Source code for crate_anon.anonymise.tests.scrub_tests



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Unit testing.


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

import re
import logging
import os
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import List
from unittest import TestCase

from cardinal_pythonlib.hash import HmacMD5Hasher

from crate_anon.anonymise.constants import ScrubMethod
from crate_anon.anonymise.scrub import (
from crate_anon.common.bugfix_flashtext import KeywordProcessorFixed

from faker import Faker

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================

TEST_KEY = "hello"

# =============================================================================
# Test hashing
# =============================================================================

[docs]class HashTests(TestCase):
[docs] def test_str_int_hash_equivalent(self) -> None: """ Hashing an integer and its string equivalent should give the same answer. """ hasher = HmacMD5Hasher(TEST_KEY) x = 1234567 y = str(x) self.assertEqual( hasher.hash(x), hasher.hash(y), "Hasher providing different answer for str and int", )
# ============================================================================= # Test WordList # =============================================================================
[docs]class WordListTests(TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: self.tempdir = TemporaryDirectory() self.maxDiff = None # see full differences upon failure
def _test_flashtext_word_boundaries(self, target: str) -> None: anon_text = PATIENT_REPLACEMENT ft = KeywordProcessorFixed(case_sensitive=False) ft.add_keyword(target, anon_text) self.assertEqual( # FlashText will replace at word boundaries: ft.replace_keywords(f"x {target} x"), f"x {anon_text} x", ) self.assertEqual( # But only at word boundaries, so this won't replace: ft.replace_keywords(f"x{target}x"), f"x{target}x", ) def test_flashtext_word_boundaries(self) -> None: self._test_flashtext_word_boundaries("daisy") self._test_flashtext_word_boundaries("daisy bluebell") def _test_wordlist(self, regex_method: bool = False) -> None: """ Test with e.g. .. code-block:: python pytest -k test_wordlist --log-cli-level=INFO """ denylist_phrases = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie Brown", "Daisy"] anon_text = PATIENT_REPLACEMENT test_source_text = """ I met Alice in the street. She was walking with Bob. Charlie was not with them. Their gloves were brown. They stopped to inspect a daisy. They discussed Charlie Brown cartoons. They discussed Charlie Brown cartoons all day long. They made comment after comment. """ denylist_text = ( "\n# comment\n" + "\n".join(f" {x} " for x in denylist_phrases) + "\n" ) # # noqa denylist_words = [] # type: List[str] for line in denylist_phrases: denylist_words += [x for x in line.split() if x] expected_result_phrases = test_source_text for element in denylist_phrases: # # noqa element_re = re.compile(re.escape(element), re.IGNORECASE) expected_result_phrases = element_re.sub( anon_text, expected_result_phrases ) if regex_method: # Regexes handle whitespace flexibly. expected_result_phrases = expected_result_phrases.replace( "Charlie Brown", anon_text ) expected_result_words = test_source_text for element in denylist_words: element_re = re.compile(re.escape(element), re.IGNORECASE) expected_result_words = element_re.sub( anon_text, expected_result_words ) filename = os.path.join(, "badwords.txt") with open(filename, "wt") as f: f.write(denylist_text) wordlist_phrases = WordList( filenames=[filename], as_phrases=True, replacement_text=anon_text, regex_method=regex_method, ) wordlist_words = WordList( filenames=[filename], as_phrases=False, replacement_text=anon_text, regex_method=regex_method, )"test_source_text: {test_source_text}")"denylist_text: {denylist_text}") result_words = wordlist_words.scrub(test_source_text)"denylist_words: {denylist_words}")"result_words: {result_words}")"expected_result_words: {expected_result_words}") self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_result_words) result_phrases = wordlist_phrases.scrub(test_source_text)"denylist_phrases: {denylist_phrases}")"result_phrases: {result_phrases}")"expected_result_phrases: {expected_result_phrases}") self.assertEqual(result_phrases, expected_result_phrases) wordlist_suffixes = WordList( words=["one", "two"], suffixes=["dog", "cat"], replacement_text=anon_text, regex_method=regex_method, ) self.assertEqual( wordlist_suffixes.scrub("x one x"), f"x {anon_text} x" ) self.assertEqual( wordlist_suffixes.scrub("x onedog x"), f"x {anon_text} x" ) self.assertEqual( wordlist_suffixes.scrub("x one dog x"), f"x {anon_text} dog x" ) def test_wordlist(self) -> None: self._test_wordlist(regex_method=False) self._test_wordlist(regex_method=True)
[docs]class ScrubberTestCase(TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: self.key = TEST_KEY self.hasher = HmacMD5Hasher(self.key)
# ============================================================================= # Test PersonalizedScrubber # =============================================================================
[docs]class PersonalizedScrubberTests(ScrubberTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.anonpatient = PATIENT_REPLACEMENT self.anonthird = THIRD_PARTY_REPLACEMENT
def test_phrase_unless_numeric(self) -> None: tests = [ ("5", {"blah 5 blah": "blah 5 blah"}), (" 5 ", {"blah 5 blah": "blah 5 blah"}), ( " 5.0 ", { "blah 5 blah": "blah 5 blah", "blah 5. blah": "blah 5. blah", "blah 5.0 blah": "blah 5.0 blah", }, ), ( " 5. ", { "blah 5 blah": "blah 5 blah", "blah 5. blah": "blah 5. blah", "blah 5.0 blah": "blah 5.0 blah", }, ), ( "5 Tree Road", { "blah 5 blah": "blah 5 blah", "blah 5 Tree Road blah": f"blah {self.anonpatient} blah", }, ), ( " 5 Tree Road ", { "blah 5 blah": "blah 5 blah", "blah 5 Tree Road blah": f"blah {self.anonpatient} blah", }, ), (" 5b ", {"blah 5b blah": f"blah {self.anonpatient} blah"}), ] for scrubvalue, mapping in tests: scrubber = PersonalizedScrubber( replacement_text_patient=self.anonpatient, replacement_text_third_party=self.anonthird, hasher=self.hasher, min_string_length_to_scrub_with=1, debug=True, ) scrubber.add_value( scrubvalue, scrub_method=ScrubMethod.PHRASE_UNLESS_NUMERIC ) for start, end in mapping.items(): self.assertEqual( scrubber.scrub(start), end, f"Failure for scrubvalue: {scrubvalue!r}; regex elements " f"are {scrubber.re_patient_elements}", )
[docs]class NonspecificScrubberTests(ScrubberTestCase): """ Tests nonspecific scrubbing. """
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.fake = Faker(["en-GB"]) self.fake.seed_instance(1234)
[docs] def test_all_dates_scrubbed(self) -> None: """ Check we can remove arbitrary dates. (See also for tests of the date detection regexes.) """ date_of_birth_1 = self.fake.date_of_birth() date_string_1 = date_of_birth_1.strftime("%d %b %Y") date_of_birth_2 = self.fake.date_of_birth() date_string_2 = date_of_birth_2.strftime("%d %b %Y") text = ( f"{self.fake.text()} {date_string_1} " f"{self.fake.text()} {date_string_2}" ) scrubber = NonspecificScrubber( self.hasher, replacement_text_all_dates="[REDACTED]", scrub_all_dates=True, ) scrubbed = scrubber.scrub(text) self.assertEqual(scrubbed.count("[REDACTED]"), 2)
[docs] def test_all_dates_in_supported_formats_blurred(self) -> None: """ Check we can blur dates. """ tests = ( # Using "%b %Y" format: ("01 February 2003", "Feb 2003"), ("01 Feb 2003", "Feb 2003"), ("01 Feb 00", "Feb 2000"), ("01 Feb 69", "Feb 1969"), ("01 Feb 99", "Feb 1999"), ("4/5/2006", "May 2006"), ("4/5/99", "May 1999"), ("7/31/2008", "Jul 2008"), ("7/31/99", "Jul 1999"), ("8th Sept 2010", "Sep 2010"), ("8th Sept 99", "Sep 1999"), ("7/31/2008", "Jul 2008"), ("7/31/99", "Jul 1999"), ("2011-12-13", "Dec 2011"), ("99-12-13", "Dec 1999"), ("20160718", "Jul 2016"), ) scrubber = NonspecificScrubber( self.hasher, scrub_all_dates=True, replacement_text_all_dates="%b %Y", ) for text, expected in tests: self.assertEqual( scrubber.scrub(text), expected, msg=f"test: {text}" )
[docs] def test_non_dates_scrubbed(self) -> None: """ Test that non-date things are scrubbed with non-date replacement text, even if we have special date replacements configured. """ scrubber = NonspecificScrubber( self.hasher, scrub_all_uk_postcodes=True, scrub_all_dates=True, replacement_text="[REDACTED]", replacement_text_all_dates="%b %Y", ) self.assertEqual(scrubber.scrub(self.fake.postcode()), "[REDACTED]")
def test_scrub_all_dates_with_replacement(self) -> None: custom_placeholder_tests = [ ("[%Y-%m]", "[2022-02]"), ("[%B, %Y]", "[February, 2022]"), ("[%b '%y]", "[Feb '22]"), ("[%Y]", "[2022]"), ("[%b %Y]", "[Feb 2022]"), ] for replacement, expected in custom_placeholder_tests: scrubber = NonspecificScrubber( self.hasher, scrub_all_dates=True, replacement_text_all_dates=replacement, ) self.assertEqual(scrubber.scrub("2022-02-28"), expected)
[docs] def test_raises_for_unsupported_date_formats(self) -> None: """ Check we can detect bad % directives that we will not allow through to Compare DATE_BLURRING_DIRECTIVES, the stuff we do allow. """ bad_formats = [ "%a", "%A", "%w", "%d", "%H", "%I", "%p", "%M", "%S", "%f", "%z", "%Z", "%j", "%U", "%W", "%c", "%x", "%X", "%G", "%u", "%V", "hello %V world", # detect not just at the start/end "%%", # "%%" (literal %) currently unsupported ] for replacement in bad_formats: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): NonspecificScrubber( self.hasher, scrub_all_dates=True, replacement_text_all_dates=replacement, )
[docs] def test_email_addresses_scrubbed(self) -> None: """ Test that e-mail addresses are scrubbed. """ scrubber = NonspecificScrubber( self.hasher, scrub_all_email_addresses=True, replacement_text="[REDACTED]", ) self.assertEqual(scrubber.scrub(, "[REDACTED]")