Source code for crate_anon.crateweb.consent.migrations.0001_initial



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Consent app, migration 0001.**


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from cardinal_pythonlib.django.fields.restrictedcontentfile import (
from django.db import migrations, models
from django.conf import settings

import crate_anon.crateweb.consent.models as consent_models
import as consent_storage

# !!! warning !!! some fields hard-code a local file path in /home/rudolf/...
# ... edited; no default is OK here; see
#  # noqa

[docs]class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="CharityPaymentRecord", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When created" ), ), ("payee", models.CharField(max_length=255)), ( "amount", models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=8), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="ClinicianResponse", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When created" ), ), ("token", models.CharField(max_length=20)), ( "responded", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Responded?" ), ), ( "responded_at", models.DateTimeField( null=True, verbose_name="When responded" ), ), ( "response_route", models.CharField( choices=[("e", "E-mail"), ("w", "Web")], max_length=1 ), ), ( "email_choice", models.CharField( choices=[ ("y", "Yes"), ("n", "No"), ("more", "Tell me more"), ], max_length=4, ), ), ( "response", models.CharField( choices=[ ( "R", "R: Clinician asks RDBM to pass request to " "patient", ), ( "A", "A: Clinician will pass the request to the " "patient", ), ("B", "B: Clinician vetoes on clinical grounds"), ("C", "C: Patient is definitely ineligible"), ( "D", "D: Patient is dead/discharged or details are " "defunct", ), ], max_length=1, ), ), ( "veto_reason", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Reason for clinical veto" ), ), ( "ineligible_reason", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Reason patient is ineligible" ), ), ( "pt_uncontactable_reason", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Reason patient is not contactable", ), ), ( "clinician_confirm_name", models.CharField( verbose_name="Type your name to confirm", max_length=255, ), ), ( "charity_amount_due", models.DecimalField( default=0, decimal_places=2, max_digits=8 ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="ConsentMode", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "decision_signed_by_patient", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Request signed by patient?", ), ), ( "decision_otherwise_directly_authorized_by_patient", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Request otherwise directly authorized " "by patient?", ), ), ( "decision_under16_signed_by_parent", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient under 16 and request " "countersigned by parent?", ), ), ( "decision_under16_signed_by_clinician", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient under 16 and request " "countersigned by clinician?", ), ), ( "decision_lack_capacity_signed_by_representative", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient lacked capacity and request " "signed by authorized representative?", ), ), ( "decision_lack_capacity_signed_by_clinician", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient lacked capacity and request " "countersigned by clinician?", ), ), ( "nhs_number", models.BigIntegerField(verbose_name="NHS number"), ), ("current", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When was this record created?", ), ), ( "exclude_entirely", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Exclude patient from Research Database " "entirely?", ), ), ( "consent_mode", models.CharField( default="", choices=[ ("red", "red"), ("yellow", "yellow"), ("green", "green"), ], verbose_name="Consent mode ('red', 'yellow', 'green')", max_length=10, ), ), ( "consent_after_discharge", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Consent given to contact patient after " "discharge?", ), ), ( "max_approaches_per_year", models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( default=0, verbose_name="Maximum number of approaches " "permissible per year (0 = no limit)", ), ), ( "other_requests", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Other special requests by patient", ), ), ( "prefers_email", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient prefers e-mail contact?", ), ), ( "changed_by_clinician_override", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Consent mode changed by clinician's " "override?", ), ), ( "created_by", models.ForeignKey( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.PROTECT ), ), ], options={ "abstract": False, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="ContactRequest", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When created" ), ), ( "request_direct_approach", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Request direct contact with patient if " "available (not contact with clinician first)" ), ), ( "lookup_nhs_number", models.BigIntegerField( null=True, verbose_name="NHS number used for lookup" ), ), ( "lookup_rid", models.CharField( verbose_name="Research ID used for lookup", null=True, max_length=128, ), ), ( "lookup_mrid", models.CharField( verbose_name="Master research ID used for lookup", null=True, max_length=128, ), ), ("processed", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "nhs_number", models.BigIntegerField( null=True, verbose_name="NHS number" ), ), ( "approaches_in_past_year", models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True), ), ( "decisions", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Decisions made" ), ), ("decided_no_action", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "decided_send_to_researcher", models.BooleanField(default=False), ), ( "decided_send_to_clinician", models.BooleanField(default=False), ), ( "clinician_involvement", models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=[ ( 0, "No clinician involvement required or " "requested", ), ( 1, "Clinician involvement requested by " "researchers", ), ( 2, "Clinician involvement required by YELLOW " "consent mode", ), ( 3, "Clinician involvement required by UNKNOWN " "consent mode", ), ], null=True, ), ), ("consent_withdrawn", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "consent_withdrawn_at", models.DateTimeField( null=True, verbose_name="When consent withdrawn" ), ), ( "consent_mode", models.ForeignKey( to="consent.ConsentMode", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="DummyPatientSourceInfo", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "pt_local_id_description", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Description of database-specific ID", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_local_id_number", models.BigIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Database-specific ID", ), ), ( "pt_dob", models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Patient date of birth", ), ), ( "pt_dod", models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Patient date of death (NULL if alive)", ), ), ( "pt_dead", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient is dead" ), ), ( "pt_discharged", models.NullBooleanField(verbose_name="Patient discharged"), ), ( "pt_sex", models.CharField( choices=[ ("M", "Male"), ("F", "Female"), ("X", "Inderminate/intersex"), ("?", "Unknown"), ], blank=True, verbose_name="Patient sex", max_length=1, ), ), ( "pt_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient title", max_length=20 ), ), ( "pt_first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient first name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient last name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_1", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 1", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_2", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 2", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_3", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 3", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_4", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 4", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_5", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 5 (county)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_6", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 6 (postcode)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_7", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 7 (country)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_telephone", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient telephone", max_length=20, ), ), ( "pt_email", models.EmailField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient email", max_length=254, ), ), ( "gp_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP title", max_length=20 ), ), ( "gp_first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP first name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP last name", max_length=100 ), ), ( "gp_address_1", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 1", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_2", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 2", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_3", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 3", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_4", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 4", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_5", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 5 (county)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_6", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 6 (postcode)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_7", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 7 (country)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_telephone", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP telephone", max_length=20 ), ), ( "gp_email", models.EmailField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP email", max_length=254 ), ), ( "clinician_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician title", max_length=20, ), ), ( "clinician_first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician first name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician last name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_1", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 1", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_2", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 2", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_3", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 3", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_4", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 4", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_5", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 5 (county)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_6", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 6 (postcode)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_7", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 7 (country)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_telephone", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician telephone", max_length=20, ), ), ( "clinician_email", models.EmailField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician email", max_length=254, ), ), ( "clinician_is_consultant", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Clinician is a consultant" ), ), ( "clinician_signatory_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician's title for signature (e.g. " "'Consultant psychiatrist')", max_length=100, ), ), ( "nhs_number", models.BigIntegerField( unique=True, verbose_name="NHS number" ), ), ], options={ "verbose_name_plural": "Dummy patient source information", }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Email", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When created" ), ), ( "sender", models.CharField( default="CPFT Research Database - DO NOT REPLY " "<>", max_length=255, ), ), ("recipient", models.CharField(max_length=255)), ("subject", models.CharField(max_length=255)), ("msg_text", models.TextField()), ("msg_html", models.TextField()), ("to_clinician", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("to_researcher", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("to_patient", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "contact_request", models.ForeignKey( to="consent.ContactRequest", on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="EmailAttachment", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "file", models.FileField( upload_to="", storage=consent_storage.CustomFileSystemStorage( base_url="download_privatestorage" ), ), ), ("sent_filename", models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255)), ("content_type", models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255)), ("owns_file", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "email", models.ForeignKey( to="consent.Email", on_delete=models.PROTECT ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="EmailTransmission", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When sent" ), ), ("sent", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "failure_reason", models.TextField(verbose_name="Reason sending failed"), ), ( "by", models.ForeignKey( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="emailtransmissions", null=True, ), ), ( "email", models.ForeignKey( to="consent.Email", on_delete=models.PROTECT ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Leaflet", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "name", models.CharField( choices=[ ("cpft_tpir", "CPFT: Taking part in research"), ( "nihr_yhrsl", "NIHR: Your health records save lives", ), ( "cpft_trafficlight_choice", "CPFT: traffic-light choice", ), ("cpft_clinres", "CPFT: clinical research"), ], verbose_name="leaflet name", unique=True, max_length=50, ), ), ( "pdf", ContentTypeRestrictedFileField( upload_to=consent_models.leaflet_upload_to, blank=True, storage=consent_storage.CustomFileSystemStorage( base_url="download_privatestorage" ), ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Letter", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When created" ), ), ( "pdf", models.FileField( upload_to="", storage=consent_storage.CustomFileSystemStorage( base_url="download_privatestorage" ), ), ), ("to_clinician", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("to_researcher", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("to_patient", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("rdbm_may_view", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ("sent_manually_at", models.DateTimeField(null=True)), ( "contact_request", models.ForeignKey( to="consent.ContactRequest", on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, ), ), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name="PatientLookup", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "pt_local_id_description", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Description of database-specific ID", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_local_id_number", models.BigIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Database-specific ID", ), ), ( "pt_dob", models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Patient date of birth", ), ), ( "pt_dod", models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Patient date of death (NULL if alive)", ), ), ( "pt_dead", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient is dead" ), ), ( "pt_discharged", models.NullBooleanField(verbose_name="Patient discharged"), ), ( "pt_sex", models.CharField( choices=[ ("M", "Male"), ("F", "Female"), ("X", "Inderminate/intersex"), ("?", "Unknown"), ], blank=True, verbose_name="Patient sex", max_length=1, ), ), ( "pt_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient title", max_length=20 ), ), ( "pt_first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient first name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient last name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_1", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 1", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_2", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 2", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_3", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 3", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_4", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 4", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_5", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 5 (county)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_6", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 6 (postcode)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_address_7", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient address line 7 (country)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "pt_telephone", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient telephone", max_length=20, ), ), ( "pt_email", models.EmailField( blank=True, verbose_name="Patient email", max_length=254, ), ), ( "gp_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP title", max_length=20 ), ), ( "gp_first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP first name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP last name", max_length=100 ), ), ( "gp_address_1", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 1", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_2", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 2", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_3", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 3", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_4", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 4", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_5", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 5 (county)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_6", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 6 (postcode)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_address_7", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP address line 7 (country)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "gp_telephone", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP telephone", max_length=20 ), ), ( "gp_email", models.EmailField( blank=True, verbose_name="GP email", max_length=254 ), ), ( "clinician_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician title", max_length=20, ), ), ( "clinician_first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician first name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician last name", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_1", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 1", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_2", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 2", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_3", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 3", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_4", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 4", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_5", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 5 (county)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_6", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 6 (postcode)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_address_7", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician address line 7 (country)", max_length=100, ), ), ( "clinician_telephone", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician telephone", max_length=20, ), ), ( "clinician_email", models.EmailField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician email", max_length=254, ), ), ( "clinician_is_consultant", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Clinician is a consultant" ), ), ( "clinician_signatory_title", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Clinician's title for signature (e.g. " "'Consultant psychiatrist')", max_length=100, ), ), ( "nhs_number", models.BigIntegerField( verbose_name="NHS number used for lookup" ), ), ( "lookup_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When fetched from clinical database", ), ), ( "source_db", models.CharField( choices=[ ( "dummy_clinical", "Dummy clinical database for testing", ), ( "cpft_crs", "CPFT Care Records System (CRS) 2005-2012", ), ("cpft_rio", "CPFT RiO 2013-"), ], verbose_name="Source database used for lookup", max_length=20, ), ), ( "decisions", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Decisions made during lookup" ), ), ( "secret_decisions", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Secret (identifying) decisions made " "during lookup", ), ), ( "pt_found", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient found" ), ), ( "gp_found", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="GP found" ), ), ( "clinician_found", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Clinician found" ), ), ], options={ "abstract": False, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="PatientResponse", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "decision_signed_by_patient", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Request signed by patient?", ), ), ( "decision_otherwise_directly_authorized_by_patient", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Request otherwise directly authorized " "by patient?", ), ), ( "decision_under16_signed_by_parent", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient under 16 and request " "countersigned by parent?", ), ), ( "decision_under16_signed_by_clinician", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient under 16 and request " "countersigned by clinician?", ), ), ( "decision_lack_capacity_signed_by_representative", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient lacked capacity and request " "signed by authorized representative?", ), ), ( "decision_lack_capacity_signed_by_clinician", models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Patient lacked capacity and request " "countersigned by clinician?", ), ), ( "created_at", models.DateTimeField( auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="When created" ), ), ( "response", models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=[(1, "1: Yes"), (2, "2: No")], null=True, verbose_name="Patient's response", ), ), ( "contact_request", models.OneToOneField( to="consent.ContactRequest", on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="patient_response", ), ), ( "recorded_by", models.ForeignKey( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, ), ), ], options={ "abstract": False, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="Study", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "institutional_id", models.PositiveIntegerField( unique=True, verbose_name="Institutional (e.g. NHS Trust) study " "number", ), ), ( "title", models.CharField( verbose_name="Study title", max_length=255 ), ), ( "registered_at", models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="When was the study registered?", ), ), ("summary", models.TextField(verbose_name="Summary of study")), ( "search_methods_planned", models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Search methods planned" ), ), ( "patient_contact", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Involves patient contact?" ), ), ( "include_under_16s", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Include patients under 16?" ), ), ( "include_lack_capacity", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Include patients lacking capacity?" ), ), ( "clinical_trial", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Clinical trial (CTIMP)?" ), ), ( "include_discharged", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Include discharged patients?" ), ), ( "request_direct_approach", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Researchers request direct approach to " "patients?" ), ), ( "approved_by_rec", models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Approved by REC?"), ), ( "rec_reference", models.CharField( blank=True, verbose_name="Research Ethics Committee reference", max_length=50, ), ), ( "approved_locally", models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Approved by local institution?" ), ), ( "local_approval_at", models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="When approved by local institution?", ), ), ( "study_details_pdf", ContentTypeRestrictedFileField( upload_to=consent_models.study_details_upload_to, blank=True, storage=consent_storage.CustomFileSystemStorage( base_url="download_privatestorage" ), ), ), ( "subject_form_template_pdf", ContentTypeRestrictedFileField( upload_to=consent_models.study_form_upload_to, blank=True, storage=consent_storage.CustomFileSystemStorage( base_url="download_privatestorage" ), ), ), ( "lead_researcher", models.ForeignKey( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="studies_as_lead", ), ), ( "researchers", models.ManyToManyField( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, blank=True, related_name="studies_as_researcher", ), ), ], options={ "verbose_name_plural": "studies", }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name="TeamRep", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, serialize=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ( "team", models.CharField( choices=[ ("dummy_team_one", "dummy_team_one"), ("dummy_team_two", "dummy_team_two"), ("dummy_team_three", "dummy_team_three"), ], verbose_name="Team description", unique=True, max_length=100, ), ), ( "user", models.ForeignKey( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE ), ), ], options={ "verbose_name_plural": "clinical team representatives", "verbose_name": "clinical team representative", }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name="letter", name="study", field=models.ForeignKey( to="consent.Study", on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="email", name="letter", field=models.ForeignKey( to="consent.Letter", on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="email", name="study", field=models.ForeignKey( to="consent.Study", on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="contactrequest", name="patient_lookup", field=models.ForeignKey( to="consent.PatientLookup", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="contactrequest", name="request_by", field=models.ForeignKey( to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.PROTECT ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="contactrequest", name="study", field=models.ForeignKey( to="consent.Study", on_delete=models.PROTECT ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="clinicianresponse", name="contact_request", field=models.OneToOneField( to="consent.ContactRequest", on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="clinician_response", ), ), ]