Source code for crate_anon.anonymise.anonymise

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright (C) 2015, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CRATE.

    CRATE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CRATE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CRATE. If not, see <>.


**Anonymise one or more SQL-based source databases into a destination database
using a data dictionary.**


# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

import logging
import random
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Generator, List, Tuple, Union

from cardinal_pythonlib.datetimefunc import get_now_utc_pendulum
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.core_query import count_star, exists_plain
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.schema import (
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, Index, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.sql import column, func, or_, select, table, text

from crate_anon.anonymise.config_singleton import config
from crate_anon.anonymise.constants import (
from crate_anon.anonymise.models import (
from crate_anon.anonymise.patient import Patient
from crate_anon.anonymise.ddr import DataDictionaryRow
from crate_anon.common.file_io import (
from crate_anon.common.parallel import is_my_job_by_hash, is_my_job_by_int
from crate_anon.common.sql import matches_tabledef

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Database queries
# =============================================================================

[docs]def identical_record_exists_by_hash( dest_table: str, pkfield: str, pkvalue: int, hashvalue: str ) -> bool: """ For a given PK in a given destination table, is there a record with the specified value for its source hash? Args: dest_table: name of the destination table pkfield: name of the primary key (PK) column in the destination table pkvalue: integer value of the PK in the destination table hashvalue: hash of the source """ return exists_plain( config.destdb.session, dest_table, column(pkfield) == pkvalue, column(config.source_hash_fieldname) == hashvalue, )
[docs]def identical_record_exists_by_pk( dest_table: str, pkfield: str, pkvalue: int ) -> bool: """ For a given PK in a given destination table, does a record exist? Args: dest_table: name of the destination table pkfield: name of the primary key (PK) column in the destination table pkvalue: integer value of the PK in the destination table """ return exists_plain( config.destdb.session, dest_table, column(pkfield) == pkvalue )
# ============================================================================= # Database actions # =============================================================================
[docs]def wipe_and_recreate_destination_db( incremental: bool = False, full_drop_only: bool = False ) -> None: """ Drop and recreate all destination tables (as specified in the DD) in the destination database. Args: incremental: Don't drop the tables first, just create them if they don't exist. full_drop_only: Drop everything, but don't rebuild. Incompatible with ``incremental``. """ assert not (incremental and full_drop_only) engine = config.destdb.engine if full_drop_only:"Dropping tables from destination database") else: f"Rebuilding destination database (incremental={incremental})" ) # Drop (all tables that we know about -- this prevents orphan tables when # we alter a data dictionary). if not incremental: for tablename in config.dd.get_dest_tables_all(): sqla_table = config.dd.get_dest_sqla_table(tablename)"Dropping table: {tablename}") sqla_table.drop(engine, checkfirst=True) if full_drop_only: return # Create and check (tables that will receive content). for tablename in config.dd.get_dest_tables_included(): sqla_table = config.dd.get_dest_sqla_table(tablename) # Create"Creating table: {tablename}") log.debug(repr(sqla_table)) sqla_table.create(engine, checkfirst=True) # Check resulting_fieldnames = get_column_names(engine, tablename) target_set = set(sqla_table.columns.keys()) outcome_set = set(resulting_fieldnames) missing = list(target_set - outcome_set) extra = list(outcome_set - target_set) if missing: raise RuntimeError( f"Missing fields in destination table {tablename}: {missing}" ) if extra: log.warning( f"Extra fields in destination table {tablename}: {extra}" )
[docs]def delete_dest_rows_with_no_src_row( srcdbname: str, src_table: str, report_every: int = DEFAULT_REPORT_EVERY, chunksize: int = DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE, ) -> None: """ For a given source database/table, delete any rows in the corresponding destination table where there is no corresponding source row. - Can't do this in a single SQL command, since the engine can't necessarily see both databases. - Can't do this in a multiprocess way, because we're trying to do a ``DELETE WHERE NOT IN``. - However, we can get stupidly long query lists if we try to ``SELECT`` all the values and use a ``DELETE FROM x WHERE y NOT IN (v1, v2, v3, ...)`` query. This crashes the MySQL connection, etc. - Therefore, we need a temporary table in the destination. Args: srcdbname: name (as per the data dictionary) of the source database src_table: name of the source table report_every: report to the Python log every *n* records chunksize: insert records every *n* records """ if not config.dd.has_active_destination(srcdbname, src_table): return dest_table_name = config.dd.get_dest_table_for_src_db_table( srcdbname, src_table ) start = ( f"delete_dest_rows_with_no_src_row: " f"{srcdbname}.{src_table} -> {}.{dest_table_name}: " ) + "[WARNING: MAY BE SLOW]") metadata = MetaData() # operate in isolation! destengine = config.destdb.engine destsession = config.destdb.session dest_table = config.dd.get_dest_sqla_table(dest_table_name) pkddr = config.dd.get_pk_ddr(srcdbname, src_table) # If there's no source PK, we just delete everything if not pkddr:"... No source PK; deleting everything") destsession.execute(dest_table.delete()) commit_destdb() return if pkddr.addition_only:"... Table marked as addition-only; not deleting anything") return # Drop/create temporary table pkfield = "srcpk" temptable = Table( config.temporary_tablename, metadata, Column(pkfield, pkddr.dest_sqla_coltype, primary_key=True), **TABLE_KWARGS, ) # THIS (ABOVE) IS WHAT CONSTRAINS A USER-DEFINED PK TO BE UNIQUE WITHIN ITS # TABLE. log.debug("... dropping temporary table") temptable.drop(destengine, checkfirst=True) log.debug("... making temporary table") temptable.create(destengine, checkfirst=True) # Populate temporary table, +/- PK translation n = count_star(config.sources[srcdbname].session, src_table) log.debug(f"... populating temporary table: {n} records to go") def insert(records_: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: log.debug(start + f"... inserting {len(records_)} records") destsession.execute(temptable.insert(), records_) i = 0 records = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]] for pk in gen_pks(srcdbname, src_table, pkddr.src_field): i += 1 if report_every and i % report_every == 0: log.debug(start + f"... src row# {i} / {n}") if pkddr.primary_pid: pk = config.encrypt_primary_pid(pk) elif pkddr.master_pid: pk = config.encrypt_master_pid(pk) records.append({pkfield: pk}) if i % chunksize == 0: insert(records) records = [] # type: List[Dict[str: Any]] if records: # remainder insert(records) commit_destdb() # 4. Index -- no, hang on, it's a primary key already # # log.debug("... creating index on temporary table") # index = Index('_temptable_idx', temptable.columns[pkfield]) # index.create(destengine) # 5. DELETE FROM desttable # WHERE destpk NOT IN (SELECT srcpk FROM temptable) log.debug("... deleting from destination where appropriate") query = dest_table.delete().where( ~column(pkddr.dest_field).in_(select([temptable.columns[pkfield]])) ) destengine.execute(query) commit_destdb() # 6. Drop temporary table log.debug("... dropping temporary table") temptable.drop(destengine, checkfirst=True) # 7. Commit commit_destdb()
[docs]def commit_destdb() -> None: """ Execute a ``COMMIT`` on the destination database, and reset row counts. """ config.commit_dest_db()
[docs]def commit_admindb() -> None: """ Execute a ``COMMIT`` on the admin database, which is using ORM sessions. """ config.admindb.session.commit()
# ============================================================================= # Opt-out # =============================================================================
[docs]def opting_out_pid(pid: Union[int, str]) -> bool: """ Does this patient wish to opt out? Args: pid: patient identifier (PID) """ if pid is None: return False return OptOutPid.opting_out(config.admindb.session, pid)
[docs]def opting_out_mpid(mpid: Union[int, str]) -> bool: """ Does this patient wish to opt out? Args: mpid: master patient identifier (MPID) """ if mpid is None: return False return OptOutMpid.opting_out(config.admindb.session, mpid)
[docs]def gen_optout_rids() -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Generates RIDs for patients who opt out (which we can use to wipe their information from the destination database). Yields: string: research ID (RID) """ session = config.admindb.session result = session.query(PatientInfo.rid).filter( or_(, PatientInfo.mpid.in_(session.query(OptOutMpid.mpid)), ) ) for row in result: yield row[0]
# ============================================================================= # Functions for getting PIDs from restricted set # =============================================================================
[docs]def get_valid_pid_subset(given_pids: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Takes a list of PIDs and returns those in the list which are also in the database. """ pid_is_integer = config.pidtype_is_integer if pid_is_integer: # Remove non-integer values of pid if pids are supposed to be integer final_given_pids = [] # type: List[str] for pid in given_pids: try: int(pid) final_given_pids.append(pid) except (TypeError, ValueError): print(f"pid '{pid}' should be in integer form. ", end="") print("Excluding value.") else: final_given_pids = given_pids pids = [] # type: List[str] for ddr in config.dd.rows: if not ddr.defines_primary_pids: continue pidcol = column(ddr.src_field) session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session query = ( select([pidcol]) .select_from(table(ddr.src_table)) .where(pidcol is not None) .distinct() ) result = session.execute(query) real_pids = [str(x[0]) for x in result] for pid in real_pids: if pid in final_given_pids: pids.append(pid) return pids
[docs]def get_pid_subset_from_field( field: str, values_to_find: List[Any] ) -> List[Any]: """ Takes a field name and elements from that field (values present in that field) and queries the database to find the PIDs associated with these values. Args: field: field name in the format ``database.table.field`` values_to_find: values to look for Returns: list of PIDs For example, suppose you have a source table called ``mydb.mystudyinfo`` like this: =============== ============================ pid (INTEGER) include_in_extract (VARCHAR) =============== ============================ 1 no 2 0 3 yes 4 1 5 definitely =============== ============================ then a call like .. code-block:: python get_subset_from_field("mydb.mystudyinfo.include_in_extract", ["yes", "1", "definitely"]) should return ``[3, 4, 5]``, assuming that ``pid`` has been correctly marked as the PID column in the data dictionary. """ pids = [] # type: List[Any] # Get database, table and field from 'field' db_parts = field.split(".") assert ( len(db_parts) == 3 ), "field parameter must be of the form 'db.table.field'" db, tablename, fieldname = db_parts try: session = config.sources[db].session except (KeyError, AttributeError): print( f"Unable to connect to database {db}. " f"Remember argument to '--restrict' must be of the form " f"'database.table.field', or be 'pid'." ) return pids fieldcol = column(fieldname) row = None # for type checker for ddr in config.dd.rows: if ddr.src_db != db or not ddr.defines_primary_pids: continue # Check if the field given is in the table with the pids if fieldname in config.dd.get_fieldnames_for_src_table( db, ddr.src_table ): pidcol = column(ddr.src_field) session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session # Find pids corresponding to the given values of specified field query = ( select([pidcol]) .select_from(table(ddr.src_table)) .where((fieldcol.in_(values_to_find)) & (pidcol is not None)) .distinct() ) result = session.execute(query) pids.extend([x[0] for x in result]) # As there is only one relavant database here, we return pids return pids # Mark out row of dd with primary pid for relavant database row = ddr if row is None: # Didn't find one return [] # ###### Doesn't work! Trying in plain SQL ######### # # Deal with case where the field specified isn't in the table # # with the primary pid # session = config.sources[db].session # pidcol = column(row.src_field) # session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session # chosen_table = table(tablename) # ddr_table = table(row.src_table) # join_obj = ddr_table.join(chosen_table, # chosen_table.c.fieldcol == ddr_table.c.pidcol) # query = ( # select([pidcol]). # select_from(join_obj). # where((chosen_table.fieldcol.in_(field_elements)) & # (ddr_table.pidcol is not None)). # distinct() # ) # # Deal with case where the field specified isn't in the table # # with the primary pid source_field = row.src_field source_table = row.src_table # Convert list to string in correct form for query txt_elements = ", ".join(values_to_find) txt_elements = "(" + txt_elements + ")" sql = text( f""" SELECT {source_table}.{source_field} FROM {source_table} JOIN {tablename} ON {source_table}.{source_field} = {tablename}.{fieldname} WHERE {tablename}.{fieldname} IN {txt_elements} AND {source_table}.{source_field} IS NOT NULL """ ) result = session.execute(sql) # todo:: fix this raw SQL to SQLAlchemy; should be possible. # Is the proble the "&"? pids.extend([x[0] for x in result]) return pids
[docs]def fieldname_is_pid(field: str) -> bool: """ Checks if a field name is the literal ``'pid'`` or, if in the form ``'database.table.field'``, is the name of a primary PID field in the source database. If either of those conditions is met, return ``True``; otherwise, ``False``. """ if field == "pid": return True for ddr in config.dd.rows: if ddr.defines_primary_pids: if field == ddr.src_signature: return True return False
[docs]def get_pids_from_file(field: str, filename: str) -> List[str]: """ Takes a field name, and a filename of values of that field, and returns a list of PIDs associated with them. Args: field: a fieldname of the format ``database.table.field``, or the literal ``pid`` filename: A file containing words that represent values to look for, as follows. - If ``field`` is the string literal ``'pid'``, or is the name of a source database field containing PIDs, then the values in the file should be PIDs. We check that they are valid. - If it's another kind of field, look for values (from the file) in this field, and return the value of the PID column from the same row of the table. (See :func:`get_pid_subset_from_field`.) Returns: list of PIDs """ field_is_pid = fieldname_is_pid(field) # pid_is_integer = config.pidtype_is_integer if field_is_pid: # If the chosen field is a PID field, just make sure all PIDs in the # file are valid given_pids = list(gen_words_from_file(filename)) pids = get_valid_pid_subset(given_pids) else: field_elements = list(gen_words_from_file(filename)) pids = get_pid_subset_from_field(field, field_elements) return pids
[docs]def get_pids_from_list(field: str, values: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Takes a field name and a list of values, and returns a list of PIDs associated with them. Args: field: a fieldname of the format ``database.table.field``, or the literal ``pid`` values: Values to look for, as follows. - If ``field`` is the string literal ``'pid'``, or is the name of a source database field containing PIDs, then the values in the should be PIDs. We check that they are valid. - If it's another kind of field, look for the values in this field, and return the value of the PID column from the same row of the table. (See :func:`get_pid_subset_from_field`.) Returns: list of PIDs """ field_is_pid = fieldname_is_pid(field) if field_is_pid: pids = get_valid_pid_subset(values) else: pids = get_pid_subset_from_field(field, values) return pids
[docs]def get_pids_from_limits(low: int, high: int) -> List[Any]: """ Finds PIDs from the source database that are between ``low`` and ``high`` inclusive. - The SQL ``BETWEEN`` operator is inclusive ( Args: low: lower (inclusive) limit high: upper (inclusive) limit Returns: list of PIDs in this range """ pids = [] # type: List[Any] for ddr in config.dd.rows: if not ddr.defines_primary_pids: continue pidcol = column(ddr.src_field) session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session query = ( select([pidcol]) .select_from(table(ddr.src_table)) .where((pidcol.between(low, high)) & (pidcol is not None)) .distinct() ) result = session.execute(query) pids.extend([x[0] for x in result]) return pids
[docs]def get_pids_query_field_limits(field: str, low: int, high: int) -> List[Any]: """ Takes a field name and queries the database to find the PIDs associated with records where ``field`` is in the range ``low`` to ``high`` inclusive. Args: field: field name in the format ``database.table.field`` low: lower (inclusive) limit high: upper (inclusive) limit Returns: list of PIDs For example, suppose you have a source table called ``mydb.myoptouts`` like this: =============== ========================== pid (INTEGER) opt_out_level (INTEGER) =============== ========================== 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 =============== ========================== then a call like .. code-block:: python get_subset_from_field("mydb.myoptouts.opt_out_level", 2, 3) should return ``[3, 4]``, assuming that ``pid`` has been correctly marked as the PID column in the data dictionary. """ pids = [] # type: List[Any] # Get database, table and field from 'field' db_parts = field.split(".") assert ( len(db_parts) == 3 ), "field parameter must be of the form 'db.table.field'" db, tablename, fieldname = db_parts try: session = config.sources[db].session except (KeyError, AttributeError): print( f"Unable to connect to database {db}. " f"Remember argument to '--restrict' must be of the form " f"'database.table.field', or be 'pid'." ) return pids fieldcol = column(fieldname) row = None for ddr in config.dd.rows: if ddr.src_db != db or not ddr.defines_primary_pids: continue # Check if the field given is in the table with the pids if fieldname in config.dd.get_fieldnames_for_src_table( ddr.src_db, ddr.src_table ): pidcol = column(ddr.src_field) session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session # Find pids corresponding to the given values of specified field query = ( select([pidcol]) .select_from(table(ddr.src_table)) .where((fieldcol.between(low, high)) & (pidcol is not None)) .distinct() ) result = session.execute(query) pids.extend([x[0] for x in result]) # As there is only one relavant database here, we return pids return pids # Mark out row of dd with primary pid for relavant database row = ddr if row is None: # Didn't find one return [] # Deal with case where the field specified isn't in the table # with the primary pid source_field = row.src_field source_table = row.src_table sql = text( f""" SELECT {source_table}.{source_field} FROM {source_table} JOIN {tablename} ON {source_table}.{source_field} = {tablename}.{fieldname}" WHERE ({tablename}.{fieldname} BETWEEN {low} AND {high}) AND {source_table}.{source_field} IS NOT NULL" """ ) result = session.execute(sql) # todo:: fix raw SQL as above pids.extend([x[0] for x in result]) return pids
[docs]def get_pids_from_field_limits(field: str, low: int, high: int) -> List[Any]: """ Takes a field name and a lower/upper limit, and returns a list of associated PIDs. Args: field: a fieldname of the format ``database.table.field``, or the literal ``pid`` low: lower (inclusive) limit high: upper (inclusive) limit The range is used as follows. - If ``field`` is the string literal ``'pid'``, or is the name of a source database field containing PIDs, then fetch PIDs in the specified range and check that they are valid. - If it's another kind of field, look for rows where this field is in the specified range, and return the value of the PID column from the same row of the table. (See :func:`get_pids_query_field_limits`.) Returns: list of PIDs """ field_is_pid = fieldname_is_pid(field) if field_is_pid: pids = get_pids_from_limits(low, high) else: pids = get_pids_query_field_limits(field, low, high) return pids
# ============================================================================= # Generators. Anything reading the main database should use a generator, so the # script can scale to databases of arbitrary size. # =============================================================================
[docs]def gen_patient_ids( tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1, specified_pids: List[Union[int, str]] = None, ) -> Generator[Union[int, str], None, None]: """ Generate patient IDs. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) specified_pids: optional list of PIDs to restrict ourselves to Yields: integer or string patient IDs (PIDs) - Assigns work to threads/processes, via the simple expedient of processing only those patient ID numbers where ``patientnum % ntasks == tasknum`` (for integers), or an equivalent method for string PIDs. """ assert ntasks >= 1 assert 0 <= tasknum < ntasks pid_is_integer = config.pidtype_is_integer distribute_by_hash = ntasks > 1 and not pid_is_integer # If we're going to define based on >1 table, we need to keep track of # what we've processed. However, if we only have one table, we don't. # We can't use the mapping table easily (*), because it leads to thread/ # process locking for database access. So we use a set. # (*) if not patient_id_exists_in_mapping_db(admindb, patient_id): ... # Debug option? if config.debug_pid_list: log.warning("USING MANUALLY SPECIFIED PATIENT ID LIST") for pid in config.debug_pid_list: if pid_is_integer: pid = int(pid) if is_my_job_by_int(pid, tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks): yield pid else: pid = str(pid) if is_my_job_by_hash(pid, tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks): yield pid return # Subset specified? if specified_pids is not None: for i, pid in enumerate(specified_pids): if i % ntasks == tasknum: yield pid return # Otherwise do it properly: keeping_track = config.dd.n_definers > 1 processed_ids = set() # used only if keeping_track is True # ... POTENTIAL FOR MEMORY PROBLEM WITH V. BIG DB # ... if we ever get near that limit (for a huge number of *patients*, # which is much less likely than a huge number of other records), we'd # need to generate the IDs and stash them in a temporary table, then # work through that. However, a few million patients should be fine # for a Python set on realistic computers. n_found = 0 debuglimit = config.debug_max_n_patients for ddr in config.dd.rows: if not ddr.defines_primary_pids: continue log.debug( f"Looking for patient IDs in " f"{ddr.src_table}.{ddr.src_field}" ) session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session pidcol = column(ddr.src_field) query = ( select([pidcol]) .select_from(table(ddr.src_table)) .where(pidcol is not None) .distinct() # .order_by(pidcol) # no need to order by ) if ntasks > 1 and pid_is_integer: # With integers, we can take our slice of the workload through a # restricted query. query = query.where(pidcol % ntasks == tasknum) result = session.execute(query) for row in result: # Extract patient ID pid = row[0] # Duff? if pid is None: log.warning("Patient ID is NULL") continue # Ensure type is correct -- even if we are querying from an integer # field and then behaving as if it is a string subsequently. # Note that e.g. SELECT '123' = 123 gives 1 (true), i.e. strings # can be compared to integers. if pid_is_integer: pid = int(pid) else: pid = str(pid) # Operating on non-integer PIDs and not our job? if distribute_by_hash and not is_my_job_by_hash( pid, tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks ): continue # Duplicate? if keeping_track: # Consider, for non-integer PIDs, storing the hash64 instead # of the raw value. if pid in processed_ids: # we've done this one already; skip it this time continue processed_ids.add(pid) # Valid one log.debug(f"Found patient id: {pid}") n_found += 1 yield pid # Too many? if 0 < debuglimit <= n_found: log.warning( f"Not fetching more than {debuglimit} " f"patients (in total for this process) due to " f"{AnonymiseConfigKeys.DEBUG_MAX_N_PATIENTS} limit" ) result.close() # return
[docs]def estimate_count_patients() -> int: """ Estimate the number of patients in the source database. We can't easily and quickly get the total number of patients, because they may be defined in multiple tables across multiple databases. We shouldn't fetch them all into Python in case there are billions, and it's a waste of effort to stash them in a temporary table and count unique rows, because this is all only for a progress indicator. So we approximate. """ count = 0 for ddr in config.dd.rows: if not ddr.defines_primary_pids: continue session = config.sources[ddr.src_db].session tablename = ddr.src_table count += count_star(session, tablename) return count
[docs]def gen_rows( dbname: str, sourcetable: str, sourcefields: Iterable[str], pid: Union[int, str] = None, intpkname: str = None, tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1, debuglimit: int = 0, ) -> Generator[List[Any], None, None]: """ Generates rows from a source table: - ... each row being a list of values - ... each value corresponding to a field in sourcefields. - ... optionally restricted to a single patient If the table has a PK and we're operating in a multitasking situation, generate just the rows for this task (thread/process). Args: dbname: name (as per the data dictionary) of the source database sourcetable: name of the source table sourcefields: names of fields in the source table pid: patient ID (PID) intpkname: name of the integer PK column in the source table, if one exists tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) debuglimit: if specified, the maximum number of rows to process Yields: lists, each representing one row and containing values for each of the ``sourcefields`` """ t = config.sources[dbname].metadata.tables[sourcetable] q = select([column(c) for c in sourcefields]).select_from(t) # not ordered # Restrict to one patient? if pid is not None: pidcol_name = config.dd.get_pid_name(dbname, sourcetable) q = q.where(column(pidcol_name) == pid) else: # For non-patient tables: divide up rows across tasks? if intpkname is not None and ntasks > 1: q = q.where(column(intpkname) % ntasks == tasknum) # This does not require a user-defined PK to be unique. But other # constraints do: see delete_dest_rows_with_no_src_row(). db_table_tuple = (dbname, sourcetable) result = config.sources[dbname].session.execute(q) for row in result: if 0 < debuglimit <= config.rows_inserted_per_table[db_table_tuple]: if not config.warned_re_limits[db_table_tuple]: log.warning( f"Table {dbname}.{sourcetable}: not fetching more than " f"{debuglimit} rows (in total for this process) due to " f"{AnonymiseDatabaseSafeConfigKeys.DEBUG_ROW_LIMIT}" ) config.warned_re_limits[db_table_tuple] = True result.close() # return config.notify_src_bytes_read(sys.getsizeof(row)) # ... approximate! yield list(row) # yield dict(zip(row.keys(), row)) # see also config.rows_inserted_per_table[db_table_tuple] += 1
[docs]def count_rows( dbname: str, sourcetable: str, pid: Union[int, str] = None ) -> int: """ Count the number of rows in a table for a given PID. Args: dbname: name (as per the data dictionary) of the source database sourcetable: name of the source table pid: patient ID (PID) Returns: the number of records """ # Count function to match gen_rows() session = config.sources[dbname].session query = select([func.count()]).select_from(table(sourcetable)) if pid is not None: pidcol_name = config.dd.get_pid_name(dbname, sourcetable) query = query.where(column(pidcol_name) == pid) return session.execute(query).scalar()
[docs]def gen_index_row_sets_by_table( tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1 ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, List[DataDictionaryRow]], None, None]: """ Generate ``table, list_of_dd_rows_for_indexed_fields`` tuples for all tables requiring indexing. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) Yields: tuple: ``table, list_of_dd_rows_for_indexed_fields`` for each table as above """ indexrows = [ ddr for ddr in config.dd.rows if ddr.index != IndexType.NONE and not ddr.omit ] tables = SortedSet([r.dest_table for r in indexrows]) # must sort for parallel processing consistency: set() order varies for i, t in enumerate(tables): if i % ntasks != tasknum: continue tablerows = [r for r in indexrows if r.dest_table == t] yield t, tablerows
[docs]def gen_nonpatient_tables_without_int_pk( tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1 ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], None, None]: """ Generate ``(source db name, source table)`` tuples for all tables that (a) don't contain patient information and (b) don't have an integer PK. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) Yields: tuple: ``source_db_name, source_table`` for each table as above """ db_table_pairs = config.dd.get_src_dbs_tables_with_no_pt_info_no_pk() # ... returns a SortedSet, so safe to divide parallel processing like this: for i, pair in enumerate(db_table_pairs): if i % ntasks != tasknum: continue yield pair # will be a (dbname, table) tuple
[docs]def gen_nonpatient_tables_with_int_pk() -> Generator[ Tuple[str, str, str], None, None ]: """ Generate ``source_db_name, source_table, pk_name`` tuples for all tables that (a) don't contain patient information and (b) do have an integer PK. """ db_table_pairs = config.dd.get_src_dbs_tables_with_no_pt_info_int_pk() for pair in db_table_pairs: db = pair[0] tablename = pair[1] pkname = config.dd.get_int_pk_name(db, tablename) yield db, tablename, pkname
[docs]def gen_pks( srcdbname: str, tablename: str, pkname: str ) -> Generator[int, None, None]: """ Generate PK values from a table. Args: srcdbname: name (as per the data dictionary) of the database tablename: name of the table pkname: name of the PK column Yields: int: each primary key """ db = config.sources[srcdbname] t = db.metadata.tables[tablename] q = select([column(pkname)]).select_from(t) result = db.session.execute(q) for row in result: yield row[0]
# ============================================================================= # Core functions # ============================================================================= # - For multithreaded use, the patients are divvied up across the threads. # - KEY THREADING RULE: ALL THREADS MUST HAVE FULLY INDEPENDENT DATABASE # CONNECTIONS.
[docs]def process_table( sourcedbname: str, sourcetable: str, patient: Patient = None, incremental: bool = False, intpkname: str = None, tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1, free_text_limit: int = None, exclude_scrubbed_fields: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Process a table. This can either be a patient table (in which case the patient's scrubber is applied and only rows for that patient are processed) or not (in which case the table is just copied). Args: sourcedbname: name (as per the data dictionary) of the source database sourcetable: name of the source table patient: :class:`crate_anon.anonymise.patient.Patient` object, or ``None`` for non-patient tables incremental: perform an incremental update, rather than a full run? intpkname: name of the integer PK column in the source table tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) free_text_limit: If specified, any text field longer than this will be excluded exclude_scrubbed_fields: Exclude all text fields which are being scrubbed. """ start = f"process_table: {sourcedbname}.{sourcetable}:" pid = None if patient is None else log.debug(f"{start} pid={pid}, incremental={incremental}") # Limit the data quantity for debugging? srccfg = config.sources[sourcedbname].srccfg if matches_tabledef(sourcetable, srccfg.debug_limited_tables): debuglimit = srccfg.debug_row_limit # log.debug(f"Limiting table {sourcetable} to {debuglimit} rows " # f"(per process)") else: debuglimit = 0 ddrows = config.dd.get_rows_for_src_table(sourcedbname, sourcetable) if all(ddr.omit for ddr in ddrows): return addhash = any(ddr.add_src_hash for ddr in ddrows) addtrid = any(ddr.primary_pid and not ddr.omit for ddr in ddrows) constant = any(ddr.constant for ddr in ddrows) # If addhash or constant is true AND we are not omitting all rows, then # the non-omitted rows will include the source PK (by the data dictionary's # validation process). ddrows = [ ddr for ddr in ddrows if ( (not ddr.omit) # used for data or (addhash and ddr.scrub_src) # used for hash or ddr.inclusion_values # used for filter or ddr.exclusion_values # used for filter ) ] # Exclude all text fields over a chosen length if free_text_limit is not None: ddrows = [ ddr for ddr in ddrows if ( ddr.src_textlength is None or ddr.src_textlength <= free_text_limit ) ] # Exclude all scrubbed fields if requested if exclude_scrubbed_fields: ddrows = [ ddr for ddr in ddrows if (not ddr.src_is_textual) or (not ddr.being_scrubbed) ] if not ddrows: # No columns to process at all. return dest_table = ddrows[0].dest_table sourcefields = [] # type: List[str] pkfield_index = None src_pk_name = None dest_pk_name = None for i, ddr in enumerate(ddrows): # log.debug(f"DD row: {str(ddr)}") if pkfield_index = i src_pk_name = ddr.src_field dest_pk_name = ddr.dest_field sourcefields.append(ddr.src_field) srchash = None timefield = config.timefield add_mrid_wherever_rid_added = config.add_mrid_wherever_rid_added mrid_fieldname = config.master_research_id_fieldname sqla_table = config.dd.get_dest_sqla_table(dest_table) session = config.destdb.session # Count what we'll do, so we can give a better indication of progress count = count_rows(sourcedbname, sourcetable, pid) n = 0 recnum = tasknum or 0 # Process the rows # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Generate data # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for row in gen_rows( sourcedbname, sourcetable, sourcefields, pid, debuglimit=debuglimit, intpkname=intpkname, tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks, ): # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Reporting # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n += 1 if n % config.report_every_n_rows == 0: f"{start} processing record {recnum + 1}/{count}" f"{' for this patient' if pid is not None else ''} " f"({config.overall_progress()})" ) recnum += ntasks or 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Change detection: source hash and constant rows # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if addhash: srchash = config.hash_object(row) if incremental and identical_record_exists_by_hash( dest_table, dest_pk_name, row[pkfield_index], srchash ): log.debug( f"... ... skipping unchanged record (identical by hash): " f"{sourcedbname}.{sourcetable}.{src_pk_name} = " f"(destination) {dest_table}.{dest_pk_name} = " f"{row[pkfield_index]}" ) continue if constant: if incremental and identical_record_exists_by_pk( dest_table, dest_pk_name, row[pkfield_index] ): log.debug( f"... ... skipping unchanged record (identical by PK and " f"marked as constant): " f"{sourcedbname}.{sourcetable}.{src_pk_name} = " f"(destination) {dest_table}.{dest_pk_name} = " f"{row[pkfield_index]}" ) continue # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Iterate through values, altering them if necessary # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ destvalues = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] skip_row = False for i, ddr in enumerate(ddrows): value = row[i] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Skip row? # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ddr.skip_row_by_value(value): # log.debug("skipping row based on inclusion/exclusion values") skip_row = True break # skip row # NOTE: would be most efficient if ddrows were ordered with # inclusion/exclusion fields first. (Not yet done automatically.) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Skip column? # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ddr.omit: continue # skip column # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Value alteration: "special" methods (PID, MPID) or other methods # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ddr.primary_pid: assert str(value) == str(, ( # We compare using str() because we may have an integer and # a string version. These will hash to the same value (see # f"PID mismatch from {ddr.src_signature}: " f"str(value) = {str(value)!r} but " f"str( = {str(!r}" ) value = patient.rid elif ddr.master_pid: value = config.encrypt_master_pid(value) elif ddr.third_party_pid: # Third-party PID; we encrypt with the same hasher as for other # PIDs, so that de-identified records remain linkable. value = config.encrypt_primary_pid(value) else: # Value alteration: other methods for alter_method in ddr.alter_methods: value, skiprow = alter_method.alter( value=value, ddr=ddr, row=row, ddrows=ddrows, patient=patient, ) if skiprow: break # from alter method loop if skip_row: break # from data dictionary row (field) loop destvalues[ddr.dest_field] = value # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Special timestamp field # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if timefield: destvalues[timefield] = datetime.utcnow() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Skip the row? # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if skip_row or not destvalues: continue # next row # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Add extra columns? # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if addhash: destvalues[config.source_hash_fieldname] = srchash if addtrid: destvalues[config.trid_fieldname] = patient.trid if add_mrid_wherever_rid_added: destvalues[mrid_fieldname] = patient.mrid # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Insert values into database # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ q = sqla_table.insert_on_duplicate().values(destvalues) session.execute(q) # Trigger an early commit? config.notify_dest_db_transaction( n_rows=1, n_bytes=sys.getsizeof(destvalues) ) # ... approximate! # ... quicker than e.g. len(repr(...)), as judged by a timeit() call. log.debug(f"{start} finished: pid={pid}") commit_destdb()
[docs]def create_indexes(tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1) -> None: """ Create indexes for the destination tables. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) """ + "Create indexes") engine = config.get_destdb_engine_outside_transaction() mssql = == "mssql" mssql_fulltext_columns_by_table = [] # type: List[List[Column]] for (tablename, tablerows) in gen_index_row_sets_by_table( tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks ): sqla_table = config.dd.get_dest_sqla_table(tablename) mssql_fulltext_columns = [] # type: List[Column] for tr in tablerows: sqla_column = sqla_table.columns[tr.dest_field] fulltext = tr.index == IndexType.FULLTEXT if fulltext and mssql: # Special processing: we can only create one full-text index # per table under SQL Server, but it can cover multiple # columns; see below mssql_fulltext_columns.append(sqla_column) else: add_index( engine=engine, sqla_column=sqla_column, unique=(tr.index == IndexType.UNIQUE), fulltext=fulltext, length=tr.indexlen, ) # Extra indexes for TRID, MRID? if tr.primary_pid: add_index( engine, sqla_table.columns[config.trid_fieldname], unique=(tr.index == IndexType.UNIQUE), ) if config.add_mrid_wherever_rid_added: add_index( engine, sqla_table.columns[ config.master_research_id_fieldname ], # noqa unique=False, # see docs ) if mssql_fulltext_columns: mssql_fulltext_columns_by_table.append(mssql_fulltext_columns) # Special processing for SQL Server FULLTEXT indexes, if any: for multiple_sqla_columns in mssql_fulltext_columns_by_table: add_index( engine=engine, multiple_sqla_columns=multiple_sqla_columns, fulltext=True, )
[docs]def patient_processing_fn( tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1, incremental: bool = False, specified_pids: List[int] = None, free_text_limit: int = None, exclude_scrubbed_fields: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Main function to anonymise patient data. - Iterate through patient IDs; - build the scrubber for each patient; - process source data for that patient, scrubbing it; - insert the patient into the mapping table in the admin database. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) incremental: perform an incremental update, rather than a full run? specified_pids: if specified, restrict to specific PIDs free_text_limit: as per :func:`process_table` exclude_scrubbed_fields: as per :func:`process_table` """ n_patients = estimate_count_patients() // ntasks i = 0 for pid in gen_patient_ids(tasknum, ntasks, specified_pids=specified_pids): # gen_patient_ids() assigns the work to the appropriate thread/process # Check for an abort signal once per patient processed i += 1 f"Processing patient ID: {pid} (incremental={incremental}; " f"patient {i}/~{n_patients} for this process; " f"{config.overall_progress()})" ) # Opt out based on PID? if opting_out_pid(pid):"... opt out based on PID") continue # MPID information won't be present until we scan all the fields (which # we do as we build the scrubber). # Gather scrubbing information for a patient. (Will save.) patient = Patient(pid) if patient.mandatory_scrubbers_unfulfilled: log.warning( f"Skipping patient with PID={pid} as the following scrub_src " f"fields are required and had no data: " f"{patient.mandatory_scrubbers_unfulfilled}" ) continue # Opt out based on MPID? if opting_out_mpid(patient.mpid):"... opt out based on MPID") continue patient_unchanged = patient.is_unchanged() if incremental: if patient_unchanged: log.debug("Scrubber unchanged; may save some time") else: log.debug("Scrubber new or changed; reprocessing in full") # For each source database/table... for d in config.dd.get_source_databases(): log.debug(f"Patient {pid}, processing database: {d}") for t in config.dd.get_patient_src_tables_with_active_dest(d): log.debug(f"Patient {pid}, processing table {d}.{t}") try: process_table( d, t, patient=patient, incremental=(incremental and patient_unchanged), free_text_limit=free_text_limit, exclude_scrubbed_fields=exclude_scrubbed_fields, ) except Exception: log.critical( "Error whilst processing - " f"db: {d} table: {t}, patient id: {pid}" ) raise commit_destdb()
[docs]def wipe_destination_data_for_opt_out_patients( report_every: int = 1000, chunksize: int = 10000 ) -> None: """ Delete any data from patients that have opted out (after their data was processed on a previous occasion). (Slightly complicated by the fact that the destination database can't necessarily 'see' the mapping database, so we need to cache the RID keys in the destination database temporarily.) Args: report_every: report logging information every *n* records chunksize: insert records every *n* records """ start = "wipe_opt_out_patients" adminsession = config.admindb.session metadata = MetaData() # operate in isolation! destengine = config.destdb.engine destsession = config.destdb.session ridfield = config.research_id_fieldname # Drop/create temporary table pkfield = "rid" temptable = Table( config.temporary_tablename, metadata, Column(pkfield, config.sqltype_encrypted_pid, primary_key=True), **TABLE_KWARGS, ) log.debug(start + ": 1. dropping temporary table") temptable.drop(destengine, checkfirst=True) # use engine, not session log.debug(start + ": 2. making temporary table") temptable.create(destengine, checkfirst=True) # use engine, not session log.debug(start + ": 3. populating temporary table with RIDs") def insert(records_: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: # records_: a list of dictionaries # log.debug(start + f"... inserting {len(records_)} records") destsession.execute(temptable.insert(), records_) i = 0 records = [] # type: List[Dict[str: Any]] for rid in gen_optout_rids(): i += 1 if report_every and i % report_every == 0: log.debug(start + f"... src row# {i}") records.append({pkfield: rid}) # a row is a dict of values if i % chunksize == 0: insert(records) records = [] # type: List[Dict[str: Any]] if records: # remainder insert(records) commit_destdb() log.debug(start + ": 4. creating index on temporary table") index = Index("_temptable_idx", temptable.columns[pkfield]) index.create(destengine) # use engine, not session # 5. For each patient destination table, # DELETE FROM desttable WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM temptable) log.debug(start + ": 5. deleting from destination table by opt-out RID") for dest_table_name in config.dd.get_dest_tables_with_patient_info(): log.debug(start + f": ... {dest_table_name}") dest_table = config.dd.get_dest_sqla_table(dest_table_name) query = dest_table.delete().where( column(ridfield).in_(select([temptable.columns[pkfield]])) ) destengine.execute(query) commit_destdb() log.debug(start + ": 6. dropping temporary table") temptable.drop(destengine, checkfirst=True) # use engine, not session commit_destdb() log.debug(start + ": 7. deleting opt-out patients from mapping table") adminsession.query(PatientInfo).filter( or_(, PatientInfo.mpid.in_(adminsession.query(OptOutMpid.mpid)), ) ).delete(synchronize_session=False) commit_admindb()
[docs]def drop_remake( incremental: bool = False, skipdelete: bool = False, full_drop_only: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Drop and rebuild (a) mapping table, (b) destination tables. Args: incremental: Doesn't drop tables; just deletes destination information where source information no longer exists. skipdelete: For incremental updates, skip deletion of rows present in the destination but not the source full_drop_only: Performs a full drop (even opt-out tables) and does nothing else. Incompatible with ``incremental``. """ assert not (full_drop_only and incremental) + "Creating database structure +/- deleting dead data") engine = config.admindb.engine # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mapping tables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- all_admin_tables = (OptOutMpid, OptOutPid, PatientInfo, TridRecord) all_admin_except_opt_out = (PatientInfo, TridRecord) # Drop if full_drop_only:"Dropping all admin tables") to_drop = all_admin_tables elif not incremental:"Dropping admin tables except opt-out") to_drop = all_admin_except_opt_out else: # Incremental mode to_drop = () for drop_tableclass in to_drop: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences drop_tableclass.__table__.drop(engine, checkfirst=True) # Create if full_drop_only: to_create = () else:"Creating admin tables") to_create = all_admin_tables for create_tableclass in to_create: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences create_tableclass.__table__.create(engine, checkfirst=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Destination tables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- wipe_and_recreate_destination_db( incremental=incremental, full_drop_only=full_drop_only ) if full_drop_only or skipdelete or not incremental: return for d in config.dd.get_source_databases(): for t in config.dd.get_src_tables(d): delete_dest_rows_with_no_src_row( d, t, report_every=config.report_every_n_rows, chunksize=config.chunksize, )
[docs]def gen_opt_out_pids_from_file( mpid: bool = False, ) -> Generator[Union[int, str], None, None]: """ Generate opt-out PIDs (or MPIDs) from a file. Args: mpid: generate MPIDs, not PIDs (and therefore use ``config.optout_mpid_filenames``, not ``config.optout_pid_filenames``, as the set of filenames to read) Yields: each PID (or MPID), which will be either ``str`` or ``int`` depending on the value of ``config.mpidtype_is_integer`` or ``config.pidtype_is_integer``. """ if mpid: txt = "MPID" filenames = config.optout_mpid_filenames as_int = config.mpidtype_is_integer else: txt = "PID" filenames = config.optout_pid_filenames as_int = config.pidtype_is_integer if not filenames:"... no opt-out {txt} disk files in use") else: for filename in filenames:"... {txt} file: {filename}") if as_int: for pid in gen_integers_from_file(filename): yield pid else: for pid in gen_words_from_file(filename): yield pid
[docs]def gen_opt_out_pids_from_database( mpid: bool = False, ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: """ Generate opt-out PIDs (or MPIDs) from a database. Args: mpid: generate MPIDs, not PIDs Yields: each PID (or MPID) """ txt = "MPID" if mpid else "PID" found_one = False defining_fields = config.dd.get_optout_defining_fields() for t in defining_fields: src_db, src_table, optout_colname, pid_colname, mpid_colname = t id_colname = mpid_colname if mpid else pid_colname if not id_colname: continue found_one = True session = config.sources[src_db].session f"... {src_db}.{src_table}.{optout_colname} ({txt}={id_colname})" ) sqla_table = table(src_table) optout_defining_col = column(optout_colname) idcol = column(id_colname) query = ( select([idcol]) .select_from(sqla_table) .where(optout_defining_col.in_(config.optout_col_values)) .distinct() ) # no need for an order_by clause result = session.execute(query) for row in result: pid = row[0] yield pid if not found_one:"... no opt-out-defining {txt} fields in data dictionary")
[docs]def setup_opt_out(incremental: bool = False) -> None: """ - Hunts far and wide through its sources for PID/MPID values of patients who wish to opt out. - Adds them to the admin tables for :class:`crate_anon.anonymise.models.OptOutPid` and :class:`crate_anon.anonymise.models.OptOutMpid`. Args: incremental: after adding opt-out patients, delete any data for them found in the destination database. (Unnecessary for "full" rather than "incremental" runs, since "full" runs delete all the destination tables and start again.) """ + "Managing opt-outs") adminsession = config.admindb.session"Hunting for opt-out patients from disk file...") for pid in gen_opt_out_pids_from_file(): # noinspection PyTypeChecker OptOutPid.add(adminsession, pid) for mpid in gen_opt_out_pids_from_file(mpid=True): # noinspection PyTypeChecker OptOutMpid.add(adminsession, mpid)"Hunting for opt-out patients from database...") for pid in gen_opt_out_pids_from_database(): OptOutPid.add(adminsession, pid) for mpid in gen_opt_out_pids_from_database(mpid=True): OptOutMpid.add(adminsession, mpid) adminsession.commit() if incremental: wipe_destination_data_for_opt_out_patients()
[docs]def process_nonpatient_tables( tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1, incremental: bool = False, free_text_limit: int = None, exclude_scrubbed_fields: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Copies all non-patient tables. - If they have an integer PK, the work may be parallelized. - If not, whole tables are assigned to different processes in parallel mode. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) incremental: perform an incremental update, rather than a full run? free_text_limit: as per :func:`process_table` exclude_scrubbed_fields: as per :func:`process_table` """ + "Non-patient tables: (a) with integer PK") for (d, t, pkname) in gen_nonpatient_tables_with_int_pk(): f"Processing non-patient table {d}.{t} (PK: {pkname}) " f"({config.overall_progress()})..." ) try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker process_table( d, t, patient=None, incremental=incremental, intpkname=pkname, tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks, free_text_limit=free_text_limit, exclude_scrubbed_fields=exclude_scrubbed_fields, ) except Exception: log.critical(f"Error whilst processing - db: {d} table: {t}") raise commit_destdb() + "Non-patient tables: (b) without integer PK") for (d, t) in gen_nonpatient_tables_without_int_pk( tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks ): f"Processing non-patient table {d}.{t} " f"({config.overall_progress()})..." ) # Force this into single-task mode, i.e. we have already parallelized # by assigning different tables to different processes; don't split # the work within a single table. try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker process_table( d, t, patient=None, incremental=incremental, intpkname=None, tasknum=0, ntasks=1, free_text_limit=free_text_limit, exclude_scrubbed_fields=exclude_scrubbed_fields, ) except Exception: log.critical(f"Error whilst processing - db: {d} table: {t}") raise commit_destdb()
[docs]def process_patient_tables( tasknum: int = 0, ntasks: int = 1, incremental: bool = False, specified_pids: List[int] = None, free_text_limit: int = None, exclude_scrubbed_fields: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Process all patient tables, optionally in a parallel-processing fashion. All the work is done via :func:`patient_processing_fn`. Args: tasknum: task number of this process (for dividing up work) ntasks: total number of processes (for dividing up work) incremental: perform an incremental update, rather than a full run? specified_pids: if specified, restrict to specific PIDs free_text_limit: as per :func:`process_table` exclude_scrubbed_fields: as per :func:`process_table` """ # We'll use multiple destination tables, so commit right at the end. + "Patient tables") if ntasks == 1:"Single-threaded, single-process mode") else: f"PROCESS {tasknum} (numbered from zero) OF {ntasks} PROCESSES" ) patient_processing_fn( tasknum=tasknum, ntasks=ntasks, incremental=incremental, specified_pids=specified_pids, free_text_limit=free_text_limit, exclude_scrubbed_fields=exclude_scrubbed_fields, ) if ntasks > 1:"Process {tasknum}: FINISHED ANONYMISATION") else:"FINISHED ANONYMISATION") # Commit (should be redundant) commit_destdb()
# ============================================================================= # Main # =============================================================================
[docs]def anonymise( incremental: bool = False, skipdelete: bool = False, dropremake: bool = False, full_drop_only: bool = False, optout: bool = False, patienttables: bool = False, nonpatienttables: bool = False, index: bool = False, restrict: str = "", restrict_file: str = "", restrict_limits: Tuple[Any, Any] = None, restrict_list: List[Any] = None, free_text_limit: int = None, exclude_scrubbed_fields: bool = False, nprocesses: int = 1, process: int = 0, skip_dd_check: bool = False, seed: str = "", chunksize: int = DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE, reportevery: int = DEFAULT_REPORT_EVERY, echo: bool = False, debugscrubbers: bool = False, savescrubbers: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Main entry point for anonymisation. Args: incremental: If true: incremental run, rather than full. skipdelete: (For "incremental".) Skip deletion of rows present in the destination but not the source. dropremake: If true: drop/remake destination tables. full_drop_only: If true: drop destination tables (even opt-out ones) and do nothing else. optout: If true: update opt-out list. patienttables: If true: process patient tables only (rather than all tables). nonpatienttables: If true: process non-patient tables only (rather than all tables). index: If true: create indexes only. restrict: Restrict to certain patients? Specify a field name, or ``pid`` to restrict by patient IDs. restrict_file: (For "restrict".) Filename for permitted values. restrict_limits: (For "restrict".) Tuple of lower and upper limits to apply to the field. restrict_list: (For "restrict".) List of permitted values. free_text_limit: Filter out all free text over the specified length. exclude_scrubbed_fields: Exclude all text fields which are being scrubbed. nprocesses: Number of processing being run (of which this is one), for work allocation. process: Number of this process (from 0 to nprocesses - 1), for work allocation. skip_dd_check: If true: skip data dictionary validity check. (Useful in multiprocessing contexts when another process has already done this.) seed: Seed for random number generator (for TRID generation). Blank for the default of system time. chunksize: Number of records copied in a chunk when copying PKs from one database to another. reportevery: Report insert progress every n rows in verbose mode. echo: Echo SQL? debugscrubbers: Report sensitive scrubbing information, for debugging savescrubbers: Saves sensitive scrubbing information in admin database, for debugging """ # Validate args if nprocesses < 1: raise ValueError("--nprocesses must be >=1") if process < 0 or process >= nprocesses: raise ValueError( "--process argument must be from 0 to (nprocesses - 1) inclusive" ) if nprocesses > 1 and dropremake: raise ValueError("Can't use nprocesses > 1 with --dropremake") everything = not any( [dropremake, optout, nonpatienttables, patienttables, index] ) # Load/validate config config.report_every_n_rows = reportevery config.chunksize = chunksize config.debug_scrubbers = debugscrubbers config.save_scrubbers = savescrubbers config.set_echo(echo) config.load_dd(check_against_source_db=not skip_dd_check) # The config must be valid: config.check_valid() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- pids = None if restrict: if restrict_file: pids = get_pids_from_file(restrict, restrict_file) elif restrict_limits: pids = get_pids_from_field_limits( restrict, restrict_limits[0], restrict_limits[1] ) elif restrict_list: pids = get_pids_from_list(restrict, restrict_list) else: raise ValueError( "'--restrict' option requires one of " "'--file', '--limits' or '--list'" ) if not pids: log.warning("No valid patient ids found for the conditions given") # random number seed random.seed(seed) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main process # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + "Starting") start = get_now_utc_pendulum() # 1. Drop/remake tables. Single-tasking only. if full_drop_only: drop_remake(full_drop_only=True) return if dropremake or everything: drop_remake(incremental=incremental, skipdelete=skipdelete) # 2. Deal with opt-outs if optout or everything: setup_opt_out(incremental=incremental) # 3. Tables with patient info. # Process PER PATIENT, across all tables, because we have to synthesize # information to scrub across the entirety of that patient's record. if patienttables or everything: process_patient_tables( tasknum=process, ntasks=nprocesses, incremental=incremental, specified_pids=pids, free_text_limit=free_text_limit, exclude_scrubbed_fields=exclude_scrubbed_fields, ) # 4. Tables without any patient ID (e.g. lookup tables). Process PER TABLE. if nonpatienttables or everything: process_nonpatient_tables( tasknum=process, ntasks=nprocesses, incremental=incremental, free_text_limit=free_text_limit, exclude_scrubbed_fields=exclude_scrubbed_fields, ) # 5. Indexes. ALWAYS FASTEST TO DO THIS LAST. Process PER TABLE. if index or everything: create_indexes(tasknum=process, ntasks=nprocesses) + "Finished") end = get_now_utc_pendulum() time_taken = end - start"Time taken: {time_taken.total_seconds()} seconds")
# config.dd.debug_cache_hits()