Source code for crate_anon.nlp_manager.output_user_config

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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**Define output configuration for GATE NLP applications.**


import ast
import logging
import shlex
from typing import Dict, List

from cardinal_pythonlib.sql.validation import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.lists import chunks
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.schema import (
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, Index

from crate_anon.common.extendedconfigparser import (
from crate_anon.nlp_manager.constants import (
from crate_anon.nlp_manager.input_field_config import InputFieldConfig

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# OutputUserConfig
# =============================================================================

[docs]class OutputUserConfig: """ Class defining configuration for the output of a given GATE app. See the documentation for the :ref:`NLP config file <nlp_config>`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, parser: ExtendedConfigParser, cfg_output_name: str, schema_required: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Read config from a configparser section. Args: parser: :class:`crate_anon.common.extendedconfigparser.ExtendedConfigParser` cfg_output_name: config file section name suffix -- this is the second of the pair of strings in the ``outputtypemap`` part of the GATE NLP app config section. See - :ref:`NLP config file <nlp_config>` - :class:`crate_anon.nlp_manager.parse_gate.Gate` schema_required: is it required that the user has specified a schema, i.e. destfields and a desttable? - Should be true for Gate, False for Cloud as the remote processors may have their own schema definition. """ # noqa sectionname = full_sectionname( NlpConfigPrefixes.OUTPUT, cfg_output_name ) cfg = ConfigSection(section=sectionname, parser=parser) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # desttable # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self._desttable = cfg.opt_str( NlpOutputConfigKeys.DESTTABLE, required=True ) ensure_valid_table_name(self._desttable) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # renames # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self._renames = {} # type: Dict[str, str] rename_lines = cfg.opt_strlist( NlpOutputConfigKeys.RENAMES, required=False, as_words=False ) for line in rename_lines: if not line.strip(): continue words = shlex.split(line) if len(words) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Bad {NlpOutputConfigKeys.RENAMES!r} option in config " f"section {sectionname!r}; line was {line!r} but should " f"have contained two things" ) annotation_name = words[0] field_name = words[1] ensure_valid_field_name(field_name) self._renames[annotation_name] = field_name # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # null_literals # --------------------------------------------------------------------- null_literal_lines = cfg.opt_strlist( NlpOutputConfigKeys.NULL_LITERALS, required=False, as_words=False ) self._null_literals = [] # type: List[str] for line in null_literal_lines: self._null_literals += shlex.split(line) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # destfields # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self._destfields = [] # type: List[str] self._dest_datatypes = [] # type: List[str] self._dest_comments = [] # type: List[str] dest_field_lines = cfg.opt_strlist( NlpOutputConfigKeys.DESTFIELDS, required=schema_required, as_words=False, ) # ... comments will be removed during that process. # log.critical(dest_field_lines) # If dest_field_lines is empty (as it may be for a Cloud processor) # the following block doesn't execute, so the 'dest' attributed remain # empty for dfl in dest_field_lines: parts = dfl.split(maxsplit=2) assert len(parts) >= 2, f"Bad field definition line: {dfl!r}" field = parts[0] datatype = parts[1].upper() comment = parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else None ensure_valid_field_name(field) if not is_sqltype_valid(datatype): raise ValueError(f"Invalid datatype for {field}: {datatype}") self._destfields.append(field) self._dest_datatypes.append(datatype) self._dest_comments.append(comment) src_fields = [ for c in InputFieldConfig.get_core_columns_for_dest() ] for sf in src_fields: if sf in self._destfields: raise ValueError( f"For section {sectionname}, destination field {sf} is " f"auto-supplied; do not add it manually" ) if len(set(self._destfields)) != len(self._destfields): raise ValueError( f"Duplicate fields exist in destination fields: " f"{self._destfields}" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # indexdefs # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self._indexfields = [] # type: List[str] self._indexlengths = [] # type: List[int] indexdefs = cfg.opt_strlist(NlpOutputConfigKeys.INDEXDEFS) if indexdefs: for c in chunks(indexdefs, 2): # pairs: field, length indexfieldname = c[0] lengthstr = c[1] if indexfieldname not in self._destfields: raise ValueError( f"Index field {indexfieldname} not in " f"destination fields {self._destfields}" ) try: length = ast.literal_eval(lengthstr) if length is not None: length = int(length) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Bad index length: {lengthstr}") self._indexfields.append(indexfieldname) self._indexlengths.append(length)
@property def dest_tablename(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the destination table. """ return self._desttable @property def destfields(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of destination fields. """ return self._destfields
[docs] def get_columns(self, engine: Engine) -> List[Column]: """ Return all SQLAlchemy :class:`Column` definitions for the destination table. Args: engine: SQLAlchemy database :class:`Engine` Returns: list of SQLAlchemy :class:`Column` objects """ columns = [] # type: List[Column] for i, field in enumerate(self._destfields): datatype = self._dest_datatypes[i] comment = self._dest_comments[i] columns.append( Column( field, get_sqla_coltype_from_dialect_str( datatype, engine.dialect ), comment=comment, ) ) return columns
@property def indexes(self) -> List[Index]: """ Return all SQLAlchemy :class:`Index` definitions for the destination table. Returns: list of SQLAlchemy :class:`Index` objects """ indexes = [] # type: List[Index] for i, field in enumerate(self._indexfields): index_name = f"_idx_{field}" length = self._indexlengths[i] kwargs = {"mysql_length": length} if length is not None else {} indexes.append(Index(index_name, field, **kwargs)) return indexes @property def renames(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Return the "rename dictionary": a dictionary mapping GATE annotation names to fieldnames in the NLP destination table. See - ``renames`` in the :ref:`NLP config file <nlp_config>`. - :meth:`crate_anon.nlp_manager.parse_gate.Gate.parse` """ return self._renames @property def null_literals(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns string values from the GATE output that will be interpreted as NULL values. See - ``null_literals`` in the :ref:`NLP config file <nlp_config>`. - :meth:`crate_anon.nlp_manager.parse_gate.Gate.parse`. """ return self._null_literals