Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
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**Converts names to salutations and parses names into component parts.**
from typing import Optional, Tuple
# =============================================================================
# Salutation and other forms of name/title generation
# =============================================================================
[docs]def title_forename_surname(
title: Optional[str],
forename: Optional[str],
surname: Optional[str],
always_title: bool = False,
sex: str = "",
assume_dr: bool = False,
) -> str:
Used when reporting names. Returns a string of the format ``Title Forename
Surname``, as far as we can work it out.
title: title
forename: forename
surname: surname
always_title: if we don't know the title, guess one?
sex: ``"M"`` or ``"F"`` or other/unknown
assume_dr: assume the person has the title "Dr"?
str: a string of a format like
.. code-block:: none
Prof. John Smith
John Smith
Prof. Smith
if always_title and not title:
title = salutation_default_title(sex, assume_dr)
return " ".join(filter(None, [title, forename, surname]))
[docs]def forename_surname(forename: Optional[str], surname: Optional[str]) -> str:
For use when reporting names.
forename: forename
surname: surname
str: a string of the style ``Forename Surname``
return " ".join(filter(None, [forename, surname]))
[docs]def salutation_default_title(sex: str = "", assume_dr: bool = False) -> str:
Returns a guess as to someone's title.
sex: ``"M"`` or ``"F"`` or other/unknown
assume_dr: assume the person has the title "Dr"?
a title
if assume_dr:
return "Dr"
if sex.upper() == "M":
return "Mr"
if sex.upper() == "F":
return "Ms"
# really stuck now
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_neutral_title
return "Mx"
[docs]def salutation(
title: Optional[str],
forename: Optional[str],
surname: Optional[str],
sex: str = "",
assume_dr: bool = False,
) -> str:
For salutations: "Dear ..."
title: title
forename: forename
surname: surname
sex: ``"M"`` or ``"F"`` or other/unknown
assume_dr: assume the person has the title "Dr"?
a salutation like ``Prof. Smith``
if not title:
title = salutation_default_title(sex, assume_dr)
if title.lower() == "sir": # frivolous!
return " ".join([title, forename])
return " ".join([title, surname])
# =============================================================================
# String parsing
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string(s: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Parses a name-like string into plausible parts. Try:
.. code-block:: python
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("AJ VAN DEN BERG")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("VAN DEN BERG AJ")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("J Smith")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("J. Smith")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("Smith J.")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("Smith JKC")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("Dr Bob Smith")
get_initial_surname_tuple_from_string("LINTON H C (PL)")
tuple: ``initial, surname``
parts = s.split() if s else []
nparts = len(parts)
if nparts == 0:
return "", ""
elif "(" in s:
# something v. odd like "Linton H C (PL)", for Linton Health Centre
# partners or similar. We can't fix it, but...
return "", parts[0]
elif nparts == 1:
# hmm... assume "Smith"
return "", parts[0]
elif nparts == 2:
if len(parts[0]) < len(parts[1]):
# probably "J Smith"
return parts[0][0], parts[1]
# probably "Smith JKC"
return parts[1][0], parts[0]
# Lots of parts.
if parts[0].lower() == "dr":
parts = parts[1:]
nparts -= 1
if len(parts[0]) < len(parts[-1]):
# probably "AJ VAN DEN BERG"
return parts[0][0], " ".join(parts[1:])
# probably "VAN DEN BERG AJ"
return parts[-1][0], " ".join(parts[:-1])