13.2. Technical notes

13.2.1. Resolved bugs elsewhere, previously affecting CRATE

13.2.2. Cross-platform hosting

For Ubuntu, CRATE is packaged as a Debian .DEB file and will install itself, though will not configure the web front end (intrinsically a separate configuration task).

If you have to run under Windows, then one option is a VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org/).

In the conversion from Ubuntu to Windows:

Python code, i.e. CRATE itself


Database connections

All configurable, and Windows connections available for all. MySQL supported under Windows.

Text extraction tools

The Linux tools used are unrtf (.RTF), pdftotext (.PDF), antiword (.DOC), strings (anything). They are generally very fast. CRATE calls them by name.

Users on Windows should install these tools so that they’re visible to CRATE via the PATH.

Web framework (Gunicorn, with e.g. Apache as a front end)

Gunicorn is UNIX-only, although happily it installs without complaint on Windows, so we don’t need to exclude it from the dependencies.

Alternatives include: (1) CherryPy. This is pure Python. It supports SSL and serves static files. Let’s use it. (2) uWSGI: written in C and requires Cygwin; probably overly complex. (3) Waitress (https://pylons.readthedocs.org/projects/waitress/en/latest/). This doesn’t support SSL but does support reverse proxying.

CherryPy works nicely; I’ve set up a launch script and default configuration. (But see also: https://baxeico.wordpress.com/2013/10/13/django-on-windows/; http://tools.cherrypy.org/wiki/WindowsService.) This is also suitable for Linux use. It uses a thread pool by default for its HTTP server. It runs as a django manage.py command, so use it as crate_django_manage runcpserver. You can append --help to get other options that you can use with the CRATE_CHERRYPY_ARGS environment variable. There are also a few settings in crateweb/config/settings.py that configure CherryPy, and quite a lot more in crateweb/core/management/commands/runcpserver.py.


Celery is in Python, so is cross-platform. It can be run as a daemon/service under Windows, using the Windows built-in Task Scheduler (http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/tutorials/daemonizing.html; https://www.calazan.com/windows-tip-run-applications-in-the-background-using-task-scheduler/; you use the virtualenv’s ‘crate/bin/celeryd’ as the process). Services can also be installed from Python. [Use ‘pip install pypiwin32’. (It’s a pip-only version of pywin32, I think.) That makes available the libraries pythoncom (unnecessary?), win32serviceutil, win32service, win32event, servicemanager. Then see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32404 for how to install/run Python code as a service.]

It did need some fixing, which was hard: key parameters to the “celery worker” command were “–concurrency=4” and “–pool=solo”. See comments in crateweb/consent/celery.py.


RabbitMQ supports Windows directly and runs as a service (https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-windows.html).


supervisord is used under Linux to control (a) celery and (b) gunicorn. It does not run under Windows (http://supervisord.org/introduction.html#platform-requirements ; though see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7629813 as you can run supervisord under Cygwin). Under Windows, we need to run (a) celery and (b) CherryPy. For Celery, this function is replaced by the Windows Task Scheduler. For CherryPy, there is also a daemon script. It can be run from the command line with python -c “from cherrypy.daemon import run; run()”. (An aside: note also Monit; not free, but potentially good, in the UNIX environment; https://mmonit.com/.) See also django-windows-tools (http://django-windows-tools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html; this seems to be Python 2 only (as of 2016-05-11).).

The practical answer was to write a small Windows service that runs other processes.

MySQL standalone auditor

Ditched; MySQL now supports adequate auditing itself. In mysql.cnf:

  • Set ‘log_output = TABLE’ (to use the table mysql.general_log), ‘log_output = FILE’ (to use the file specified by the ‘general_log_file’ variable), or ‘log_output = FILE,TABLE’ for both.

  • Set ‘general_log = 1’.

Restart MySQL (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/log-destinations.html). The TABLE form of the log neatly includes username and queries. The mysql.general_log.thread_id field is used as the ‘id’ column of the disk log; you can in principle work out user information from the Connect entries that occur prior to queries, but the TABLE form provides a much more convenient way of working out user/query mappings. It will hit performance, though.

Library dependencies

DOCX extraction preferred to use python-docx, which uses lxml, which has C dependencies and is therefore fiddly to install on arbitrary Windows systems (i.e. is not guaranteed to be installed by pip). One option would be for the user to install lxml from e.g. a binary repository (http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#lxml), but instead I rewrote rnc_extract_text.py (in cardinal_pythonlib) to use a pure Python approach that also handles tables.

13.2.3. Converting to SQLAlchemy

See test_sqla_reflection.py

13.2.4. Installing Python 3.4 on Ubuntu 16.04

See http://devmartin.com/blog/2016/04/creating-a-virtual-environment-with-python3.4-on-ubuntu-16.04-xenial-xerus/:

sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libreadline-gplv2-dev \
    libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev \
    libbz2-dev openssl

mkdir -p $HOME/opt
cd $HOME/opt
curl -O https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.4/Python-3.4.4.tgz
tar xzvf Python-3.4.4.tgz
cd Python-3.4.4
./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local LDFLAGS="-Wl,--rpath=/usr/local/lib"
sudo make altinstall

sudo python3.4 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo python3.4 -m pip install virtualenv

13.2.5. Transaction count always >0 for SQL Server, prohibiting CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX

13.2.6. Celery: test_email_rdbm_task() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘self’

Change decorators from:

@shared_task @task(ignore_result=True)



13.2.7. SQL comments

See https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issues/1546/feature-request-commenting-db-objects

For column comments, I think the various DDLs are as follows:


1. Adding during table creation:

    not possible?

2. Adding comments later:

    COMMENT ON TABLE sometable IS 'This is a table comment';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN sometable.somecol IS 'This is a column comment';

3. Retrieving:

    SELECT table_name, comments FROM all_tab_comments WHERE table_name = 'sometable';
    SELECT column_name, comments FROM all_col_comments WHERE table_name = 'sometable';

4. References

    Note also alternative views (DBA_*, USER_* rather than ALL_*).


1. Adding during table creation:

    CREATE TABLE sometable (somecol INTEGER COMMENT 'this is a column comment') COMMENT 'this is a table comment';

2. Adding comments later:

    ALTER TABLE sometable COMMENT 'this is a table comment too';
    ALTER TABLE sometable CHANGE somecol somecol INTEGER COMMENT 'this is a column comment too';

3. Retrieving:

    SELECT table_schema, table_name, table_comment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = 'sometable';
    SELECT table_schema, column_name, column_comment FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = 'sometable';

4. References



1. Adding during table creation:

    not possible?

2. Adding comments later:

    COMMENT ON TABLE sometable IS 'This is a table comment';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN sometable.somecol IS 'This is a column comment';

3. Retrieving:

    (Uses internal OIDs to reference table number.)

    SELECT t.table_schema, t.table_name, pgd.description
    FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables AS st
    INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON (pgd.objoid = st.relid)
    INNER JOIN information_schema.tables t ON (
        pgd.objsubid = 0 AND
        t.table_schema = st.schemaname AND
        t.table_name = st.relname)
    WHERE t.table_name = 'sometable';

    SELECT c.table_schema, c.table_name, c.column_name, pgd.description
    FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables AS st
    INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON (pgd.objoid = st.relid)
    INNER JOIN information_schema.columns c ON (
        pgd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position AND
        c.table_schema = st.schemaname AND
        c.table_name = st.relname)
    WHERE c.table_name = 'sometable';

4. References


MSSQL (SQL Server)

- Unsupported in SQL. Possible using "extended properties". A bit nasty, but...

1. Adding during table creation:

    not possible?

2. Adding comments later:

    EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
        @value=N'This is a table comment',
    EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
        @value=N'This is a column comment',

3. Retrieving:

        s.name AS schema_name,
        t.name AS table_name,
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(1000), x.value) AS table_comment -- is of type SQL_VARIANT
    FROM sys.tables t
    LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties x ON t.object_id = x.major_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = s.schema_id
    WHERE x.minor_id = 0 AND t.name = 'sometable';

        s.name AS schema_name,
        t.name AS table_name,
        c.name AS column_name,
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(1000), x.value) AS column_comment
    FROM sys.columns c
    LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties x ON (
        c.object_id = x.major_id AND
        c.column_id = x.minor_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = s.schema_id
    WHERE t.name = 'sometable';

4. References



- Unsupported.


13.2.8. webnotes.txt

Early thoughts preceding Django, starting 19 Mar 2015

    - output roughly sketched out
    - WSGI framework drafted

    - needs safe SQL creation framework
        - easy to make something too fiddly: http://www.ajaxquerybuilder.com/
    - needs session, security/users, main menu, audit
    - user accessing the destination database must be READ ONLY here

This kind of queries that might benefit from some autogeneration:

        master.rid, master.dob, ...
        secondtable.field1, secondtable.field2, ...
        thirdtable.field1, thirdtable.field2, ...
        INNER JOIN secondtable ON (secondtable.rid = master.rid)
        INNER JOIN thirdtable ON (thirdtable.rid = master.rid)
        MATCH(secondtable.field1) AGAINST ('schizophrenia')
        OR MATCH(thirdtable.field1) AGAINST ('schizophrenia')

However, it's not clear anything really improves on writing raw SQL; most
assisted query generation frameworks are quite crippled functionally. Simple
SQL also has the advantage of producing a clear tabular structure, without


Several methods; e.g.
The question is which works best with WSGI, where we have public (repository)
code and secret (site-specific) settings, and in principle might want to run
more than one instance of the application on a single server.

Using Apache's SetEnv and then reading the WSGI environment (as I currently do
for CamCOPS, Sep 2015) can be flaky with Django, so should be avoided:
Note that it appears possible, and lots of people advocate it, but Graham D.'s
point is cautionary, and he wrote mod_wsgi.

Therefore, follow Graham Dumpleton's suggestion, e.g. as follows:

- hard-code the filename 'crate_local_settings.py', so that the Django
  settings.py does 'from crate_local_settings import *'
- define settings for multiple apps by creating e.g.
- set the WSGI "python-path" (more or less equivalent to the normal environment
  variable PYTHONPATH) to include the relevant /etc/[something] directory


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sudo apt-get install sqliteman

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# (a) System-wide installation of pip and virtualenv

sudo apt-get install python3-pip  # pip for Python 3
sudo pip3 install virtualenv  # Python 3 version of virtualenv

# (b) Creation of clean Python 3 virtual environment, with its own pip

export VENV=~/tmp/crate_virtualenv
mkdir -p $VENV
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.4 $VENV
export PIP=$VENV/bin/pip
export PYTHON=$VENV/bin/python

# (c) Installation of packages into virtual environment

$PIP install django  # Django
export DJANGO_ADMIN=$VENV/bin/django-admin.py
$PIP install mysqlclient  # Python 3 replacement for MySQLdb
$PIP install django-sslserver  # SSL development server
$PIP install django-picklefield  # PickleField

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Check versions
$PYTHON -c "import django; print(django.get_version())"
# ... is currently 1.8.4

$DJANGO_ADMIN startproject crateweb

# Edit manage.py, changing
#       #!/usr/bin/env python
# to
#       #!/usr/bin/env python
# ... or Python 2 and an old version of Django may be used.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export CRATE_BASE=~/Documents/code/crate
export CRATE_DJANGO_ROOT=$CRATE_BASE/webfrontend/crateweb
. $CRATE_BASE/webfrontend/SET_PATHS.sh
$CRATE_MANAGE  # shouldn't produce an error


# For HTTP:
$CRATE_MANAGE runserver
# ... now browse to

# For HTTPS (having installed/configured django-sslserver)
$CRATE_MANAGE runsslserver
# ... now browse to


mysql -u root -p
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON anonymous_output.* TO 'researcher'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


# If models have changed:
$CRATE_MANAGE makemigrations [appname] --name MIGRATION_NAME

# To see what it'll do, e.g.
$CRATE_MANAGE sqlmigrate research 0001  # ... appname, migration_number

# Then:


$CRATE_MANAGE startapp research
# now add it to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py


# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/intro/tutorial01/


$CRATE_MANAGE createsuperuser

# Now run the demo server and go to


- https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/intro/tutorial01/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT1A1KKf0SI&list=PLxxA5z-8B2xk4szCgFmgonNcCboyNneMD&index=1


# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19433630/how-to-use-user-as-foreign-key-in-django-1-5
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/#referencing-the-user-model
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLRxkStiaUg&list=PLxxA5z-8B2xk4szCgFmgonNcCboyNneMD&index=22

$CRATE_MANAGE startapp userprofile
# edit settings.py (a) INSTALLED_APPS; (b) AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'userprofile.UserProfile'

Cheat sheet: http://www.mercurytide.co.uk/news/article/django-15-cheat-sheet/

Collected tips: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/550632/favorite-django-tips-features
... including:

    $CRATE_MANAGE graph_models -a -g -o crate_model_diagram.png

    $CRATE_MANAGE runserver_plus
    assert False somewhere; then use the Werkzeug console to explore

- General principle to avoid storing BLOBs in databases, to keep the database
  small, and to allow static file serving. With Django, for private static
  files, that may need something like X-Sendfile:
    ... Apache with mod_xsendfile
- However, we do want to concatenate PDFs to make packages for clinicians.
  Though not necessarily very often.
- Outbound e-mails can be stored as text (e.g. HTML).
- Letters could be stored as PDFs (e.g. files) or as the HTML used to generate
  the PDF (smaller; reproducible exactly unless e.g. the header changes).

If you drop a table, or want to drop a table:

- Static or template-based?
  Since we want consistency across web/email/PDF (inc. the web aspects of
  clinicians responding to e-mails), and since we have to embed CSS for email,
  we'll embed the lot and use templates.

- CSS selector tutorial:

1. URL path
    - create in code with reverse()
    - encapsulate the output of reverse() in request.build_absolute_uri()
      to get an absolute URI with site domain name, etc.
    - details are read back by the urlconf regexes (in urls.py) and passed
      to views as parameters
    - validation is "manual" e.g. using
        study = get_object_or_404(Study, pk=study_id)
        if not custom_is_valid_function(extraparam):
            raise Http404('error message')
    - ... or could validate manually with a form, e.g.
        form = MyForm(request.GET, extraparam)
      using the style at
        https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18769607/django-form-with-customer-parameter-and-validation-not-getting-clean-function  # noqa

2. Query parameters
    - can encode using urllib, e.g.
        def url_with_querystring(path, **kwargs):
            return path + '?' + urllib.urlencode(kwargs)
    - ?BETTER is to encode using Django's QueryDict and its urlencode()
        q = QueryDict(mutable=True)
        q['key'] = value
        querybits = q.urlencode()
    - read them like this:
        request.GET.get('key', 'defaultvalue')
    - or could read/validate them with a form and its validators:
        form = MyForm(request.GET):
        # ... might use a ChoiceField or other validators
        if form.is_valid():

3. Combining them
    ... etc ...

4. Which is best?
    - path parameters:
        best for fixed resource lookup
        elegant handling in Django; DRY
    - query parameters:
        best for display modification
        order can vary
        they can be optional
        form-based validation is simpler
    - sometimes either works

5. But if we're building a Django object...
    - consider a ModelForm
    - slide
        35 - basic pattern
        86 - unit testing
        99 - dynamically adding fields
      of http://www.slideshare.net/pydanny/advanced-django-forms-usage
      BUT SEE
      ... use this:
        request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else None
      not this:
        request.POST or None

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2345708/how-can-i-get-the-full-absolute-url-with-domain-in-django  # noqa
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/150505/capturing-url-parameters-in-request-get  # noqa
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2778247/how-do-i-construct-a-django-reverse-url-using-query-args  # noqa

Back-end processing: Celery
- High-end optimum broker for Celery is perhaps RabbitMQ.
  Can persist messages to disk (or say you don't care).
  But moderately complex.
- Simpler is Celery with the Django database backend as the broker.
  And we have a very low volume of traffic.


- pip install celery
- in Django settings.py
    BROKER_URL = 'django://'
    INSTALLED_APPS should include 'kombu.transport.django'
- manage.py migrate
    ... will make tables djkombu_message, djkombu_queue
- follow http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/django/first-steps-with-django.html

- to run a debugging worker:
    cd .../crateweb
    celery -A consent worker --loglevel=debug

- NOTE difficulty with PYTHONPATH
    ... if PYTHONPATH includes .../crate and .../crate/crateweb,
    Django moans when you start about duplicate filesystem locations.
    ... if it only includes .../crate and you start Celery from a random
    location with "crateweb.consent" as the module name, it can't find
    other Django bits like "userprofile".
    ... so the above seems simplest.
    ... and celery also says you have to:

- Anyway, success now.

- However, database is going to grow (old messages not pruned).
  Generally true? I'm unclear; https://github.com/celery/kombu/issues/276

  Let's try RabbitMQ.

    sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
    # ... will autostart service

  Easy. Also, much snappier.

  Will start with localhost-only access via the "guest" account:

    sudo rabbitmqctl status
    sudo rabbitmqctl report

mod_wsgi-express, etc.

# http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2015/04/introducing-modwsgi-express.html
# http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2015/04/using-modwsgi-express-with-django.html
# http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2015/04/integrating-modwsgi-express-as-django.html
# http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2015/05/using-modwsgi-express-as-development.html
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mod_wsgi
# https://gist.github.com/GrahamDumpleton/b79d336569054882679e

# https://opensourcemissions.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/finally-a-working-django-non-root-url-with-mod_wsgi/
# https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-users/xFdZnKq26H0
# https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8906

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30566836/how-to-autostart-apachectl-script-that-mod-wsgi-express-made-for-django

Celery (etc.) as daemon, and overall stack

Most convenient to use supervisor/django-supervisor?
Supervisor won't install via pip for Python 3. It's Python 2 only at present:
However, it is an Ubuntu package (supervisor).
Then we can use django-supervisor.
    ... or maybe not; the installation is difficult.

The "raw" Celery methods are:

Possibly just follow this, which is clear:

supervisord / PYTHONPATH

Overall stack

- We want very simple installation.
- Happy to mandate Ubuntu/Debian for now. (CentOS is a pain, for a start.)
- Several components of the stack auto-run (Apache; RabbitMQ).
- No pressing reason not to run "proper" Apache.
  Alternative include "standalone" Apache via mod_wsgi-express, which would
  need daemonizing; other similar Python-based servers like nginx/gunicorn
- If Apache is used, then that keeps the Django bit up and running.
- Only other bit that needs daemonizing is Celery; we can daemonize that with
  supervisord (which can be installed via Ubuntu).
  Once configured, this works beautifully.

  For monitoring, can use:
    sudo supervisorctl

- So installation process would be:

    sudo gdebi --non-interactive PACKAGE
    ... ensure Ubuntu requirements
        ... makes RabbitMQ happen automatically
        ... Apache configuration is the user's business (but we offer instructions)
    ... install code to /usr/share/crate
    ... create virtualenv in /usr/share/crate/virtualenv
        using sub-script install_virtualenv.sh
            (1) virtualenv: /usr/share/crate/virtualenv
            (2) secrets: /etc/crate
        ... ensure Python package requirements
        ... create specimen /etc/crate/crate_local_settings.py
        ... create customized instructions.txt for Apache, supervisord
    ... create some scripts in /usr/share/crate
        - launch demo Django server
        - launch debugging Celery backend
    ... restart supervisor
    ... restart Apache, if running

- The other possibility might be to run a separate web server and proxy it from Apache, e.g.
  It adds another thing to fall over, but it would allow Apache to run without
  restarting even when Python apps need to be restarted (a positive...).
  Plus it would allow non-root running more simply, since port 80 is restricted.
  And it minimizes the amount of Apache configuration required from the end user.
  And it makes "development versus production" simpler.
  It also has the consequence that we don't have mod_wsgi tied to a specific
  Python version, which is a massive pain.
- OK. Let's give it a go with gunicorn.


Unix domain sockets

- Working
- However, Django debug toolbar stops working


    ... see fix to INTERNAL_IPS, which is a bit bizarre, in the specimen
    config file.

SSL proxy


NOT THE SIMPLEST: To use Apache with mod_wsgi
# ... we'll skip this.

(a) Add Ubuntu prerequisites

    sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 libapache2-mod-xsendfile

(b) Configure Apache for CRATE.
    Use a section like this in the Apache config file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    # ...

    # =========================================================================
    # CRATE
    # =========================================================================

    # Define a process group (using the specimen name crate_pg)
    # Must use threads=1 (code may not be thread-safe).
    # Example here with 5 processes.
    WSGIDaemonProcess crate_pg processes=5 threads=1 python-path=$SITE_PACKAGES:$DEST_DJANGO_ROOT:$SECRETS_DIR

    # Point a particular URL to a particular WSGI script (using the specimen path /crate)
    WSGIScriptAlias /crate $DEST_DJANGO_ROOT/config/wsgi.py process-group=crate_pg

    # Redirect requests for static files, and admin static files.
    # MIND THE ORDER - more specific before less specific.
    Alias /static/admin/ $SITE_PACKAGES/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/
    # Alias /static/debug_toolbar/ $SITE_PACKAGES/debug_toolbar/static/debug_toolbar/
    Alias /static/ $DEST_DJANGO_ROOT/static/

    # Make our set of processes use a specific process group
    <Location /crate>
        WSGIProcessGroup crate_pg

    # Allow access to the WSGI script
    <Directory $DEST_DJANGO_ROOT/config>
        <Files "wsgi.py">
            Require all granted

    # Allow access to the static files
    <Directory $DEST_DJANGO_ROOT/static>
        Require all granted

    # Allow access to the admin static files
    <Directory $SITE_PACKAGES/django/contrib/admin/static/admin>
        Require all granted

    # Allow access to the debug toolbar static files
    # <Directory $SITE_PACKAGES/debug_toolbar/static/debug_toolbar>
    #     Require all granted
    # </Directory>


(c) Additionally, install mod_xsendfile, e.g. (on Ubuntu):

        sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-xsendfile

    ... which will implicitly run "a2enmod xsendfile" to enable it. Then add to
    the Apache config file in an appropriate place:

        # Turn on XSendFile
        <IfModule mod_xsendfile.c>
            XSendFile on
            XSendFilePath /MY/SECRET/CRATE/FILE/ZONE
            # ... as configured in your secret crate_local_settings.py

- If you get problems, check the log, typically /var/log/apache2/error.log
- If it's a permissions problem, check the www-data user can see the file:
    sudo -u www-data cat FILE
    # ... using an absolute path
    groups USER
- If Chrome fails to load GIFs and says "pending" in the Network developer
  view, restart Chrome. (Probably only a "caching of failure" during

Standalone Apache with mod_wsgi-express

    pip install mod_wsgi-httpd  # a bit slow; don't worry
    pip install mod_wsgi

    mod_wsgi-express start-server config.wsgi \\
        --application-type module \\
        --log-to-terminal \\
        --port 80 \\
        --processes 5 \\
        --python-path $SECRETS_DIR \\
        --threads 1 \\
        --url-alias /static $DEST_DJANGO_ROOT/static \\
        --working-directory $DEST_DJANGO_ROOT

- This changes to the working directory and uses config/wsgi.py
- Add --reload-on-changes for debugging.
- Port 80 will require root privilege.


versioning (think for CamCOPS and for consent mode)

    Python 3 support and production/stable -- narrows to
        Django Reversion
    ... of which Django Reversion looks best, as it can "version"

Making the debug toolbar appear in different settings

# If you want to use the Django debug toolbar while proxying (e.g. between
# gunicorn and Apache) through a Unix domain socket, this will wipe out
# REMOTE_ADDR, which is checked in debug_toolbar.middleware.show_toolbar .
# Bizarrely, while at first glance it looks like b'', it's actually "b''"!
# So you would need this:
#     '',  # for port proxy
#     "b''",  # for Unix domain socket proxy
# )
# An alternative is to set DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG as per
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28226940/django-debug-toolbar-wont-display-from-production-server  # noqa
# Like this:

def always_show_toolbar(request):
    return True # Always show toolbar, for example purposes only.

    'SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK': always_show_toolbar,

SQL Server


- Microsoft SQL Server drivers:
  OLD: ODBC: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh568451(v=sql.110).aspx
  NEW: JDBC: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=11774
  OPEN SOURCE: jTDS: http://jtds.sourceforge.net/

- Django-Jython supports zxJDBC, which supports SQL Server via jTDS:
  # 'ENGINE': 'doj.db.backends.mssql',

- Jython is Python in a JVM. It's not clear this is very easy to set up with Apache.

- Django (Python) support Microsoft SQL Server via django-mssql, but that is Windows only, and doesn't support Linux.

- Another Python route, looking dated:
  Django / django-sqlserver / python-tds
  https://github.com/denisenkom/django-sqlserver  # BECOMING OUT OF DATE? SAYS IT CAN'T HANDLE DATETIME COLUMNS PROPERLY.
  # django-sqlserver was formerly called django-pytds
  # OLD # https://bitbucket.org/denisenkom/django-pytds


- Another Python route, looking more recent:
  Django / django-pymssql / pymssql / [?FreeTDS]

- Another Python route, but not Python 3:
  Django / django-pyodbc


LIKELY BEST? AVOID JAVA. And jaydebeapi is a bit flaky, and doesn't integrate with Django as yet.

Django / django-pyodbc-azure / pyodbc / UnixODBC / FreeTDS

  +/- https://code.google.com/p/django-pyodbc/wiki/FreeTDS
  +/- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24906016/exception-value-08001-08001-unixodbcfreetdssql-serverunable-to-con
  and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20283199/django-pyodbc-azure-databaseerror-42000-42000-error-converting-data-type
  ... = how to set TDS protocol version with Django

... NB not old UnixODBC versions: https://github.com/michiya/django-pyodbc-azure/issues/4

SUMMARY: From Django onwards through the stack:

        quasi-endorsed by Django but FAIL: needs Windows
        POSSIBLE? django-sqlserver==1.7 -- BUGGY; tries to import "django.db.backends.util" (should be "utils") with Django 1.9rc1

django-pyodbc-azure -> unixODBC -> FreeTDS -> SQL Server
- https://github.com/michiya/django-pyodbc-azure/blob/azure/README.rst

1. On the Windows end (in this case,

    (*) SQL Server Configuration Manager (from Windows Start menu)
        > SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration
        > Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
        > TCP/IP
        > Enabled (and double-click "TCP/IP" for more settings)

    (*) Create a database in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
        e.g. crate_sqlserver_db

    (*) Create a user:
        Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
        > [root server, e.g. WOMBATVMXP]
        > Security
        > Logins
        > (right-click: Add Login)
        >   Login name = crate_user
            SQL Server authentication
                password = something
            set sensible defaults like not requiring password change

    (*) Allow the user access
        Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
        > New Query [button]
            USE crate_sqlserver_db;
            -- NOT SURE -- EXEC sp_grantdbaccess crate_user;
            -- DOESN'T DO MUCH -- GRANT ALL TO crate_user;
            EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'crate_user';

    (*) Allow proper logins via TCP/IP:
        Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
        > [root server, e.g. WOMBATVMXP]
        > Security
        > Logins
        > (right-click: Properties)
        > Security
            Server authentication = SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode

    (*) Services > stop/restart "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)"

    (*) netstat -a
        ... to verify port 1433 is open (or "ms-sql-s")

    (*) from another machine, check the port is open:
        telnet 1433

    OK. Back to the Linux end.

2. Get latest FreeTDS (see also http://www.freetds.org/)

    $ sudo apt-get install freetds-bin tdsodbc

    ... note that tdsodbc is critical for /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so

3. Test the FreeTDS connection

    $ TDSVER=8.0 tsql -H -p 1433 -U crate_user -P something

    Failure levels:
        "No route to host"
        "Connection refused"
            -- duff port or port not open
        "Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted
        SQL Server connection." / "Adaptive Server connection failed"
            -- better... need to allow TCP/IP access
        "Cannot open user default database. Using master database instead."
            -- much better; need the grant command as above
    At the point of success:
        locale is "en_GB.UTF-8"
        locale charset is "UTF-8"
        using default charset "UTF-8"

        1> SELECT * FROM notes
        2> GO
        > VERSION
        ... to show TDS protocol version
    Which version? Choose from
    ... but if you get "unrecognized msgno", go up.

4. Get unixODBC and nice tools

    $ sudo apt-get install unixodbc-bin

5. Configure ODBC

    - ignore /etc/freetds/freetds.conf
        ... though there are some optional [global] settings there

    - in /etc/odbcinst.ini

        Description = FreeTDS (SQL Server protocol driver for Unix)
        Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
        Setup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsS.so

    - in /etc/odbc.ini, or ~/.odbc.ini

        description = "CRATE test SQL Server 2005 database on Wombat VMXP"
        driver = FreeTDS
        TDS_Version = 8.0
        ; which TDS version setting is read, of the several possibilities? See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13066716
        server =
        port = 1433

    $ odbcinst -j  # print config information
    $ odbcinst -q -d  # query drivers
    $ odbcinst -q -s  # query data sources
    $ ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4  # visual confirmation of everything

6. Configure Django

    - in settings.py:

        'research': {
            'ENGINE': 'sql_server.pyodbc',
            'NAME': 'crate_sqlserver_db',
            'USER': 'crate_user',
            'PASSWORD': 'something',
            'OPTIONS': {
                'dsn': 'crate_sqlserver_odbc',

    - should then work.

13.2.9. notes_on_database_schemas.txt

Microsoft SQL Server

In Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL), at least from 2005+, there are 4 "layers":

    SELECT database_name.schema_name.table_name.column_name
    FROM database_name.schema_name.table_name;

The default schema is 'dbo'.
(In old versions of MSSQL, up to SQL Server 2000, "owners" stood in the stead
of schemas; the default owner was 'dbo', the database owner.)

- https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd283095(v=sql.100).aspx
- https://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/09/07/sql-server-importance-of-database-schemas-in-sql-server/

Default schemas include:

... so there's one of those for EACH database.

- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb669061(v=vs.110).aspx

Can a connection talk to >1 database? Yes.
A connection has a database context.
This is set automatically to the default database for the login, and can be
set or changed explicitly using
    USE mydatabase;

- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188366.aspx

SELECTed things can actually be 5-layered; the "table"-level one can be any

    | database_name.[schema_name].object_name
    | schema_name.object_name
    | object_name

- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177563.aspx

To describe a database, use its INFORMATION_SCHEMA.


Similar to SQL Server in that the levels are database/schema/table/column.

However, Postgres doesn't allow you to query across databases, so "schema"
becomes more important.

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1152405/postgresql-is-it-better-using-multiple-databases-with-1-schema-each-or-1-datab
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46324/possible-to-perform-cross-database-queries-with-postgres
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4678862/joining-results-from-two-separate-databases
- http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/FAQ#How_do_I_perform_queries_using_multiple_databases.3F

The default PostgreSQL schema is 'public'.

- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/ddl-schemas.html


- http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~shadow/sql/sql1992.txt


SCHEMA and DATABASE are synonymous.

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11618277/difference-between-schema-database-in-mysql
- https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/glossary.html#glos_schema

The SELECT statement can go up to:

    SELECT database_name.table_name.column_name
    FROM database_name.table_name;

As before, the USE statement allows you to specify a particular default
database, but doesn't stop you querying from others.

- https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/use.html

INFORMATION_SCHEMA is at the same level as databases.
... and the TABLE_CATALOG column is meaningless.

See als:
- http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/3774/what-is-the-point-of-the-table-catalog-column-in-information-schema-tables

CRATE web interface

- We will have a single connection to the research database(s).
- That is django.conf.settings.DATABASES['research'].
- We will want to scan, potentially, several schemas.
- We don't want a distinction between the "browse structure" views and the
  query builder.
- We'll need to know the dialect, to know whether we need to use d.s.t.c
  or a three-level structure.
- For MySQL, should we call the top level "database" or "schema"?
- Well, the concept of schemas allows enforced foreign keys between two
  different schemas in the same database (in SQL Server).
  - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2095268/foreign-key-reference-to-table-in-another-schema
- SQL Server doesn't allow referential constraints across databases, except
  via manual triggers
  - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4452132/add-foreign-key-relationship-between-two-databases
- What about MySQL?
  MySQL allows FKs between two different databases, I think:
  - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3905013/mysql-innodb-foreign-key-between-different-databases
  ... but are they properly enforced? I think so.
- That would make a MySQL {database/schema} more like an SQL Server schema,
  rather than an SQL Server database.
- On the other hand, from the outside in, "database" probably makes more sense
  to users.

- Therefore, we'll say that RESEARCH_DB_INFO has keys:
    database  -- None for MySQL/PostgreSQL

- The query builder may or may not offer the additional "database" level.

13.2.10. old notes.txt

Considered but not implemented

- NOT YET SUITABLE FOR PYTHON 3: the following dependencies do not work:
    docx (in rnc_extract_text.py)

- Ability to run an incremental update from a partial data set.
  Since this data set might not include all identifiers, the software would
  have to store the anonymisation information (e.g. a repr()-style
  representation of the regexes) and work on the assumption that identifiers
  can be added but not subtracted. However, this is still problematic: if
  a scrubber has changed, the rows it's scrubbed should be re-scrubbed, but
  that requires the original data source (unless one were just to re-scrub
  the destination from its previous version, which would give potentially
  inconsistent results). So not implemented.


    For a test source database mostly consisting of text (see makedata.py),
    on a 8-core x 3.5-Ghz machine, including (non-full-text) indexing:

from __future__ import division
test_size_mb = 1887
time_s = 84
speed_mb_per_s = test_size_mb / time_s
cpft_size_gb = 84
estimated_cpft_time_min = cpft_size_gb * 1024 * time_s / (test_size_mb * 60)

    Initial speed tests (Mb/s):
        7.9 Mb/s with 1 process, 8 threads
        8.6 Mb/s with 1 process, 16 threads
        18.0 Mb/s with 8 patient processes + 1 for non-patient tables.
        18.0 Mb/s with 16 patient processes + 1 for non-patient tables.
    Most recent:
        22.5 Mb/s with 8 patient processes + 1 for non-patient tables.
    See launch_multiprocess.sh.
    Guesstimate for Feb 2015 CPFT RiO database (about 84 Gb): 1 h 04 min.
    Note that the full-text indexing is very slow, and would be extra.

Incremental updates:

    Where a full run takes 126s, an incremental run with nothing to do takes

MySQL full-text indexing:


    Once indexed, change this conventional SQL:
        SELECT something
        WHERE field1 LIKE '%word%' OR field2 LIKE '%word%';

    to one of these:
        SELECT something
        WHERE MATCH(field1, field2) AGAINST ('word');

        SELECT something
        WHERE MATCH(field1, field2) AGAINST ('word');

    ... and there are some more subtle options.

    Improves speed from e.g.:
        SELECT brcid FROM notes WHERE note LIKE '%Citibank%';
        ... 10.66 s
        SELECT brcid FROM idxnotes WHERE MATCH(note) AGAINST('citibank');
        ...  0.49 s

    NOTE: requires MySQL 5.6 to use FULLTEXT indexes with InnoDB tables (as
    opposed to MyISAM tables, which don't support transactions).

    On Ubuntu 14.04, default MySQL is 5.5, so use:
        sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server-core-5.6 \
            mysql-client-5.6 mysql-client-core-5.6
    ... but it does break dependences on (e.g.) mysql-server, so not yet done.


python -m cProfile -s cumtime tools/launch_cherrypy_server.py > ~/tmp/profile.txt


- A normal PID might be an 'M' number, RiO number, or some other such system-
  specific ID number. A master PID might be an NHS number.
- There must not be collisions in the PID -> RID mapping; we need to keep our
  patients separate.
- The transformation must involve something unknown outside this (open-
  source) code. If we used encrypted = hashlib.sha256(plaintext).hexdigest(),
  then anybody could run that function over a bunch of integers from 0 to
  9,999,999,999 and they'd have a simple way of reversing the algorithm for
  all PIDs up to that value.
- So the options are
  (a) hash with a secret salt;
  (b) hash with a random salt;
  (c) encrypt with a secret key.
- We can't use (b), because we want consistency in our PID -> RID mappings
  when we we re-run the anonymisation.
- We do need to reverse one or both transformations, for consent-to-contact
  methods (and potentially clinicaly use), but only a superuser/research
  database manager should be able to do this.
- Thus, if we hash with a secret salt, we'd have to store the PID/RID mapping
  somewhere safe.
- If we encrypt, we can skip that storage and just keep the secret key.
- We also want a consistent output length.
- With encryption, if the key is leaked, everything encrypted with it is
  available to those with access to the encrypted data. With a secret
  constant salt, the same is true (given a dictionary attack, since the stuff
  being encrypted is just a bunch of integers).
- This is *not* the same problem as password storage, where we don't care if
  two users have the same passwords. Here, we need to distinguish patients
  by the RID. It may be acceptable to use a per-patient salt, and then store
  the PID/RID mapping, but for an incremental update one would have to rely
  on being able to retrieve the old PID/RID mapping, or the mapping would
  change. So: per-patient salt wouldn't be safe for incremental updates.
- We're left with (a) and (c). Both are in principle vulnerable to loss of
  the secret information; but that will always be true of a reversible
- One benefit of encryption, is that we could use public-key encryption and
  this program would then never need to know the decryption key (whereas with
  a hash, it needs to know the salt, so loss of this program's config file
  will be of concern). The decryption key can be stored somewhere especially
  secret. However, RSA (for example) produces long output, e.g. 1024 bytes.
- Remaining options then include:
  (a) SHA256 hash with secret salt;
  (c) AES256 encryption with secret key.
  I don't think either has a strong advantage over the other, so since we do
  have to be able to reverse the system, we might as well use AES256. But
  then... AES should really have a random initialization vector (IV) used
  (typically stored with the encrypted output, which is fine), but that means
  that a second encryption of the same thing (e.g. for a second anonymisation
  run) gives a different output.
- If we want to use hex encoding and end up with an encrypted thing of length
  32 bytes, then the actual pre-hex value needs to be 16 bytes, etc.
- Anyway, pragmatic weakening of security for practical purposes: let's use
  an MD5 hash with a secret salt.


- Incremental updates following small data dictionary changes, e.g. field
  addition. Currently, these require a full re-run.


Q.  Segmentation fault (core dumped)... ?
A.  Short answer: use the Microsoft JDBC driver instead of the Microsoft ODBC
    driver for Linux, which is buggy.

    Long answer, i.e. working this out:

    Examine the core with gdb anonymise.py ~/core
    ... then it tells you which program generated the core
    ... then gdb PROGRAM ~/core
    ... but actually the likely reason is being out of RAM
    ... monitor memory use with
            top (press M)
            watch free -m
    ... tried: reduce the innodb_thread_concurrency variable as above, and
        restart MySQL (under Ubuntu/Debian, with: sudo service mysql restart).
        - didn't fix it
    ... for 32M max_allowed_packet, use 320M (not 512M) for the logfile
        - did significantly reduce memory usage, but still crashed, and not
          while processing a large record
        - longest BLOB in this data set is
    So, systematic method:
    (1) What's the biggest packet needed? Estimate with:
            SELECT MAX(LEN(giantbinaryfield)) FROM relevanttable;
        ... in our case (CRS/CDL test): 39,294,299 = 37.47 MiB.
        So with a bit of margin, let's use
            max_allowed_packet = 40M
            innodb_log_file_size = 400M
    (2) Then set max number of rows and bytes, e.g. to 1000 rows and 80 MiB.
    OK, actually relates to a single specific record -- found using MySQL
    log with
            SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';
            SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log_file';
    ... but actually not relating to insertion at all, but to retrieval
    ... nrows=90060 then crash in gen_rows at the point of cursor.fetchone()
    ... This?
    ... changing rnc_db to use pypyodbc rather than pyodbc:
            sudo pip install pypyodbc
            import pypyodbc as pyodbc
        ... crashed at the same point (segfault).
        ... so back to pyodbc
    ... git clone https://github.com/mkleehammer/pyodbc
        ... getdata.cpp, as one bughunt above suggested, already has that fix
    ... sudo pip install pyodbc --upgrade  # from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7
        ... no change
    ... try the query using Perl and DBI::ODBC -- also crashes.
        So probably a bug in the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 for Linux.
    ... can't use FreeTDS because the SQL Server won't let us login (another
        Microsoft bug).
    ... removing the VARCHAR(MAX) fields from the data dictionary makes it happy again.
    ... random: http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2011/09/notes-sqlalchemy-w-pyodbc-freetds-ubuntu/

    [Full details in private log.]

    Switched to the JDBC driver.
    Problem went away.

Q.  "Killed."
A.  Out of memory.
    - Reduce MySQL memory footprint; see notes below.
    Testing on a rather small machine (0.5 Gb RAM, 1 Gb swap).
    Inspect what was running:

        # cat /var/log/syslog

    Remove memory-hogging things:

        # apt-get purge modemmanager
        - change the report_crashes parameter to false in the /etc/default/whoopsie file.
        # service whoopsie stop
        # apt-get remove unity unity-asset-pool unity-control-center unity-control-center-signon unity-gtk-module-common unity-lens* unity-services unity-settings-daemon unity-webapps* unity-voice-service
        ... NOT YET REMOVED: network-manager

    Inspect it:

        # pmap -x <process_id>

    - http://www.lshift.net/blog/2008/11/14/tracing-python-memory-leaks/

        $ python -m pdb ./anonymise.py
        (Pdb) run crs_cdl_anon.ini -v
        (Pdb) c

    Use openDBcopy to copy the database: http://opendbcopy.sourceforge.net/

            export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
            cd ~/openDBcopy/bin
            ./start.sh &

        Plugin chain:

            - Migrate database schema (DDL)

                0.  Configuration

                1.  Database connections
                        Driver name = Microsoft MSSQL Server JDBC Driver
                        Driver class = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
                        URL = jdbc:sqlserver://XXX:1433;databaseName=XXX
                        User name = XXX
                        Password = XXX
                        Driver name = MySQL Driver
                        Driver class = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
                        URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DATABASENAME
                        User name = XXX
                        Password = XXX
                    TEST BOTH.

                2.  Source model
                        Catalog = [DATABASE NAME]
                        Schema = dbo
                        Table pattern = %
                    CAPTURE SOURCE MODEL.

                3.  Tables to migrate
                        = all by default

                4.  Columns to migrate
                        = all by default

            - Copy data from a source into a destination database

        ... NOT WORKING.

    - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27068092/jpype-java-initialize-with-or-get-remaining-heap-space

    - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1178736/mysql-maximum-memory-usage

    - see estimate_mysql_memory_usage.sh
    - changed innodb_buffer_pool_size from 128M to 16M
        ... big improvement; mysqld %MEM (in top) went from ~30% to ~10%
    - RTF processing takes lots of memory, using Python/pyth
        ... significant improvement after switching to Linux/unrtf
        ... similarly, using Linux/pdftotext rather than Python/pdfminer

    - Show table size and number of rows in MySQL (note: APPROXIMATE):

        SELECT table_name AS 'Table',
            ROUND(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) AS "Size in MiB",
            table_rows AS 'Approx. # rows'
        FROM information_schema.TABLES
        WHERE table_schema = DATABASE()
        ORDER BY table_name;

    TEMPORARY HOLDUP: not enough disk space (~9.2 Gb on CPFT test machine):

        | Table               | Size in MiB | table_rows |
        | address             |       63.61 |     431262 |
        | alias               |        5.52 |      58468 |
        | assessment          |      256.63 |       9725 |
        | careplan            |      191.64 |      16801 |
        | careplangoal        |       98.64 |     187922 |
        | cdlinternalreferral |        2.52 |       4679 |
        | cdlpatient          |        2.52 |      14014 |
        | cgas                |        1.52 |       2571 |
        | dependant           |        0.13 |       1001 |
        | diagnosis           |        8.52 |      76361 |
        | documentlibrary     |     3795.00 |     474874 |
        | employment_status   |        0.02 |          0 |
        | exclude             |        0.02 |          0 |
        | honos               |        0.02 |          0 |
        | honos_65            |        0.02 |          0 |
        | honos_ca            |        0.02 |          0 |
        | honos_ld            |        0.02 |          0 |
        | honos_secure        |        0.02 |          0 |
        | living_arrangements |        0.02 |          0 |
        | mpi                 |        0.02 |          0 |
        | personal_carers     |        0.02 |          0 |
        | practicegp          |        0.02 |          0 |
        | procedures          |        0.02 |          0 |
        | referral            |        0.02 |          0 |
        | schedules           |        0.02 |          0 |
        | team_episodes       |        0.02 |          0 |
        | telephone           |        0.02 |          0 |
        | ward_stays          |        0.02 |          0 |
        28 rows in set (0.42 sec)


        _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1114, "The table 'documentlibrary' is full")

        Since we want to test with all patients being processed but only a
        subset of documents (to make sure all documents are anonymised), let's
        add the debug_row_limit and debug_limited_tables options in the config.

    Source (NB exact number of rows):

    2015-04-25 20:44:05.676:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.address: 394511 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.701:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.alias: 58606 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.722:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.assessment: 10874 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.762:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.careplan: 17601 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.820:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.careplangoal: 203553 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.851:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.cdlinternalreferral: 5098 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.869:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.cdlpatient: 13021 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.878:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.cgas: 2523 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.892:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.dependant: 953 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:05.922:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.diagnosis: 74119 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.075:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.documentlibrary: 691360 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.081:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.employment_status: 11874 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.093:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.honos: 16530 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.098:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.honos_65: 11948 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.112:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.honos_ca: 48 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.140:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.honos_ld: 866 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.151:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.honos_secure: 308 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.164:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.living_arrangements: 676 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.200:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.mpi: 159506 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.216:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.personal_carers: 37788 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.284:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.practicegp: 350050 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.292:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.procedures: 2688 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.376:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.referral: 353714 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:06.983:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.schedules: 2948420 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:07.028:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.team_episodes: 151836 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:07.064:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.telephone: 148720 records
    2015-04-25 20:44:07.097:INFO:anonymise:crs_cdl_network.ward_stays: 131985 records

    After phase 1 of copying/text extraction, with a 1000-row limit on the
    documentlibrary table (NB approximate number of rows):

    | Table               | Size in MiB | Approx. # rows |
    | address             |       70.13 |         425752 |
    | alias               |        7.03 |          59073 |
    | assessment          |      256.83 |          10318 |
    | careplan            |      191.95 |          20559 |
    | careplangoal        |      102.16 |         192640 |
    | cdlinternalreferral |        2.63 |           4741 |
    | cdlpatient          |        2.75 |          13209 |
    | cgas                |        1.59 |           2505 |
    | dependant           |        0.14 |            886 |
    | diagnosis           |       10.03 |          75277 |
    | documentlibrary     |        8.56 |           1274 |
    | employment_status   |        1.73 |          11945 |
    | exclude             |        0.02 |              0 |
    | honos               |        9.81 |          16171 |
    | honos_65            |        5.73 |          11701 |
    | honos_ca            |        0.06 |             63 |
    | honos_ld            |        0.50 |            912 |
    | honos_secure        |        0.23 |            309 |
    | living_arrangements |        0.11 |            588 |
    | mpi                 |       28.08 |         160866 |
    | personal_carers     |        7.03 |          38366 |
    | practicegp          |       80.13 |         354670 |
    | procedures          |        0.44 |           2225 |
    | referral            |      109.17 |         357245 |
    | schedules           |      990.59 |        2952553 |
    | team_episodes       |       35.08 |         151676 |
    | telephone           |       17.03 |         149018 |
    | ward_stays          |       29.08 |         131564 |

Q.  Crash when closing cursor after reading VARBINARY(MAX) field (via SQL
    Server JDBC interface, via jpype, via jaydebeapi).
A.  Short answer: fixed internally (in rnc_db.py) by reconfiguring the SQL
    Server JDBC connection.

    Long answer/thoughts:

    ps aux
    gdb -p 28896

        #0  0x00007fbfd1b3f14b in __libc_recv (fd=21, buf=0x7fff06f5a300, n=8,
            flags=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/recv.c:33
        #1  0x00007fbfc09ece1d in ?? ()
           from /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/libnet.so
        #2  0x00007fbfc09e8bd0 in Java_java_net_SocketInputStream_socketRead0 ()
           from /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/libnet.so
        #3  0x00007fbfc10989a1 in ?? ()
        #4  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

    Related to this bug?

    Occurs when you call cursor.close() of jaydebeapi:

    Unrelated to any conversion that I was doing.

    sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jre  # though didn't get rid of java

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

    ... no help


    Nasty workaround:
        don't close the cursors; use a set for each database?
        ... didn't help: crashed on the table *after* the one with the
        VARBINARY(MAX) field.

    SQL Server / JDBC driver / connection properties:
    ... and data types:

        Use responseBuffering = adaptive in the settings for the SQL Server
        JDBC driver.

    Enabling JDBC logging
    $ find /usr -name "logging.properties"
            ... this one (check with: java -version)
    Default handler is the console. Unchanged line:
        # handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
        handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, java.util.logging.FileHandler
    Add line:
    Change logger level:
        java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINEST
    OR configure file handler:
        java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = %h/java%u.log
        java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 5000000
        java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 20
        java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
        java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = FINEST

    Python 3 changes -- not done, but some notes:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

    import bcrypt  # sudo apt-get install python3-bcrypt
    import configparser  # was: import ConfigParser
    import dateutil  # sudo apt-get install python3-dateutil
    import M2Crypto  # sudo apt-get install swig; sudo pip3 install M2Crypto  # INSTALLS BUT FAILS TO IMPORT
    import pytz  # sudo pip3 install pytz
    import regex  # sudo apt-get install python3-regex
    import sortedcontainers  # sudo pip3 install sortedcontainers


CRATE: Clinical Records Anonymisation and Text Extraction

JDBC SQL tools

- Squirrel SQL
    - Install

        wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/squirrel-sql/1-stable/3.6.0/squirrel-sql-3.6-standard.jar?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsquirrel-sql.sourceforge.net%2F&ts=1432028753&use_mirror=netcologne

        # now rename the result to squirrel-sql-3.6-standard.jar

        java -jar squirrel-sql-3.6-standard.jar

        # install, picking Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL as plugins,
        # plus "Multi Source" and "Data import"
        # Will then run from its new directory, via

        squirrel-sql-3.6/squirrel-sql.sh &

    - Configure SQL Server

        Windows > View Drivers > Microsoft MSSQL Server JDBC Driver
            > Extra Class Path
            > find sqljdbc_4.1/enu/sqljdbc41.jar

        Windows > View Aliases > Add Alias
            ... set up the database
            ... test connection
        URL defaults to:
        Since it didn't work, using this:
        It copes with specifying the username/password in the dialogue box.

    - Configure MySQL

        Extra classpath is /usr/share/java/mysql.jar
        Beforehand: sudo apt-get install libmysql-java
        URL: jdbc:mysql://{host}:{port}/{database}

Django app and project structure

- want a single virtualenv
- Django app may want to access anonymisation classes e.g. data dictionary
- top-level Python programs should be distinct from imported files

- http://python-notes.curiousefficiency.org/en/latest/python_concepts/import_traps.html

Profiling the Django app

python -m cProfile -o c:\CRATE_PROFILE.profile crate_anon/tools/launch_cherrypy_server.py

Static files, speed, etc.

- Minimize the number of templates (e.g. remove action_only_form.html).
- At present we're using {% include %} to put CSS in.
- This would be faster with static URLs.
- However, the tricky bit is PDF generation, for which wkhtmltopdf needs to
  have embedded CSS (since we can't guarantee its network access to our own web
- Can this be managed better? If so, several things could go to static:
    - base.css
    - collapse.js
    - potentially a new fancier Javascript file for query building
- We could achieve this with our pdf_template_dict() function, which is called
  for all PDF generation. It could bake in appropriate CSS, by loading the
  static file directly in code (and caching the result).
- Similarly for e-mail generation, where CSS also needs to be embedded.
- Just define convenience functions:
        render_pdf_html_to_string(template, context)
        render_email_html_to_string(template, context)
- But the tricky bits:
    - collapse.js refers to static image files, and relative paths are from
      the HTML, not the JS, so "./plus.gif" doesn't work. It needs to know the
      URL prefix for static files, so that's a problem.
      - But we can split it: variable definition in HTML/template, and the rest
        in static JS.
- For email.css (included from base_email.html), speed isn't critical. Let's
  leave that as it is.
- Removed base_root.html, taking out one layer of regular indirection.
- Now, base_email.html and base_pdf.html have CSS passed to them by the
  convenience functions (extracted in Python). The web one, base.html, uses
  links to static files.



  - You need an auditing tool, so we've provided one; see the contents of the
    "mysql_auditor" directory.
  - Download and install mysql-proxy, at least version 0.8.5, from
    Install its files somewhere sensible.
  - Configure (by editing) mysql_auditor.sh
  - Run it. By default it's configured for daemon mode. So you can do this:
        sudo ./mysql_auditor.sh CONFIGFILE start
  - By default the logs go in /var/log/mysql_auditor; the audit*.log files
    contain the queries, and the mysqlproxy*.log files contain information from
    the mysql-proxy program.
  - The audit log is a comma-separated value (CSV) file with these columns:
        - date/time, in ISO-8601 format with local timezone information,
          e.g. "2015-06-24T12:58:29+0100";
        - client IP address/port, e.g. "";
        - MySQL username, e.g. "root";
        - current schema (database), e.g. "test";
        - query, e.g. "SELECT * FROM mytable"
    Query results (or result success/failure status) are not shown.

  - To open fresh log files daily, run
        sudo FULLPATH/mysql_auditor.sh CONFIGFILE restart
    daily (e.g. from your /etc/crontab, just after midnight). Logs are named
    e.g. audit_2015_06_24.log, for their creation date.


    The nascent front end will also audit queries.
    (Since this runs a web service that in principle can have access to proper
    data, it's probably better to run a username system rather than rely on
    MySQL usernames alone. Therefore, it can use a single username, and a
    database-based auditing system. The administrator could also pipe its MySQL
    connection via the audit proxy, but doesn't have to.)

- functools.lru_cache is not thread-safe

  .. code-block:: none

    - Symptom:
        KeyError at /pe_df_results/4/
        (<crate_anon.crateweb.research.research_db_info.ResearchDatabaseInfo object at ...>,
        <TableId<db='RiO', schema='dbo', table='GenSENFunctionTest') at ...>)

        at get_mrid_linkable_patient_tables():

            if self.table_contains_rid(table):

        which is defined as:

            def table_contains_rid(self, table: TableId):

    - https://bugs.python.org/issue28969

    - Thus:

    - Then, also, the Django cache system:

13.2.11. Old pipeline notes



a)  Software prerequisites

    1)  MySQL 5.6 or later. For Ubuntu 14.10:

            $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server-core-5.6 \
                mysql-client-5.6 mysql-client-core-5.6
            - Download the corresponding MySQL Workbench from
              ... though it may moan about library incompatibilities

        ... but also sensible to use Ubuntu 15.04?

    2)  Stuff that should come with Ubuntu:
            Python 2.7

    3)  This toolkit:

            $ git clone https://github.com/RudolfCardinal/anonymise

    4)  GATE
        - Download GATE Developer
        - java -jar gate-8.0-build4825-installer.jar
        - Read the documentation; it's quite good.

b)  Ensure that the PYTHONPATH is pointing to necessary Python support files:

        $ . SET_PATHS.sh

    To ensure it's working:

        $ ./anonymise.py --help

c)  Ensure that all source database(s) are accessible to the Processing

d)  Write a draft config file, giving connection details for all source
    databases. To generate a demo config for editing:

        $ ./anonymise.py --democonfig > MYCONFIG.ini

    Edit it so that it can access your databases.

e)  Ensure that the data dictionary (DD) has been created, and then updated and
    verified by a human. To generate a draft DD from your databases for

        $ ./anonymise.py MYCONFIG.ini --draftdd

    Edit it with any TSV editor (e.g. Excel, LibreOffice Calc).


a)  Ensure that the databases are copied and ready.

b)  Add in any additional data. For example, if you want to process a postcode
    field to geographical output areas, such as
    then do it now; add in the new fields. Don't remove the old (raw) postcodes;
    they'll be necessary for anonymisation.

c)  UNCOMMON OPTION: anonymise using NLP to find names. See below.
    If you want to anonymise using NLP to find names, rather than just use the
    name information in your source database, run nlp_manager.py now, using
    (for example) the Person annotation from GATE's
    application, and send the output back into your database. You'll need to
    ensure the resulting data has patient IDs attached, probably with a view
    (see (d) below).

d)  Ensure every table that relates to a patient has a common field with the
    patient ID that's used across the database(s) to be anonymised.
    Create views if necessary. The data dictionary should reflect this work.

e)  Strongly consider using a row_id (e.g. integer primary key) field for each
    table. This will make natural language batch processing simpler (see


    - Make a record-by-record copy of tables in the source database(s).
      Handle tables that do and tables that don't contain patient-identifiable
    - Collect patient-identifiable information and use it to "scrub" free-text
      fields; for example, with forename=John, surname=Smith, and spouse=Jane,
      one can convert freetext="I saw John in clinic with Sheila present" to
      "I saw XXX in clinic with YYY present" in the output. Deal with date,
      numerical, textual, and number-as-text information sensibly.
    - Allow other aspects of information restriction, e.g. truncating dates of
      birth to the first of the month.
    - Apply one-way encryption to patient ID numbers (storing a secure copy for
      superuser re-identification).
    - Enable linking of data from multiple source databases with a common
      identifier (such as the NHS number), similarly encrypted.
    - For performance reasons, enable parallel processing and incremental
    - Deal with binary attachments containing text.

    For help: anonymise.py --help

        anonymise.py <configfile> [--threads=<n>]

    See example in launch_multiprocess.sh

    Work distribution
    - Best performance from multiprocess (not multithreaded) operation.
    - Drop/rebuild tables: single-process operation only.
    - Non-patient tables:
        - if there's an integer PK, split by row
        - if there's no integer PK, split by table (in sequence of all tables).
    - Patient tables: split by patient ID.
      (You have to process all scrubbing information from a patient
      simultaneously, so that's the unit of work. Patient IDs need to be
      integer for this method, though for no other reason.)
    - Indexes: split by table (in sequence of all tables requiring indexing).
      (Indexing a whole table at a time is fastest, not index by index.)

    Incremental updates
    - Supported via the --incremental option.
    - The problems include:
        - aspects of patient data (e.g. address/phone number) might, in a
          very less than ideal world, change rather than being added to. How
          to detect such a change?
        - If a new phone number is added (even in a sensible way) -- or, more
          importantly, a new alias (following an anonymisation failure),
          should re-scrub all records for that patient, even records previously
    - Solution:
        - Only tables with a suitable PK can be processed incrementally.
          The PK must appear in the destination database (and therefore can't
          be sensitive, but should be an uninformative integer).
          This is so that if a row is deleted from the source, one can check
          by looking at the destination.
        - For a table with a src_pk, one can set the add_src_hash flag.
          If set, then a hash of all source fields (more specifically: all that
          are not omitted from the destination, plus any that are used for
          scrubbing, i.e. scrubsrc_patient or scrubsrc_thirdparty) is created
          and stored in the destination database.
        - Let's call tables that use the src_pk/add_src_hash system "hashed"
        - During incremental processing:
            1. Non-hashed tables are dropped and rebuilt entirely.
               Any records in a hashed destination table that don't have a
               matching PK in their source table are deleted.
            2. For each patient, the scrubber is calculated. If the
               *scrubber's* hash has changed (stored in the secret_map table),
               then all destination records for that patient are reworked
               in full (i.e. the incremental option is disabled for that
            3. During processing of a table (either per-table for non-patient
               tables, or per-patient then per-table for patient tables), each
               row has its source hash recalculated. For a non-hashed table,
               this is then reprocessed normally. For a hashed table, if there
               is a record with a matching PK and a matching source hash, that
               record is skipped.

    Anonymising multiple databases together
    - RATIONALE: A scrubber will be built across ALL source databases, which
      may improve anonymisation.
    - If you don't need this, you can anonymise them separately (even into
      the same destination database, if you want to, as long as table names
      don't overlap).
    - The intention is that if you anonymise multiple databases together,
      then they must share a patient numbering (ID) system. For example, you
      might have two databases using RiO numbers; you can anonymise them
      together. If they also have an NHS number, that can be hashed as a master
      PID, for linking to other databases (anonymised separately). (If you used
      the NHS number as the primary PID, the practical difference would be that
      you would ditch any patients who have a RiO number but no NHS number
    - Each database must each use a consistent name for this field, across all
      tables, WITHIN that database.
    - This field, which must be an integer, must fit into a BIGINT UNSIGNED
      field (see wipe_and_recreate_mapping_table() in anonymise.py).
    - However, the databases don't have to use the same *name* for the field.
      For example, RiO might use "id" to mean "RiO number", while CamCOPS might
      use "_patient_idnum1".


OBJECTIVES: Send free-text content to natural language processing (NLP) tools,
storing the results in structured form in a relational database -- for example,
to find references to people, drugs/doses, cognitive examination scores, or

    - For help: nlp_manager.py --help
    - The Java element needs building; use buildjava.sh

    - STRUCTURE: see nlp_manager.py; CamAnonGatePipeline.java

    - Run the Python script in parallel; see launch_multiprocess_nlp.sh

    Work distribution
    - Parallelize by source_pk.

    Incremental updates
    - Here, incremental updates are simpler, as the NLP just requires a record
      taken on its own.
    - Nonetheless, still need to deal with the conceptual problem of source
      record modification; how would we detect that?
        - One method would be to hash the source record, and store that with
          the destination...
    - Solution:
        1. Delete any destination records without a corresponding source.
        2. For each record, hash the source.
           If a destination exists with the matching hash, skip.


OBJECTIVE: remove other names not properly tagged in the source database.

Here, we have a preliminary stage. Instead of the usual:

                        free text
    source database -------------------------------------> anonymiser
                |                                           ^
                |                                           | scrubbing
                +-------------------------------------------+ information

we have:

                        free text
    source database -------------------------------------> anonymiser
          |     |                                           ^  ^
          |     |                                           |  | scrubbing
          |     +-------------------------------------------+  | information
          |                                                    |
          +---> NLP software ---> list of names ---------------+
                                  (stored in source DB
                                   or separate DB)

For example, you could:

    a) run the NLP processor to find names, feeding its output back into a new
       table in the source database, e.g. with these options:

            inputfielddefs =
            outputtypemap =
                person SOME_OUTPUT_DEF
            progenvsection = SOME_ENV_SECTION
            progargs = java
                -classpath {NLPPROGDIR}:{GATE_HOME}/bin/gate.jar:{GATE_HOME}/lib/*
                -g {GATE_HOME}/plugins/ANNIE/ANNIE_with_defaults.gapp
                -a Person
                -it END_OF_TEXT_FOR_NLP
                -ot END_OF_NLP_OUTPUT_RECORD
                -lt {NLPLOGTAG}
            input_terminator = END_OF_TEXT_FOR_NLP
            output_terminator = END_OF_NLP_OUTPUT_RECORD

            # ...

    b) add a view to include patient numbers, e.g.

            CREATE VIEW patient_nlp_names
            AS SELECT
                nlp_person_from_notes._content AS nlp_name
            FROM notes
            INNER JOIN nlp_person_from_notes
                ON notes.note_id = nlp_person_from_notes._srcpkval

    c) feed that lot to the anonymiser, including the NLP-generated names as
       scrubsrc_* field(s).


OBJECTIVE: research access to the anonymised database(s).

a)  Grant READ-ONLY access to the output database for any relevant user.

b)  Don't grant any access to the secret mapping database! This is for
    trusted superusers only.

c)  You're all set.