Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Django management command to fetch PIDs/MPIDs from the consent-mode
database for patients who wish to opt out entirely, and store them in a file
(e.g. for the CRATE anonymiser).**


from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
import logging
from typing import Any

from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand
from django.utils import translation

from crate_anon.crateweb.consent.lookup import gen_opt_out_pids_mpids

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): """ Django management command to fetch PIDs/MPIDs for opt-out patients from the clinical consent-mode lookup database, and store them in a file (e.g. for use by the CRATE anonymiser). """ help = ( "Fetch patient IDs (PIDs) and master patient IDs (MPIDs, e.g. NHS " "numbers) from the clinical consent-mode lookup database, and store " "them in a file (e.g. for use by the CRATE anonymiser)." )
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: # docstring in superclass parser.add_argument( "--pidfile", required=True, help="Filename to store PIDs in (one line per PID)", ) parser.add_argument( "--mpidfile", required=True, help="Filename to store MPIDs in (one line per PID)", )
[docs] def handle(self, *args: str, **options: Any) -> None: # docstring in superclass opts = Namespace(**options) # Activate the current language, because it won't get activated later. try: translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) except AttributeError: pass # noinspection PyTypeChecker fetch_optouts( pid_filename=opts.pid_filename, mpid_filename=opts.mpid_filename, )
[docs]def fetch_optouts(pid_filename: str, mpid_filename: str) -> None: """ Fetch opt-out PIDs/MPIDs from the clinical consent-mode lookup database (defined via Django ``settings.CLINICAL_LOOKUP_CONSENT_DB``) and write them to files. Args: pid_filename: name of the filename to receive PIDs mpid_filename: name of the filename to receive MPIDs """ f"Fetching opt-outs from database to files. Storing PIDs to " f"{pid_filename!r}, MPIDs to {mpid_filename!r}." ) source_db = settings.CLINICAL_LOOKUP_CONSENT_DB with open(pid_filename, "w") as pf: with open(mpid_filename, "w") as mf: for pid, mpid in gen_opt_out_pids_mpids(source_db): if pid is not None and pid != "": pf.write(str(pid) + "\n") if mpid is not None and mpid != "": mf.write(str(mpid) + "\n")"Done.")
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Command-line entry point (not typically used directly). """ command = Command() parser = ArgumentParser() command.add_arguments(parser) cmdargs = parser.parse_args() fetch_optouts( pid_filename=cmdargs.pid_filename, mpid_filename=cmdargs.mpid_filename, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()