12.3. crate_fuzzy_id_match

A tool to match people from two databases that don’t share a person-unique identifier, using information from names, dates of birth, sex/gender, and address information. This is a probability-based (“fuzzy”) matching technique. It can operate using either identifiable information or in de-identified fashion.

More detail will follow when the validation paper is published.


fuzzy_id_match: expand on method


fuzzy_id_match: cite paper when published

USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match [-h] [--version] [--allhelp]

Identity matching via hashed fuzzy identifiers

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --allhelp             Show help for all commands and exit.

  Valid commands are as follows.

                        Specify one command.
    hash                STEP 1 OF DE-IDENTIFIED LINKAGE. Hash an identifiable
                        CSV file into an encrypted one.
    compare_plaintext   IDENTIFIABLE LINKAGE COMMAND. Compare a list of
                        probands against a sample (both in plaintext).
                        STEP 2 OF DE-IDENTIFIED LINKAGE (for when you have
                        de-identified both sides in advance). Compare a list
                        of probands against a sample (both hashed).
                        STEP 2 OF DE-IDENTIFIED LINKAGE (for when you have
                        received de-identified data and you want to link to
                        your identifiable data, producing a de-identified
                        result). Compare a list of probands (hashed) against a
                        sample (plaintext). Hashes the sample on the fly.
    print_demo_sample   Print a demo sample .CSV file.
    show_metaphone      Show metaphones of words
                        Show names (forenames and surnames) for a given
    show_forename_freq  Show frequencies of forenames
                        Show frequencies of forename metaphones
                        Show frequencies of forename first two characters
    show_surname_freq   Show frequencies of surnames
                        Show frequencies of surname metaphones
                        Show frequencies of surname first two characters
    show_dob_freq       Show the frequency of any DOB
    show_postcode_freq  Show the frequency of any postcode

Help for command 'hash'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match hash [-h] --input INPUT --output OUTPUT
                                 [--include_other_info] [--key KEY]
                                 [--hash_method {HMAC_MD5,HMAC_SHA256,HMAC_SHA512}]
                                 [--rounding_sf ROUNDING_SF]
                                 [--local_id_hash_key LOCAL_ID_HASH_KEY]
                                 [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                 [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                 [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                 [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                 [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                 [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                 [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                 [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                 [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                 [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                 [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                 [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                 [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                 [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                 [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                 [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                 [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]

Takes an identifiable list of people (with name, DOB, and postcode information)
and creates a hashed, de-identified equivalent. Order is preserved.

The local ID (presumed not to be a direct identifier) is preserved exactly,
unless you explicitly elect to hash it.

Optionally, the "other" information (you can choose, e.g. attaching a direct
identifier) is preserved, but you have to ask for that explicitly; that is
normally for testing.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT         Filename for input (plaintext) data. (1) CSV format
                        with header row. Columns: ['local_id', 'forenames',
                        'surnames', 'dob', 'gender', 'postcodes',
                        'perfect_id', 'other_info']. (2) Semicolon-separated
                        values are allowed within ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes']. (3) The fields ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes'] are in TemporalIdentifier format.
                        Temporal identifier format: either just IDENTIFIER, or
                        IDENTIFIER/STARTDATE/ENDDATE, where dates are in
                        YYYY-MM-DD format or one of ['none', 'null', '?']
                        (case-insensitive). (4) perfect_id, if specified,
                        contains one or more perfect person identifiers as
                        key:value pairs, e.g. 'nhs:12345;ni:AB6789XY'. The
                        keys will be forced to lower case; values will be
                        forced to upper case. (5) 'other_info' is an arbitrary
                        string for you to use (e.g. for validation). (default:
  --output OUTPUT       Output file for hashed version. File created by CRATE
                        in JSON Lines (.jsonl) format. (You could use the 'jq'
                        tool to inspect these.) (default: None)
                        Do not include frequency information. This makes the
                        result suitable for use as a sample file, but not a
                        proband file. (default: False)
  --include_other_info  Include the (potentially identifying) 'other_info'
                        data? Usually False; may be set to True for
                        validation. (default: False)

  --key KEY             Key (passphrase) for hasher. (default:
                        Allow the default hash key to be used beyond tests.
                        INADVISABLE! (default: False)
  --hash_method {HMAC_MD5,HMAC_SHA256,HMAC_SHA512}
                        Hash method. (default: HMAC_SHA256)
  --rounding_sf ROUNDING_SF
                        Number of significant figures to use when rounding
                        frequencies in hashed version. Use 'None' to disable
                        rounding. (default: 5)
  --local_id_hash_key LOCAL_ID_HASH_KEY
                        Only applicable to the 'hash' command. Hash the
                        local_id values, using this key (passphrase). There
                        are good reasons to use a key different to that
                        specified for --key. If you leave this blank, or
                        specify an empty string, then local ID values will be
                        left unmodified (e.g. if you have pre-hashed them).
                        (default: None)

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'compare_plaintext'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match compare_plaintext [-h] --probands PROBANDS
                                              --sample SAMPLE
                                              [--sample_cache SAMPLE_CACHE]
                                              --output OUTPUT [--profile]
                                              [--min_log_odds_for_match MIN_LOG_ODDS_FOR_MATCH]
                                              [--exceeds_next_best_log_odds EXCEEDS_NEXT_BEST_LOG_ODDS]
                                              [--perfect_id_translation PERFECT_ID_TRANSLATION]
                                              [--report_every REPORT_EVERY]
                                              [--min_probands_for_parallel MIN_PROBANDS_FOR_PARALLEL]
                                              [--n_workers N_WORKERS]
                                              [--p_ep1_forename P_EP1_FORENAME]
                                              [--p_ep2np1_forename P_EP2NP1_FORENAME]
                                              [--p_en_forename P_EN_FORENAME]
                                              [--p_u_forename P_U_FORENAME]
                                              [--p_ep1_surname P_EP1_SURNAME]
                                              [--p_ep2np1_surname P_EP2NP1_SURNAME]
                                              [--p_en_surname P_EN_SURNAME]
                                              [--p_ep_dob P_EP_DOB]
                                              [--p_en_dob P_EN_DOB]
                                              [--p_e_gender P_E_GENDER]
                                              [--p_ep_postcode P_EP_POSTCODE]
                                              [--p_en_postcode P_EN_POSTCODE]
                                              [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                              [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                              [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                              [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                              [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                              [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                              [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                              [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                              [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                              [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                              [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                              [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                              [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                              [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                              [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                              [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                              [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]

Comparison rules:

- People MUST match on DOB and surname (or surname metaphone), or hashed
  equivalents, to be considered a plausible match.

- Only plausible matches proceed to the Bayesian comparison.

The output file is a CSV (comma-separated value) file with a header and
these columns:

        Local ID (identifiable or de-identified as the user chose) of the
        proband. Taken from the input.
        Boolean as binary (0/1). Was a matching person (a "winner") found in
        the sample, who is to be considered a match to the proband? To give a
        match requires (a) that the log odds for the winner reaches a
        threshold, and (b) that the log odds for the winner exceeds the log
        odds for the runner-up by a certain amount (because a mismatch may be
        worse than a failed match).
        Log (ln) odds that the best candidate in the sample is a match to the
        Probability that the best candidate in the sample is a match.
        Equivalent to log_odds_match.
        Local ID of the "winner" in the sample (the candidate who was matched
        to the proband), or blank if there was no winner.
        Log odds of the runner-up (the candidate from the sample who is the
        second-closest match) being the same person as the proband.

If '--extra_validation_output' is used, the following columns are

        Local ID of the closest-matching person (candidate) in the sample, EVEN
        IF THEY DID NOT WIN. (This will be the same as the winner if there was
        a match.) String; blank for no match.
        Local ID of the second-best candidate in the sample, if any. String;
        blank for no match.

Proband order is retained in the output (even using parallel processing).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --probands PROBANDS   Input filename for probands data. (1) CSV format with
                        header row. Columns: ['local_id', 'forenames',
                        'surnames', 'dob', 'gender', 'postcodes',
                        'perfect_id', 'other_info']. (2) Semicolon-separated
                        values are allowed within ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes']. (3) The fields ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes'] are in TemporalIdentifier format.
                        Temporal identifier format: either just IDENTIFIER, or
                        IDENTIFIER/STARTDATE/ENDDATE, where dates are in
                        YYYY-MM-DD format or one of ['none', 'null', '?']
                        (case-insensitive). (4) perfect_id, if specified,
                        contains one or more perfect person identifiers as
                        key:value pairs, e.g. 'nhs:12345;ni:AB6789XY'. The
                        keys will be forced to lower case; values will be
                        forced to upper case. (5) 'other_info' is an arbitrary
                        string for you to use (e.g. for validation). (default:
  --sample SAMPLE       Input filename for sample data. (1) CSV format with
                        header row. Columns: ['local_id', 'forenames',
                        'surnames', 'dob', 'gender', 'postcodes',
                        'perfect_id', 'other_info']. (2) Semicolon-separated
                        values are allowed within ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes']. (3) The fields ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes'] are in TemporalIdentifier format.
                        Temporal identifier format: either just IDENTIFIER, or
                        IDENTIFIER/STARTDATE/ENDDATE, where dates are in
                        YYYY-MM-DD format or one of ['none', 'null', '?']
                        (case-insensitive). (4) perfect_id, if specified,
                        contains one or more perfect person identifiers as
                        key:value pairs, e.g. 'nhs:12345;ni:AB6789XY'. The
                        keys will be forced to lower case; values will be
                        forced to upper case. (5) 'other_info' is an arbitrary
                        string for you to use (e.g. for validation). (default:
  --sample_cache SAMPLE_CACHE
                        JSONL file in which to store cached sample info (to
                        speed loading) (default: None)
  --output OUTPUT       Output CSV file for proband/sample comparison.
                        (default: None)
  --profile             Profile the code (for development only). (default:

  --min_log_odds_for_match MIN_LOG_ODDS_FOR_MATCH
                        Minimum natural log (ln) odds of two people being the
                        same, before a match will be considered. Referred to
                        as theta (θ) in the validation paper. (Default is
                        equivalent to p = 0.9933071490757152.) (default: 5)
  --exceeds_next_best_log_odds EXCEEDS_NEXT_BEST_LOG_ODDS
                        Minimum log (ln) odds by which a best match must
                        exceed the next-best match to be considered a unique
                        match. Referred to as delta (δ) in the validation
                        paper. (default: 0)
  --perfect_id_translation PERFECT_ID_TRANSLATION
                        Optional dictionary of the form {'nhsnum':'nhsnumber',
                        'ni_num':'national_insurance'}, mapping the names of
                        perfect (person-unique) identifiers as found in the
                        proband data to their equivalents in the sample.
                        (default: None)

                        Add extra output for validation purposes (the local
                        IDs of the best and second-best candidates, if any,
                        even if there was no match). (default: False)
                        Check every comparison for log-likelihood ratio
                        sequence 'no match ≤ partial(s) ≤ full' and warn if
                        this is not observed. Note, however, that deviations
                        from this are not unexpected. (default: False)
  --report_every REPORT_EVERY
                        Report progress every n probands. (default: 100)
  --min_probands_for_parallel MIN_PROBANDS_FOR_PARALLEL
                        Minimum number of probands for which we will bother to
                        use parallel processing. (default: 1000)
  --n_workers N_WORKERS
                        Number of processes to use in parallel. Defaults to 1
                        (Windows) or the number of CPUs on your system (other
                        operating systems). (default: 8)

  --p_ep1_forename P_EP1_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        fails a full match but satisfies a partial 1
                        (metaphone) match. (Comma-separated list of 'gender:p'
                        values, where gender must include F, M and can include
                        X, ''.) (default: F:0.00894,M:0.0084)
  --p_ep2np1_forename P_EP2NP1_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        fails a full/partial 1 match but satisfies a partial 2
                        (first two character) match. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00881,M:0.00688)
  --p_en_forename P_EN_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        produces no match at all. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00572,M:0.00625)
  --p_u_forename P_U_FORENAME
                        Probability that a set of at least two forenames has
                        an error such that they become unordered (e.g.
                        swapped/shuffled) with respect to their counterpart.
                        See paper for full details. (default: 0.00191)
  --p_ep1_surname P_EP1_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        fails a full match but satisfies a partial 1
                        (metaphone) match. (Comma-separated list of 'gender:p'
                        values, where gender must include F, M and can include
                        X, ''.) (default: F:0.00551,M:0.00471)
  --p_ep2np1_surname P_EP2NP1_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        fails a full/partial 1 match but satisfies a partial 2
                        (first two character) match. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00378,M:0.00247)
  --p_en_surname P_EN_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        produces no match at all. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.0567,M:0.0134)
  --p_ep_dob P_EP_DOB   Probability that a DOB is wrong in some way that
                        causes a partial match (YM, MD, or YD) but not a full
                        (YMD) match. (default: 0.00459036)
  --p_en_dob P_EN_DOB   Probability that a DOB error leads to no match
                        (neither full, nor partial as defined above).
                        Empirically, this is about 0.00033. However, we
                        suggest setting it to 0, as anything higher will run
                        much slower. (default: 0)
  --p_e_gender P_E_GENDER
                        Assumed probability (p_e) that a gender is wrong,
                        leading to a proband/candidate mismatch. (default:
  --p_ep_postcode P_EP_POSTCODE
                        Assumed probability (p_ep) that a proband/candidate
                        postcode pair fails a full (postcode unit) match but
                        satisfies a partial (postcode sector) match, through
                        error or a move within a sector. (default: 0.0097)
  --p_en_postcode P_EN_POSTCODE
                        Assumed probability (p_ep) that a proband/candidate
                        postcode pair exhibits no match at all. (default: 0.3)

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'compare_hashed_to_hashed'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match compare_hashed_to_hashed [-h] --probands PROBANDS
                                                     --sample SAMPLE
                                                     [--sample_cache SAMPLE_CACHE]
                                                     --output OUTPUT
                                                     [--min_log_odds_for_match MIN_LOG_ODDS_FOR_MATCH]
                                                     [--exceeds_next_best_log_odds EXCEEDS_NEXT_BEST_LOG_ODDS]
                                                     [--perfect_id_translation PERFECT_ID_TRANSLATION]
                                                     [--report_every REPORT_EVERY]
                                                     [--min_probands_for_parallel MIN_PROBANDS_FOR_PARALLEL]
                                                     [--n_workers N_WORKERS]
                                                     [--p_ep1_forename P_EP1_FORENAME]
                                                     [--p_ep2np1_forename P_EP2NP1_FORENAME]
                                                     [--p_en_forename P_EN_FORENAME]
                                                     [--p_u_forename P_U_FORENAME]
                                                     [--p_ep1_surname P_EP1_SURNAME]
                                                     [--p_ep2np1_surname P_EP2NP1_SURNAME]
                                                     [--p_en_surname P_EN_SURNAME]
                                                     [--p_ep_dob P_EP_DOB]
                                                     [--p_en_dob P_EN_DOB]
                                                     [--p_e_gender P_E_GENDER]
                                                     [--p_ep_postcode P_EP_POSTCODE]
                                                     [--p_en_postcode P_EN_POSTCODE]
                                                     [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                     [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                     [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                     [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                     [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                     [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                     [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                     [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                     [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                     [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                     [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                     [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                     [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                     [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                     [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                     [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                     [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]

Comparison rules:

- People MUST match on DOB and surname (or surname metaphone), or hashed
  equivalents, to be considered a plausible match.

- Only plausible matches proceed to the Bayesian comparison.

The output file is a CSV (comma-separated value) file with a header and
these columns:

        Local ID (identifiable or de-identified as the user chose) of the
        proband. Taken from the input.
        Boolean as binary (0/1). Was a matching person (a "winner") found in
        the sample, who is to be considered a match to the proband? To give a
        match requires (a) that the log odds for the winner reaches a
        threshold, and (b) that the log odds for the winner exceeds the log
        odds for the runner-up by a certain amount (because a mismatch may be
        worse than a failed match).
        Log (ln) odds that the best candidate in the sample is a match to the
        Probability that the best candidate in the sample is a match.
        Equivalent to log_odds_match.
        Local ID of the "winner" in the sample (the candidate who was matched
        to the proband), or blank if there was no winner.
        Log odds of the runner-up (the candidate from the sample who is the
        second-closest match) being the same person as the proband.

If '--extra_validation_output' is used, the following columns are

        Local ID of the closest-matching person (candidate) in the sample, EVEN
        IF THEY DID NOT WIN. (This will be the same as the winner if there was
        a match.) String; blank for no match.
        Local ID of the second-best candidate in the sample, if any. String;
        blank for no match.

Proband order is retained in the output (even using parallel processing).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --probands PROBANDS   Input filename for probands data. File created by
                        CRATE in JSON Lines (.jsonl) format. (You could use
                        the 'jq' tool to inspect these.) (default: None)
  --sample SAMPLE       Input filename for sample data. File created by CRATE
                        in JSON Lines (.jsonl) format. (You could use the 'jq'
                        tool to inspect these.) (default: None)
  --sample_cache SAMPLE_CACHE
                        JSONL file in which to store cached sample info (to
                        speed loading) (default: None)
  --output OUTPUT       Output CSV file for proband/sample comparison.
                        (default: None)
  --profile             Profile the code (for development only). (default:

  --min_log_odds_for_match MIN_LOG_ODDS_FOR_MATCH
                        Minimum natural log (ln) odds of two people being the
                        same, before a match will be considered. Referred to
                        as theta (θ) in the validation paper. (Default is
                        equivalent to p = 0.9933071490757152.) (default: 5)
  --exceeds_next_best_log_odds EXCEEDS_NEXT_BEST_LOG_ODDS
                        Minimum log (ln) odds by which a best match must
                        exceed the next-best match to be considered a unique
                        match. Referred to as delta (δ) in the validation
                        paper. (default: 0)
  --perfect_id_translation PERFECT_ID_TRANSLATION
                        Optional dictionary of the form {'nhsnum':'nhsnumber',
                        'ni_num':'national_insurance'}, mapping the names of
                        perfect (person-unique) identifiers as found in the
                        proband data to their equivalents in the sample.
                        (default: None)

                        Add extra output for validation purposes (the local
                        IDs of the best and second-best candidates, if any,
                        even if there was no match). (default: False)
                        Check every comparison for log-likelihood ratio
                        sequence 'no match ≤ partial(s) ≤ full' and warn if
                        this is not observed. Note, however, that deviations
                        from this are not unexpected. (default: False)
  --report_every REPORT_EVERY
                        Report progress every n probands. (default: 100)
  --min_probands_for_parallel MIN_PROBANDS_FOR_PARALLEL
                        Minimum number of probands for which we will bother to
                        use parallel processing. (default: 1000)
  --n_workers N_WORKERS
                        Number of processes to use in parallel. Defaults to 1
                        (Windows) or the number of CPUs on your system (other
                        operating systems). (default: 8)

  --p_ep1_forename P_EP1_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        fails a full match but satisfies a partial 1
                        (metaphone) match. (Comma-separated list of 'gender:p'
                        values, where gender must include F, M and can include
                        X, ''.) (default: F:0.00894,M:0.0084)
  --p_ep2np1_forename P_EP2NP1_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        fails a full/partial 1 match but satisfies a partial 2
                        (first two character) match. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00881,M:0.00688)
  --p_en_forename P_EN_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        produces no match at all. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00572,M:0.00625)
  --p_u_forename P_U_FORENAME
                        Probability that a set of at least two forenames has
                        an error such that they become unordered (e.g.
                        swapped/shuffled) with respect to their counterpart.
                        See paper for full details. (default: 0.00191)
  --p_ep1_surname P_EP1_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        fails a full match but satisfies a partial 1
                        (metaphone) match. (Comma-separated list of 'gender:p'
                        values, where gender must include F, M and can include
                        X, ''.) (default: F:0.00551,M:0.00471)
  --p_ep2np1_surname P_EP2NP1_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        fails a full/partial 1 match but satisfies a partial 2
                        (first two character) match. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00378,M:0.00247)
  --p_en_surname P_EN_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        produces no match at all. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.0567,M:0.0134)
  --p_ep_dob P_EP_DOB   Probability that a DOB is wrong in some way that
                        causes a partial match (YM, MD, or YD) but not a full
                        (YMD) match. (default: 0.00459036)
  --p_en_dob P_EN_DOB   Probability that a DOB error leads to no match
                        (neither full, nor partial as defined above).
                        Empirically, this is about 0.00033. However, we
                        suggest setting it to 0, as anything higher will run
                        much slower. (default: 0)
  --p_e_gender P_E_GENDER
                        Assumed probability (p_e) that a gender is wrong,
                        leading to a proband/candidate mismatch. (default:
  --p_ep_postcode P_EP_POSTCODE
                        Assumed probability (p_ep) that a proband/candidate
                        postcode pair fails a full (postcode unit) match but
                        satisfies a partial (postcode sector) match, through
                        error or a move within a sector. (default: 0.0097)
  --p_en_postcode P_EN_POSTCODE
                        Assumed probability (p_ep) that a proband/candidate
                        postcode pair exhibits no match at all. (default: 0.3)

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'compare_hashed_to_plaintext'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match compare_hashed_to_plaintext [-h] --probands
                                                        PROBANDS --sample
                                                        [--sample_cache SAMPLE_CACHE]
                                                        --output OUTPUT
                                                        [--key KEY]
                                                        [--hash_method {HMAC_MD5,HMAC_SHA256,HMAC_SHA512}]
                                                        [--rounding_sf ROUNDING_SF]
                                                        [--local_id_hash_key LOCAL_ID_HASH_KEY]
                                                        [--min_log_odds_for_match MIN_LOG_ODDS_FOR_MATCH]
                                                        [--exceeds_next_best_log_odds EXCEEDS_NEXT_BEST_LOG_ODDS]
                                                        [--perfect_id_translation PERFECT_ID_TRANSLATION]
                                                        [--report_every REPORT_EVERY]
                                                        [--min_probands_for_parallel MIN_PROBANDS_FOR_PARALLEL]
                                                        [--n_workers N_WORKERS]
                                                        [--p_ep1_forename P_EP1_FORENAME]
                                                        [--p_ep2np1_forename P_EP2NP1_FORENAME]
                                                        [--p_en_forename P_EN_FORENAME]
                                                        [--p_u_forename P_U_FORENAME]
                                                        [--p_ep1_surname P_EP1_SURNAME]
                                                        [--p_ep2np1_surname P_EP2NP1_SURNAME]
                                                        [--p_en_surname P_EN_SURNAME]
                                                        [--p_ep_dob P_EP_DOB]
                                                        [--p_en_dob P_EN_DOB]
                                                        [--p_e_gender P_E_GENDER]
                                                        [--p_ep_postcode P_EP_POSTCODE]
                                                        [--p_en_postcode P_EN_POSTCODE]
                                                        [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                        [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                        [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                        [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                        [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                        [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                        [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                        [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                        [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                        [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                        [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                        [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                        [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                        [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                        [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                        [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                        [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]

Comparison rules:

- People MUST match on DOB and surname (or surname metaphone), or hashed
  equivalents, to be considered a plausible match.

- Only plausible matches proceed to the Bayesian comparison.

The output file is a CSV (comma-separated value) file with a header and
these columns:

        Local ID (identifiable or de-identified as the user chose) of the
        proband. Taken from the input.
        Boolean as binary (0/1). Was a matching person (a "winner") found in
        the sample, who is to be considered a match to the proband? To give a
        match requires (a) that the log odds for the winner reaches a
        threshold, and (b) that the log odds for the winner exceeds the log
        odds for the runner-up by a certain amount (because a mismatch may be
        worse than a failed match).
        Log (ln) odds that the best candidate in the sample is a match to the
        Probability that the best candidate in the sample is a match.
        Equivalent to log_odds_match.
        Local ID of the "winner" in the sample (the candidate who was matched
        to the proband), or blank if there was no winner.
        Log odds of the runner-up (the candidate from the sample who is the
        second-closest match) being the same person as the proband.

If '--extra_validation_output' is used, the following columns are

        Local ID of the closest-matching person (candidate) in the sample, EVEN
        IF THEY DID NOT WIN. (This will be the same as the winner if there was
        a match.) String; blank for no match.
        Local ID of the second-best candidate in the sample, if any. String;
        blank for no match.

Proband order is retained in the output (even using parallel processing).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --probands PROBANDS   Input filename for probands data. File created by
                        CRATE in JSON Lines (.jsonl) format. (You could use
                        the 'jq' tool to inspect these.) (default: None)
  --sample SAMPLE       Input filename for sample data. (1) CSV format with
                        header row. Columns: ['local_id', 'forenames',
                        'surnames', 'dob', 'gender', 'postcodes',
                        'perfect_id', 'other_info']. (2) Semicolon-separated
                        values are allowed within ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes']. (3) The fields ['forenames', 'surnames',
                        'postcodes'] are in TemporalIdentifier format.
                        Temporal identifier format: either just IDENTIFIER, or
                        IDENTIFIER/STARTDATE/ENDDATE, where dates are in
                        YYYY-MM-DD format or one of ['none', 'null', '?']
                        (case-insensitive). (4) perfect_id, if specified,
                        contains one or more perfect person identifiers as
                        key:value pairs, e.g. 'nhs:12345;ni:AB6789XY'. The
                        keys will be forced to lower case; values will be
                        forced to upper case. (5) 'other_info' is an arbitrary
                        string for you to use (e.g. for validation). (default:
  --sample_cache SAMPLE_CACHE
                        JSONL file in which to store cached sample info (to
                        speed loading) (default: None)
  --output OUTPUT       Output CSV file for proband/sample comparison.
                        (default: None)
  --profile             Profile the code (for development only). (default:

  --key KEY             Key (passphrase) for hasher. (default:
                        Allow the default hash key to be used beyond tests.
                        INADVISABLE! (default: False)
  --hash_method {HMAC_MD5,HMAC_SHA256,HMAC_SHA512}
                        Hash method. (default: HMAC_SHA256)
  --rounding_sf ROUNDING_SF
                        Number of significant figures to use when rounding
                        frequencies in hashed version. Use 'None' to disable
                        rounding. (default: 5)
  --local_id_hash_key LOCAL_ID_HASH_KEY
                        Only applicable to the 'hash' command. Hash the
                        local_id values, using this key (passphrase). There
                        are good reasons to use a key different to that
                        specified for --key. If you leave this blank, or
                        specify an empty string, then local ID values will be
                        left unmodified (e.g. if you have pre-hashed them).
                        (default: None)

  --min_log_odds_for_match MIN_LOG_ODDS_FOR_MATCH
                        Minimum natural log (ln) odds of two people being the
                        same, before a match will be considered. Referred to
                        as theta (θ) in the validation paper. (Default is
                        equivalent to p = 0.9933071490757152.) (default: 5)
  --exceeds_next_best_log_odds EXCEEDS_NEXT_BEST_LOG_ODDS
                        Minimum log (ln) odds by which a best match must
                        exceed the next-best match to be considered a unique
                        match. Referred to as delta (δ) in the validation
                        paper. (default: 0)
  --perfect_id_translation PERFECT_ID_TRANSLATION
                        Optional dictionary of the form {'nhsnum':'nhsnumber',
                        'ni_num':'national_insurance'}, mapping the names of
                        perfect (person-unique) identifiers as found in the
                        proband data to their equivalents in the sample.
                        (default: None)

                        Add extra output for validation purposes (the local
                        IDs of the best and second-best candidates, if any,
                        even if there was no match). (default: False)
                        Check every comparison for log-likelihood ratio
                        sequence 'no match ≤ partial(s) ≤ full' and warn if
                        this is not observed. Note, however, that deviations
                        from this are not unexpected. (default: False)
  --report_every REPORT_EVERY
                        Report progress every n probands. (default: 100)
  --min_probands_for_parallel MIN_PROBANDS_FOR_PARALLEL
                        Minimum number of probands for which we will bother to
                        use parallel processing. (default: 1000)
  --n_workers N_WORKERS
                        Number of processes to use in parallel. Defaults to 1
                        (Windows) or the number of CPUs on your system (other
                        operating systems). (default: 8)

  --p_ep1_forename P_EP1_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        fails a full match but satisfies a partial 1
                        (metaphone) match. (Comma-separated list of 'gender:p'
                        values, where gender must include F, M and can include
                        X, ''.) (default: F:0.00894,M:0.0084)
  --p_ep2np1_forename P_EP2NP1_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        fails a full/partial 1 match but satisfies a partial 2
                        (first two character) match. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00881,M:0.00688)
  --p_en_forename P_EN_FORENAME
                        Probability that a forename has an error such that it
                        produces no match at all. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00572,M:0.00625)
  --p_u_forename P_U_FORENAME
                        Probability that a set of at least two forenames has
                        an error such that they become unordered (e.g.
                        swapped/shuffled) with respect to their counterpart.
                        See paper for full details. (default: 0.00191)
  --p_ep1_surname P_EP1_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        fails a full match but satisfies a partial 1
                        (metaphone) match. (Comma-separated list of 'gender:p'
                        values, where gender must include F, M and can include
                        X, ''.) (default: F:0.00551,M:0.00471)
  --p_ep2np1_surname P_EP2NP1_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        fails a full/partial 1 match but satisfies a partial 2
                        (first two character) match. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.00378,M:0.00247)
  --p_en_surname P_EN_SURNAME
                        Probability that a surname has an error such that it
                        produces no match at all. (Comma-separated list of
                        'gender:p' values, where gender must include F, M and
                        can include X, ''.) (default: F:0.0567,M:0.0134)
  --p_ep_dob P_EP_DOB   Probability that a DOB is wrong in some way that
                        causes a partial match (YM, MD, or YD) but not a full
                        (YMD) match. (default: 0.00459036)
  --p_en_dob P_EN_DOB   Probability that a DOB error leads to no match
                        (neither full, nor partial as defined above).
                        Empirically, this is about 0.00033. However, we
                        suggest setting it to 0, as anything higher will run
                        much slower. (default: 0)
  --p_e_gender P_E_GENDER
                        Assumed probability (p_e) that a gender is wrong,
                        leading to a proband/candidate mismatch. (default:
  --p_ep_postcode P_EP_POSTCODE
                        Assumed probability (p_ep) that a proband/candidate
                        postcode pair fails a full (postcode unit) match but
                        satisfies a partial (postcode sector) match, through
                        error or a move within a sector. (default: 0.0097)
  --p_en_postcode P_EN_POSTCODE
                        Assumed probability (p_ep) that a proband/candidate
                        postcode pair exhibits no match at all. (default: 0.3)

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'print_demo_sample'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match print_demo_sample [-h] [--verbose]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  --verbose   Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_metaphone'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_metaphone [-h] [--verbose] words [words ...]

  words       Words to check

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  --verbose   Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_names_for_metaphone'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_names_for_metaphone [-h]
                                                     [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                     [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                     [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                     [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                     [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                     [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                     [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                     [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                     [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                     [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                     [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                     [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                     [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                     [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                     [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                     [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                     [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                                     words [words ...]

  words                 Words to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_forename_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_forename_freq [-h]
                                               [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                               [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                               [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                               [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                               [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                               [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                               [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                               [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                               [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                               [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                               [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                               [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                               [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                               [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                               [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                               [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                               [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                               forenames [forenames ...]

  forenames             Forenames to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_forename_metaphone_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_forename_metaphone_freq [-h]
                                                         [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                         [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                         [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                         [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                         [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                         [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                         [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                         [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                         [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                         [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                         [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                         [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                         [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                         [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                         [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                         [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                         [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                                         [metaphones ...]

  metaphones            Metaphones to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_forename_f2c_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_forename_f2c_freq [-h]
                                                   [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                   [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                   [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                   [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                   [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                   [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                   [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                   [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                   [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                   [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                   [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                   [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                   [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                   [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                   [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                   [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                   [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                                   f2c [f2c ...]

  f2c                   First-two-character groups to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_surname_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_surname_freq [-h]
                                              [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                              [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                              [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                              [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                              [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                              [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                              [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                              [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                              [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                              [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                              [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                              [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                              [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                              [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                              [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                              [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                              [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                              surnames [surnames ...]

  surnames              surnames to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_surname_metaphone_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_surname_metaphone_freq [-h]
                                                        [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                        [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                        [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                        [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                        [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                        [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                        [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                        [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                        [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                        [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                        [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                        [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                        [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                        [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                        [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                        [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                        [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                                        [metaphones ...]

  metaphones            surnames to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_surname_f2c_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_surname_f2c_freq [-h]
                                                  [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                                  [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                  [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                                  [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                  [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                  [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                                  [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                                  [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                                  [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                                  [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                                  [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                  [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                                  [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                                  [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                                  [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                                  [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                                  [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                                  f2c [f2c ...]

  f2c                   First-two-character groups to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_dob_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_dob_freq [-h]
                                          [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                          [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                          [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                          [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                          [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                          [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                          [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                          [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                          [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                          [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                          [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                          [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                          [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                          [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                          [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                          [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                          [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Help for command 'show_postcode_freq'
USAGE: crate_fuzzy_id_match show_postcode_freq [-h]
                                               [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE]
                                               [--forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                               [--forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV]
                                               [--forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                               [--surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                               [--surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV]
                                               [--surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                                               [--accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS]
                                               [--nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS]
                                               [--birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE]
                                               [--p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                               [--p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE]
                                               [--postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME]
                                               [--postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME]
                                               [--k_postcode K_POSTCODE]
                                               [--p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE]
                                               [--k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE]
                                               postcodes [postcodes ...]

  postcodes             postcodes to check

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Size of the whole population, from which we calculate
                        the baseline log odds that two people, randomly
                        selected (and replaced) from the population are the
                        same person. (default: 852523)
  --forename_cache_filename FORENAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached forename info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --forename_sex_freq_csv FORENAME_SEX_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, sex, frequency" pairs for
                        forenames. You can generate one via
                        crate_fetch_wordlists. [Information saved in the
                        forename cache. If you change this, delete your
                        forename cache.] (default:
  --forename_min_frequency FORENAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for forenames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. The standard US forename data has a floor
                        2.875e-8 (M), 2.930e-8 (F), so 2.9e-8 to 2sf.
                        [Information saved in the forename cache. If you
                        change this, delete your forename cache.] (default:
  --surname_cache_filename SURNAME_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached surname info (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --surname_freq_csv SURNAME_FREQ_CSV
                        CSV file of "name, frequency" pairs for surnames. You
                        can generate one via crate_fetch_wordlists.
                        [Information saved in the surname cache. If you change
                        this, delete your surname cache.] (default:
  --surname_min_frequency SURNAME_MIN_FREQUENCY
                        Minimum frequency for surnames. If a frequency is
                        unknown or less than this, the software uses this
                        minimum. In the standard US surname data, values below
                        3e-7 are reported as 0, so 1.5e-7 is the midpoint of
                        the low-frequency range. [Information saved in the
                        surname cache. If you change this, delete your surname
                        cache.] (default: 5e-06)
  --accent_transliterations ACCENT_TRANSLITERATIONS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of 'accented/plain' pairs,
                        representing how accented characters may be
                        transliterated (if they are not reproduced accurately
                        and not simply mangled into ASCII like É→E). Only
                        upper-case versions are required (anything supplied
                        will be converted to upper case). (default:
  --nonspecific_name_components NONSPECIFIC_NAME_COMPONENTS
                        (For surnames.) CSV list of name components that
                        should not be used as alternatives in their own right,
                        such as nobiliary particles. (default:
  --birth_year_pseudo_range BIRTH_YEAR_PSEUDO_RANGE
                        Birth year pseudo-range. The purpose is to calculate
                        the probability of two random people sharing a DOB,
                        which is taken as 1/(365.25 * b), even for 29 Feb, or
                        a partial DOB equivalently. This option is b.
                        (default: 30)
  --p_not_male_or_female P_NOT_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population has gender
                        'X'. (default: 0.004)
  --p_female_given_male_or_female P_FEMALE_GIVEN_MALE_OR_FEMALE
                        Probability that a person in the population is female,
                        given that they are either male or female. (default:
  --postcode_cache_filename POSTCODE_CACHE_FILENAME
                        File in which to store cached postcodes (to speed
                        loading). (default:
  --postcode_csv_filename POSTCODE_CSV_FILENAME
                        CSV file of postcode geography from UK Census/ONS
                        data. A ZIP file is also acceptable. [Information
                        saved in the postcode cache. If you change this,
                        delete your postcode cache.] (default:
  --k_postcode K_POSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P[P(postcode unit match | ¬H)] =
                        k_postcode * f_f_postcode, and p_p_postcode[P(postcode
                        sector match | ¬H) = k_postcode * f_p_postcode. The
                        default, None, autocalculates k_postcode = n_UK /
                        population_size where n_uk = 66040000; this is
                        approximately correct if your population is a
                        geographically restricted section of the UK, but if it
                        is geographically representative of the UK, specify 1.
                        (default: None)
  --p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode P_UNKNOWN_OR_PSEUDO_POSTCODE
                        Expected population probability of each
                        'pseudo-postcode' postcode unit (e.g. ZZ99 3VZ = no
                        fixed above; ZZ99 3CZ, England/UK not otherwise
                        specified) or to have a postcode not known to the
                        postcode geography database. (default: 0.00201)
  --k_pseudopostcode K_PSEUDOPOSTCODE
                        Probability multiple: P(pseudopostcode sector or
                        unknown postcode sector match | ¬H) = k_pseudopostcode
                        * p_unknown_or_pseudo_postcode. Must strictly be >=1
                        and we enforce >1; see paper. (default: 1.83)

  --verbose             Be verbose. (default: False)

Name frequency data is pre-supplied. It was generated like this:

# Fetch/generate name/frequency files for de-identified fuzzy linkage.

# 1. Fetch our source data.
wget https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/names.zip -O forenames.zip
wget http://www2.census.gov/topics/genealogy/1990surnames/dist.all.last -O surnames_1990.txt
wget https://www2.census.gov/topics/genealogy/2010surnames/names.zip -O surnames_2010.zip

# 2. Create our frequency lists.
crate_fetch_wordlists \
    --us_forenames \
        --us_forenames_url "file://${PWD}/forenames.zip" \
        --us_forenames_sex_freq_output us_forename_sex_freq.csv \
    --us_surnames \
        --us_surnames_1990_census_url "file://${PWD}/surnames_1990.txt" \
        --us_surnames_2010_census_url "file://${PWD}/surnames_2010.zip" \
        --us_surnames_freq_output us_surname_freq.csv