Source code for crate_anon.preprocess.rio_view_func

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

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**Assistance functions for RiO view creation.**


from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Union

from crate_anon.common.sql import (
from crate_anon.preprocess.constants import CRATE_COL_PK
from crate_anon.preprocess.rio_constants import (

# =============================================================================
# RiO view creators: generic
# =============================================================================

[docs]class RioViewConfigOptions: """ Simple class to store some command-line options for RiO view creation """
[docs] def __init__( self, rio: bool, rcep: bool, cpft: bool, print_sql_only: bool, drop_not_create: bool, master_patient_table: str, full_prognotes_table: str, prognotes_current_only: bool = True, clindocs_current_only: bool = True, allergies_current_only: bool = True, audit_info: bool = False, postcodedb: str = "", geogcols: List[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: rio: Treat the source database as a direct copy of RiO? rcep: Treat the source database as the product of Servelec's RiO CRIS Extract Program v2 (instead of raw RiO)? cpft: Apply hacks for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) RCEP database? print_sql_only: print SQL rather than executing it? drop_not_create: REMOVES new columns/indexes, rather than creating them. (Not really very dangerous, but might take some time to recreate.) prognotes_current_only: restrict Progress Note records to current versions only? clindocs_current_only: restrict Clinical Document records to current versions only? allergies_current_only: restrict Allergy records to current versions only? audit_info: include audit trail information in the research database? postcodedb: Specify database (schema) name for ONS Postcode Database (as imported by CRATE) to link in. With SQL Server, you will have to specify the schema as well as the database; e.g. ``ONS_PD.dbo"``. geogcols: List of geographical information columns to link in from ONS Postcode Database. BEWARE that you do not specify anything too identifying. """ assert rio != rcep, "Use either RiO or RCEP format" = rio self.rcep = rcep self.cpft = cpft self.print_sql_only = print_sql_only self.drop_not_create = drop_not_create self.master_patient_table = master_patient_table self.full_prognotes_table = full_prognotes_table self.prognotes_current_only = prognotes_current_only self.clindocs_current_only = clindocs_current_only self.allergies_current_only = allergies_current_only self.audit_info = audit_info self.postcodedb = postcodedb self.geogcols = geogcols or [] # type: List[str]
[docs]def lookup_from_fragment( lookup_table: str, aliased_lookup_table: str, lookup_pk: str, basetable: str, basecolumn: str, ) -> str: """ Returns ``LEFT JOIN`` SQL to implement a lookup from a system lookup table. For when ``lookup_pk`` is really a PK. Args: lookup_table: name of the lookup table aliased_lookup_table: alias to use (in SQL) for the lookup table lookup_pk: PK in the lookup table basetable: name of the base table from which to look up information basecolumn: name of the column in the base table that maps to the PK in the lookup table Returns: an SQL string like ``LEFT JOIN lookuptable lkalias ON = basetable.somecol`` """ return ( f"LEFT JOIN {lookup_table} {aliased_lookup_table}\n" f" ON {aliased_lookup_table}.{lookup_pk} = {basetable}.{basecolumn}" )
[docs]def lookup_from_fragment_first_row( lookup_table: str, aliased_lookup_table: str, lookup_key: str, lookup_unique_field: str, basetable: str, basecolumn: str, ) -> str: """ Returns ``LEFT JOIN`` SQL to look up values from a lookup table that might give us multiple values and we only want the first. See below. Args: lookup_table: name of the lookup table aliased_lookup_table: alias to use (in SQL) for the lookup table lookup_key: a field we'll match to ``basetable.basecolumn`` lookup_unique_field: the field from which we want the first value basetable: name of the base table from which to look up information basecolumn: name of the column in the base table that maps to the PK in the lookup table Returns: an SQL string Modified 2017-01-23, because sometimes the lookup column is not unique, e.g. lookup from "Code" to "CodeDescription" in NNNStatus (see also The LEFT JOIN was giving us duplicate rows. We want only the first match. See We were doing the FROM component as: .. code-block:: none LEFT JOIN {lookup_table} {aliased_lookup_table} ON {aliased_lookup_table}.{lookup_pk} = {basetable}.{basecolumn} and we'll replace that with .. code-block:: none LEFT JOIN {lookup_table} {aliased_lookup_table} ON {aliased_lookup_table}.{lookup_pk} = ( SELECT {lookup_pk} FROM {lookup_table} WHERE {lookup_table}.{lookup_pk} = {basetable}.{basecolumn} ORDER BY {lookup_table}.{lookup_pk} LIMIT 1 ) ... compare to the example of .. code-block:: none SELECT * FROM users JOIN widgets ON = ( SELECT id FROM widgets WHERE widgets.user_id = ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1 ) Note that SQL Server uses "SELECT TOP 1 ..." not "SELECT ... LIMIT 1". """ # noqa return ( f"LEFT JOIN {lookup_table} {aliased_lookup_table} " f"ON {aliased_lookup_table}.{lookup_unique_field} = (" f"SELECT TOP 1 {lookup_unique_field} FROM {lookup_table} " f"WHERE {lookup_table}.{lookup_key} = {basetable}.{basecolumn} " f"ORDER BY {lookup_table}.{lookup_unique_field})" )
[docs]def lookup_from_fragment_first_row_outer_apply( lookup_fields: Iterable[str], lookup_table: str, aliased_lookup_table: str, lookup_key: str, basetable: str, basecolumn: str, ) -> str: """ As for :func:`lookup_from_fragment_first_row` (q.v.), but works without a unique field in the lookup table. Args: lookup_fields: field(s) to look up the first values from lookup_table: name of the lookup table aliased_lookup_table: alias to use (in SQL) for the lookup table lookup_key: a field we'll match to ``basetable.basecolumn`` basetable: name of the base table from which to look up information basecolumn: name of the column in the base table that maps to the PK in the lookup table Returns: an SQL string See - - """ # noqa return ( f"OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 {', '.join(lookup_fields)} " f"FROM {lookup_table} " f"WHERE {lookup_table}.{lookup_key} = {basetable}.{basecolumn}) " f"{aliased_lookup_table}" )
[docs]def simple_lookup_join( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, lookup_table: str, lookup_pk: str, lookup_fields_aliases: Dict[str, str], internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Modifies the ViewMaker to add a simple lookup join. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: name of the column in the base table to look up from lookup_table: name of the lookup table lookup_pk: PK of the lookup table lookup_fields_aliases: dictionary mapping lookup field names (in the lookup table) to aliases in the SELECT part of the SQL statement internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert lookup_table, "Missing lookup_table" assert lookup_pk, "Missing lookup_pk" assert lookup_fields_aliases, "lookup_fields_aliases column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" aliased_lookup_table = internal_alias_prefix + "_" + lookup_table for column, alias in lookup_fields_aliases.items(): viewmaker.add_select(f"{aliased_lookup_table}.{column} AS {alias}") viewmaker.add_from( lookup_from_fragment_first_row_outer_apply( lookup_fields=lookup_fields_aliases.keys(), lookup_table=lookup_table, aliased_lookup_table=aliased_lookup_table, lookup_key=lookup_pk, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(lookup_table, lookup_pk)
[docs]def standard_rio_code_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, lookup_table: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Implements a standard RiO lookup using a lookup table with ``Code`` / ``CodeDescription`` fields. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: name of the column in the base table to look up from lookup_table: name of the lookup table column_prefix: prefix for the view alias that describes the thing being looked up internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert lookup_table, "Missing lookup_table" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" aliased_lookup_table = internal_alias_prefix + "_" + lookup_table viewmaker.add_select( f""" {viewmaker.basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {column_prefix}_Code, {aliased_lookup_table}.CodeDescription AS {column_prefix}_Description """ ) lookup_pk = "Code" viewmaker.add_from( lookup_from_fragment_first_row_outer_apply( lookup_fields=["CodeDescription"], lookup_table=lookup_table, aliased_lookup_table=aliased_lookup_table, lookup_key=lookup_pk, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(lookup_table, lookup_pk)
[docs]def standard_rio_code_lookup_with_national_code( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, lookup_table: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Implements a standard RiO lookup using a lookup table with ``Code``, ``CodeDescription``, and ``NationalCode`` fields. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: name of the column in the base table to look up from lookup_table: name of the lookup table column_prefix: prefix for the view alias that describes the thing being looked up internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert lookup_table, "Missing lookup_table" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" aliased_lookup_table = internal_alias_prefix + "_" + lookup_table viewmaker.add_select( f""" {viewmaker.basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {column_prefix}_Code, {aliased_lookup_table}.CodeDescription AS {column_prefix}_Description, {aliased_lookup_table}.NationalCode AS {column_prefix}_National_Code """ ) lookup_pk = "Code" viewmaker.add_from( lookup_from_fragment_first_row_outer_apply( lookup_fields=["CodeDescription", "NationalCode"], lookup_table=lookup_table, aliased_lookup_table=aliased_lookup_table, lookup_key=lookup_pk, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(lookup_table, lookup_pk)
[docs]def view_formatting_dict(viewmaker: ViewMaker) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Produces a dictionary that can be used for automatically formatting templatized SQL. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker` Returns: dict: dictionary with the following keys: =============== =================================================== Key Meaning =============== =================================================== ``basetable`` Base table of the view =============== =================================================== """ return { "basetable": viewmaker.basetable, }
[docs]def simple_view_expr(viewmaker: ViewMaker, expr: str, alias: str) -> None: """ Adds a simple SQL expression to a viewmaker. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified expr: SQL expression; e.g. ``42``, ``mycol + 17`` alias: alias to apply (``... AS somealias``) """ assert expr, "Missing expr" assert alias, "Missing alias" vd = view_formatting_dict(viewmaker) formatted_expr = expr.format(**vd) viewmaker.add_select(formatted_expr + f" AS {alias}")
[docs]def simple_view_where( viewmaker: ViewMaker, where_clause: str, index_cols: Iterable[str] = None ) -> None: """ Applies a simple ``WHERE`` clause to a viewmaker. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified where_clause: WHERE clause, e.g. ``somecol = 1`` index_cols: names of columns that are part of the WHERE condition and would benefit from being indexed, for speed """ assert where_clause, "Missing where_clause" index_cols = index_cols or [] viewmaker.add_where(where_clause) # noinspection PyTypeChecker for col in index_cols: viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(viewmaker.basetable, col)
[docs]def add_index_only( viewmaker: ViewMaker, table: str, column_or_columns: Union[str, Iterable[str]], ) -> None: """ Adds an index request to a viewmaker. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified table: table name column_or_columns: column name (string or list of strings) to index within that table """ viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(table, column_or_columns)
# ============================================================================= # RiO view creators: specific # =============================================================================
[docs]def rio_add_user_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str = None, internal_alias_prefix: str = None, ) -> None: """ Adds a user lookup. For example, RiO tables tend to have columns like "modified_by_user" with a cryptic ID; this function adds views so we can see who that was. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: user ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of user internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once NOT VERIFIED IN FULL - insufficient data with just top 1000 rows for each table (2016-07-12). """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" column_prefix = column_prefix or basecolumn internal_alias_prefix = internal_alias_prefix or "t_" + column_prefix # ... table alias viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_Code, {ap}_genhcp.ConsultantFlag AS {cp}_Consultant_Flag, {ap}_genperson.Email AS {cp}_Email, {ap}_genperson.Title AS {cp}_Title, {ap}_genperson.FirstName AS {cp}_First_Name, {ap}_genperson.Surname AS {cp}_Surname, {ap}_prof.Code AS {cp}_Resp_Clinician_Profession_Code, {ap}_prof.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Resp_Clinician_Profession_Description, {ap}_serviceteam.Code AS {cp}_Primary_Team_Code, {ap}_serviceteam.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Primary_Team_Description, {ap}_genspec.Code AS {cp}_Main_Specialty_Code, {ap}_genspec.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Main_Specialty_Description, {ap}_genspec.NationalCode AS {cp}_Main_Specialty_National_Code, {ap}_profgroup.Code AS {cp}_Professional_Group_Code, {ap}_profgroup.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Professional_Group_Description, {ap}_genorg.Code AS {cp}_Organisation_Type_Code, {ap}_genorg.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Organisation_Type_Description """.format( # noqa basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) # - RECP had "speciality" / "specialty" inconsistency. # - {cp}_location... ?? Presumably from GenLocation, but via what? Seems # meaningless. In our snapshut, all are NULL anyway. # - User codes are keyed to GenUser.GenUserID, but also to several other # tables, e.g. GenHCP.GenHCPCode; GenPerson.GenPersonID # - We use unique table aliases here, so that overall we can make >1 sets # of different "user" joins simultaneously. viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( GenUser {ap}_genuser LEFT JOIN GenPerson {ap}_genperson ON {ap}_genperson.GenPersonID = {ap}_genuser.GenUserID LEFT JOIN GenHCP {ap}_genhcp ON {ap}_genhcp.GenHCPCode = {ap}_genuser.GenUserID LEFT JOIN GenHCPRCProfession {ap}_prof ON {ap}_prof.Code = {ap}_genhcp.RCProfession LEFT JOIN GenServiceTeam {ap}_serviceteam ON {ap}_serviceteam.Code = {ap}_genhcp.PrimaryTeam LEFT JOIN GenSpecialty {ap}_genspec ON {ap}_genspec.Code = {ap}_genhcp.MainGenSpecialtyCode LEFT JOIN GenStaffProfessionalGroup {ap}_profgroup ON {ap}_profgroup.Code = {ap}_genhcp.StaffProfessionalGroup LEFT JOIN GenOrganisationType {ap}_genorg ON {ap}_genorg.Code = {ap}_genuser.OrganisationType ) ON {ap}_genuser.GenUserID = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) # OTHER THINGS: # - GenHCP.Occupation is listed in the RiO docs but doesn't actually seem # to exist. (Perhaps explaining why it's not linked in the RCEP output.) # I had tried to link it to CareCoordinatorOccupation.Code. # If you use: # SELECT * # FROM information_schema.columns # WHERE column_name LIKE '%Occup%' # you only get Client_Demographic_Details.Occupation and # Client_Demographic_Details.Partner_Occupation viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("GenHCP", "GenHCPCode"), ("GenUser", "GenUserID"), ("GenPerson", "GenPersonID"), ("GenHCPRCProfession", "Code"), ("GenServiceTeam", "Code"), ("GenSpecialty", "Code"), ("GenStaffProfessionalGroup", "Code"), ("GenOrganisationType", "Code"), ] )
[docs]def rio_add_consultant_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str = None, internal_alias_prefix: str = None, ) -> None: """ Adds a user lookup where that lookup is a hospital consultant. Compare :func:`rio_add_user_lookup`. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: user ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of user internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" column_prefix = column_prefix or basecolumn internal_alias_prefix = internal_alias_prefix or "t_" + column_prefix viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_ID, {ap}_cons.Firstname AS {cp}_First_Name, {ap}_cons.Surname AS {cp}_Surname, {ap}_cons.SpecialtyID AS {cp}_Specialty_Code, {ap}_spec.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Specialty_Description """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( GenHospitalConsultant {ap}_cons LEFT JOIN GenSpecialty {ap}_spec ON {ap}_spec.Code = {ap}_cons.SpecialtyID ) ON {ap}_cons.ConsultantID = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("GenHospitalConsultant", "ConsultantID"), ("GenSpecialty", "Code"), ] )
[docs]def rio_add_team_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str = None, internal_alias_prefix: str = None, ) -> None: """ Adds a team lookup (from team ID to team details). Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: team ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of team internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" column_prefix = column_prefix or basecolumn internal_alias_prefix = internal_alias_prefix or "t_" + column_prefix viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_Code, {ap}_team.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Description, {ap}_classif.Code AS {cp}_Classification_Group_Code, {ap}_classif.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Classification_Group_Description """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( GenServiceTeam {ap}_team INNER JOIN GenServiceTeamClassification {ap}_classif ON {ap}_classif.Code = {ap}_team.ClassificationGroup ) ON {basetable}.{basecolumn} = {ap}_team.Code """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("GenServiceTeam", "Code"), ("GenServiceTeamClassification", "Code"), ] )
[docs]def rio_add_carespell_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str = None, internal_alias_prefix: str = None, ) -> None: """ Adds a care spell lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of care spell this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" column_prefix = column_prefix or basecolumn internal_alias_prefix = internal_alias_prefix or "t_" + column_prefix viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_Number, {ap}_spell.StartDate AS {cp}_Start_Date, {ap}_spell.EndDate AS {cp}_End_Date, {ap}_spell.MentalHealth AS {cp}_Mental_Health, {ap}_spell.GenSpecialtyCode AS {cp}_Specialty_Code, {ap}_spec.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Specialty_Description, {ap}_spec.NationalCode AS {cp}_Specialty_National_Code """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( ClientCareSpell {ap}_spell INNER JOIN GenSpecialty {ap}_spec ON {ap}_spec.Code = {ap}_spell.GenSpecialtyCode ) ON {basetable}.{basecolumn} = {ap}_spell.CareSpellNum """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("ClientCareSpell", "CareSpellNum"), ("GenSpecialty", "Code"), ] )
[docs]def rio_add_diagnosis_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn_scheme: str, basecolumn_code: str, alias_scheme: str, alias_code: str, alias_description: str, internal_alias_prefix: str = None, ) -> None: """ Adds a diagnosis lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn_scheme: base table column giving the diagnostic scheme (e.g. a column containing "ICD-10") basecolumn_code: base table column containing the diagnostic code alias_scheme: alias to be used for "diagnostic scheme" alias_code: alias to be used for "diagnostic code" alias_description: alias to be used for "description of diagnosis" internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ # Can't use simple_lookup_join as we have to join on two fields, # diagnostic scheme and diagnostic code. assert basecolumn_scheme, "Missing basecolumn_scheme" assert basecolumn_code, "Missing basecolumn_code" assert alias_scheme, "Missing alias_scheme" assert alias_code, "Missing alias_code" assert alias_description, "Missing alias_description" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" internal_alias_prefix = internal_alias_prefix or "t" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn_scheme} AS {alias_scheme}, {basetable}.{basecolumn_code} AS {alias_code}, {ap}_diag.CodeDescription AS {alias_description} """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn_scheme=basecolumn_scheme, alias_scheme=alias_scheme, basecolumn_code=basecolumn_code, alias_code=alias_code, ap=internal_alias_prefix, alias_description=alias_description, ) ) # - RECP had "speciality" / "specialty" inconsistency. # - {cp}_location... ?? Presumably from GenLocation, but via what? Seems # meaningless. In our snapshut, all are NULL anyway. # - User codes are keyed to GenUser.GenUserID, but also to several other # tables, e.g. GenHCP.GenHCPCode; GenPerson.GenPersonID # - We use unique table aliases here, so that overall we can make >1 sets # of different "user" joins simultaneously. viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN DiagnosisCode {ap}_diag ON {ap}_diag.CodingScheme = {basetable}.{basecolumn_scheme} AND {ap}_diag.Code = {basetable}.{basecolumn_code} """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn_scheme=basecolumn_scheme, basecolumn_code=basecolumn_code, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield( "DiagnosisCode", ["CodingScheme", "Code"] )
[docs]def rio_add_ims_event_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn_event_num: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds an IMS event lookup. (?) Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn_event_num: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of care spell this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ # There is a twin key: ClientID and EventNumber # However, we have made crate_rio_number, so we'll use that instead. # Key to the TABLE, not the VIEW. assert basecolumn_event_num, "Missing basecolumn_event_num" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn_event_num} AS {cp}_Event_Number, {ap}_evt.{CRATE_COL_PK} AS {cp}_Inpatient_Stay_PK """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn_event_num=basecolumn_event_num, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, CRATE_COL_PK=CRATE_COL_PK, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ImsEvent {ap}_evt ON {ap}_evt.{CRATE_COL_RIO_NUMBER} = {basetable}.{CRATE_COL_RIO_NUMBER} AND {ap}_evt.EventNumber = {basetable}.{basecolumn_event_num} """.format( # noqa basetable=viewmaker.basetable, ap=internal_alias_prefix, CRATE_COL_RIO_NUMBER=CRATE_COL_RIO_NUMBER, basecolumn_event_num=basecolumn_event_num, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield( "ImsEvent", [CRATE_COL_RIO_NUMBER, "EventNumber"] )
[docs]def rio_add_gp_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds a general practitioner (GP) lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of GP this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_Code, {ap}_gp.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Description, {ap}_gp.NationalCode AS {cp}_National_Code, {ap}_gp.Title AS {cp}_Title, {ap}_gp.Forename AS {cp}_Forename, {ap}_gp.Surname AS {cp}_Surname """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN GenGP {ap}_gp ON {ap}_gp.Code = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( ap=internal_alias_prefix, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield("GenGP", "Code")
[docs]def rio_add_gp_practice_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds a GP practice lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of GP practice this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_Code, {ap}_prac.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Description, {ap}_prac.AddressLine1 AS {cp}_Address_Line_1, {ap}_prac.AddressLine2 AS {cp}_Address_Line_2, {ap}_prac.AddressLine3 AS {cp}_Address_Line_3, {ap}_prac.AddressLine4 AS {cp}_Address_Line_4, {ap}_prac.AddressLine5 AS {cp}_Address_Line_5, {ap}_prac.PostCode AS {cp}_Post_Code, {ap}_prac.NationalCode AS {cp}_National_Code """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN GenGPPractice {ap}_prac ON {ap}_prac.Code = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( ap=internal_alias_prefix, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield("GenGPPractice", "Code")
[docs]def rio_add_gp_lookup_with_practice( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds a GP-with-their-practice lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of GP this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" if column_prefix: column_prefix += "_" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}GP_Code, {ap}_gp.CodeDescription AS {cp}GP_Description, {ap}_gp.NationalCode AS {cp}GP_National_Code, {ap}_gp.Title AS {cp}GP_Title, {ap}_gp.Forename AS {cp}GP_Forename, {ap}_gp.Surname AS {cp}GP_Surname, {ap}_prac.Code AS {cp}Practice_Code, {ap}_prac.CodeDescription AS {cp}Practice_Description, {ap}_prac.AddressLine1 AS {cp}Practice_Address_Line_1, {ap}_prac.AddressLine2 AS {cp}Practice_Address_Line_2, {ap}_prac.AddressLine3 AS {cp}Practice_Address_Line_3, {ap}_prac.AddressLine4 AS {cp}Practice_Address_Line_4, {ap}_prac.AddressLine5 AS {cp}Practice_Address_Line_5, {ap}_prac.PostCode AS {cp}Practice_Post_Code, {ap}_prac.NationalCode AS {cp}Practice_National_Code """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( GenGP {ap}_gp INNER JOIN GenGPGPPractice -- linking table ON GenGPPractice.GenGPCode = {ap}_gp.Code INNER JOIN GenGPPractice {ap}_prac ON {ap}_prac.Code = GenGPPractice.GenPracticeCode ) ON {ap}_gp.Code = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( ap=internal_alias_prefix, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("GenGP", "Code"), ("GenGPPractice", "Code"), ("GenGPGPPractice", "GenGPCode"), ] )
[docs]def where_prognotes_current(viewmaker: ViewMaker) -> None: """ Apply a WHERE clause restricting a progress notes table to current versions of progress notes only. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified """ configoptions = viewmaker.userobj # type: RioViewConfigOptions if not configoptions.prognotes_current_only: return viewmaker.add_where( "({bt}.EnteredInError <> 1 OR {bt}.EnteredInError IS NULL) " "AND {bt}.{last_note_col} = 1".format( bt=viewmaker.basetable, last_note_col=CRATE_COL_LAST_NOTE ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield( viewmaker.basetable, "EnteredInError" ) viewmaker.enforce_same_n_rows_as_base = False
# CRATE_COL_LAST_NOTE already indexed
[docs]def where_clindocs_current(viewmaker: ViewMaker) -> None: """ Apply a WHERE clause restricting a clinical documents table to current versions of documents only. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified """ configoptions = viewmaker.userobj # type: RioViewConfigOptions if not configoptions.clindocs_current_only: return viewmaker.add_where( "{bt}.{last_doc_col} = 1 AND {bt}.DeletedDate IS NULL".format( bt=viewmaker.basetable, last_doc_col=CRATE_COL_LAST_DOC ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(viewmaker.basetable, "DeletedDate") viewmaker.enforce_same_n_rows_as_base = False
# CRATE_COL_LAST_DOC already indexed
[docs]def where_allergies_current(viewmaker: ViewMaker) -> None: """ Apply a WHERE clause restricting an allergies table to current versions of records only. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified """ configoptions = viewmaker.userobj # type: RioViewConfigOptions if not configoptions.allergies_current_only: return where_not_deleted_flag(viewmaker, "Deleted")
[docs]def where_not_deleted_flag(viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str) -> None: """ Apply a WHERE clause restricting a table to "non-deleted" records only. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: name of column indicating "deleted" status """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" viewmaker.add_where( "({table}.{col} IS NULL OR {table}.{col} = 0)".format( table=viewmaker.basetable, col=basecolumn ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield(viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn) viewmaker.enforce_same_n_rows_as_base = False
[docs]def rio_add_bay_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn_ward: str, basecolumn_bay: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds a ward bed-bay lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn_ward: ward ID column from the base table basecolumn_bay: bay ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of GP this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn_ward, "Missing basecolumn_ward" assert basecolumn_bay, "Missing basecolumn_bay" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" if column_prefix: column_prefix += "_" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn_ward} AS {cp}Ward_Code, {ap}_ward.WardDescription AS {cp}Ward_Description, {basetable}.{basecolumn_bay} AS {cp}Bay_Code, {ap}_bay.BayDescription AS {cp}Bay_Description """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn_ward=basecolumn_ward, basecolumn_bay=basecolumn_bay, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( ImsBay {ap}_bay INNER JOIN ImsWard {ap}_ward ON {ap}_ward.WardCode = {ap}_bay.WardCode ) ON {ap}_bay.WardCode = {basetable}.{basecolumn_ward} AND {ap}_bay.BayCode = {basetable}.{basecolumn_bay} """.format( ap=internal_alias_prefix, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn_ward=basecolumn_ward, basecolumn_bay=basecolumn_bay, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield("ImsBay", ["WardCode", "BayCode"]) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield("ImsWard", ["WardCode"])
[docs]def rio_add_location_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds a location (institutional address) lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of location this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" assert internal_alias_prefix, "Missing internal_alias_prefix" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_Code, {ap}_loc.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Description, {ap}_loc.NationalCode AS {cp}_National_Code, {ap}_loc.AddressLine1 as {cp}_Address_1, {ap}_loc.AddressLine2 as {cp}_Address_2, {ap}_loc.AddressLine3 as {cp}_Address_3, {ap}_loc.AddressLine4 as {cp}_Address_4, {ap}_loc.AddressLine5 as {cp}_Address_5, {ap}_loc.Postcode as {cp}_Post_Code, {ap}_loc.LocationType as {cp}_Type_Code, {ap}_loctype.CodeDescription as {cp}_Type_Description, {ap}_loctype.NationalCode as {cp}_Type_National_Code """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( GenLocation {ap}_loc INNER JOIN GenLocationType {ap}_loctype ON {ap}_loctype.Code = {ap}_loc.LocationType ) ON {ap}_loc.Code = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( # noqa ap=internal_alias_prefix, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield("GenLocation", ["Code"]) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield("GenLocationType", ["Code"])
[docs]def rio_add_org_contact_lookup( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, column_prefix: str, internal_alias_prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Adds an organisation lookup. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: ID column from the base table column_prefix: column prefix describing the kind of organisation this is internal_alias_prefix: prefix to add to the lookup table's name to make it unique, in case the SELECT statement uses the same lookup table more than once """ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert column_prefix, "Missing column_prefix" viewmaker.add_select( """ {basetable}.{basecolumn} AS {cp}_ID, {ap}_con.ContactType AS {cp}_Contact_Type_Code, {ap}_ct.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Contact_Type_Description, {ap}_ct.NationalCode AS {cp}_Contact_Type_National_Code, {ap}_con.Title AS {cp}_Title, {ap}_con.FirstName AS {cp}_First_Name, {ap}_con.Surname AS {cp}_Surname, {ap}_con.JobTitle AS {cp}_Job_Title, {ap}_con.MainPhoneNo AS {cp}_Main_Phone_Number, {ap}_con.OtherPhoneNo AS {cp}_Other_Phone_Number, {ap}_con.FaxNo AS {cp}_Fax_Number, {ap}_con.EmailAddress AS {cp}_Email_Address, {ap}_con.Comments AS {cp}_Comments, {ap}_con.OrganisationID AS {cp}_Organisation_ID, {ap}_org.OrganisationCode AS {cp}_Organisation_Code, {ap}_org.OrganisationName AS {cp}_Organisation_Name, {ap}_org.OrganisationType AS {cp}_Organisation_Type_Code, {ap}_orgtype.CodeDescription AS {cp}_Organisation_Type_Description, {ap}_org.DepartmentName AS {cp}_Organisation_Department_Name, {ap}_org.MainPhoneNo AS {cp}_Organisation_Main_Phone_Number, {ap}_org.OtherPhoneNo AS {cp}_Organisation_Other_Phone_Number, {ap}_org.FaxNo AS {cp}_Organisation_Fax_Number, {ap}_org.EmailAddress AS {cp}_Organisation_Email_Address, {ap}_org.AddressLine1 AS {cp}_Organisation_Address_Line_1, {ap}_org.AddressLine2 AS {cp}_Organisation_Address_Line_2, {ap}_org.AddressLine3 AS {cp}_Organisation_Address_Line_3, {ap}_org.AddressLine4 AS {cp}_Organisation_Address_Line_4, {ap}_org.AddressLine5 AS {cp}_Organisation_Address_Line_5, {ap}_org.PostCode AS {cp}_Organisation_Post_Code """.format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, cp=column_prefix, ap=internal_alias_prefix, ) ) # Phone/fax/email/comments not in RCEP viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( OrgContact {ap}_con INNER JOIN OrgContactType {ap}_ct ON {ap}_ct.Code = {ap}_con.ContactType INNER JOIN OrgOrganisation {ap}_org ON {ap}_org.SequenceID = {ap}_con.OrganisationID -- ? INNER JOIN OrgType {ap}_orgtype ON {ap}_orgtype.Code = {ap}_org.OrganisationType ) ON {ap}_con.OrganisationID = {basetable}.{basecolumn} """.format( ap=internal_alias_prefix, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("OrgContact", "OrganisationID"), ("OrgContactType", "Code"), ("OrgOrganisation", "SequenceID"), ("OrgType", "Code"), ] )
[docs]def rio_amend_standard_noncore(viewmaker: ViewMaker) -> None: """ Modifies a standard RiO "non-core" table (a table defined by the using institution -- e.g. CPFT "Core Assessment" tables...). - Adds a user lookup on ``type12_UpdatedBy``. - Omits deleted records based on ``type12_DeletedDate``. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified """ # Add user: rio_add_user_lookup( viewmaker, "type12_UpdatedBy", column_prefix="Updated_By", internal_alias_prefix="ub", ) # Omit deleted: viewmaker.add_where( "{bt}.type12_DeletedDate IS NULL".format(bt=viewmaker.basetable) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfield( viewmaker.basetable, "type12_DeletedDate" ) viewmaker.enforce_same_n_rows_as_base = False
[docs]def rio_noncore_yn( viewmaker: ViewMaker, basecolumn: str, result_alias: str ) -> None: """ Modifies a standard RiO "non-core" table to map a field using "1 = yes, 2 = no" encoding to a more conventional Boolean (1 = yes, 0 = no). Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified basecolumn: column name in the base table result_alias: what to call the result """ # 1 = yes, 2 = no # ... clue: "pregnant?" for males, in UserAssesstfkcsa.expectQ assert basecolumn, "Missing basecolumn" assert result_alias, "Missing result_alias" viewmaker.add_select( "CASE " "WHEN {basetable}.{basecolumn} = 1 THEN 1 " # 1 = yes "WHEN {basetable}.{basecolumn} = 2 THEN 0 " # 2 = no "ELSE NULL " "END " "AS {result_alias}".format( basetable=viewmaker.basetable, basecolumn=basecolumn, result_alias=result_alias, ) )
[docs]def rio_add_audit_info(viewmaker: ViewMaker) -> None: """ Modifies a RiO view to add audit information. Args: viewmaker: :class:`crate_anon.common.sql.ViewMaker`; will be modified - In RCEP: lots of tables have Created_Date, Updated_Date with no source column; likely from the audit table. - Here, we call them: Audit_Created_Date, Audit_Updated_Date """ ap1 = "_au_cr" ap2 = "_au_up" viewmaker.add_select( """ {ap1}_subq.Audit_Created_Date AS Audit_Created_Date, {ap2}_subq.Audit_Updated_Date AS Audit_Updated_Date """.format( ap1=ap1, ap2=ap2, ) ) viewmaker.add_from( """ LEFT JOIN ( SELECT {ap1}_audit.RowID, MIN({ap1}_audit.ActionDateTime) AS Audit_Created_Date FROM AuditTrail {ap1}_audit INNER JOIN GenTable {ap1}_table ON {ap1}_table.TableNumber = {ap1}_audit.TableNumber WHERE {ap1}_table.GenTableCode = {literal} AND {ap1}_audit.AuditAction = 2 -- INSERT GROUP BY {ap1}_audit.RowID ) {ap1}_subq ON {ap1}_subq.RowID = {basetable}.{CRATE_COL_PK} LEFT JOIN ( SELECT {ap2}_audit.RowID, MAX({ap2}_audit.ActionDateTime) AS Audit_Updated_Date FROM AuditTrail {ap2}_audit INNER JOIN GenTable {ap2}_table ON {ap2}_table.TableNumber = {ap2}_audit.TableNumber WHERE {ap2}_table.GenTableCode = {literal} AND {ap2}_audit.AuditAction = 3 -- UPDATE GROUP BY {ap2}_audit.RowID ) {ap2}_subq ON {ap2}_subq.RowID = {basetable}.{CRATE_COL_PK} """.format( ap1=ap1, ap2=ap2, basetable=viewmaker.basetable, literal=sql_string_literal(viewmaker.basetable), CRATE_COL_PK=CRATE_COL_PK, ) ) viewmaker.record_lookup_table_keyfields( [ ("AuditTrail", ["AuditAction", "RowID", "TableNumber"]), ("GenTable", "GenTableCode"), ] )
# AuditTrail indexes based on SQL Server recommendations (Query -> Analyze # Query in Database Engine Tuning Advisor -> ... -> Recommendations -> # Index Recommendations -> Definition). Specifically: # CREATE STATISTICS [_dta_stat_1213247377_6_4] ON [dbo].[AuditTrail]( # [TableNumber], [AuditAction]) # CREATE STATISTICS [_dta_stat_1213247377_5_4] ON [dbo].[AuditTrail]( # [RowID], [AuditAction]) # CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [_dta_index_AuditTrail_blahblah] # ON [dbo].[AuditTrail] # ( # [AuditAction] ASC, # [RowID] ASC, # [TableNumber] ASC # ) # INCLUDE ( [ActionDateTime]) WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, # IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]