Source code for crate_anon.nlp_webserver.server_processor

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

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    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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ServerProcessor class.


from typing import Dict, Optional, Any

from crate_anon.nlp_manager.base_nlp_parser import BaseNlpParser
from crate_anon.nlp_manager.all_processors import make_nlp_parser_unconfigured
from crate_anon.nlprp.api import JsonObjectType, NlprpServerProcessor
from crate_anon.nlprp.constants import NlprpKeys, NlprpValues
from crate_anon.nlprp.errors import BAD_REQUEST, mkerror, no_such_proc_error
from crate_anon.nlp_webserver.constants import PROCTYPE_GATE, GATE_BASE_URL

[docs]class ServerProcessor(NlprpServerProcessor): """ Adds extra information to :class:`crate_anon.nlprp.api.NlprpServerProcessor`. - For ease of finding processor info based on name and version (alternative would be a dictionary in which the keys were name_version and the values were another dictionary with the rest of the info). - Also used as the client-side representation. """ # Master list of all instances (processors) processors = {} # type: Dict[str, "ServerProcessor"]
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, title: str, version: str, is_default_version: bool, description: str, schema_type: str = NlprpValues.UNKNOWN, sql_dialect: Optional[str] = None, tabular_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, proctype: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, title=title, version=version, is_default_version=is_default_version, description=description, schema_type=schema_type, sql_dialect=sql_dialect, tabular_schema=tabular_schema, ) if len(self.processor_id) > 100: raise ValueError( f"Processor id {self.processor_id} is too " "long for database field" ) self.base_url = None if proctype == PROCTYPE_GATE: self.base_url = GATE_BASE_URL self.parser = None # type: Optional[BaseNlpParser] if not proctype: self.proctype = name else: self.proctype = proctype # Add instance to list of processors ServerProcessor.processors[self.processor_id] = self
@property def processor_id(self) -> str: return f"{}_{self.version}"
[docs] @classmethod def get_processor(cls, name: str, version: str = "") -> "ServerProcessor": """ Fetch a processor by name and (optionally) version. Args: name: requested processor name version: (optional) requested processor version Returns: a :class:`Processor` Raises: :exc:`crate_anon.nlprp.errors.NlprpError` if no processor matches. """ for candidate in cls.processors.values(): if name == # Initially coded as case-insensitive (as someone might put # e.g. 'CRP' instead of 'Crp'), but has to be case-sensitive # because some of the GATE processors have the same name as the # Python ones only different case. if version: # Specific version requested. if version == candidate.version: return candidate else: # No specific version requested. if candidate.is_default_version: return candidate raise no_such_proc_error(name, version)
[docs] @classmethod def get_processor_nlprp( cls, requested_processor_dict: JsonObjectType ) -> "ServerProcessor": """ Fetch a processor, from an NLPRP dictionary specifying it. Args: requested_processor_dict: part of an NLPRP request Returns: a :class:`Processor` Raises: :exc:`crate_anon.nlprp.errors.NlprpError` if the ``NlprpKeys.NAME`` key is missing or no processor matches. """ version = requested_processor_dict.get(NlprpKeys.VERSION) # optional try: name = requested_processor_dict[NlprpKeys.NAME] # may raise except KeyError: raise mkerror( BAD_REQUEST, f"Processor request has no {NlprpKeys.NAME!r} key" ) return cls.get_processor(name=name, version=version)
[docs] @classmethod def get_processor_from_id(cls, processor_id: str) -> "ServerProcessor": """ Fetch a processor, from a processor ID (a string representing name and versio). Args: processor_id: string in the format ``name_version``. The version part can't contain an underscore, but the name can. Returns: a :class:`Processor` Raises: :exc:`crate_anon.nlprp.errors.NlprpError` if no processor matches. """ # Split on the last occurrence of '_' name, _, version = processor_id.rpartition("_") return cls.get_processor(name, version)
[docs] def set_parser(self) -> None: """ Sets 'self.parser' to an instance of a subclass of 'BaseNlpParser' not bound to any nlpdef or cfgsection, unless self.proctype is GATE (in which case, do nothing). """ if self.proctype != PROCTYPE_GATE: # We do not have to supply a NLP definition here. self.parser = make_nlp_parser_unconfigured(self.proctype)
# else: do nothing