9.6. Patient Explorer queries

A Patient Explorer is a specialized research query to assist you in finding patients in the de-identified research database.

An example might be:

  • “Find me all patients whose free text contains the word ‘mirtazapine’.”

Note – not “all mentions of the word ‘mirtazapine’”.

You can do more:

  • “Find me all patients whose free text contains the word ‘mirtazapine’, and show me their age.”

The Patient Explorer is a two-stage query.

  1. The first query finds patients meeting a certain criterion.

  2. The second query (or queries) finds information the user wants about the patients from the first stage.


Internally, the crate_anon.crateweb.research.models.PatientExplorer class contains a crate_anon.crateweb.research.models.PatientMultiQuery, which does the interesting work.

9.6.1. Build a Patient Explorer

There is a page to help you build a Patient Explorer.

In A. Output columns, choose what you’d like to see about the patients. (This corresponds to the second-stage query.)

In B. Patient selection criteria, choose what needs to be true about these patients to let them “through” the filter. (This corresponds to the first-stage query.)

Alternatively, instead of B, specify C. Manual patient selection query by typing an SQL query in. The objective is for this query to return a unique list of master research IDs (MRIDs) for relevant patients.

9.6.2. Choose Patient Explorer

This page lets you choose and re-run Patient Explorers that you built earlier (see above).

9.6.3. Data Finder: results

This view summarizes where relevant data was found.

It shows a short table with the following columns:

  • row number

  • master_research_id

  • table_name

  • n_records

  • min_date

  • max_date

The table_name column can be any table for which output was requested (see Build a Patient Explorer).

9.6.4. Data Finder: Excel

This option allows you to download the Data Finder results in Excel XLSX format.

  • The first spreadsheet contains data for all patients.

  • The second spreadsheet shows the SQL used and its execution time.

  • The third and subsequent sheet(s) show data for individual patients, one per sheet.


See crate_anon.crateweb.research.models.PatientMultiQuery.data_finder_excel().

9.6.5. Table Browser

This view shows a list of all tables from the output, with hyperlinks. When you click on a table, it launches a view to show the Patient Explorer data from just that table.

9.6.6. Monster Data

This view shows data from all output tables of the Patient Explorer, consecutively, for one patient per page.

9.6.7. More detail on the Patient Explorer concept

Following the CRIS web front end, it can sometimes be helpful to view specific records for patients meeting specific criteria. The CRIS system uses XML data for its web front end, and that XML is organized on a per-patient basis, so its logical organization is: (a) specify criteria that each patient must meet; (b) specify fields shown for those patients; and (c) present them in a non-standard tabular form, essentially laying out multiple tables side by side 1.

From CRATE’s perspective, operating with relational databases directly, there are two ways of approaching this problem – particularly part (c). The first is a UNION query 2; this allows plain SQL, but doesn’t sit well with attempts to preserve multi-column table information (because all SELECT statements contributing to a UNION must have the same number of columns). The second is to fetch results from multiple tables separately and combine/present them in Python, using ‘patient’ as the explicit basis.

The first option is always available for manual use, because CRATE supports arbitrary SQL queries.

The second option is supported in a more friendly fashion. The logical steps are:

  • A patient ID query is built. Patient IDs are found, using the RID/TRID, according to selection criteria specified by the user. For example, one can specify diagnosis LIKE 'F20%' to find records of patients with an ICD-10 code starting with F20 (schizophrenia). The patient-finding is done by checking for at least one such record. If multiple criteria are specified, they are joined as desired (e.g. with AND or OR) 3.

  • Output fields are specified (e.g. diagnosis from the diagnosis table; progress notes from the progress notes table).

  • CRATE runs one query per table; essentially, SELECT specified_fields FROM one_of_the_tables WHERE rid IN (patient_id_query).

  • CRATE displays several tables jointly: from left to right, patient_id | table1 | table2, split into meta-rows by patient ID. For saving, it creates a XLSX spreadsheet.



For example, if you ask it to present patient research IDs, diagnoses, and notes, then if patient 1 has three diagnoses and 10 notes, you might get the patient number in column 1; the first 10 rows are for that patient; the ‘diagnosis’ column has three entries; the ‘notes’ column has 10 entries. This is quite different from a simple SQL JOIN, which would attempt to create rows for every combination (here, 3 diagnoses × 10 notes = 30 rows for that patient).


For example:

    'diagnosis' AS column_name,
    diagnosis AS value
FROM diagnosis_table
WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM some_table WHERE some_criterion)
    'note' AS column_name,
    note AS value
FROM progress_note_table
WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM some_table WHERE some_criterion)

For example:

FROM master_id_table
INNER JOIN diagnosis_table
    ON diagnosis_table.trid  = master_id_table.trid
INNER JOIN progress_note_table
    ON progress_note_table.trid = master_id_table.trid
    diagnosis_table.diagnosis LIKE 'F20%'
    AND progress_note_table.note LIKE '%depression%'