Source code for crate_anon.anonymise.test_anonymisation

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Test anonymisation for specific databases.**

From the output, we have:

.. code-block:: none

    n_replacements (POSITIVE)
    word_count (N)
    true_positive_confidential_masked (TP)
    false_positive_banal_masked (FP)
    false_negative_confidential_visible_known_to_source (FN)

Therefore, having summed across documents:

.. code-block:: none


and then we have everything we need. For all identifiers, we make FN equal to

.. code-block:: none

        + not_false_negative_confidential_visible_but_unknown_to_source



# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

# from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import csv
import json
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

from cardinal_pythonlib.fileops import mkdir_p
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import configure_logger_for_colour
from cardinal_pythonlib.typing_helpers import CSVWriterType
from rich_argparse import ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter

from crate_anon.anonymise.config_singleton import config
from crate_anon.anonymise.patient import Patient
from crate_anon.common.constants import JSON_INDENT

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================


# =============================================================================
# Specific tests
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[docs]class FieldInfo: """ Fetches useful subsets from the data dictionary (DD), for tables that have a primary key, a patient ID, and some text field of interest. Reads the singleton :class:`crate_anon.anonymise.config.Config`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, table: str, field: str) -> None: """ Reads the data dictionary and populates: - :attr:`pk_ddrow`: DD row (DDR) for the table's PK - :attr:`pid_ddrow`: DDR for the table's PID field - :attr:`text_ddrow`: DDR for the table's text field (as chosen by the ``field`` parameter) Args: table: destination table to read information for field: destination text field to read information for Raises: :exc:`ValueError` if appropriate fields cannot be found """ ddrows = config.dd.get_rows_for_dest_table(table) if not ddrows: raise ValueError( f"No data dictionary rows for destination table {table}" ) try: textrow = next(x for x in ddrows if x.dest_field == field) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f"No destination field: {field}") try: pkrow = next(x for x in ddrows if except StopIteration: raise ValueError("No PK field found") try: pidrow = next(x for x in ddrows if x.primary_pid) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("No PID field found") self.pk_ddrow = pkrow self.pid_ddrow = pidrow self.text_ddrow = textrow f"Using fields: pk={self.pk_ddrow.dest_signature}, " f"pid={self.pid_ddrow.dest_signature}, " f"text={self.text_ddrow.dest_signature}" )
[docs]def get_patientnum_rawtext( docid: int, fieldinfo: FieldInfo ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]: """ Fetches the original text for a given document PK, plus the associated patient ID (PID). Args: docid: integer PK for the document fieldinfo: :class:`FieldInfo` describing the table Returns: tuple: ``pid, text``, or ``None, None`` if none found Raises: :exc:`ValueError` if appropriate fields cannot be found """ db = config.sources[fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_db] table = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_table textfield = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_field sourcedbname = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_db pidfield = fieldinfo.pid_ddrow.src_field pkfield = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.src_field src_ddrows = config.dd.get_rows_for_src_table(sourcedbname, table) sourcefields = [] # type: List[str] idx_pidfield = None idx_textfield = None for i, ddr in enumerate(src_ddrows): sourcefields.append(ddr.src_field) if ddr.src_field == pidfield: idx_pidfield = i if ddr.src_field == textfield: idx_textfield = i if idx_pidfield is None: raise ValueError("Unknown idx_pidfield") if idx_textfield is None: raise ValueError("Unknown idx_textfield") query = f""" SELECT {",".join(sourcefields)} FROM {table} WHERE {pkfield} = ? """ # log.debug(f"RAW: {query}, {docid}") row = db.fetchone(query, docid) if not row: return None, None pid = row[idx_pidfield] text = row[idx_textfield] ddr = src_ddrows[idx_textfield] for altermethod in fieldinfo.text_ddrow.extracting_text_altermethods: text, _ = altermethod.alter(config, text, ddr, row, src_ddrows) return pid, text
[docs]def get_patientnum_anontext( docid: int, fieldinfo: FieldInfo ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]: """ Fetches the anonymised text for a given document PK, plus the associated research ID (RID). Args: docid: integer PK for the document fieldinfo: :class:`FieldInfo` describing the table Returns: tuple: ``rid, text``, or ``None, None`` if none found """ db = config.destdb table = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.dest_table textfield = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.dest_field ridfield = fieldinfo.pid_ddrow.dest_field pkfield = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.dest_field query = f""" SELECT {ridfield}, {textfield} FROM {table} WHERE {pkfield} = ? """ # log.debug(f"ANON: {query}, {docid}") result = db.fetchone(query, docid) if not result: return None, None rid, text = result return rid, text
[docs]def process_doc( docid: int, rawdir: str, anondir: str, fieldinfo: FieldInfo, csvwriter: CSVWriterType, first: bool, scrubdict: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]], ) -> int: """ For a given document ID, write the original and anonymised documents to disk, plus some counts to a CSV file. Also saves scrubber information for each patient. Args: docid: integer PK for the document rawdir: directory to store raw documents in anondir: directory to store anonymised documents in fieldinfo: :class:`FieldInfo` describing the table csvwriter: a ``csv.writer()`` object to write summary data to first: is this the first document being processed? If so, we'll add a CSV header scrubdict: a dictionary with ``{pid: scrubber_info}`` information, which is written to by this function. The scrubber information comes from :meth:`crate_anon.anonymise.scrub.PersonalizedScrubber.get_raw_info` Returns: the patient ID number (PID) """ # noqa # Get stuff pid, rawtext = get_patientnum_rawtext(docid, fieldinfo) rid, anontext = get_patientnum_anontext(docid, fieldinfo) # Get scrubbing info if pid not in scrubdict: patient = Patient(pid) # ... builds the scrubber by reading the source database scrubber = patient.scrubber scrubdict[pid] = scrubber.get_raw_info() # Write text common_filename_stem = f"{pid}_{docid}.txt" rawfilename = os.path.join(rawdir, common_filename_stem) anonfilename = os.path.join(anondir, common_filename_stem) with open(rawfilename, "w") as f: if rawtext: f.write(rawtext) with open(anonfilename, "w") as f: if anontext: f.write(anontext) wordcount = len(rawtext.split()) if rawtext else 0 if anontext: n_patient = anontext.count(config.replace_patient_info_with) n_thirdparty = anontext.count(config.replace_third_party_info_with) n_nonspecific = anontext.count(config.replace_nonspecific_info_with) else: n_patient = 0 n_thirdparty = 0 n_nonspecific = 0 n_replacements = n_patient + n_thirdparty + n_nonspecific summary = collections.OrderedDict() summary["src_db"] = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_db summary["src_table"] = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_table summary["src_field_pid"] = fieldinfo.pid_ddrow.src_field summary["pid"] = pid summary["src_field_pk"] = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.src_field summary["docid"] = docid summary["src_field_text"] = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_field summary["dest_table"] = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.dest_table summary["dest_field"] = fieldinfo.text_ddrow.dest_field summary["n_replacements"] = n_replacements # summary["n_patient"] = n_patient # summary["n_thirdparty"] = n_thirdparty # summary["n_nonspecific"] = n_nonspecific summary["word_count"] = wordcount # ... use this to calculate true negatives (banal, visible) as: # true_negative = word_count - (true_pos + false_pos + false_neg) summary["true_positive_confidential_masked"] = "?" summary["false_positive_banal_masked"] = "?" summary["false_negative_confidential_visible_known_to_source"] = "?" summary["confidential_visible_but_unknown_to_source"] = "?" summary["comments"] = "" if first: csvwriter.writerow(list(summary.keys())) csvwriter.writerow(list(summary.values())) return pid
[docs]def get_docids( fieldinfo: FieldInfo, uniquepatients: bool = True, limit: int = DEFAULT_LIMIT, from_src: bool = True, ) -> List[int]: """ Returns a limited number of document PKs (which we will use to summarize anonymisation performance). Args: fieldinfo: :class:`FieldInfo` describing the table uniquepatients: fetch one document each for a lot of patients (rather than a lot of documents, potentially from the same patient or a small number)? limit: maximum number of documents to retrieve from_src: retrieve IDs from the source database, not the destination database? Returns: a list of document IDs """ if from_src: db = config.sources[fieldinfo.text_ddrow.src_db] table = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.src_table pkfield = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.src_field pidfield = fieldinfo.pid_ddrow.src_field else: db = config.destdb table = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.dest_table pkfield = fieldinfo.pk_ddrow.dest_field pidfield = fieldinfo.pid_ddrow.dest_field if uniquepatients: query = f""" SELECT MIN({pkfield}), {pidfield} FROM {table} GROUP BY {pidfield} ORDER BY {pidfield} LIMIT {limit} """ return db.fetchallfirstvalues(query) else: query = f""" SELECT {pkfield} FROM {table} ORDER BY {pkfield} LIMIT {limit} """ return db.fetchallfirstvalues(query)
[docs]def test_anon( uniquepatients: bool, limit: int, from_src: bool, rawdir: str, anondir: str, scrubfile: str, resultsfile: str, dsttable: str, dstfield: str, ) -> None: """ Fetch raw and anonymised documents and store them in files for comparison, along with some summary information. Args: uniquepatients: fetch one document each for a lot of patients (rather than a lot of documents, potentially from the same patient or a small number)? limit: maximum number of documents to retrieve from_src: retrieve IDs from the source database, not the destination database? rawdir: directory to store raw documents in anondir: directory to store anonymised documents in scrubfile: filename to store scrubber information in (as JSON) resultsfile: filename to store CSV summaries in dsttable: name of the destination table dstfield: name of the destination table's text field of interest """ fieldinfo = FieldInfo(dsttable, dstfield) docids = get_docids( fieldinfo=fieldinfo, uniquepatients=uniquepatients, limit=limit, from_src=from_src, ) mkdir_p(rawdir) mkdir_p(anondir) scrubdict = {} # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] pidset = set() # type: Set[int] with open(resultsfile, "w") as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter="\t") first = True for docid in docids: # noinspection PyTypeChecker pid = process_doc( docid=docid, rawdir=rawdir, anondir=anondir, fieldinfo=fieldinfo, csvwriter=csvwriter, first=first, scrubdict=scrubdict, ) first = False pidset.add(pid) with open(scrubfile, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(scrubdict, indent=JSON_INDENT))"Finished. See {resultsfile} for a summary.")"Use meld to compare directories {rawdir} and {anondir}")"To install meld on Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install meld")"{len(docids)} documents, {len(pidset)} patients")
# ============================================================================= # Main # =============================================================================
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Command-line entry point. See command-line help. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Test anonymisation", formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--config", required=True, help="Configuration file name (input)" ) parser.add_argument("--dsttable", required=True, help="Destination table") parser.add_argument("--dstfield", required=True, help="Destination column") parser.add_argument( "--limit", type=int, default=DEFAULT_LIMIT, help="Limit on number of documents", ) parser.add_argument( "--rawdir", default="raw", help="Directory for raw output text files" ) parser.add_argument( "--anondir", default="anon", help="Directory for anonymised output text files", ) parser.add_argument( "--resultsfile", default="testanon_results.csv", help="Results output CSV file name", ) parser.add_argument( "--scrubfile", default="testanon_scrubber.txt", help="Scrubbing information text file name", ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="Be verbose" ) pkgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) pkgroup.add_argument( "--pkfromsrc", dest="from_src", action="store_true", help="Fetch PKs (document IDs) from source (default)", ) pkgroup.add_argument( "--pkfromdest", dest="from_src", action="store_false", help="Fetch PKs (document IDs) from destination", ) parser.set_defaults(from_src=True) uniquegroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) uniquegroup.add_argument( "--uniquepatients", dest="uniquepatients", action="store_true", help="Only one document per patient (the first by PK) (default)", ) uniquegroup.add_argument( "--nonuniquepatients", dest="uniquepatients", action="store_false", help="Documents in sequence, with potentially >1 document/patient", ) parser.set_defaults(uniquepatients=True) args = parser.parse_args() loglevel = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO rootlogger = logging.getLogger() configure_logger_for_colour(rootlogger, loglevel)"Arguments: " + str(args)) # Load/validate config"Loading config...") config.set(filename=args.config, load_destfields=False)"... config loaded") # Do it test_anon( anondir=args.anondir, dstfield=args.dstfield, dsttable=args.dsttable, from_src=args.from_src, limit=args.limit, rawdir=args.rawdir, resultsfile=args.resultsfile, scrubfile=args.scrubfile, uniquepatients=args.uniquepatients, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()