Source code for crate_anon.crateweb.research.html_functions

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Helper functions for low-level HTML, used in the "research" section of the
CRATE web site.**


import logging
import re
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Pattern

from cardinal_pythonlib.django.function_cache import django_cache_function
from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.template.defaultfilters import linebreaksbr
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers.sql import SqlLexer
from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
import sqlparse

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

N_CSS_HIGHLIGHT_CLASSES = 3  # named highlight0, highlight1, ... highlight<n-1>
REGEX_METACHARS = ["\\", "^", "$", ".", "|", "?", "*", "+", "(", ")", "[", "{"]
# Start with \, for replacement.

# =============================================================================
# Collapsible div, etc.
# =============================================================================

[docs]def visibility_button( tag: str, small: bool = True, title_html: str = "", as_span: bool = False, as_visibility: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns HTML for a "(+)/(-)" button. Used for: - visibility (show/hide): to show/hide things - collapse (expand/collapse): to collapse large cells in query results. Args: tag: tag used for this set of elements; used as part of the parameters to Javascript ``toggleVisible`` or ``toggleCollapsed`` functions; see ``crate_anon/crateweb/static/collapse.js`` small: start small (or invisible) rather than big (or visible)? title_html: HTML to put inside the element as_span: return a ``<span>`` element rather than a ``<div>`` element? as_visibility: "visibility" style, rather than "collapse" style? Returns: str: HTML See :func:`visibility_contentdiv` for the associated content. """ eltype = "span" if as_span else "div" togglefunc = "toggleVisible" if as_visibility else "toggleCollapsed" tag = str(tag) img = static("plus.gif") if small else static("minus.gif") return f""" <{eltype} class="expandcollapse" onclick="{togglefunc}('collapsible_{tag}', 'collapse_img_{tag}');"> <img class="plusminus_image" id="collapse_img_{tag}" alt="" src="{img}"> {title_html} </{eltype}> """ # noqa
[docs]def visibility_contentdiv( tag: str, contents: str, extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, as_visibility: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns HTML for a content ``<div>`` that can be collapsed by a button (for which, see :func:`visibility_button`). Args: tag: tag used for this set of elements; used as part of the parameters to Javascript ``toggleVisible`` or ``toggleCollapsed`` functions; see ``crate_anon/crateweb/static/collapse.js`` contents: HTML contents of the ``div`` extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the ``div`` small: start small (or invisible) rather than big (or visible)? as_visibility: "visibility" style, rather than "collapse" style? Returns: str: HTML """ extra_div_classes = extra_div_classes or [] div_classes = ["collapsible"] + extra_div_classes if as_visibility: if small: div_classes.append("collapse_invisible") else: div_classes.append("collapse_visible") else: if small: div_classes.append("collapse_small") else: div_classes.append("collapse_big") tag = str(tag) return f""" <div class="{" ".join(div_classes)}" id="collapsible_{str(tag)}"> {contents} </div> """
[docs]def visibility_div_with_divbutton( tag: str, contents: str, title_html: str = "", extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns an HTML ``<div>`` with a show/hide button and contents. Args: tag: tag used for this set of elements; used as part of the parameters to Javascript ``toggleVisible`` or ``toggleCollapsed`` functions; see ``crate_anon/crateweb/static/collapse.js`` contents: HTML contents of the content ``div`` title_html: HTML to put inside the button element extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the content ``div`` small: start invisible rather than visible? Returns: str: HTML - The HTML pre-hides, rather than using an onload method. """ button = visibility_button( tag=tag, small=small, title_html=title_html, as_visibility=True ) contents = visibility_contentdiv( tag=tag, contents=contents, extra_div_classes=extra_div_classes, small=small, as_visibility=True, ) return "<div>" + button + contents + "</div>"
[docs]def overflow_div( tag: str, contents: str, extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns an HTML ``<div>`` with an expand/collapse button and contents. Args: tag: tag used for this set of elements; used as part of the parameters to Javascript ``toggleVisible`` or ``toggleCollapsed`` functions; see ``crate_anon/crateweb/static/collapse.js`` contents: HTML contents of the content ``div`` extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the content ``div`` small: start collapsed rather than expanded? Returns: str: HTML """ button = visibility_button(tag=tag, small=small, as_visibility=False) contentdiv = visibility_contentdiv( tag=tag, contents=contents, extra_div_classes=extra_div_classes, small=small, as_visibility=False, ) return f""" <div class="expandcollapsewrapper"> {button} {contentdiv} </div> """
# ============================================================================= # HtmlElementCounter # =============================================================================
[docs]class HtmlElementCounter: """ Class to maintain element counters, for use with pages having lots of collapsible divs (or other HTML elements requiring individual numbering). """
[docs] def __init__(self, prefix: str = "") -> None: """ Args: prefix: text to be prefixed to the tag used for HTML elements """ self.elementnum = 0 self.prefix = prefix
[docs] def next(self) -> None: """ Increments the ``elementnum`` counter. """ self.elementnum += 1
[docs] def tag(self) -> str: """ Returns a tag based on the prefix and current element number. """ return self.prefix + str(self.elementnum)
[docs] def visibility_div_with_divbutton( self, contents: str, title_html: str = "", extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns a "visibility" ``<div>`` with a show/hide button. Args: contents: HTML contents of the content ``div`` title_html: HTML to put inside the button element extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the content ``div`` small: start invisible, rather than visible? Returns: str: HTML """ result = visibility_div_with_divbutton( tag=self.tag(), contents=contents, title_html=title_html, extra_div_classes=extra_div_classes, small=small, ) return result
[docs] def visibility_div_spanbutton(self, small: bool = True) -> str: """ Returns a visibility button in an HTML ``<span>``. Args: small: start in "hidden" rather than "visible" mode? Returns: str: HTML """ return visibility_button( tag=self.tag(), as_visibility=True, small=small, as_span=True )
[docs] def visibility_div_contentdiv( self, contents: str, extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns a "visibility" content ``<div>``. Args: contents: HTML contents of the content ``div`` extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the ``div`` small: start invisible, rather than visible? Returns: str: HTML """ result = visibility_contentdiv( tag=self.tag(), contents=contents, extra_div_classes=extra_div_classes, small=small, as_visibility=True, ) return result
[docs] def collapsible_div_contentdiv( self, contents: str, extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns a "collapsible" content ``<div>`` Args: contents: HTML contents of the ``div`` extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the content ``div`` small: start collapsed, rather than expanded? Returns: str: HTML """ result = visibility_contentdiv( tag=self.tag(), contents=contents, extra_div_classes=extra_div_classes, small=small, as_visibility=False, ) return result
[docs] def overflow_div( self, contents: str, extra_div_classes: Iterable[str] = None, small: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Returns a "overflow" ``<div>`` with content and an expand/collapse button. Args: contents: HTML contents of the ``div`` extra_div_classes: extra CSS classes to add to the content ``div`` small: start collapsed, rather than expanded? Returns: str: HTML """ result = overflow_div( tag=self.tag(), contents=contents, extra_div_classes=extra_div_classes, small=small, ) return result
# ============================================================================= # Highlighting of query results # ============================================================================= HIGHLIGHT_FWD_REF = "Highlight"
[docs]def escape_literal_string_for_regex(s: str) -> str: r""" Escape any regex characters. - Start with `\` -> ``\\``. This should be the first replacement in REGEX_METACHARS. """ for c in REGEX_METACHARS: s.replace(c, "\\" + c) return s
[docs]def get_regex_from_highlights( highlight_list: Iterable[HIGHLIGHT_FWD_REF], at_word_boundaries_only: bool = False, ) -> Pattern: """ Takes a list of the user's chosen highlights to apply to results, and builds a compiled regular expression for (any of) them. Args: highlight_list: list of :class:`crate_anon.crateweb.research.models.Highlight` objects, which represent text to find and a colour to highlight it with at_word_boundaries_only: match at word boundaries only? Returns: a compiled regular expression (case-insensitive) """ elements = [] # type: List[str] wb = r"\b" # word boundary; escape the slash if not using a raw string for hl in highlight_list: h = escape_literal_string_for_regex(hl.text) if at_word_boundaries_only: elements.append(wb + h + wb) else: elements.append(h) regexstring = "(" + "|".join(elements) + ")" # group required, to replace return re.compile(regexstring, re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
[docs]def highlight_text(x: str, n: int = 0) -> str: """ Transforms text (from a query result) into HTML that highlights it. Args: x: original text n: highlight colour number to use (as per our ``static/base.css``) Returns: """ n %= N_CSS_HIGHLIGHT_CLASSES return rf'<span class="highlight{n}">{x}</span>'
[docs]def make_highlight_replacement_regex(n: int = 0) -> str: r""" Makes a regex replacement string that highlights the first "found" group with a specific highlight colour. Args: n: highlight colour number to use (as per our ``static/base.css``) Returns: str: regex text like ``<span class="highlight1">\1</span>`` """ return highlight_text(r"\1", n=n)
[docs]def make_result_element( x: Any, element_counter: HtmlElementCounter, highlight_dict: Dict[int, List[HIGHLIGHT_FWD_REF]] = None, collapse_at_len: int = None, collapse_at_n_lines: int = None, line_length: int = None, keep_existing_newlines: bool = True, collapsed: bool = True, null: str = "<i>NULL</i>", ) -> str: """ Returns a collapsible HTML ``<div>`` for a result cell, with optional highlighting of results. Args: x: the value element_counter: a :class:``HtmlElementCounter``, used for distinguishing multiple elements; it will be modified highlight_dict: an optional dictionary mapping highlight colour to all the :class:`crate_anon.crateweb.research.models.Highlight` objects that use it (e.g.: ``2`` maps to highlight objects for all the separate pieces of text to be highlighted in colour 2) collapse_at_len: if specified, the string length beyond which the cell will be collapsed collapse_at_n_lines: if specified, the number of lines beyond which the cell will be collapsed line_length: if specified, the line length to word-wrap at keep_existing_newlines: retain existing newlines from the source? collapsed: start cells collapsed rather than expanded? null: HTML string to use for database NULL values Returns: str: HTML """ # return escape(repr(x)) if x is None: return null highlight_dict = highlight_dict or {} x = str(x) xlen = len(x) # before we mess around with it # textwrap.wrap will absorb existing newlines if keep_existing_newlines: input_lines = x.split("\n") else: input_lines = [x] if line_length: output_lines = [] # type: List[str] for line in input_lines: if line: output_lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(line, width=line_length)) else: # blank line; textwrap.wrap will swallow it output_lines.append("") else: output_lines = input_lines n_lines = len(output_lines) # return escape(repr(output_lines)) output = linebreaksbr(escape("\n".join(output_lines))) # return escape(repr(output)) for n, highlight_list in highlight_dict.items(): find = get_regex_from_highlights(highlight_list) replace = make_highlight_replacement_regex(n) output = find.sub(replace, output) if (collapse_at_len and xlen >= collapse_at_len) or ( collapse_at_n_lines and n_lines >= collapse_at_n_lines ): result = element_counter.overflow_div(contents=output, small=collapsed) else: result = output return result
[docs]def pre(x: str = "") -> str: """ Applies an HTML ``<pre>...</pre>`` tag. Args: x: input Returns: the input within a ``pre`` tag """ return f"<pre>{x}</pre>"
# ============================================================================= # SQL formatting # ============================================================================= SQL_BASE_CSS_CLASS = "sq" # brief is good SQL_FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter(cssclass=SQL_BASE_CSS_CLASS) SQL_LEXER = SqlLexer()
[docs]def prettify_sql_html( sql: str, reformat: bool = False, indent_width: int = 4 ) -> str: """ Formats SQL (optionally), and highlights it with Pygments. Args: sql: raw SQL text reformat: reformat the layout? indent_width: if reformatting, what indent should we use? Returns: str: HTML """ if reformat: sql = sqlparse.format(sql, reindent=True, indent_width=indent_width) return highlight(sql, SQL_LEXER, SQL_FORMATTER)
@django_cache_function(timeout=None) def prettify_sql_css() -> str: """ Returns the CSS used by the Pygments SQL formatter. """ return SQL_FORMATTER.get_style_defs()
[docs]def prettify_sql_and_args( sql: str, args: List[Any] = None, sql_not_formatted: bool = True, reformat: bool = False, indent_width: int = 4, ) -> str: """ Returns HTML for both some SQL and its arguments. Args: sql: SQL text args: optional list of arguments sql_not_formatted: is the sql already highlighted and formatted? reformat: reformat the layout? indent_width: if reformatting, what indent should we use? Returns: str: HTML """ if sql_not_formatted: sql = prettify_sql_html( sql, reformat=reformat, indent_width=indent_width ) if args: formatted_args = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(repr(args))) return sql + f"<div>Args:</div><pre>{formatted_args}</pre>" else: return sql
[docs]def make_collapsible_sql_query( sql: Optional[str], element_counter: HtmlElementCounter, sql_not_formatted: bool = False, args: List[Any] = None, collapse_at_len: int = 400, collapse_at_n_lines: int = 5, ) -> str: """ Formats an SQL query (and its arguments, if any) in a collapsible HTML ``<div>``. Args: sql: SQL text element_counter: args: optional list of arguments sql_not_formatted: is the sql already highlighted and formatted? collapse_at_len: if specified, the string length beyond which the cell will be collapsed collapse_at_n_lines: if specified, the number of lines beyond which the cell will be collapsed Returns: str: HTML """ sql = sql or "" sql = str(sql) xlen = len(sql) n_lines = len(sql.split("\n")) formatted = prettify_sql_and_args( sql, args, sql_not_formatted=sql_not_formatted, reformat=False ) # x = linebreaksbr(escape(x)) if (collapse_at_len and xlen >= collapse_at_len) or ( collapse_at_n_lines and n_lines >= collapse_at_n_lines ): return element_counter.overflow_div(contents=formatted) return formatted