Source code for crate_anon.anonymise.dbholder

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Database "holder".**


import logging
from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import MetaData

    from crate_anon.anonymise.config import DatabaseSafeConfig

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Convenience object
# =============================================================================

[docs]class DatabaseHolder: """ Object to represent a connection to a database. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, url: str, srccfg: "DatabaseSafeConfig" = None, with_session: bool = False, with_conn: bool = True, reflect: bool = True, encoding: str = "utf-8", echo: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: name: internal database name url: SQLAlchemy URL srccfg: :class:`crate_anon.anonymise.config.DatabaseSafeConfig` with_session: create an SQLAlchemy Session? with_conn: create an SQLAlchemy connection (via an Engine)? reflect: read the database structure (when required)? encoding: passed to SQLAlchemy's :func:`create_engine` echo: passed to SQLAlchemy's :func:`create_engine` """ = name self.srccfg = srccfg self.engine = create_engine(url, encoding=encoding, echo=echo) self.conn = None # type: Optional[Connection] self.session = None # type: Optional[Session] self._reflect_on_request = reflect self._reflected = False self._table_names = [] # type: List[str] self._metadata = MetaData(bind=self.engine) log.debug(self.engine) # obscures password if with_conn: # for raw connections self.conn = self.engine.connect() if with_session: # for ORM self.session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)() # for ORM
def _reflect(self) -> None: """ Perform the database reflection. Reflection is expensive, so we defer unless required """ if not self._reflect_on_request: return"Reflecting database: {}") # self.table_names = get_table_names(self.engine) self._metadata.reflect(views=True) # include views self._table_names = [ for t in self._metadata.sorted_tables] self._reflected = True
[docs] def update_metadata(self) -> None: """ Updates the metadata, for example if a table has been dropped. """ self._metadata = MetaData(bind=self.engine)
@property def metadata(self) -> MetaData: """ Returns the SQLAlchemy :class:`MetaData`. If reflection is enabled, ensure the database has been reflected first. """ if not self._reflected: self._reflect() return self._metadata @property def table_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the table names from the database, if reflection is enabled. (Otherwise returns an empty list.) """ if not self._reflected: self._reflect() return self._table_names