Source code for crate_anon.crateweb.consent.lookup_crs

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

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**Function to look up patient details from CPFT's now-defunct
CRS (Care Records System) database.**


from typing import List

from cardinal_pythonlib.dbfunc import dictfetchall, dictfetchone
from django.db import connections

from crate_anon.crateweb.consent.models import PatientLookup
from crate_anon.crateweb.consent.utils import make_cpft_email_address

# =============================================================================
# CPFT Care Records System (CRS)
# =============================================================================

[docs]def lookup_cpft_crs( lookup: PatientLookup, decisions: List[str], secret_decisions: List[str] ) -> None: """ Looks up patient details from the (defunct) CPFT CRS database. Args: lookup: a :class:`crate_anon.crateweb.consent.models.PatientLookup` decisions: list of human-readable decisions; will be modified secret_decisions: list of human-readable decisions containing secret (identifiable) information; will be modified """ cursor = connections[lookup.source_db].cursor() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CRS 1. Fetch basic details # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Incoming nhs_number will be a number. However, the database has a VARCHAR # field (nhs_identifier) that may include spaces. So we compare a # whitespace-stripped field to our value converted to a VARCHAR: # WHERE REPLACE(nhs_identifier, ' ', '') = CAST(%s AS VARCHAR) # ... or the other way round: # WHERE CAST(nhs_identifier AS BIGINT) = %s cursor.execute( """ SELECT patient_id, -- M number (PK) -- nhs_identifier, title, forename, surname, gender, -- ethnicity, -- marital_status, -- religion, dttm_of_birth, dttm_of_death FROM mpi WHERE CAST(nhs_identifier AS BIGINT) = %s """, [lookup.nhs_number], ) rows = dictfetchall(cursor) if not rows: decisions.append("NHS number not found in mpi table.") return if len(rows) > 1: decisions.append("Two patients found with that NHS number; aborting.") return row = rows[0] crs_patient_id = row["patient_id"] lookup.pt_local_id_description = "CPFT M number" lookup.pt_local_id_number = crs_patient_id secret_decisions.append(f"CPFT M number: {crs_patient_id}.") lookup.pt_found = True lookup.pt_title = row["title"] or "" lookup.pt_first_name = row["forename"] or "" lookup.pt_last_name = row["surname"] or "" lookup.pt_sex = row["gender"] or "" lookup.pt_dob = row["dttm_of_birth"] lookup.pt_dod = row["dttm_of_death"] lookup.pt_dead = bool(lookup.pt_dod) # Deal with dodgy case lookup.pt_title = lookup.pt_title.title() lookup.pt_first_name = lookup.pt_first_name.title() lookup.pt_last_name = lookup.pt_last_name.title() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CRS 2. Address # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cursor.execute( """ SELECT -- document_id, -- PK address1, address2, address3, address4, postcode, email -- startdate -- enddate -- patient_id FROM Address WHERE patient_id = %s AND enddate IS NULL """, [crs_patient_id], ) row = dictfetchone(cursor) if not row: decisions.append("No address found in Address table.") else: lookup.pt_address_1 = row["address1"] or "" lookup.pt_address_2 = row["address2"] or "" lookup.pt_address_3 = row["address3"] or "" lookup.pt_address_4 = row["address4"] or "" lookup.pt_address_6 = row["postcode"] or "" lookup.pt_email = row["email"] or "" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CRS 3. GP # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cursor.execute( """ SELECT -- sourcesystempk, # PK -- patient_id, # FK -- national_gp_id, gpname, -- national_practice_id, practicename, address1, address2, address3, address4, address5, postcode, telno -- startdate, -- enddate, FROM PracticeGP WHERE patient_id = %s AND enddate IS NULL """, [crs_patient_id], ) row = dictfetchone(cursor) if not row: decisions.append("No GP found in PracticeGP table.") else: lookup.gp_found = True lookup.set_gp_name_components( row["gpname"] or "", decisions, secret_decisions ) lookup.gp_address_1 = row["practicename"] or "" lookup.gp_address_2 = row["address1"] or "" lookup.gp_address_3 = row["address2"] or "" lookup.gp_address_4 = row["address3"] or "" lookup.gp_address_5 = ", ".join( [row["address4"] or "", row["address5"] or ""] ) lookup.gp_address_6 = row["postcode"] lookup.gp_telephone = row["telno"] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CRS 4. Clinician # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cursor.execute( """ SELECT -- patient_id, # PK -- trustarea, consultanttitle, consultantfirstname, consultantlastname, carecoordinatortitle, carecoordinatorfirstname, carecoordinatorlastname, carecoordinatoraddress1, carecoordinatoraddress2, carecoordinatoraddress3, carecoordinatortown, carecoordinatorcounty, carecoordinatorpostcode, carecoordinatoremailaddress, carecoordinatormobilenumber, carecoordinatorlandlinenumber FROM CDLPatient WHERE patient_id = %s """, [crs_patient_id], ) row = dictfetchone(cursor) if not row: decisions.append("No clinician info found in CDLPatient table.") else: lookup.clinician_address_1 = row["carecoordinatoraddress1"] or "" lookup.clinician_address_2 = row["carecoordinatoraddress2"] or "" lookup.clinician_address_3 = row["carecoordinatoraddress3"] or "" lookup.clinician_address_4 = row["carecoordinatortown"] or "" lookup.clinician_address_5 = row["carecoordinatorcounty"] or "" lookup.clinician_address_6 = row["carecoordinatorpostcode"] or "" lookup.clinician_telephone = " / ".join( [ row["carecoordinatorlandlinenumber"] or "", row["carecoordinatormobilenumber"] or "", ] ) careco_email = row[ "carecoordinatoremailaddress" ] or make_cpft_email_address( row["carecoordinatorfirstname"], row["carecoordinatorlastname"] ) cons_email = make_cpft_email_address( row["consultantfirstname"], row["consultantlastname"] ) if careco_email: # Use care coordinator information lookup.clinician_found = True lookup.clinician_title = row["carecoordinatortitle"] or "" lookup.clinician_first_name = row["carecoordinatorfirstname"] or "" lookup.clinician_last_name = row["carecoordinatorlastname"] or "" lookup.clinician_email = careco_email lookup.clinician_signatory_title = "Care coordinator" decisions.append("Clinician found: care coordinator (CDL).") elif cons_email: # Use consultant information lookup.clinician_found = True lookup.clinician_title = row["consultanttitle"] or "" lookup.clinician_first_name = row["consultantfirstname"] or "" lookup.clinician_last_name = row["consultantlastname"] or "" lookup.clinician_email = cons_email lookup.clinician_signatory_title = "Consultant psychiatrist" lookup.clinician_is_consultant = True decisions.append("Clinician found: consultant psychiatrist (CDL).") else: # Don't know decisions.append( "No/insufficient clinician information found (CDL)." )