8.2. Configuring the web front end

You’ll need to make a new (e.g. MySQL) database for the web front end, and an admin user with full access rights to it.

Under Windows, run the following in a suitable location.

crate_print_demo_crateweb_config > my_crateweb_config.py

Make sure this file is accessible only to you, as it will contain secrets. Edit it appropriately; see Web config file. Make the CRATE_WEB_LOCAL_SETTINGS environment variable point to it.

Now, create (or upgrade) the database structure:

crate_django_manage migrate

At this point, you should be able to run crate_launch_cherrypy_server and browse to You’ll also need to run

crate_django_manage createsuperuser

You’ll also want to implement SSL (HTTPS) access. In general, a secured production web site is best implemented via a front-end web server such as Apache; see Configuring for Apache. You can also use the CherryPy server, launched with crate_launch_cherrypy_server. For help on this, run

crate_launch_cherrypy_server --help

You can set an environment variable CRATE_CHERRYPY_ARGS and the arguments in this string will be appended to those passed to CherryPy. For example:

CRATE_CHERRYPY_ARGS=--port 443 --ssl_certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE --ssl_private_key SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE

If your machine is already using port 443, you may need to use another (e.g. 8443).