Source code for crate_anon.linkage.frequencies

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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**Frequency classes for linkage tools.**

These record and calculate frequencies of real-world things (names, postcodes)
from publicly available data.


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import csv
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple

from cardinal_pythonlib.reprfunc import auto_repr
import jsonlines

from crate_anon.common.logfunc import warn_once
from crate_anon.linkage.constants import UK_POPULATION_2017
from crate_anon.linkage.helpers import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# BasicNameMetaphoneFreq
# =============================================================================

[docs]class BasicNameFreqInfo: """ Used for calculating P(share F2C but not name or metaphone). Note that the metaphone can be "", e.g. if the name is "W". But we can still calculate the frequency of those metaphones cumulatively across all our names. """ KEY_NAME = "name" KEY_P_NAME = "p_f" KEY_GENDER = "gender" KEY_METAPHONE = "metaphone" KEY_P_METAPHONE = "p_p1" KEY_P_METAPHONE_NOT_NAME = "p_p1nf" KEY_F2C = "f2c" KEY_P_F2C = "p_p2" KEY_P_F2C_NOT_NAME_METAPHONE = "p_p2np1"
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, p_name: float, gender: str = "", metaphone: str = "", p_metaphone: float = 0.0, p_metaphone_not_name: float = 0.0, f2c: str = "", p_f2c: float = 0.0, p_f2c_not_name_metaphone: float = 0.0, synthetic: bool = False, ) -> None: """ The constructor allows initialization with just a name and its frequency (with other probabilities being set later), or from a saved representation with full details. Args: name: Name. p_name: Population probability (frequency) of this name, within the specified gender if there is one. gender: Specified gender, or a blank string for non-gender-associated names. metaphone: "Sounds-like" representation as the first part of a double metaphone. p_metaphone: Population frequency (probability) of the metaphone. p_metaphone_not_name: Probability that someone in the population shares this metaphone, but not this name. Usually this is ``p_metaphone - p_name``, but you may choose to impose a minimum frequency. f2c: First two characters (F2C) of the name. p_f2c: Population probability of the F2C. p_f2c_not_name_metaphone: Probability that someone in the population shares this F2C, but not this name or metaphone. synthetic: Is this record made up (e.g. an unknown name, or a mean of two other records)? """ name = standardize_name(name) = name self.gender = gender self.p_name = p_name self.metaphone = metaphone or get_metaphone(name) self.p_metaphone = p_metaphone self.p_metaphone_not_name = p_metaphone_not_name self.f2c = f2c or get_first_two_char(name) self.p_f2c = p_f2c # not important! For info only. self.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone = p_f2c_not_name_metaphone self.synthetic = synthetic
def __repr__(self) -> str: return auto_repr(self, sort_attrs=False) @property def p_no_match(self) -> float: assert ( self.p_metaphone >= self.p_name ), "Set p_metaphone before using p_no_match" return 1 - self.p_metaphone - self.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone # p_metaphone includes p_name
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a JSON representation. """ return { self.KEY_NAME:, self.KEY_GENDER: self.gender, self.KEY_P_NAME: self.p_name, self.KEY_METAPHONE: self.metaphone, self.KEY_P_METAPHONE: self.p_metaphone, self.KEY_P_METAPHONE_NOT_NAME: self.p_metaphone_not_name, self.KEY_F2C: self.f2c, self.KEY_P_F2C: self.p_f2c, self.KEY_P_F2C_NOT_NAME_METAPHONE: self.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "BasicNameFreqInfo": """ Create from JSON representation. """ return BasicNameFreqInfo( name=d[cls.KEY_NAME], gender=d[cls.KEY_GENDER], p_name=d[cls.KEY_P_NAME], metaphone=d[cls.KEY_METAPHONE], p_metaphone=d[cls.KEY_P_METAPHONE], p_metaphone_not_name=d[cls.KEY_P_METAPHONE_NOT_NAME], f2c=d[cls.KEY_F2C], p_f2c=d[cls.KEY_P_F2C], p_f2c_not_name_metaphone=d[cls.KEY_P_F2C_NOT_NAME_METAPHONE], )
[docs] @staticmethod def weighted_mean( objects: Sequence["BasicNameFreqInfo"], weights: Sequence[float] ): """ Returns an object with the weighted probabilities across the objects specified. Used for gender weighting. """ assert len(objects) == len(weights) > 0 first = objects[0] result = BasicNameFreqInfo(, p_name=0.0, synthetic=True) for i, obj in enumerate(objects): w = weights[i] result.p_name += w * obj.p_name result.p_metaphone += w * obj.p_name result.p_metaphone_not_name += w * obj.p_metaphone_not_name result.p_f2c += w * obj.p_f2c result.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone += w * obj.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone return result
# ============================================================================= # NameFrequencyInfo # =============================================================================
[docs]class NameFrequencyInfo: """ Holds frequencies of a class of names (e.g. first names or surnames), and also of their fuzzy (metaphone) versions. We keep these frequency representations entirely here (source) and with the probands (storage); the config doesn't get involved except to define min_frequency at creation. We need to scan across all names for an estimate of the empty ("") metaphone, which does arise in our standard data. There is a process for obtaining default frequency information for any names not encountered in our name definitions, of course, but that is then stored with the (hashed) name representations and nothing needs to be recalculated at comparison time. (Compare postcodes, where further geographical adjustments may be required, depending on the comparison population.) """
[docs] def __init__( self, csv_filename: str, cache_filename: str, by_gender: bool = False, min_frequency: float = 0, ) -> None: """ Initializes the object from a CSV file. Uses standardize_name(). Args: csv_filename: CSV file, with no header, of "name, frequency" pairs. cache_filename: File in which to cache information, for faster loading. by_gender: Is the source data split by gender? min_frequency: Minimum frequency to allow; see command-line help. """ self._csv_filename = csv_filename self._cache_filename = cache_filename self._min_frequency = min_frequency self.by_gender = by_gender self.infolist = [] # type: List[BasicNameFreqInfo] # We key the following by (name, gender), even if gender is "". # This makes the code much simpler. self.name_gender_idx = ( {} ) # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], BasicNameFreqInfo] self.metaphone_freq = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] self.f2c_freq = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] self.f2c_to_infolist = defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[BasicNameFreqInfo]] if not csv_filename or not cache_filename: log.debug("Using dummy NameFrequencyInfo") return try: self._load_from_cache(cache_filename) except ValueError: log.critical(f"Bad cache: please delete {cache_filename}") raise except FileNotFoundError: self._load_from_csv(csv_filename) self._save_to_cache(cache_filename)
def _load_from_cache(self, cache_filename: str) -> None: """ Loads from a JSONL cache. """"Reading from cache: {cache_filename}") with as reader: self.infolist = [BasicNameFreqInfo.from_dict(d) for d in reader] log.debug(f"... finished reading from: {cache_filename}") self._index(update_infolist=False) def _save_to_cache(self, cache_filename: str) -> None: """ Saves to a JSONL cache. """ if not cache_filename: return"Writing to cache: {cache_filename}") mkdir_for_filename(cache_filename) with, mode="w") as writer: for i in self.infolist: writer.write(i.as_dict()) log.debug(f"... finished writing to cache: {cache_filename}") def _load_from_csv(self, csv_filename: str) -> None: """ Read from the original data. """"Reading source data: {csv_filename}") by_gender = self.by_gender min_frequency = self._min_frequency self.infolist = [] with open_even_if_zipped(csv_filename) as f: for row in csv.reader(f): if by_gender: gender = row[1] freq_str = row[2] else: gender = "" freq_str = row[1] self.infolist.append( BasicNameFreqInfo( name=row[0], p_name=max(min_frequency, float(freq_str)), gender=gender, ) ) log.debug(f"... finished reading from: {csv_filename}") self._index(update_infolist=True) def _index(self, update_infolist: bool) -> None: """ Build our internal indexes, having loaded `self.infolist`. Example for thinking (with fictional metaphones; these might be wrong!): .. code-block:: none # name p metaphone f2c 1 SMITH 0.2 SMT SM 2 SMYTHE 0.05 SMT SM 3 SCHMITH 0.01 SMT SC 4 SMALL 0.04 SML SM 5 JONES 0.2 JNS JO 6 JOPLIN 0.1 JPL JO 7 WALKER 0.2 WLK WA 8 ZEBRA 0.2 ZBR ZE With respect to a proband called SMITH: - P(another person's name is SMITH) = 0.2 [1]; - P(another person's metaphone is SMT) = 0.26 [1, 2, 3]; - P(another person's metaphone is SMT but their name is not SMITH) = 0.06 [2, 3], being the preceding minus [1]; - P(another person's F2C is SM) = 0.29 [1, 2, 4]; - P(another person's F2C is SM but their metaphone is not SMT and their name is not SMITH) = 0.04 [4]. With respect to a proband called SMALL: - P(another person's name is SMALL) = 0.04 [4]; - P(... metaphone SML) = 0.04 [4]; - P(... metaphone SML, name not SMALL) = 0, being the preceding minus [4]; - P(... F2C SM) = 0.29 [1, 2, 4]; - P(... F2C SM but metaphone not SML and name not SMALL) = 0.25 [1, 2]. This makes it apparent that: - P(another person matches on name) = P(name in the population). - Since names have a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship with metaphones (one name can only have one metaphone but two names can share a metaphone), P(metaphone match but not name match) is P(metaphone match) minus P(name match). - There is obviously a quantity P(F2C) that is constant for every F2C. Also, the relationship between names and F2C is one-to-one or many-to-one, as for metaphones. However, if F2C are second in the hierarchy, such that we need to calculate P(F2C match but not name OR METAPHONE match), it becomes relevant that the relationship between metaphones and F2C is many-to-many [see examples 1-4 above]. THEREFORE, P(F2C match but name or metaphone match) is SPECIFIC TO A NAME. """ log.debug("Indexing name frequency info...") # Reset self.name_gender_idx = {} self.metaphone_freq = {} self.f2c_freq = {} self.f2c_to_infolist = defaultdict(list) # For extra speed: min_frequency = self._min_frequency name_gender_idx = self.name_gender_idx metaphone_freq = self.metaphone_freq f2c_freq = self.f2c_freq f2c_to_infolist = self.f2c_to_infolist meta_to_infolist = defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[BasicNameFreqInfo]] for i in self.infolist: name_key =, i.gender metaphone_key = i.metaphone, i.gender f2c_key = i.f2c, i.gender p_name = i.p_name # Enable rapid lookup by name/gender name_gender_idx[name_key] = i # Calculate metaphone frequency (maybe for writing back to name # info objects, but certainly for frequency information relating to # unknown names with known metaphones). metaphone_freq[metaphone_key] = ( metaphone_freq.get(metaphone_key, 0) + p_name ) # Calculate F2C frequency (not very important!). f2c_freq[f2c_key] = f2c_freq.get(f2c_key, 0) + p_name # Enable lookup by F2C f2c_to_infolist[f2c_key].append(i) if update_infolist: # Enable temporary lookup by metaphone meta_to_infolist[metaphone_key].append(i) if update_infolist:"... calculating additional frequency info (slow)...") # Store metaphone frequency for each name. for metaphone_key, metaphone_infolist in meta_to_infolist.items(): p_meta = metaphone_freq[metaphone_key] for i in metaphone_infolist: # type: BasicNameFreqInfo i.p_metaphone = max(min_frequency, p_meta) i.p_metaphone_not_name = max( min_frequency, p_meta - i.p_name ) # This is not very important, but... store F2C frequency. for f2c_key, f2c_infolist in f2c_to_infolist.items(): p_f2c = max(min_frequency, f2c_freq[f2c_key]) for i in f2c_infolist: # type: BasicNameFreqInfo i.p_f2c = p_f2c # Calculate P(F2C match but not name or metaphone match). # This is name-specific; see above. for i in self.infolist: f2c_key = i.f2c, i.gender i.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone = 0.0 for other in f2c_to_infolist[f2c_key]: # ... same F2C... if != and other.metaphone != i.metaphone: # ... but different name and metaphone... i.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone += other.p_name i.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone = max( min_frequency, i.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone ) log.debug("... finished indexing name frequency info")
[docs] def name_frequency_info( self, name: str, gender: str = "", prestandardized: bool = True ) -> BasicNameFreqInfo: """ Look up frequency information for a name (with gender, optionally). """ if not prestandardized: name = standardize_name(name) key = name, gender result = self.name_gender_idx.get(key, None) if result is not None: return result return self._unknown_name_info(name, gender)
def _unknown_name_info( self, name: str, gender: str = "" ) -> BasicNameFreqInfo: """ Return a default set of information for unknown names. We do not alter our saved information. It's possible that an unknown name has a known metaphone or F2C, though, so we account for that. """ min_frequency = self._min_frequency result = BasicNameFreqInfo( name=name, p_name=min_frequency, gender=gender, synthetic=True, ) metaphone = result.metaphone meta_key = metaphone, gender result.p_metaphone = max( min_frequency, self.metaphone_freq.get(meta_key, min_frequency) ) result.p_metaphone_not_name = max( min_frequency, result.p_metaphone - result.p_name ) f2c_key = result.f2c, gender result.p_f2c = max( min_frequency, self.f2c_freq.get(f2c_key, min_frequency) ) p_f2c_not_name_metaphone = 0.0 for i in self.f2c_to_infolist[f2c_key]: # same F2C if i.metaphone != metaphone: # but not same metaphone # and by definition not the same name, or we wouldn't be here p_f2c_not_name_metaphone += i.p_name result.p_f2c_not_name_metaphone = max( min_frequency, p_f2c_not_name_metaphone ) return result
[docs] def name_frequency( self, name: str, gender: str = "", prestandardized: bool = True ) -> float: """ Returns the frequency of a name. Args: name: the name to check gender: the gender, if created with ``by_gender=True`` prestandardized: was the name pre-standardized in format? Returns: the name's frequency in the population """ return self.name_frequency_info( name, gender, prestandardized=prestandardized ).p_name
[docs] def metaphone_frequency(self, metaphone: str, gender: str = "") -> float: """ Returns the frequency of a metaphone. """ key = metaphone, gender return self.metaphone_freq.get(key, self._min_frequency)
[docs] def first_two_char_frequency(self, f2c: str, gender: str = "") -> float: """ Returns the frequency of the first two characters of a name. This one isn't very important; we want a more refined probability. """ key = f2c, gender return self.f2c_freq.get(key, self._min_frequency)
[docs] def get_names_for_metaphone(self, metaphone: str) -> List[str]: """ Return (for debugging purposes) a list of all names matching the specified metaphone. """ metaphone = metaphone.upper() return sorted( set( for info in self.infolist if info.metaphone == metaphone ) )
# ============================================================================= # PostcodeFrequencyInfo # =============================================================================
[docs]class PostcodeFrequencyInfo: """ Holds frequencies of UK postcodes, and also their hashed versions. Handles pseudo-postcodes somewhat separately. Frequencies are national estimates for known real postcodes. Any local correction or correction for unknown postcodes is done separately. We return explicit "don't know" values for unknown postcodes (including pseudopostcodes) since those values may be handled differently, in a way that is set at comparison time. """ KEY_POSTCODE_UNIT_FREQ = "postcode_unit_freq" KEY_POSTCODE_SECTOR_FREQ = "postcode_sector_freq"
[docs] def __init__( self, csv_filename: str, cache_filename: str, report_every: int = 10000, ) -> None: """ Initializes the object from a CSV file. Args: csv_filename: CSV file from the UK Office of National Statistics, e.g. ``ONSPD_MAY_2022_UK.csv``. Columns include "pdcs" (one of the postcode formats) and "oa11" (Output Area from the 2011 Census). A ZIP file containing a single CSV file is also permissible (distinguished by filename extension). cache_filename: Filename to hold pickle format cached data, because the CSV read process is slow (it's a 1.4 Gb CSV). report_every: How often to report progress during loading. """ self._csv_filename = csv_filename self._cache_filename = cache_filename self._postcode_unit_freq = {} # type: Dict[str, float] self._postcode_sector_freq = {} # type: Dict[str, float] if not csv_filename or not cache_filename: log.debug("Using dummy PostcodeFrequencyInfo") return try: self._load_from_cache(cache_filename) except (KeyError, ValueError): log.critical(f"Bad cache: please delete {cache_filename}") raise except FileNotFoundError: self._load_from_csv( csv_filename, report_every=report_every, ) self._save_to_cache(cache_filename)
def _load_from_cache(self, cache_filename: str) -> None: """ Loads from a JSON cache. May raise KeyError, ValueError. """"Reading from cache: {cache_filename}") with open(cache_filename) as file: d = json.load(file) # May raise KeyError: self._postcode_unit_freq = d[self.KEY_POSTCODE_UNIT_FREQ] self._postcode_sector_freq = d[self.KEY_POSTCODE_SECTOR_FREQ] if not isinstance(self._postcode_unit_freq, dict): raise ValueError( f"Bad cache: {self.KEY_POSTCODE_UNIT_FREQ} is of wrong type " f"{type(self._postcode_unit_freq)}" ) if not isinstance(self._postcode_sector_freq, dict): raise ValueError( f"Bad cache: {self.KEY_POSTCODE_SECTOR_FREQ} is of wrong type " f"{type(self._postcode_sector_freq)}" ) log.debug(f"... finished reading from: {cache_filename}") def _save_to_cache(self, cache_filename: str) -> None: """ Saves to a JSON cache. """ if not cache_filename: return"Writing to cache: {cache_filename}") mkdir_for_filename(cache_filename) d = { self.KEY_POSTCODE_UNIT_FREQ: self._postcode_unit_freq, self.KEY_POSTCODE_SECTOR_FREQ: self._postcode_sector_freq, } with open(cache_filename, mode="w") as file: json.dump(d, file) log.debug(f"... finished writing to cache: {cache_filename}") def _load_from_csv(self, csv_filename: str, report_every: int) -> None: """ Read from the original data. """"Reading source data: {csv_filename}") self._postcode_unit_freq = {} self._postcode_sector_freq = {} oa_unit_counter = Counter() unit_to_oa = {} # type: Dict[str, str] sector_to_oas = {} # type: Dict[str, Set[str]] # Load data with open_even_if_zipped(csv_filename) as f: csvreader = csv.DictReader(f) for rownum, row in enumerate(csvreader, start=1): unit = standardize_postcode(row["pcds"]) sector = get_postcode_sector(unit) oa = row["oa11"] if rownum % report_every == 0: log.debug( f"Row# {rownum}: postcode unit {unit}, " f"postcode sector {sector}, Output Area {oa}" ) unit_to_oa[unit] = oa oa_unit_counter[oa] += 1 # one more unit for this OA if sector in sector_to_oas: sector_to_oas[sector].add(oa) else: sector_to_oas[sector] = {oa} # Calculate. The absolute value of the population size of an OA is # irrelevant as it cancels out."Calculating population frequencies for postcodes...") unit_freq = self._postcode_unit_freq sector_freq = self._postcode_sector_freq total_n_oas = len(oa_unit_counter)"Number of Output Areas: {total_n_oas}") for unit, oa in unit_to_oa.items(): n_units_in_this_oa = oa_unit_counter[oa] unit_n_oas = 1 / n_units_in_this_oa unit_freq[unit] = unit_n_oas / total_n_oas for sector, oas in sector_to_oas.items(): sector_n_oas = len(oas) sector_freq[sector] = sector_n_oas / total_n_oas log.debug(f"... finished reading from: {csv_filename}")
[docs] def postcode_unit_sector_frequency( self, postcode_unit: str, prestandardized: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]: """ Returns the frequency of a postcode unit and its associated sector. Performs an important check that the sector frequency is as least as big as the unit frequency. Args: postcode_unit: the postcode unit to check prestandardized: was the postcode pre-standardized in format? Returns: tuple: unit_frequency, sector_frequency """ unit = ( postcode_unit if prestandardized else standardize_postcode(postcode_unit) ) sector = get_postcode_sector(unit) try: unit_freq = self._postcode_unit_freq[unit] sector_freq = self._postcode_sector_freq[sector] assert unit_freq <= sector_freq, ( f"Postcodes: unit_freq = {unit_freq}, " f"sector_freq = {sector_freq}, but should have " f"unit_freq <= sector_freq, " f"for unit = {unit}, sector = {sector}" ) except KeyError: if not is_pseudopostcode(unit, prestandardized=True): warn_once( f"Unknown postcode: {unit}", log, level=logging.DEBUG ) unit_freq = None sector_freq = None return unit_freq, sector_freq
[docs] def debug_is_valid_postcode( self, postcode_unit: str, prestandardized: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Is this a valid postcode? """ if not prestandardized: postcode_unit = standardize_postcode(postcode_unit) return postcode_unit in self._postcode_unit_freq or is_pseudopostcode( postcode_unit, prestandardized=True )
[docs] def debug_postcode_unit_population( self, postcode_unit: str, prestandardized: bool = False, total_population: int = UK_POPULATION_2017, ) -> Optional[float]: """ Returns the calculated population of a postcode unit. Args: postcode_unit: the postcode unit to check prestandardized: was the postcode pre-standardized in format? total_population: national population """ unit_freq, _ = self.postcode_unit_sector_frequency( postcode_unit, prestandardized ) if unit_freq is None: return None return unit_freq * total_population
[docs] def debug_postcode_sector_population( self, postcode_sector: str, prestandardized: bool = False, total_population: int = UK_POPULATION_2017, ) -> Optional[float]: """ Returns the calculated population of a postcode sector. Args: postcode_sector: the postcode sector to check prestandardized: was the sector pre-standardized in format? total_population: national population """ sector = ( postcode_sector if prestandardized else standardize_postcode(postcode_sector) ) sector_freq = self._postcode_sector_freq.get(sector) if sector_freq is None: return None return sector_freq * total_population