Source code for crate_anon.anonymise.fetch_wordlists

#!/usr/bin/env python

# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage


    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Script to fetch wordlists from Internet sources, such as lists of forenames,
surnames, and English words.**

For specimen usage: see ancillary.rst, as :ref:`crate_fetch_wordlists



For the Moby project (word lists):

- (Moby word lists)
- -- explains other files

and default URLs in command-line parameters. The "crossword" file is good.
However, for frequency information this is a bit sparse (it contains the top
1000 words in various contexts).

Broader corpora with frequencies include:

- Google Books Ngrams,, where
  "1-grams" means individual words. However, it's large (e.g. the "A" file is
  1.7 Gb), it's split by year, and it has a lot of non-word entities like
  "Amood_ADJ" and "→_ADJ".
- Wikipedia, e.g.,
  but it doesn't seem to have formats oriented to automatic processing.
- British National Corpus, (but not freely
- Non-free ones, e.g. COCA,
- A "frozen" version of the Standardized Project Gutenberg Corpus (SPGC), and

For the SPGC, notations like "PG74" refer to books (e.g. PG74 is "The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer"); these are listed in the metadata file. Overall,
the SPGC looks pretty good but one downside is that the SPGC software forces
all words to lower case. See:

- process_data -- calls process_book()
- src.pipeline.process_book -- calls tokenize_text() via "tokenize_f"
- src.tokenizer.tokenize_text -- calls filter_tokens()
- src.tokenizer.filter_tokens -- forces everything to lower-case.

and thus the output contains e.g. "ellen", "james", "jamestown", josephine",
"mary". Cross-referencing to our Scrabble/crossword list will remove some, but
it will retain the problem that "john" (a rare-ish word but a common name) has
its frequency overestimated.

For API access to Project Gutenberg:



import argparse
from collections import Counter
import csv
import itertools
import logging
from operator import attrgetter
import sys
from typing import (

from cardinal_pythonlib.argparse_func import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.file_io import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import configure_logger_for_colour
from import gen_binary_files_from_urls
from gutenbergpy.textget import get_text_by_id, strip_headers
import regex
from rich_argparse import ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet

from crate_anon.anonymise.eponyms import get_plain_eponyms

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================

# For "normal" English word filtering from a dictionary file:
DEFAULT_VALID_WORD_REGEX = r"^[a-z](?:[A-Za-z'-]*[a-z])*$"
# - Must start with lower-case letter (removes proper nouns and some
#   abbreviations like "'twas").
# - Restrict content to letters/apostrophe/hyphen (removes e.g. "&c", "c/o").
# - Must end with letter (removes some prefixes).

# =============================================================================
# Output
# =============================================================================

[docs]def write_words_to_file(filename: str, words: Iterable[str]) -> None: """ Write all the words to a file, one per line. Args: filename: Filename to open (or ``'-'`` for stdout). words: Iterable of words. """"Writing to: {filename}") with smart_open(filename, "w") as f: for word in words: f.write(word + "\n")"... finished writing to: {filename}")
# ============================================================================= # English words: simple dictionary # =============================================================================
[docs]def gen_lines_from_binary_files_with_maxfiles( files: Iterable[BinaryIO], encoding: str = "utf8", max_files: int = None ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Generates lines from binary files. Strips out newlines. Args: files: iterable of :class:`BinaryIO` file-like objects encoding: encoding to use max_files: maximum number of files to read Yields: each line of all the files """ for n, file in enumerate(files, start=1): for byteline in file: line = byteline.decode(encoding).strip() yield line if max_files is not None and n >= max_files:"Stopping at {max_files} files") return
[docs]def gen_valid_words_from_words( words: Iterable[str], valid_word_regex_text: str, min_word_length: int = 1, show_rejects: bool = False, ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Generates valid words from an iterable of words. Args: words: Source iterable of words. valid_word_regex_text: Regular expression text; every word must match this regex. min_word_length: Minimum word length; all words must be at least this long. show_rejects: Report rejected words to the Python debug log. Yields: Valid words. """ valid_word = regex.compile(valid_word_regex_text) for word in words: if len(word) >= min_word_length and valid_word.match(word): yield word elif show_rejects: log.debug(f"Rejecting word: {word!r}")
[docs]def fetch_english_words( url: str, filename: str = "", valid_word_regex_text: str = DEFAULT_VALID_WORD_REGEX, min_word_length: int = 1, show_rejects: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Fetch English words and write them to a file. Args: url: URL to fetch file from. filename: Filename to write to. valid_word_regex_text: Regular expression text; every word must match this regex. min_word_length: Minimum word length; all words must be at least this long. show_rejects: Report rejected words to the Python debug log. """ if not filename: log.warning("No output filename specified for English words. Skipping") pipeline = gen_valid_words_from_words( words=gen_lines_from_binary_files(gen_binary_files_from_urls([url])), valid_word_regex_text=valid_word_regex_text, min_word_length=min_word_length, show_rejects=show_rejects, ) words = list(pipeline) words.sort() write_words_to_file(filename, words)
# ============================================================================= # English words: frequency, from Project Gutenberg books # =============================================================================
[docs]def gen_words_from_gutenberg_ids( gutenberg_ids: Iterable[int], valid_word_regex_text: str, min_word_length: int = 1, ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Generates words from Project Gutenberg books. Does not alter case. Args: gutenberg_ids: Project Gutenberg IDs; e.g. 74 is Tom Sawyer, 100 is the complete works of Shakespeare. valid_word_regex_text: Regular expression text; every word must match this regex. min_word_length: Minimum word length; all words must be at least this long. Yields: words """ valid_word = regex.compile(valid_word_regex_text) for gutenberg_id in gutenberg_ids:"Reading Project Gutenberg book {gutenberg_id}...") raw_book = get_text_by_id(gutenberg_id)"... done; processing...") text = strip_headers(raw_book).decode("utf8") n = 0 for line in text.split("\n"): for word in line.split(): if len(word) >= min_word_length and valid_word.match(word): yield word n += 1"... yielded {n} words")
[docs]def gen_word_freq_tuples_from_words( words: Iterable[str], ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, float], None, None]: """ Generates valid words and their frequencies from an iterable of SPGC count lines. Args: words: Source iterable of words Yields: (word, count, word_freq, cum_freq) tuples, sorted by frequency (ascending). """ c = Counter(words) total = sum(c.values()) # from Python 3.10:"Calculating word frequencies across {total} words...") cum_freq = 0.0 # Sort by frequency, from high to low frequency, with word # (alphabetical order) as a tiebreaker. for word, count in sorted(c.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])): word_freq = count / total cum_freq += word_freq yield word, count, word_freq, cum_freq"... done")
KEY_WORD = "word" KEY_WORD_FREQ = "word_freq" KEY_CUM_FREQ = "cum_freq"
[docs]def fetch_gutenberg_word_freq( filename: str = "", gutenberg_id_first: int = 1, gutenberg_id_last: int = 100, valid_word_regex_text: str = DEFAULT_VALID_WORD_REGEX, min_word_length: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Fetch English word frequencies from a frozen Standardized Project Gutenberg Corpus, and write them to a file. Within the words selected (which might be e.g. words of at least 2 characters, per min_word_length, and excluding words starting with upper-case letters or containing unusual punctuationg, per valid_word_regex_text), it produces a CSV file whose columns are: word, word_freq, cum_freq. Args: filename: Filename to write to. gutenberg_id_first: First book ID to use from Project Gutenberg. gutenberg_id_last: Last book ID to use from Project Gutenberg. valid_word_regex_text: Regular expression text; every word must match this regex. min_word_length: Minimum word length; all words must be at least this long. """ if not filename: log.warning("No output filename specified for frequencies. Skipping") return pipeline = gen_word_freq_tuples_from_words( gen_words_from_gutenberg_ids( range(gutenberg_id_first, gutenberg_id_last + 1), valid_word_regex_text=valid_word_regex_text, min_word_length=min_word_length, ) ) with open(filename, "wt") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([KEY_WORD, KEY_WORD_FREQ, KEY_CUM_FREQ]) for word, _, word_freq, cum_freq in pipeline: writer.writerow((word, word_freq, cum_freq))
[docs]def filter_words_by_freq( input_filename: str, output_filename: str, min_cum_freq: float = 0.0, max_cum_freq: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """ Reads words from our frequency file and filters them. Args: input_filename: Input CSV file. The output of fetch_gutenberg_word_freq(). output_filename: A plain output file, sorted. min_cum_freq: Minimum cumulative frequency. Set to >0 to exclude common words. max_cum_freq: Maximum cumulative frequency. Set to <1 to exclude rare words. """ assert 0.0 <= min_cum_freq <= max_cum_freq <= 1.0 words = set() # type: Set[str]"Reading {input_filename}...") with open(input_filename) as i: reader = csv.DictReader( i, fieldnames=[KEY_WORD, KEY_WORD_FREQ, KEY_CUM_FREQ] ) for rowdict in reader: try: cum_freq = float(rowdict[KEY_CUM_FREQ]) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.warning(f"Bad row: {rowdict!r}") continue if min_cum_freq <= cum_freq <= max_cum_freq: words.add(rowdict[KEY_WORD])"Writing {output_filename}...") with open(output_filename, "wt") as o: for word in sorted(words): o.write(word + "\n")"... done")
# ============================================================================= # Names in general # =============================================================================
[docs]class NameInfo: """ Information about a human name. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, freq_pct: float = None, cumfreq_pct: float = None ) -> None: """ Args: name: The name. freq_pct: Frequency (%). cumfreq_pct: Cumulative frequency (%) when names are ordered from most to least common; therefore, close to 0 for common names, and close to 100 for rare names. """ = name self.freq_pct = freq_pct self.cumfreq_pct = cumfreq_pct
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"{!r} (freq. {self.freq_pct}%, " f"cumulative freq. {self.cumfreq_pct}%)" )
[docs] def assert_freq_info(self) -> None: """ Assert that the frequences are reasonable numbers. """ assert isinstance(self.freq_pct, float) and isinstance( self.cumfreq_pct, float ), f"Bad frequencies in {self}"
@property def freq_p(self) -> float: """ Frequency as a probability or proportion, range [0, 1]. """ return self.freq_pct / 100
[docs]def gen_sufficiently_frequent_names( infolist: Iterable[NameInfo], min_cumfreq_pct: float = 0, max_cumfreq_pct: float = 100, show_rejects: bool = False, debug_names: List[str] = None, ) -> Generator[NameInfo, None, None]: """ Generate names of a chosen kind of frequency. Args: infolist: Iterable of :class:`NameInfo` objects. min_cumfreq_pct: Minimum cumulative frequency (%): 0 for no limit, or above 0 to exclude common names. max_cumfreq_pct: Maximum cumulative frequency (%): 100 for no limit, or below 100 to exclude rare names. show_rejects: Report rejected words to the Python debug log. debug_names: Names to show extra information about (e.g. to discover the right thresholds). Yields: :class:`NameInfo` objects """ debug_names = debug_names or [] # type: List[str] debug_names = [x.upper() for x in debug_names] assert min_cumfreq_pct <= max_cumfreq_pct if min_cumfreq_pct > 0 or max_cumfreq_pct < 100: f"Restricting to surnames with " f"{min_cumfreq_pct} <= cumfreq_pct <= {max_cumfreq_pct}" ) for info in infolist: info.assert_freq_info() if in debug_names: log.warning(info) if min_cumfreq_pct <= info.cumfreq_pct <= max_cumfreq_pct: yield info elif show_rejects: log.debug(f"Rejecting name {info}") print( else: for info in infolist: yield info
[docs]def gen_name_info_via_min_length( info_iter: Iterable[NameInfo], min_name_length: int = 1 ) -> Generator[NameInfo, None, None]: """ Generates :class:`NameInfo` objects matching a name length criterion. Args: info_iter: Iterable of :class:`NameInfo` objects. min_name_length: Minimum name length; all names must be at least this long. Yields: Names as strings. """ for info in info_iter: if len( >= min_name_length: yield info
[docs]def gen_name_from_name_info( info_iter: Iterable[NameInfo], ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Generates names from :class:`NameInfo` objects. Args: info_iter: Iterable of :class:`NameInfo` objects. Yields: Names as strings. """ for info in info_iter: yield
# ============================================================================= # US forenames # =============================================================================
[docs]class UsForenameInfo(NameInfo): """ Information about a forename in the United States of America. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, sex: str, count: str) -> None: """ Args: name: The name. sex: The sex, as ``"M"`` or ``"F"``. count: A string version of an integer, giving the number of times the name appeared in a certain time period. """ super().__init__(name) = sex self.count = int(count)
[docs]def gen_us_forename_info( lines: Iterable[str], ) -> Generator[UsForenameInfo, None, None]: """ Generate US forenames from an iterable of lines in a specific textfile format, where each line looks like: .. code-block:: none Mary,F,7065 representing name, sex, frequency (count). Args: lines: Iterable of lines. Yields: :class:`UsForenameInfo` objects, one per name, with frequency information added. """ # We need to calculate cumulative frequencies manually. # So this needs to accumulate all the instances before yielding any. seen = dict() # type: Dict[str, UsForenameInfo] total = 0 # number of people seen for line in lines: # Each textfile has lines like "Mary,F,7065". parts = line.split(",") info = UsForenameInfo(*parts) total += info.count if in seen: seen[].count += info.count else: seen[] = info # Now sort in descending order of frequency"Seen names for {total} people") infolist = list(seen.values()) infolist.sort(key=attrgetter("count"), reverse=True) cumfreq_pct = 0.0 for info in infolist: info.freq_pct = 100.0 * info.count / total cumfreq_pct += info.freq_pct info.cumfreq_pct = cumfreq_pct yield info
[docs]def gen_us_forename_info_by_sex( lines: Iterable[str], ) -> Generator[UsForenameInfo, None, None]: """ Generate US forenames from an iterable of lines in a specific textfile format, where each line looks like: .. code-block:: none Mary,F,7065 representing name, sex, frequency (count). Args: lines: Iterable of lines. Yields: :class:`UsForenameInfo` objects, one per name/sex combination present, with frequency information added. """ # We need to calculate cumulative frequencies manually. # So this needs to accumulate all the instances before yielding any. male_seen = dict() # type: Dict[str, UsForenameInfo] female_seen = dict() # type: Dict[str, UsForenameInfo] male_total = 0 # number of males seen female_total = 0 # number of females seen for line in lines: # Each textfile has lines like "Mary,F,7065". parts = line.split(",") info = UsForenameInfo(*parts) name = sex = if sex == "M": male_total += info.count if name in male_seen: male_seen[name].count += info.count else: male_seen[name] = info elif sex == "F": female_total += info.count if name in female_seen: female_seen[name].count += info.count else: female_seen[name] = info else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown sex: {sex}") # Now sort in descending order of frequency"Seen names for {male_total} males, {female_total} females") male_infolist = list(male_seen.values()) male_infolist.sort(key=attrgetter("count"), reverse=True) male_cumfreq_pct = 0.0 for info in male_infolist: info.freq_pct = 100.0 * info.count / male_total male_cumfreq_pct += info.freq_pct info.cumfreq_pct = male_cumfreq_pct yield info female_infolist = list(female_seen.values()) female_infolist.sort(key=attrgetter("count"), reverse=True) female_cumfreq_pct = 0.0 for info in female_infolist: info.freq_pct = 100.0 * info.count / female_total female_cumfreq_pct += info.freq_pct info.cumfreq_pct = female_cumfreq_pct yield info
[docs]def fetch_us_forenames( url: str, filename: str = "", freq_csv_filename: str = "", freq_sex_csv_filename: str = "", min_cumfreq_pct: float = 0, max_cumfreq_pct: float = 100, min_name_length: int = 1, show_rejects: bool = False, debug_names: List[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Fetch US forenames and store them in a file, one per line. Args: url: URL to fetch file from. filename: Filename to write names to. freq_csv_filename: Optional CSV to write "name, frequency" pairs to, one name per line. freq_sex_csv_filename: Optional CSV to write "name, gender, frequency" rows to. min_cumfreq_pct: Minimum cumulative frequency (%): 0 for no limit, or above 0 to exclude common names. max_cumfreq_pct: Maximum cumulative frequency (%): 100 for no limit, or below 100 to exclude rare names. min_name_length: Minimum word length; all words must be at least this long. show_rejects: Report rejected words to the Python debug log. debug_names: Names to show extra information about (e.g. to discover the right thresholds). """ if not filename and not freq_csv_filename and not freq_sex_csv_filename: log.warning( "No output filenames specified for US forenames. Skipping." ) return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ignoring sex # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if filename or freq_csv_filename: # 1. Read pipeline = gen_name_info_via_min_length( gen_sufficiently_frequent_names( gen_us_forename_info( gen_lines_from_binary_files( gen_files_from_zipfiles( gen_binary_files_from_urls([url], on_disk=True), # The zip file contains a README and then a # bunch of files named yob<year>.txt (e.g. # yob1997.txt). filespec="*.txt", ) ) ), min_cumfreq_pct=min_cumfreq_pct, max_cumfreq_pct=max_cumfreq_pct, show_rejects=show_rejects, debug_names=debug_names, ), min_name_length=min_name_length, ) # 2. Build names = SortedSet() freq = {} # type: Dict[str, float] for nameinfo in pipeline: name = if name not in names: names.add(name) freq[name] = nameinfo.freq_p # 3. Write # (a) without frequency if filename: write_words_to_file(filename, names) # (b) with frequency if freq_csv_filename:"Writing to: {freq_csv_filename}") with open(freq_csv_filename, "wt") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) for name in names: csvwriter.writerow([name, freq[name]])"... finished writing to: {freq_csv_filename}") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # By sex # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if freq_sex_csv_filename: # 1. Read pipeline_by_sex = ( # As above, but by sex gen_name_info_via_min_length( gen_sufficiently_frequent_names( gen_us_forename_info_by_sex( gen_lines_from_binary_files( gen_files_from_zipfiles( gen_binary_files_from_urls( [url], on_disk=True ), filespec="*.txt", ) ) ), min_cumfreq_pct=min_cumfreq_pct, max_cumfreq_pct=max_cumfreq_pct, show_rejects=show_rejects, ), min_name_length=min_name_length, ) ) # 2. Build name_sex_pairs = SortedSet() sexfreq = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] for nameinfo in pipeline_by_sex: # type: UsForenameInfo name = sex = name_sex = name, sex if name_sex not in name_sex_pairs: name_sex_pairs.add(name_sex) sexfreq[name_sex] = nameinfo.freq_p # 3. Write"Writing to: {freq_sex_csv_filename}") with open(freq_sex_csv_filename, "wt") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) for name_sex in name_sex_pairs: csvwriter.writerow( [name_sex[0], name_sex[1], sexfreq[name_sex]] )"... finished writing to: {freq_sex_csv_filename}")
# ============================================================================= # US surnames # =============================================================================
[docs]class UsSurname1990Info(NameInfo): """ Represents US surnames from the 1990 census. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, freq_pct: str, cumfreq_pct: str, rank: int ) -> None: """ Args: name: The name. freq_pct: Frequency (%) in string form. cumfreq_pct: Cumulative frequency (%) in string form. rank: Integer rank of frequency, in string form. """ super().__init__( name=name, freq_pct=float(freq_pct), cumfreq_pct=float(cumfreq_pct) ) self.rank = int(rank)
[docs]def float_or_na_for_us_surnames(x: Union[float, str]) -> Optional[float]: """ The US surname data replaces low-frequency numbers with ``"(S)"`` for suppressed. Return a float representation of our input, but convert the suppression marker to ``None``. Args: x: Input. Returns: Float version of input, or ``None``. Raises: :exc:`ValueError` for bad input. """ try: return float(x) except ValueError: if x == "(S)": # suppressed for small numbers return None raise ValueError( f"Unknown value to float_or_na_for_us_surnames: {x!r}" )
[docs]class UsSurname2010Info(NameInfo): """ Represents US surnames from the 2010 census. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, rank: str, count: str, prop100k: str, cum_prop100k: str, pct_white: str, pct_black: str, pct_api: str, pct_aian: str, pct_2prace: str, pct_hispanic: str, ) -> None: """ Args: name: The name. rank: Integer rank of frequency, in string form. count: Frequency/count of the number of uses nationally. prop100k: "Proportion per 100,000 population", in string format, or a percentage times 1000. cum_prop100k: Cumulative "proportion per 100,000 population" [1]. pct_white: "Percent Non-Hispanic White Alone" [1, 2]. pct_black: "Percent Non-Hispanic Black or African American Alone" [1, 2]. pct_api: "Percent Non-Hispanic Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone" [1, 2]. pct_aian: "Percent Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Alone" [1, 2]. pct_2prace: "Percent Non-Hispanic Two or More Races" [1, 2]. pct_hispanic: "Percent Hispanic or Latino origin" [1, 2]. [1] These will be filtered through :func:`float_or_na_for_us_surnames`. [2] These mean "of people with this name, the percentage who are X race". """ self.rank = int(rank) self.count = int(count) self.prop100k = float(prop100k) # "proportion per 100,000 population" # ... by which they mean "number per 100,000 population" self.cum_prop100k = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(cum_prop100k) self.pct_white = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(pct_white) self.pct_black = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(pct_black) self.pct_api = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(pct_api) self.pct_aian = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(pct_aian) self.pct_2prace = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(pct_2prace) self.pct_hispanic = float_or_na_for_us_surnames(pct_hispanic) # And calculated: super().__init__( name, freq_pct=self.prop100k / 1000, cumfreq_pct=self.cum_prop100k / 1000, )
[docs]def gen_us_surname_1990_info( lines: Iterable[str], ) -> Generator[UsSurname1990Info, None, None]: """ Process a series of lines from a textfile and generate US surname information from the 1990 census data. Args: lines: Iterable of lines, with this format: .. code-block:: none # Format is e.g. SMITH 1.006 1.006 1 # which is: # name, frequency (%), cumulative frequency (%), rank Yields: :class:`UsSurname1990Info` objects """ for line in lines: parts = line.split() yield UsSurname1990Info(*parts)
[docs]def gen_us_surname_2010_info( rows: Iterable[Iterable[str]], ) -> Generator[UsSurname2010Info, None, None]: """ Process a series of rows and generate US surname information from the 2010 census data. Args: rows: Iterable giving "row" objects, where each row is an iterable of strings. Yields: :class:`UsSurname2010Info` objects """ for row in rows: yield UsSurname2010Info(*row)
[docs]def fetch_us_surnames( url_1990: str, url_2010: str, filename: str = "", freq_csv_filename: str = "", min_cumfreq_pct: float = 0, max_cumfreq_pct: float = 100, min_word_length: int = 1, show_rejects: bool = False, debug_names: List[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Fetches US surnames from the 1990 and 2010 census data. Writes them to a file. Args: url_1990: URL for 1990 US census data url_2010: URL for 2010 US census data filename: Text filename to write names to (one name per line). freq_csv_filename: Optional CSV to write "name, frequency" pairs to, one name per line. min_cumfreq_pct: Minimum cumulative frequency (%): 0 for no limit, or above 0 to exclude common names. max_cumfreq_pct: Maximum cumulative frequency (%): 100 for no limit, or below 100 to exclude rare names. min_word_length: Minimum word length; all words must be at least this long. show_rejects: Report rejected words to the Python debug log. debug_names: Names to show extra information about (e.g. to discover the right thresholds). """ if not filename and not freq_csv_filename: log.warning( "No output filenames specified for US forenames; skipping." ) return nameinfo_p1 = gen_name_info_via_min_length( gen_sufficiently_frequent_names( gen_us_surname_1990_info( gen_lines_from_binary_files( gen_binary_files_from_urls([url_1990]) ) ), min_cumfreq_pct=min_cumfreq_pct, max_cumfreq_pct=max_cumfreq_pct, show_rejects=show_rejects, debug_names=debug_names, ), min_name_length=min_word_length, ) nameinfo_p2 = gen_name_info_via_min_length( gen_sufficiently_frequent_names( gen_us_surname_2010_info( gen_rows_from_csv_binfiles( gen_files_from_zipfiles( gen_binary_files_from_urls( [url_2010], on_disk=True ), # a zip # The zip file contains a .CSV and a .XLS filespec="*.csv", on_disk=True, ), skip_header=True, ) ), min_cumfreq_pct=min_cumfreq_pct, max_cumfreq_pct=max_cumfreq_pct, show_rejects=show_rejects, ), min_name_length=min_word_length, ) pipeline = itertools.chain(nameinfo_p1, nameinfo_p2) names = SortedSet() freq = {} # type: Dict[str, float] for nameinfo in pipeline: name = if name not in names: names.add( freq[name] = nameinfo.freq_p if filename: write_words_to_file(filename, names) if freq_csv_filename:"Writing to: {freq_csv_filename}") with open(freq_csv_filename, "wt") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) for name in names: csvwriter.writerow([name, freq[name]])"... finished writing to: {freq_csv_filename}")
# ============================================================================= # Medical eponyms # =============================================================================
[docs]def fetch_eponyms(filename: str, add_unaccented_versions: bool) -> None: """ Writes medical eponyms to a file. Args: filename: Filename to write to. add_unaccented_versions: Add unaccented (mangled) versions of names, too? For example, do you want Sjogren as well as Sjögren? """ names = get_plain_eponyms(add_unaccented_versions=add_unaccented_versions) write_words_to_file(filename, names)
# ============================================================================= # File processing: A-not-B # =============================================================================
[docs]def filter_files( input_filenames: List[str], output_filename: str, exclusion_filenames: List[str] = None, inclusion_filenames: List[str] = None, min_line_length: int = 0, ) -> None: """ Read lines from input files, filters them, and writes them to the output file. Args: input_filenames: Read lines from these files. output_filename: The output file. exclusion_filenames: If a line is present in any of these files, it is excluded inclusion_filenames: If any files are specified here, lines must be present in at least one inclusion file to pass through. min_line_length: Skip any A lines that are shorter than this value. """ exclusion_filenames = exclusion_filenames or [] # type: List[str] inclusion_filenames = inclusion_filenames or [] # type: List[str] # Check inputs input_output_overlap = set(input_filenames).intersection( set(exclusion_filenames) ) if len(input_output_overlap) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Input and exclusion files cannot overlap; " f"overlap is {input_output_overlap}" ) # ... because it's pointless, and/or it's unsafe to use stdin for # both A and B if output_filename != "-": if output_filename in input_filenames: raise ValueError("Output cannot be one of the input files") # ... would be reading from A whilst writing to OUT if output_filename in exclusion_filenames: raise ValueError("Output cannot be one of the exclusion files") # ... you don't want to overwrite your exclusion file! (Maybe you # might want to overwrite A, but our method below reads all of B, # then streams A to OUT, which prohibits A and OUT being the same, # as above.) if output_filename in inclusion_filenames: raise ValueError("Output cannot be one of the inclusion files") # Announce intention msg = [f"Finding lines in {input_filenames}"] if exclusion_filenames: msg.append(f"excluding any lines from {exclusion_filenames}") if inclusion_filenames: msg.append(f"requiring they be in {inclusion_filenames}") msg.append(f"writing to {output_filename}")"; ".join(msg)) # Do it input_count = 0 output_count = 0 exclusion_lines_lower = set( gen_lower( gen_lines_from_textfiles( gen_textfiles_from_filenames(exclusion_filenames) ) ) ) using_inclusion = bool(inclusion_filenames) inclusion_lines_lower = set( gen_lower( gen_lines_from_textfiles( gen_textfiles_from_filenames(inclusion_filenames) ) ) ) log.debug("... reading from A, writing to OUT") with smart_open(output_filename, "w") as outfile: for ifilename in input_filenames: with smart_open(ifilename, "r") as a_file: for a_line in a_file: input_count += 1 if len(a_line) < min_line_length: continue a_line_lower = a_line.lower() if a_line_lower in exclusion_lines_lower: continue if ( using_inclusion and a_line_lower not in inclusion_lines_lower ): continue outfile.write(a_line) output_count += 1 f"... done (line counts: input {input_count}, " f"exclusion {len(exclusion_lines_lower)}, " f"inclusion {len(inclusion_lines_lower)}, " f"output {output_count})" )
# ============================================================================= # Main # ============================================================================= MIN_CUMFREQ_PCT_HELP = ( "Fetch only names where the cumulative frequency percentage, up " "to and including this name, was at least this value. " "Range is 0-100. Use 0 for no limit. Setting this above 0 " "excludes COMMON names. (This is a trade-off between being " "comprehensive and operating at a reasonable speed. Lower " "numbers are more comprehensive but slower.)" ) MAX_CUMFREQ_PCT_HELP = ( "Fetch only names where the cumulative frequency percentage, up " "to and including this name, was less than or equal to this " "value. " "Range is 0-100. Use 100 for no limit. Setting this below 100 " "excludes RARE names. (This is a trade-off between being " "comprehensive and operating at a reasonable speed. Higher " "numbers are more comprehensive but slower.)" )
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Command-line processor. See command-line help. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsRichHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="Be verbose" ) parser.add_argument( "--min_word_length", type=positive_int, default=2, help="Minimum word (or name) length to allow", ) parser.add_argument( "--show_rejects", action="store_true", help="Print to stdout (and, in verbose mode, log) the words being " "rejected", ) parser.add_argument( "--debug_names", nargs="*", help="Show extra detail about these names (e.g. to work out your " "preferred frequency thresholds)", ) english_group = parser.add_argument_group("English words") english_group.add_argument( "--english_words", action="store_true", help="Fetch English words (e.g. to remove from the nonspecific " "denylist, not to add to an allowlist; consider words like smith)", ) english_group.add_argument( "--english_words_output", type=str, help="Output file for English words", ) english_group.add_argument( "--english_words_url", type=str, # default="", # ... contains all sorts of names like "cheung" default="", # ... much better; all possible Scrabble words help="URL for a textfile containing all English words (will then be " "filtered)", ) english_group.add_argument( "--valid_word_regex", type=str, default=DEFAULT_VALID_WORD_REGEX, help="Regular expression to determine valid English words", ) english_group.add_argument( "--gutenberg_word_freq", action="store_true", help="Fetch words from Project Gutenberg with frequencies", ) english_group.add_argument( "--gutenberg_word_freq_output", type=str, help="Output file for English words with frequencies. CSV file with " "columns: word, word_freq, cum_freq.", ) english_group.add_argument( "--gutenberg_id_first", type=int, default=100, # Complete Works of Shakespeare # help="For word counting: first Project Gutenberg book ID", ) english_group.add_argument( "--gutenberg_id_last", type=int, default=110, help="For word counting: last Project Gutenberg book ID", ) wordfreqfilter_group = parser.add_argument_group( "Filter English words by frequency" ) wordfreqfilter_group.add_argument( "--filter_words_by_freq", action="store_true", help="Read a CSV file from --gutenberg_word_freq, filter it by " "cumulative word frequency, and write a plain list of words.", ) wordfreqfilter_group.add_argument( "--wordfreqfilter_input", help="Input filename. Usually the output of " "--gutenberg_word_freq_output.", ) wordfreqfilter_group.add_argument( "--wordfreqfilter_output", help="Output filename. Plain text file." ) wordfreqfilter_group.add_argument( "--wordfreqfilter_min_cum_freq", type=float, default=0.0, help="Minimum cumulative frequency. " "(Set to >0 to exclude common words.)", ) wordfreqfilter_group.add_argument( "--wordfreqfilter_max_cum_freq", type=float, default=1.0, help="Maximum cumulative frequency. " "(Set to <1 to exclude rare words.)", ) us_forename_group = parser.add_argument_group("US forenames") us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames", action="store_true", help="Fetch US forenames (for denylist)", ) us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames_freq_output", type=str, help="Output CSV file for US forename with frequencies (columns are: " "name, frequency)", ) us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames_sex_freq_output", type=str, help="Output CSV file for US forename with sex and frequencies " "(columns are: name, gender, frequency)", ) us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames_url", type=str, default="", help="URL to Zip file of US Census-derived forenames lists (excludes " "names with national frequency <5; see " "", ) us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames_min_cumfreq_pct", type=percentage, default=0, help=MIN_CUMFREQ_PCT_HELP, ) us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames_max_cumfreq_pct", type=percentage, default=100, help=MAX_CUMFREQ_PCT_HELP, ) us_forename_group.add_argument( "--us_forenames_output", type=str, help="Output file for US forenames", ) us_surname_group = parser.add_argument_group("US surnames") us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames", action="store_true", help="Fetch US surnames (for denylist)", ) us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames_output", type=str, help="Output text file for US surnames", ) us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames_freq_output", type=str, help="Output CSV file for US surnames with frequencies (columns are: " "name, frequency)", ) us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames_1990_census_url", type=str, default="", # noqa help="URL for textfile of US 1990 Census surnames", ) us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames_2010_census_url", type=str, default="", # noqa help="URL for zip of US 2010 Census surnames", ) us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames_min_cumfreq_pct", type=percentage, default=0, help=MIN_CUMFREQ_PCT_HELP, ) us_surname_group.add_argument( "--us_surnames_max_cumfreq_pct", type=percentage, default=100, help=MAX_CUMFREQ_PCT_HELP, ) eponyms_group = parser.add_argument_group("Medical eponyms") eponyms_group.add_argument( "--eponyms", action="store_true", help="Write medical eponyms (to remove from denylist)", ) eponyms_group.add_argument( "--eponyms_output", type=str, default="medical_eponyms.txt", help="Output file for medical eponyms", ) eponyms_group.add_argument( "--eponyms_add_unaccented_versions", type=str2bool, nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help="Add unaccented versions (e.g. Sjogren as well as Sjögren)", ) filter_group = parser.add_argument_group( "Filter functions", "Extra functions to filter wordlists." "Specify an input file, optional exclusion and/or inclusion file(s), " "and an output file. " "You can use '-' for the output file to mean 'stdout', " "and for one input file to mean 'stdin'. No filenames (other than " "'-' for input and output) may overlap. The --min_line_length option " "also applies. Duplicates are not removed.", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--filter_input", type=str, nargs="*", help="Input file(s). Words will be drawn from these files.", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--filter_include", type=str, nargs="*", help="Inclusion file(s). If any inclusion files are specified, words " "from the input must be present in at least one inclusion file to " "pass.", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--filter_exclude", type=str, nargs="*", help="Exclusion file(s). Any words present in the exclusion files do " "not pass.", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--filter_output", type=str, nargs="?", help="Output file. Words are written here.", ) args = parser.parse_args() if bool(args.filter_input) != bool(args.filter_output): print("Specify both --filter_input and --filter_output, or none.") parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) loglevel = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO rootlogger = logging.getLogger() configure_logger_for_colour(rootlogger, level=loglevel) if args.min_word_length > 1:"Restricting to words of length >= {args.min_word_length}") if args.english_words: fetch_english_words( url=args.english_words_url, filename=args.english_words_output, valid_word_regex_text=args.valid_word_regex, min_word_length=args.min_word_length, show_rejects=args.show_rejects, ) if args.gutenberg_word_freq: fetch_gutenberg_word_freq( filename=args.gutenberg_word_freq_output, gutenberg_id_first=args.gutenberg_id_first, gutenberg_id_last=args.gutenberg_id_last, valid_word_regex_text=args.valid_word_regex, min_word_length=args.min_word_length, ) if args.filter_words_by_freq: filter_words_by_freq( input_filename=args.wordfreqfilter_input, output_filename=args.wordfreqfilter_output, min_cum_freq=args.wordfreqfilter_min_cum_freq, max_cum_freq=args.wordfreqfilter_max_cum_freq, ) if args.us_forenames: fetch_us_forenames( url=args.us_forenames_url, filename=args.us_forenames_output, freq_csv_filename=args.us_forenames_freq_output, freq_sex_csv_filename=args.us_forenames_sex_freq_output, # noqa min_cumfreq_pct=args.us_forenames_min_cumfreq_pct, max_cumfreq_pct=args.us_forenames_max_cumfreq_pct, min_name_length=args.min_word_length, show_rejects=args.show_rejects, debug_names=args.debug_names, ) if args.us_surnames: fetch_us_surnames( url_1990=args.us_surnames_1990_census_url, url_2010=args.us_surnames_2010_census_url, filename=args.us_surnames_output, freq_csv_filename=args.us_surnames_freq_output, min_cumfreq_pct=args.us_surnames_min_cumfreq_pct, max_cumfreq_pct=args.us_surnames_max_cumfreq_pct, min_word_length=args.min_word_length, show_rejects=args.show_rejects, debug_names=args.debug_names, ) if args.eponyms: fetch_eponyms( filename=args.eponyms_output, add_unaccented_versions=args.eponyms_add_unaccented_versions, ) if args.filter_input: filter_files( input_filenames=args.filter_input, inclusion_filenames=args.filter_include, exclusion_filenames=args.filter_exclude, output_filename=args.filter_output, min_line_length=args.min_word_length, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()