Source code for crate_anon.anonymise.researcher_report

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Produce a researcher-oriented report about a destination database.**


import argparse
from dataclasses import dataclass
import datetime
import decimal
import enum
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from cardinal_pythonlib.datetimefunc import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import main_only_quicksetup_rootlogger
from cardinal_pythonlib.pdf import make_pdf_on_disk_from_html
import django
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
import pendulum
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url, URL
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import distinct, func, select, table
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, Table

from crate_anon.anonymise.config import Config
from crate_anon.anonymise.constants import ANON_CONFIG_ENV_VAR
from crate_anon.anonymise.dbholder import DatabaseHolder
from crate_anon.anonymise.ddr import DataDictionaryRow, DDRLabels
from crate_anon.common.argparse_assist import (
from crate_anon.common.sql import ReflectedColumnInfo
from crate_anon.version import CRATE_VERSION, CRATE_VERSION_PRETTY

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================

THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "templates", "researcher_report")

[docs]class Templates: """ Template filenames, within TEMPLATE_DIR. """ PDF_FOOTER = "pdf_footer.html" PDF_HEADER = "pdf_header.html" REPORT = "report.html" STYLE = "style.css" TABLE = "table.html"
class DateFormat: # # noqa: E501 PRETTY = "%a %d %B %Y, %H:%M %z" # ... e.g. Wed 24 July 2013, 20:04 +0100 DATE = "%Y-%m-%d" # e.g. 2023-07-24 DATETIME = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" # e.g. 2023-07-24 20:04 TIME = "%H:%M" # e.g. 20:04 # And one for our custom strfdelta function: TIMEDELTA = "{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s"
[docs]class Default: """ Default values. """ BASE_FONT_SIZE = "11pt" HEADER_FOOTER_SPACING_MM = 3 # ... always in mm; MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES = 20 MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 50 ORIENTATION = "landscape" PAGE_SIZE = "A4" MARGIN_LEFT_RIGHT = "15mm" MARGIN_TOP_BOTTOM = "18mm" # see HEADER_FOOTER_SPACING_MM
ELLIPSIS = "…" EN_DASH = "–" MINUS = "−" HYPHEN = "-" SINGLE_QUOTE_L = "‘" SINGLE_QUOTE_R = "’" # SINGLE_QUOTE = "'" # TWO_SINGLE_QUOTES = "''" TICK = "✓" # RIGHT_ARROW = "►" # ============================================================================= # Helper classes/functions # =============================================================================
[docs]@dataclass class ResearcherReportConfig: output_filename: str anonconfig: Config = None base_font_size: str = Default.BASE_FONT_SIZE db_name: str = None # overrides that in config db_url: str = None # overrides that in config debug_pdf: bool = False max_distinct_values: int = Default.MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES max_value_length: int = Default.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH header_footer_spacing_mm: int = Default.HEADER_FOOTER_SPACING_MM margin_left_right: str = Default.MARGIN_LEFT_RIGHT margin_top_bottom: str = Default.MARGIN_TOP_BOTTOM page_size: str = Default.PAGE_SIZE orientation: str = Default.ORIENTATION show_counts: bool = True # count records in each table? show_url: bool = True # include a sanitised URL for the database show_values: bool = True # include specimen values/ranges skip_values_if_too_many: bool = False use_dd: bool = True # include info from the data dictionary echo: bool = False # echo SQL def __post_init__(self) -> None: # Set up lookups. anonconfig = self.anonconfig if anonconfig: self.annotation_from_colname = { anonconfig.trid_fieldname: DDRLabels.TRID, anonconfig.master_research_id_fieldname: DDRLabels.MRID, anonconfig.research_id_fieldname: DDRLabels.RID, anonconfig.source_hash_fieldname: DDRLabels.SOURCE_HASH, } # Set up DD if self.use_dd: anonconfig.load_dd(check_against_source_db=False) else: self.use_dd = False # Set up database if self.db_url: # Use a custom database if not self.db_name: raise ValueError( "Must specify database name if passing a custom URL" ) self.db = DatabaseHolder( self.db_name, self.db_url, with_session=True, reflect=True, echo=self.echo, ) else: # Use destination database from the config if not anonconfig: raise ValueError( "Must specify a CRATE anonymisation config file if you " "do not specify a database by URL/name" ) self.db = anonconfig.destdb self.db.engine.echo = self.echo self.db.enable_reflect() self.db.create_session() self.db_name = self.db_name or self.db_url = self.db.engine.url self.db_session = self.db.session
[docs] def safe_db_url_if_selected(self) -> str: """ Sanitised version of the database URL, or a blank string if not enabled. """ if not self.show_url: return "" url_obj = make_url(self.db_url) # type: URL return repr(url_obj)
# For SQLAlchemy URL objects, the default str() implementation calls # self.__to_string__(hide_password=False), but the default repr() hides # passwords.
[docs] def wkhtmltopdf_options(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: """ Returns wkhtmltopdf options for the current setup. """ return { # dict for pdfkit "page-size": self.page_size, "margin-left": self.margin_left_right, "margin-right": self.margin_left_right, "margin-top": self.margin_top_bottom, "margin-bottom": self.margin_top_bottom, "header-spacing": str(self.header_footer_spacing_mm), "footer-spacing": str(self.header_footer_spacing_mm), # "--print-media-type": None # ... "orientation": self.orientation, }
[docs] def get_db_name(self) -> str: """ Returns a short database name used for titles. """ return self.db_name
[docs] def get_db_engine_type(self) -> str: """ Returns the engine type (e.g. mysql). """ return
[docs] def get_annotation_when_no_ddr_found(self, col_name: str) -> str: """ Returns best-guess CRATE annotation information when no data dictionary row is available. Args: col_name: Column name. """ return self.annotation_from_colname.get(col_name, DDRLabels.UNKNOWN)
[docs]def template(filename: str) -> str: """ Returns a filename from our specific template directory. """ return os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, filename)
[docs]def mk_comment( reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig, column: Column, ddr: DataDictionaryRow = None, ) -> str: """ Return a comment. For databases that don't support comments, we'll want the CRATE DD one (unless that's been disabled). For databases that do, we don't want duplication. """ col_comment = column.comment or "" if not reportcfg.use_dd: return col_comment or EN_DASH dd_comment = (ddr.comment or "") if ddr else "" if not col_comment and not dd_comment: return EN_DASH if dd_comment in col_comment: # within, or equals return col_comment if col_comment in dd_comment: return dd_comment return f"[DB] {col_comment} [DD] {dd_comment}"
[docs]def literal( value: Any, max_length: int = Default.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH, truncated_suffix: str = ELLIPSIS, ) -> str: """ Returns a rough-and-ready SQL literal, intended for human viewing only. Truncates long strings at a given length. - Some duplication from within cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.get_literal_query. - Dates/times are NOT enclosed in quotes here. """ if value is None: return "NULL" elif isinstance(value, str): length = len(value) if length > max_length: value = value[:max_length] suffix = truncated_suffix + SINGLE_QUOTE_R + f" [length {length}]" else: suffix = SINGLE_QUOTE_R # We won't escape quotes. This report is about visual ease, not # electronic exactness. return SINGLE_QUOTE_L + value + suffix elif isinstance(value, (float, int)): return repr(value).replace(HYPHEN, MINUS) elif isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): return str(value).replace(HYPHEN, MINUS) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) or isinstance( value, pendulum.DateTime ): return value.strftime(DateFormat.DATETIME) elif isinstance(value, or isinstance(value, pendulum.Date): return value.strftime(DateFormat.DATE) elif isinstance(value, datetime.time) or isinstance(value, pendulum.Time): return value.strftime(DateFormat.TIME) elif isinstance(value, bytes): return f"<binary_length_{len(value)}>" elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return strfdelta(value, fmt=DateFormat.TIMEDELTA) elif isinstance(value, enum.Enum): return f"{} ({value.value})" else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Don't know how to represent value {value!r}" )
[docs]def sorter(x: Any) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: """ Used for sorting values that may be None/NULL. Remember that False < True, so this puts None values lowest (first in a default sort). """ return x is not None, x
# ============================================================================= # Researcher report about destination database # =============================================================================
[docs]def get_values_summary( column: Column, reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig, ddr: DataDictionaryRow = None, ) -> str: """ Return a textual summary of values in a column (from a de-identified database). Args: column: SQLAlchemy Column object to summarize. (It knows its own Table.) reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig object, governing the report. ddr: Corresponding CRATE DataDictionaryRow, if there is one. """ if not reportcfg.show_values: # Don't show anything. return EN_DASH # Otherwise, we can always do the number of distinct values: items = [] # type: List[str] session = reportcfg.db_session n_distinct_notnull = session.execute( select([func.count(distinct(column))]) ).fetchone()[0] # This does NOT include NULL values, by the SQL standard. suffix = "" if n_distinct_notnull == 1 else "s" # "value" or "values"? items.append(f"{n_distinct_notnull} distinct non-null value{suffix}.") show_min_max = False show_distinct = False # show the actual distinct values? empty = n_distinct_notnull == 0 sensitive = ( not empty and ddr and ( ddr.contains_patient_info or ddr.contains_third_party_info or ddr.contains_scrub_src or ddr.being_scrubbed ) ) # ... not *actually* sensitive; merely having the appearance of being # sensitive for a general-purpose report. dull = ( not empty and not sensitive and reportcfg.use_dd and not ddr and in reportcfg.annotation_from_colname.keys() ) if not (empty or sensitive or dull): # Show some more detail. if n_distinct_notnull > 1: show_min_max = True if ( n_distinct_notnull <= reportcfg.max_distinct_values or not reportcfg.skip_values_if_too_many ): show_distinct = True def lit(value: Any) -> str: return literal(value, reportcfg.max_value_length) if show_min_max: min_val, max_val = session.execute( select([func.min(column), func.max(column)]) ).fetchone() items.append(f"Min {lit(min_val)}; max {lit(max_val)}.") if show_distinct: dv_rows = session.execute( select([column]) .distinct() .order_by(column) .limit(reportcfg.max_value_length + 1) ).fetchall() # These WILL include any NULL values, so there may be one more than # n_distinct_notnull (or the same, if there are no NULLs). The only # way to be sure if we are truncating, therefore, and to show a # truncation indicator, is to fetch up to one more and see if we are # over the limit. # Sort before literal (so we get numeric, not string, sort): distinct_values = sorted((row[0] for row in dv_rows), key=sorter) distinct_value_elements = [lit(v) for v in distinct_values] if len(distinct_values) > reportcfg.max_distinct_values: distinct_value_elements = distinct_value_elements[ 0 : reportcfg.max_distinct_values ] + [ELLIPSIS] distinct_value_str = ", ".join(distinct_value_elements) items.append(f"Distinct values: {{{distinct_value_str}}}.") # It's a set, so use set notation. return " ".join(items)
[docs]def mk_table_html(table_name: str, reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig) -> str: """ Returns HTML for the per-table aspects of the report. Args: table_name: Table to process. reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig object, governing the report. Returns: HTML as a string. """"Processing table: {table_name}") dest_ddr_rows = ( reportcfg.anonconfig.dd.get_rows_for_dest_table(table_name) if reportcfg.use_dd else [] ) session = reportcfg.db_session n_rows = ( session.execute( select([func.count()]).select_from(table(table_name)) ).fetchone()[0] if reportcfg.show_counts else None ) # Rows versus records: t = reportcfg.db.metadata.tables[table_name] # type: Table table_comment = t.comment or "" # may be blank columns = [] # type: List[ReflectedColumnInfo] for c in sorted(t.c, key=lambda x: # type: Column log.debug(repr(c)) colname = if reportcfg.use_dd: try: ddr = next(x for x in dest_ddr_rows if x.dest_field == colname) crate_annotation = ddr.report_dest_annotation() except StopIteration: ddr = None crate_annotation = reportcfg.get_annotation_when_no_ddr_found( col_name=colname ) else: ddr = None crate_annotation = "" values_info = get_values_summary( column=c, reportcfg=reportcfg, ddr=ddr, ) columns.append( ReflectedColumnInfo( column=c, override_comment=mk_comment(reportcfg, c, ddr), crate_annotation=crate_annotation, values_info=values_info, ) ) return render_to_string( template(Templates.TABLE), dict( columns=columns, n_rows=n_rows, show_counts=reportcfg.show_counts, show_values=reportcfg.show_values, table_comment=table_comment, table_name=table_name, use_dd=reportcfg.use_dd, ), )
[docs]def mk_researcher_report_html( reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ Produces a researcher-oriented report about a destination database, as HTML. Args: reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig object, governing the report. Returns: tuple: header_html, html, footer_html """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Set up Django for templates. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if not settings.configured: # Settings will already be configured when testing with pytest settings.configure( TEMPLATES=[ { "BACKEND": ( "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates" ), "DIRS": [TEMPLATE_DIR], } ] ) django.setup() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2. Core variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- db_name = reportcfg.get_db_name() now = format_datetime(get_now_localtz_pendulum(), DateFormat.PRETTY) title = f"{db_name}: CRATE researcher report, {now}" css = render_to_string( template(Templates.STYLE), dict(base_font_size=reportcfg.base_font_size), ) coredict = dict(title=title, css=css, now=now) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. Read header/footer (e.g. for PDF page numbers). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- header_html = render_to_string(template(Templates.PDF_HEADER), coredict) footer_html = render_to_string(template(Templates.PDF_FOOTER), coredict) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 4. Scan the database. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- table_names = sorted(reportcfg.db.table_names) # reflects (introspects) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 5. Generate our main report. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- table_html_list = [ mk_table_html(table_name, reportcfg) for table_name in table_names ] html = render_to_string( template(Templates.REPORT), dict( CRATE_VERSION=CRATE_VERSION, db_engine=reportcfg.get_db_engine_type(), db_name=db_name, n_tables=len(table_names), table_names=table_names, tables_html="".join(table_html_list), url=reportcfg.safe_db_url_if_selected(), **coredict, ), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 6. Return HTML components. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- return header_html, html, footer_html
[docs]def mk_researcher_report_pdf( reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig, ) -> bool: """ Produces a researcher-oriented report about a destination database, as a PDF. Args: reportcfg: ResearcherReportConfig object, governing the report. Returns: success """ header_html, html, footer_html = mk_researcher_report_html(reportcfg)"Writing to {reportcfg.output_filename}") return make_pdf_on_disk_from_html( html=html, output_path=reportcfg.output_filename, header_html=header_html, footer_html=footer_html, wkhtmltopdf_options=reportcfg.wkhtmltopdf_options(), debug_options=reportcfg.debug_pdf, debug_content=reportcfg.debug_pdf, debug_wkhtmltopdf_args=reportcfg.debug_pdf, )
# ============================================================================= # Main # =============================================================================
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Command-line entry point. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=f""" Produce a researcher-oriented PDF report about a destination database. ({CRATE_VERSION_PRETTY}) Note: if wkhtmtopdf reports 'Too many open files', see -; -; setting e.g. "ulimit -n 2048" is one solution. """, formatter_class=RawDescriptionArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("output", help="PDF output filename") grp_db = parser.add_argument_group("DATABASE") grp_db.add_argument( "--config", help=f"CRATE anonymisation config file, overriding environment " f"variable {ANON_CONFIG_ENV_VAR}", ) grp_db.add_argument( "--noconfig", action="store_true", help="Do not use a config file (unusual)", ) grp_db.add_argument( "--db_url", type=str, default=None, help="Database URL, overriding that in the config file", ) grp_db.add_argument( "--db_name", type=str, default=None, help="Database name, overriding that in the config file; must be " "specified if you use --db_url", ) grp_detail = parser.add_argument_group("DETAIL") grp_detail.add_argument( "--show_url", dest="show_url", action="store_true", default=False, help="Include sanitised, password-safe version of database URL", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--no_show_url", dest="show_url", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not include database URL", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--show_counts", dest="show_counts", action="store_true", default=True, help="Include row counts for each table", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--no_show_counts", dest="show_counts", action="store_false", default=False, help="Do not include row counts", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--use_dd", dest="use_dd", action="store_true", default=True, help="Use information obtainable from the CRATE data dictionary (DD), " "including comments, annotations, and value suppression for " "potentially sensitive fields; only sensible for reporting on a " "database completely unrelated to the DD", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--no_use_dd", dest="use_dd", action="store_false", default=False, help="Do not use information from the CRATE data dictionary", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--show_values", dest="show_values", action="store_true", default=True, help="Include specimen values/ranges", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--no_show_values", dest="show_values", action="store_false", default=False, help="Do not include specimen values/ranges", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--max_distinct_values", type=int, default=Default.MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES, help="Maximum number of distinct values to show, if applicable", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--skip_values_if_too_many", action="store_true", help="If showing values, and there are more distinct values than the " "maximum, omit them (rather than showing the first few)?", ) grp_detail.add_argument( "--max_value_length", type=int, default=Default.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH, help="Maximum string length to show for a literal value", ) grp_visuals = parser.add_argument_group("VISUALS") grp_visuals.add_argument( "--page_size", default=Default.PAGE_SIZE, help="Page size, i.e. paper type", ) grp_visuals.add_argument( "--margin_left_right", default=Default.MARGIN_LEFT_RIGHT, help="Page left/right margins, with units", ) grp_visuals.add_argument( "--margin_top_bottom", default=Default.MARGIN_TOP_BOTTOM, help="Page top/bottom margins for content, ignoring header/footer " "(see --header_footer_spacing_mm), with units", ) grp_visuals.add_argument( "--header_footer_spacing_mm", type=int, default=Default.HEADER_FOOTER_SPACING_MM, help="Gap between content and header/footer, in mm", ) grp_visuals.add_argument( "--orientation", choices=["portrait", "landscape"], default=Default.ORIENTATION, help="Page orientation", ) grp_visuals.add_argument( "--base_font_size", default=Default.BASE_FONT_SIZE, help="Base font size, with units", ) grp_progress = parser.add_argument_group("PROGRESS") grp_progress.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="Be verbose" ) grp_progress.add_argument( "--debug_pdf", action="store_true", help="Debug PDF creation" ) args = parser.parse_args() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verbosity, logging # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- loglevel = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO main_only_quicksetup_rootlogger(level=loglevel) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Onwards # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.config: os.environ[ANON_CONFIG_ENV_VAR] = args.config if args.noconfig:"Not using a CRATE anonymisation config file") config = None else: from crate_anon.anonymise.config_singleton import ( config, ) reportcfg = ResearcherReportConfig( anonconfig=config, base_font_size=args.base_font_size, db_name=args.db_name, db_url=args.db_url, debug_pdf=args.debug_pdf, header_footer_spacing_mm=args.header_footer_spacing_mm, margin_left_right=args.margin_left_right, margin_top_bottom=args.margin_top_bottom, max_distinct_values=args.max_distinct_values, max_value_length=args.max_value_length, orientation=args.orientation, output_filename=args.output, page_size=args.page_size, show_counts=args.show_counts, show_url=args.show_url, show_values=args.show_values, skip_values_if_too_many=args.skip_values_if_too_many, use_dd=args.use_dd, ) mk_researcher_report_pdf(reportcfg)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()