIDError(Exception): pass
# ============================================================================= # People: a collection of Person objects # ============================================================================= # Try staring at the word "people" for a while and watch it look odd...
[docs]class People: """ Represents a group of people, and implements a shortlist. """
[docs] def __init__( self, cfg: MatchConfig, person: Person = None, people: Iterable[Person] = None, ) -> None: """ Creates a blank collection. Raises :exc:`crate_anon.linkage.fuzzy_id_match.DuplicateLocalIDError` if some people have duplicate ``local_id`` values. """ self.cfg = cfg self.people = [] # type: List[Person] # ... list is preferable to set, as we may slice it for parallel # processing, and it maintains order. # These may be plaintext or hashed DOB strings depending on our people: self.dob_md_to_people = defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[str, List[Person]] self.dob_yd_to_people = defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[str, List[Person]] self.dob_ym_to_people = defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[str, List[Person]] self.dob_ymd_to_people = defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[str, List[Person]] self.perfect_id_map = defaultdict( dict ) # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Person]] self._known_local_ids = set() # type: Set[str] self._people_are_plaintext = None # type: Optional[bool] if person: self.add_person(person) if people: self.add_people(people)
[docs] def add_person(self, person: Person) -> None: """ Adds a single person. Raises :exc:`crate_anon.linkage.fuzzy_id_match.DuplicateLocalIDError` if the person has a ``local_id`` value already in our collection. """ # Plaintext or hashed? if self.people: # Not the first person. if person.is_plaintext() != self._people_are_plaintext: new = Person.plain_or_hashed_txt(person.is_plaintext()) old = Person.plain_or_hashed_txt(self._people_are_plaintext) raise ValueError( f"Trying to add a {new} person but all existing people " f"are {old}" ) else: # First person. self._people_are_plaintext = person.is_plaintext() # Check local ID not duplicated. if person.local_id in self._known_local_ids: raise DuplicateIDError( f"Person with duplicate local ID {person.local_id!r}" ) self._known_local_ids.add(person.local_id) # Build perfect ID map and ensure no duplication. for key, value in person.perfect_id.identifiers.items(): # e.g. key = "nhsnum", value = some NHS number as a string, or a # hashed equivalent. id_to_person = self.perfect_id_map[key] # e.g. for NHS# if value in id_to_person: raise DuplicateIDError( f"Person with duplicate perfect ID {key} = {value!r}" ) id_to_person[value] = person # Add to DOB maps. dob = person.dob if dob: self.dob_md_to_people[dob.dob_md].append(person) self.dob_yd_to_people[dob.dob_yd].append(person) self.dob_ym_to_people[dob.dob_ym].append(person) self.dob_ymd_to_people[dob.dob_str].append(person) else: # DOB absent. # We do need a way to retrieve people with no DOB. # We use a blank string key for this: self.dob_ymd_to_people[""].append(person) # It's also true that dob.dob_str will be "", so this is just for # clarity. # We do not need to add to the partial DOB maps. See # gen_shortlist(). # Add the person. self.people.append(person)
[docs] def add_people(self, people: Iterable[Person]) -> None: """ Adds multiple people. Raises :exc:`crate_anon.linkage.fuzzy_id_match.DuplicateLocalIDError` if some people have duplicate ``local_id`` values with respect to those we already know. """ for person in people: self.add_person(person)
[docs] def size(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of people in this object. """ return len(self.people)
[docs] def ensure_valid_as_probands(self) -> None: """ Ensures all people have sufficient information to act as a proband, or raises :exc:`ValueError`. """"Validating probands...") for p in self.people: p.ensure_valid_as_proband() log.debug("... OK")
[docs] def ensure_valid_as_sample(self) -> None: """ Ensures all people have sufficient information to act as a candidate from a sample, or raises :exc:`ValueError`. """"Validating sample...") for p in self.people: p.ensure_valid_as_candidate() log.debug("... OK")
[docs] def get_perfect_match(self, proband: Person) -> Optional[Person]: """ Returns the first person who matches on a perfect (person-unique) ID, or ``None``. """ for key, value in proband.perfect_id.identifiers.items(): key = self.cfg.remap_perfect_id_key(key) winner = self.perfect_id_map[key].get(value) if winner: return winner return None
[docs] def gen_shortlist(self, proband: Person) -> Generator[Person, None, None]: """ Generates a shortlist of potential candidates for fuzzy matching (e.g. by restriction to same/similar dates of birth -- or with no such restriction, if preferred). Yields: proband: a :class:`Person` """ # A high-speed function. cfg = self.cfg dob = proband.dob # 2023-02-28 update for referees: # - Allow comparison where the DOB is missing. # - Of necessity, probands with no DOBs must be compared to all # candidates. # - Likewise, if we permit a complete DOB mismatch (where DOBs are # present), we must compare to all candidates. if cfg.complete_dob_mismatch_allowed or not dob: # No shortlisting; everyone's a candidate. Slow. for person in self.people: # self.people is a list, so order is consistent and matches # the input. yield person else: # Implement the shortlist by DOB. # Most efficient to let set operations determine uniqueness, then # iterate through the set. # We use an OrderedSet to be sure of consistency; the precise # ordering is as below (e.g. people with the same DOB, then those # with the partial matches as shown below). Within each category, # the ordering will be as the input. (Thus, if configured for # duplicate detection, which entails identical DOBs, the earliest # winner will always be the first in the input.) # First, exact matches: shortlist = OrderedSet(self.dob_ymd_to_people[dob.dob_str]) # Now, we'll slow it all down with partial matches: if cfg.partial_dob_mismatch_allowed: shortlist.update(self.dob_md_to_people[dob.dob_md]) shortlist.update(self.dob_yd_to_people[dob.dob_yd]) shortlist.update(self.dob_ym_to_people[dob.dob_ym]) # But also, we must include any candidates who have no DOB. # (We already know that our proband has a DOB, or we wouldn't be # in this part of the if statement.) shortlist.update(self.dob_ymd_to_people[""]) for person in shortlist: yield person
[docs] def get_unique_match_detailed(self, proband: Person) -> MatchResult: """ Returns a single person matching the proband, or ``None`` if there is no match (as defined by the probability settings in ``cfg``). Args: proband: a :class:`Person` """ # 2020-04-25: Do this in one pass. # A bit like # # noqa # ... but modified, as that fails to deal with joint winners # ... and it's not a super algorithm anyway. # Step 1. Scan everything in a single pass, establishing the best # candidate and the runner-up. cfg = self.cfg best_log_odds = MINUS_INFINITY second_best_log_odds = MINUS_INFINITY second_best_candidate = None # type: Optional[Person] best_candidate = self.get_perfect_match(proband) if best_candidate: best_log_odds = INFINITY else: # Fuzzy matching proband_log_odds_same = proband.log_odds_same # for speed for candidate in self.gen_shortlist(proband): log_odds = proband_log_odds_same(candidate) if log_odds > best_log_odds: second_best_log_odds = best_log_odds second_best_candidate = best_candidate best_log_odds = log_odds best_candidate = candidate elif log_odds > second_best_log_odds: second_best_log_odds = log_odds second_best_candidate = candidate # If log_odds == best_log_odds, we don't change the winner, # i.e. the first-encountered candidate continues in the lead. # The shortlist is generated in a consistent order. result = MatchResult( best_log_odds=best_log_odds, second_best_log_odds=second_best_log_odds, best_candidate=best_candidate, second_best_candidate=second_best_candidate, proband=proband, ) # Is there a winner? if ( best_candidate and best_log_odds >= cfg.min_log_odds_for_match and best_log_odds >= (second_best_log_odds + cfg.exceeds_next_best_log_odds) ): # (a) There needs to be a best candidate. # (b) The best needs to be good enough. # (c) The best must beat the runner-up by a sufficient margin. result.winner = best_candidate return result
[docs] def get_unique_match(self, proband: Person) -> Optional[Person]: """ Returns a single person matching the proband, or ``None`` if there is no match (as defined by the probability settings in ``cfg``). Args: proband: a :class:`Person` Returns: the winner (a :class:`Person`) or ``None`` """ result = self.get_unique_match_detailed(proband) return result.winner
[docs] def hashed(self) -> "People": """ Returns a hashed version of itself. """ return People(cfg=self.cfg, people=[p.hashed() for p in self.people])
[docs] def copy(self) -> "People": """ Returns a copy of itself. """ return People(cfg=self.cfg, people=[p.copy() for p in self.people])